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  U.S. Onion Statistics (94013)


Comprehensive data on U.S. production, stocks, imports, exports, consumption, and prices. Includes acreage, yield, production, and value data for major producing states and world onion acreage, production and trade.

Data-set updated March 2011.

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  • Complete Data-set in Compressed Zip File
  • Table01.xls U.S. onions: Area, yield, production & value, 1950-2010
  • Table02.xls U.S. spring onions: Area, yield, production, & value, 1960-2010
  • Table03.xls U.S. summer nonstorage onions: Area, yield, prodn & value, 1960-2010
  • Table04.xls U.S. summer storage onions: Area, yield, prodn & value, 1960-2010
  • Table05.xls U.S. dry-bulb onions: Production by State, 1960-2010
  • Table06.xls Arizona onions: Area, yield, production & value, 1960-2010
  • Table07.xls California spring onions: Area, yield, production & value, 1960-2010
  • Table08.xls Colorado onions: Area, yield, production & value, 1960-2010
  • Table09.xls Georgia onions: Area, yield, production & value, 1960-2010
  • Table10.xls Hawaii onions: Area, yield, production & value, 1960-68, 1973-2008
  • Table11.xls Iowa onions: Area, yield, production & value, 1960-68
  • Table12.xls Idaho onions: Area, yield, production, & value, 1960-2010
  • Table13.xls Illinois onions: Area, yield, production & value, 1960-68
  • Table14.xls Indiana onions: Area, yield, production & value, 1960-75
  • Table15.xls Kansas onions: Area, yield, production & value, 1960-64
  • Table16.xls Massachusetts onions: Area, yield, production, & value, 1960-64
  • Table17.xls Michigan onions: Area, yield, production & value, 1960-2010
  • Table18.xls Minnesota onions: Area, yield, production & value, 1960-2003
  • Table19.xls North Carolina onions: Area, yield, production, & value, 1960-64
  • Table20.xls Nebraska onions: Area, yield, production & value, 1960-64
  • Table21.xls Nevada onions: Area, yield, production & value, 1960-2010
  • Table22.xls New Jersey onions: Area, yield, production & value, 1960-82
  • Table23.xls New Mexico onions: Area, yield, production & value, 1960-2010
  • Table24.xls New York onions: Area, yield, production & value, 1960-2010
  • Table25.xls Ohio onions: Area, yield, production & value, 1960-2003
  • Table26.xls Oregon onions: Area, yield, production & value, 1960-2010
  • Table27.xls Texas onions, total: Area, yield, production & value, 1960-2010
  • Table28.xls Utah onions: Area, yield, production & value, 1960-2004
  • Table29.xls Virginia onions: Area, yield, production & value, 1960-61
  • Table30.xls Washington onions: Area, yield, production & value, 1960-2010
  • Table31.xls Wisconsin onions: Area, yield, production & value, 1960-2010
  • Table32.xls Onions, fresh bulb: US supply, utilization, and per capita 1970-2011
  • Table33.xls Onions, dehy: US supply, utilizn & per capita disappearance, 1970-2011
  • Table34.xls Onions, bulb: Number of farms, area, & irrigated, census years 1978-2007
  • Table35.xls Onions, bulb: Cash receipts, by State, 1960-2010
  • Table36.xls Onions, bulb: U.S. monthly and annual shipments, 1970-2010
  • Table37.xls Onions, green shallots: U.S. monthly & annual shipments, 1978-2010
  • Table38.xls Onions, bulb: Arrivals in U.S. cities, by major shipping point, 1982-98
  • Table39.xls Onions, frozen: U.S. pack, by product, 1964-2004
  • Table40.xls Onions, fresh: U.S. cold storage holdings, end of month, 1970-96
  • Table41.xls Onions, frozen: US cold storage holdings, end of month, 1973-2010
  • Table42.xls Onions, fresh: U.S. f.o.b. shipping-price, by month, 1960-2010
  • Table43.xls Onions, fr: US fob shipping-point price, mnthly by season, 1960-2010
  • Table44.xls Onions, fresh: Wholesale price, by month, Chicago, 1970-2010
  • Table45.xls Onions, fresh: U.S. retail price, by month, 1960-97, 2008-11
  • Table46.xls Onions, fr: US retail price, marktng spread, & grower-packer return
  • Table47.xls Onions, fresh dry bulb: US monthly producer price index, 1960-2011
  • Table48.xls Onions, fresh: U.S. import volume, by month, 1960-2010
  • Table49.xls Onions, fresh: U.S. export volume, by month, 1960-2010
  • Table50.xls Onions, fresh: U.S. exports by country, 1989-2010
  • Table51.xls Onions, fresh: U.S. imports by country, 1989-2010
  • Table52.xls Onion sets: U.S. exports by country, 1989-2010
  • Table53.xls Onion sets: U.S. imports by country, 1989-2010
  • Table54.xls Onions, pearl: U.S. fresh imports from selected countries, 1989-2010
  • Table55.xls Onions, dried: U.S. exports by country, 1989-2010
  • Table56.xls Onions, dried: U.S. imports by country, 1989-2010
  • Table57.xls Onions, canned: U.S. exports by country, 1989-2010
  • Table58.xls Onions, canned: U.S. imports by country, 1989-2010
  • Table59.xls Onions, seed: U.S. exports by country, 1989-2010
  • Table60.xls Onions, seed: U.S. imports by country, 1989-2010
  • Table61.xls Onions, bulb: Fertilizer use by State, 1998
  • Table62.xls Onions, bulb: Fertilizer use by State, acres treated & total applied, 2006
  • Table63.xls Onions, bulb: Agricultural chemicals applied by State, 2006
  • Table64.xls Onions, bulb: Pesticide use, share of area, & total applied by State, 2006
  • Table65.xls Onions, bulb: Fertilizer primary nutrient Applications by State, 2006
  • Table66.xls World bulb onions: Harvested area (hectares), 1961-2009
  • Table67.xls World bulb onions: Production, 1961-2009
  • Table68.xls World bulb onions: Yield per hectare, 1990-2009
  • Table69.xls World bulb onions: Export volume (metric tons), 1961-2008
  • Table70.xls World bulb onions: Export value, 1961-2008
  • Table71.xls World bulb onions: Import volume (metric tons), 1960-2008
  • Table72.xls World bulb onions: Import value, 1961-2008
  • Table73.xls Fresh bulb onions: Cost of irrigated production in SW Idaho, 2009
  • Table74.xls Other U.S. States onions: Area, yield, prodn & value, 1960-2010

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