We Are Here to Help You Realize Your Dream

man and woman on laptopJanuary 16 was Martin Luther King, Jr. Day — a national holiday and a day of remembrance. Martin Luther King, Jr. dedicated his life to creating and fostering equal rights for African Americans, and he died during his efforts to make his dream a reality.

Many people commemorate this holiday by serving their community and giving to others who may be less fortunate. In many ways, this is what Social Security does every day, all year long. Continue reading


In Times Like These, Every Cent Counts

Two men use a laptop computerIn the good old days…

If, as a child, you asked your grandparents for 50 cents to go to the store to buy ice cream, they might have taken you on a journey down memory lane before giving you the money for your treat. Apparently, in the “good old days,” 50 cents bought you a whole meal, a trip to the movies, and an outfit. When was the last time you bought something substantial for 50 cents without a discount coupon?

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