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ESA Biennial Report to Congress

Overview | Recovery Plans | Report to Congress | Guidance

The Endangered Species Act (ESA) Biennial Report to Congress on the Recovery Program for Threatened and Endangered Species (the "Report") summarizes efforts to recover all domestic species under NOAA Fisheries' jurisdiction.

2008-2010 Biennial Report

The current Report spans October 1, 2008 to September 30, 2010 (FY 2009 and FY 2010).

During the 2 years covered in the Report, NOAA Fisheries had jurisdiction over 64 domestic species:

We manage 74 species in total. Our 8 foreign species and the 2 domestic species listed after September 30, 2010 are not included in this Report.

The Report includes accounts of each species, their status and current threats, the conservation actions undertaken during the last two years, and priority actions needed over the next two years. The 64 domestic species we address in this report include five newly listed species:

Recovery of threatened and endangered species is a tremendous, long-term challenge, but one which also offers long-term benefits to the health of our environment and our communities. Recovery is both the biological goal of listed species becoming enduring members of the ecosystems we all depend upon and the process of conserving these species and ecosystems.

Actions to achieve a species' recovery may require

The actions that are discussed in this report were accomplished by working with a variety of stakeholders, including private citizens, federal, state and local agencies, tribes, interested organizations, and industry.

These and many continuing actions help provide communities with healthier ecosystems, cleaner water, greater opportunities for recreation, and the opportunity to help ensure current and future generations share these benefits.

Partnerships for recovery

Recovery actions are funded and implemented by many partners--Federal, state, tribal, non-profit, and private. NOAA programs that directly fund recovery actions include:

Projects funded through these programs often address priority actions identified in recovery plans and thus make important contributions to the recovery of listed species.

The Species Recovery Grant Program, authorized under section 6 of the Endangered Species Act, provides grant funding to partnering state agencies to support management, outreach, research, and monitoring projects that have direct conservation benefits for listed species.

NOAA Fisheries began the Species Recovery Grants to Tribes program in FY 2010 to support tribally led recovery efforts that directly benefit listed species.

The Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund (PCSRF) was established by Congress in FY 2000 to protect, restore, and conserve Pacific salmon and steelhead populations and their habitats.

Between October 1, 2008, and September 30, 2010, the status of the 64 domestic endangered or threatened species listed under the ESA was as follows:

We are making progress with your continued support. Contact your local NOAA Fisheries regional office, state wildlife agency, or tribal wildlife agency to find out how you can help recover your local species.

Read the full report [pdf].


For a hard copy of a report, please contact us.

More Information

Updated: September 24, 2012