Contact Us - Telephone Numbers

Main Line: 727-824-5301

NOAA National Locator Directory

**Click on the menu headings below to show the related telephone numbers


Catch Share Customer Service
Main Phone: 866-425-7627
Option 1: 3-Hour Landing Notification (Call Center 24/7)
Option 2: Support (8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.)
Option 3: Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) declaration
Option 4: Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) program requirement and assistance

Individual Bluefin Quota (IBQ) Customer Service
Main Phone: 301-427-8591

Logbooks – Southeast Fisheries Science Center (Miami)
Main Phone: 305-361-4257

Permits (Constituency Service)
Toll Free: 877-376-4877 (Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.)
Fax: 727-551-5747
Phone menu Options:

  • #1 – Application Status
  • #2 – Logbooks received
  • #3 – VMS Compliance
  • #4 – IFQ Program
  • #5 – Permit Staff Directory
  • #6 – Permit Staff Voicemail
  • #7 – To speak with a Representative

Southeast U.S. Marine Mammal Stranding Network
Phone: 1-877-942-5343

Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) - Office of Law Enforcement
Main Phone: 800-758-4833
Fax: 727-824-5318

Option 1: Provide notification of Sailfish tagging by vessel operators
Option 2: Rock Shrimp or Gulf of Mexico HMS pelagic longline fisheries
Option 3: Atlantic HMS pelagic longline shark directed bottom longline or gillnet gill fisheries
Option 4: Gulf of Mexico reef fish or red snapper IFQ fisheries
Option 5: Southeast enforcement information technology related questions or issues

Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) Helpdesk
HQ Main Phone: 888-219-9228

Option 2: VMS Support
Option 5: Southeast Declaration

Directorate Office
Dr. Roy Crabtree, Regional Administrator
Andy Strelcheck, Deputy Regional Administrator
Heather Blough, Special Assistant to the Regional Administrator
Main Phone: 727-824-5301


Habitat Conservation Division
Virginia Fay
Assistant Regional Administrator
Main Phone: 727-824-5317
Fax: 727-824-5300

Operations, Management and Information Division
Lauren Lugo
Assistant Regional Administrator
Main Phone: 727-824-5301
Fax: 727-824-5364

Protected Resources Division
David Bernhart
Assistant Regional Administrator
Main Phone: 727-824-5312
Fax: 727-824-5309

Sustainable Fisheries Division
Dr. John (Jack) McGovern
Assistant Regional Administrator
Main Phone: 727-824-5305
Fax: 727-824-5308

Assessment & Restoration
Main Phone: 727-824-5391

General Counsel
Main Phone: 727-824-5370

Highly Migratory Species
Main Phone: 727-824-5399
Fax: 727-824-5398

Office of Law Enforcement
Main Phone: 727-824-5344

Southeast Seafood Inspection Office
Main Phone: 727-551-5708

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