
The FSA SDLC describes important elements of software development in a common and consistent way. It is an iterative process broken down into six phases, pulling key elements from the USDA SDLC, Agile, RUP and other methodologies creating a methodology that satisfies the unique constraints of the FSA development environment. The FSA SDLC provides a standard approach that results in the production of well documented, quality software. 

FSA SDLC Phases 


The graph below (click to enlarge) is intended to portray the level of focus spent in each phase over the life of a project. For example, early in the project the majority of the focus is on the Requirements & Analysis (the orange line), but some high level design (the yellow line) is also going on, as well as a limited amount of detailed design and construction. As the project moves through its lifecycle, the area of focus changes. The primary purpose is to show that the phases of the SDLC are not mutually exclusive and that they overlap significantly. 


About the Artifacts 

Artifacts are the tools or "vehicle" used to support the needed work. Each phase of the process has artifacts that are associated with it (i.e., the Business RulesVision document,Test Strategy, etc.). These artifacts should not be viewed as sequential stepping stones in the development process, but rather, living documents that are open to modification throughout the entire life cycle. For example, the Vision document is among the first artifacts to be produced and reviewed by the project stakeholders, but it may need to be updated later in the Design phase when certain changes in direction may become necessary. 

The content provided in the SDLC artifacts is essential to the success of the project. As such, these project artifacts may be subjected to the IT Quality Process.