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Carrizozo Land Partnership

Public lands managed by the BLM between the Carrizozo Lava Flow and the White Sands Missile Range can only be reached by crossing private land. The Carrizozo Land Partnership, a partnership between the BLM, private land owners and ranchers of this area, has arranged for public access to BLM lands in this area by a vehicle pass process.

Once on the BLM lands in the area, the public is allowed to hunt, camp, hike, observe wildlife and other appropriate recreational activities. Private lands and facilities are to be respected by pass holders. All vehicles, including off-road-vehicles and mountain bikes, must stay on designated roads. Be advised that road conditions are rough and all travel is at your own risk.

To access the Carrizozo BLM Lands you must obtain a vehicle pass.  A new vehicle pass is required for each visit to the Carrizozo Land Partnership. BLM personnel at Valley of Fires Campground and the Roswell Field Office can assist you in printing your vehicle pass.

Once you have been issued your vehicle pass you may access the Carrizozo BLM Lands through the posted entrance. Your vehicle pass will grant you access to BLM lands and the Private Access Road only. To access State Trust lands, except licensed hunters, you must get permission directly from the private landowner. To access any Private lands you must have permission directly from the land owner. Please refer to the Carrizozo Land Partnership Map.

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Vehicle Pass

Access to Carrizozo BLM lands are coordinated with private land ranchers. Continued access to the Carrizozo BLM Lands is contingent upon the public following all posted regulations.

Carrizozo Land Partnership Vehicle Pass

Carrizozo Land Partnership Map