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Home > Missions > Program and Project Management > Civil Projects > Mobile Harbor GRR > Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions


Frequently Asked Questions:

How is the study funded?


The Mobile Harbor study is authorized under Section 201 of the Water Resources Development Act of 1986, Public Law 99-662. In accordance with this law, the project is cost shared between the federal government and the local sponsor (Alabama State Port Authority) with the federal portion being 75% of the cost of the study and the Alabama State Port Authority funding the other 25% of the cost.  The federal government's portion of the study costs have been funded for FY2016 via the FY2016 Appropriations Law, and the study is included in the 2017 President's Budget.


How much will it cost and how long will it take?


The project is anticipated to take 48 months to complete (starting from November 2015) with an estimated study budget of $7.8M.


Why does the USACE process take so long?


The USACE process for the General Reevaluation Report is very thorough.  The study includes a significant amount of information gathering, data collection, and modeling to help better understand the economic benefits derived from the project and the environmental impacts caused by channel modifications.  The study process also includes public, technical, policy, legal and independent external peer reviews at two stages of the project. 


What are the existing and proposed channel dimensions?


The General Reevaluation Report will study deepening and widening up to the authorized limits of the project.  Per the Water Resources Development Act of 1986 and the 1981 Chief's Report for Mobile Harbor, AL., the project is authorized to Deepen and widen Mobile Bay Channel from the mouth of the Bay to south of Mobile River, 55 by 550 feet, a distance of about 27.0 miles (Currently 45 by 400 feet) and to deepen and widen the entrance channel over the bar to 57 by 700 feet, a distance of about 7.4 miles (Currently 47 by 600 feet).


When will the draft report be released for public comments?


The draft report is scheduled to be released for public comment in the Summer of 2018.


What is the recommended plan (tentatively selected plan)?  If we don't know yet then when will we know.


A recommended plan to modify the existing dimensions of the Mobile Harbor channel has not yet been developed.  Currently, the Tentatively Selected Plan (TSP) is scheduled for public review in Summer 2018. 


When and how can the public participate? 


Preparing an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) assures public participation, which includes the identification and evaluation of project specific issues.  Public participation includes effective communication between all Federal, state, local agencies; tribal governments; and other persons or organizations that may have an interest in the project.  A Public Involvement Management Strategy has been prepared and placed on the website ( that identifies  methodologies such as publications, web pages, public scoping meetings and workshops, public notices, and news releases that will be used to communicate with the general public and stakeholders as the project moves through the EIS process. A public scoping was held in January 2016 at the initiation of the Supplemental EIS as required by NEPA.   A public workshop will be held once the Draft Supplemental EIS is completed.


Will more ships come with the project?


Due to the upcoming increase of the number of Post Panamax vessels in the world fleet and the opening of the Panama Canal expansion, the transition of larger vessels to the US Gulf Coast is anticipated to occur with or without the proposed channel deepening.  However, previous navigation analyses have demonstrated that channel improvements alone will not have an impact on the forecasted demand of commodities handled at a particular port.  The proposed channel improvements at Mobile Harbor would allow for those commodities that are transported through the harbor to move more efficiently.  With the ability of these vessels calling on the harbor to transit more efficiently (carrying additional cargo per call), the total number of vessels required to meet the anticipated demand at Mobile Harbor during the period of analysis will decrease compared to the current channel configuration. 


Does the Gulf Coast really need all these ports and could a more centralized location (such as Houston or New Orleans) also serve those areas?


Many factors influence the growth of a particular harbor: land side development and infrastructure, location of distribution centers for imports, source location for exports, population and income growth and location, port logistics and fees, business climate and taxes, carrier preferences, labor stability, and business relationships.  Mobile Harbor handled just over 64 million tons in 2014.  This is a 10.3 percent increase from the tonnage handled in 2005.  Houston and New Orleans have respectively grown 9.7 and 22 percent during that time period as well.


Could an existing adjacent port take care of the future increased port traffic without deepening this port?


As stated above, there are many reasons why a carrier chooses to call on a particular harbor.  The proposed channel improvements are not anticipated to impact that decision.  Channel improvements at Mobile Harbor would allow for more efficient movement of cargo through the port.   


Does the study consider environmental impacts caused by the existing channel?


The study will characterize the environmental conditions associated with the existing channel conditions of the area. These conditions will serve as the baseline for comparison of all future potential conditions associated with a modified channel (i.e. wider and/or deeper).


Will changes to ship traffic impact submerged aquatic vegetation and marine life (turtles, dolphins, whales, manatees)?


Potential impacts to the Bay’s natural resources and protected species resulting from changes in the Bay’s hydrodynamics, including potential increase in ship wake, will be investigated.  The resources evaluated will include wetlands, submerged aquatic vegetation, oysters, fish, and benthic macroinvertebrates and their potential effects on the marine mammals that utilize the Bay. The difference in effects between the existing (i.e. current traffic) and future conditions associated with a modified channel will be evaluated and presented in the Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement which will be provided for public review and comment in Summer 2018.  


Will deepening result in increased salinity impacts to the environmental resources of the study area?


Potentially; however, the extent and magnitude of effects will not be known until (1) the amount of deepening that can be economically justified is determined, and (2) the proper analyses are completed to quantify relative changes in the hydrodynamics (i.e. water levels, waves, and currents) and water quality (i.e. salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, nutrients, etc.) of Mobile Bay due to the proposed channel modification. The results will be presented in the Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement which will be available for public review and comment in Summer 2018.


How will increased ship traffic and the associated ship wakes impact adjacent shorelines?


Potential changes in ship traffic and the associated wakes could have an impact on adjacent shorelines and habitats. The difference in effects between the existing (i.e. current traffic) and future conditions associated with a modified channel will be evaluated and presented in the Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for public review and comment in Summer 2018.


Will deepening the harbor have an adverse impact on storm surge?


Deepening is not anticipated to have an adverse effect on storm surge; however, this will be fully evaluated through detailed modeling and analyses. The results will be presented in the Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement which will be available for public review and comment in Summer 2018.


Is Beneficial use of dredged material being considered?


Expanding the Mobile Harbor navigation channel will potentially involve dredging and disposal of millions of cubic yards of sediment.  Disposal considerations for this material will be a significant component of the study which will identify and examine realistic beneficial use opportunities associated with the proposed widening and deepening activities.  Beneficial use considerations will include but are not necessarily limited to:

  • Shoreline protection measures such as living shorelines
  • Oyster reef restoration
  • Creation of islands
  • Thin-layer placement in strategic areas to reduce hypoxia
  • Thin-layer placement for marsh conservation and restoration
  • Raising bottom elevation in strategic locations to promote productivity
  • Strategic placement of berms for shoreline protection


What type of material will be dredged?


The type of material depends on where the deepening and/or widening will take place.  The soils north of the bay entrance are predominantly silts and clays. The soils south of the bay entrance are a mixture of silts, clays, and sands. A detailed analyses will be performed to quantify the types and amount of material to be dredged once the extent of deepening and widening that can be economically justified is determined.