Protecting Public Health and the Environment.

Priest River Subbasin Watershed Advisory Group (WAG)

The Priest River Subbasin falls primarily within the northwest corner of the Idaho Panhandle in Bonner and Boundary counties. The headwaters of Upper Priest River originate within the Nelson Mountain Range of British Columbia; headwaters of major streams on the western side of the basin originate in northeast Washington.

Watershed advisory groups (WAGs) provide local public input and guidance to DEQ during the development of water quality improvement plans or "Total Maximum Daily Loads" (TMDLs) for water bodies that fail to meet water quality standards. TMDLs are designed to reduce the levels of pollutants, such as bacteria and sediment, in impaired water bodies.

The Priest River WAG was created to develop and implement TMDLs to improve water quality in the Priest River Subbasin. In 1994 and again in 1996, ten segments within the Priest River basin were classified as water quality limited under §303(d) of the Clean Water Act. All Priest River basin §303(d)-listed streams are listed for sediment (except Lower West Branch Priest River, which had no listed pollutants of concern, but sediment is implied). Nutrients are a listed pollutant for Tango Creek, and dissolved oxygen, temperature, and flow alteration are listed for East River. Habitat alteration is listed for Trapper Creek and Two Mouth Creek.

In March 2002, EPA approved sediment TMDLs for two water bodies: Kalispell Creek and Lower West Branch Priest River. Action on other segments was delayed at DEQ's request to allow for further data collection and analysis.

An addendum addressing Reeder and Binarch Creeks, the Lower Priest River, the East River main stem, Middle Fork East River, and North Fork East River was submitted to EPA for review in February 2003 and approved in June 2003.

An updated addendum has been prepared which reflects the WAG's review efforts.

Next Scheduled Meeting Date


Documents for Review

Previous Meetings

July 22, 2013
NRCS Role in the Priest River WAG (presentation)
June 24, 2013
Priest Lake Fires (Idaho Department of Lands presentation)
Forest Practices Rule Revision (Idaho Department of Lands presentation)
May 29, 2013
April 22, 2013
May 21, 2012
Presentation by Tyson Clyne, Idaho DEQ
Presentation by Mark Shumar, Idaho DEQ
April 16, 2012
Presentation by Tyson Clyne, Idaho DEQ
March 19, 2012
Presentation by Tyson Clyne, Idaho DEQ
January 23, 2012
Presentation by Tyson Clyne, Idaho DEQ
Category 5 Temperature Criteria
What exactly is a TMDL?
November 14, 2011
Presentation by Tyson Clyne, Idaho DEQ

Page Subscription

Staff Contacts

Watershed Coordinator
Kristin Larson
DEQ Coeur d'Alene Regional Office
2110 Ironwood Parkway
Coeur d'Alene, ID 83614
(208) 666-4606

USGS Gage Data

12395000: Priest River Nr Priest River, ID

Related Pages

Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs): Water Quality Improvement Plans

Watershed Advisory Groups

Priest River Subbasin

Nonpoint Source Management §319 Subgrants