Protecting Public Health and the Environment.

Permit by Rule

A permit by rule (PBR) is a process by which a facility that emits air pollutant(s) may register with DEQ in lieu of obtaining a site-specific permit to construct (PTC). A PBR is a simple and efficient alternative to an individual permit. In a PBR, requirements are spelled out in the rule and apply to all members of a particular industry.

Only facilities in certain industries (currently, rock crushers and certain dairies) may use a PBR instead of a PTC. Once registered, the facility is deemed to have a permit, thereby authorizing construction without the need to obtain a PTC before beginning operations.

The idea behind the PBR is to simplify the permitting process, minimize paperwork, and save time and money. The PBR registration fee is lower than the PTC application fee.

Permit by Rule for Dairy Farms

Under the PBR for dairy farms, in effect since July 1, 2006, dairies above specified threshold numbers of cows or animal units are required to register with DEQ and to implement industry best management practices (BMPs) to control ammonia emissions. Learn more.

Permit by Rule for Rock Crushers

The PBR for portable rock crushers took effect March 15, 2002. The rule applies to any combination of portable equipment used to crush or grind nonmetallic minerals, provided operations do not exceed 12 months at any single site. Learn more.

Staff Contacts

Air Quality Permitting Hotline
1-877-5PERMIT (1-877-573-7648)
Call to set up a meeting or ask air quality permitting questions.

Stationary Source Permit Program Coordinator
Darrin Pampaian
DEQ State Office
Air Quality Division
1410 N. Hilton
Boise, ID 83706
(208) 373-0587

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