Protecting Public Health and the Environment.

Kootenai and Moyie Rivers Watershed Advisory Group (WAG)

Watershed advisory groups (WAGs) are groups of interested citizens that provide local public input and guidance to DEQ during the development of water quality improvement plans or "Total Maximum Daily Loads" (TMDLs) for water bodies that fail to meet water quality standards. TMDLs are designed to reduce the levels of pollutants, such as bacteria and sediment, in impaired water bodies.

The Kootenai Valley Resource Initiative members served as the WAG for development of this TMDL. The Assessment of Water Quality in Kootenai River and Moyie River Subbasins (TMDL) was developed by DEQ, EPA, and the Kootenai Tribe of Idaho in 2006. The document was submitted to public comment and approved by EPA in January 2007. Subsequent documentation on likely causes of impairment was issued in 2009.

Review Document

2009 Stressor Identifications

Stream Name Assessment Unit Likely Cause of Impairment

1st and 2nd order tributaries to Kootenai River between Shorty's Island and Canadian border

ID17010104PN001_02 Flow, habitat alteration, and possibly sediment

Grass Creek headwaters and tributaries

ID17010104PN003_02 Flow alteration, temperature, and sediment

Parker Creek lower section located in Kootenai River valley (Ag area)

ID17010104PN009_03 Habitat alteration and sediment

Trout Creek lower section located in Kootenai River valley (Ag area)

ID17010104PN010_03a Habitat alteration and sediment

Ball Creek lower section located in Kootenai River valley (Ag area)

ID17010104PN011_02a Habitat alteration and sediment

Dodge Creek from South Fork Dodge Creek to McArthur Lake

ID17010104PN024_03 Habitat alteration and sediment

Brown Creek from confluence with Twentymile Creek to Deep Creek

ID17010104PN027_03 Flow, habitat alteration, and sediment

Lower Cow Creek (Cow Creek near Bonners Ferry)

ID17010104PN030_03 Sediment, lack of flow, temperature
Boulder Creek ID17010104PN033_03 Temperature (if condition exists)
Brush Creek ID17010104PN039_02 Flow alteration and temperature
Meadow Creek ID17010105PN012_02 Sediment, possibly temperature, fish barriers, and heavy metal toxicity

Page Subscription

Staff Contacts

TMDL Technical Lead
Robert Steed
DEQ Coeur d'Alene Regional Office
2110 Ironwood Parkway
Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814
(208) 769-1422

Related Pages

Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs): Water Quality Improvement Plans

Watershed Advisory Groups

Kootenai and Moyie Rivers Subbasins