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Organ Mountains near Las Cruces, New Mexico with Engelmann’s pricklypear (Opuntia engelmannii) and forest of sotol (Dasylirion wheeleri) inflorescences. Photo by Mike Howard, BLM New Mexico.

National Seed Strategy

The National Seed Strategy for Rehabilitation and Restoration provides guidance for, and implements a number of, major national initiatives, such as the President’s Climate Action Plan; National Fish, Wildlife & Plants Climate Adaptation Strategy (NFWCAP 2012); National Strategy to Promote the Health of Honey Bees and Other Pollinators (Pollinator Health Task Force 2015); Department of the Interior (DOI) Secretarial Order 3330 on mitigation and 3336 on rangeland fire; and Executive Order 13112 on invasive species.

The National Seed Strategy for Rehabilitation and Restoration will help guide ecological restoration across large landscapes of the United States, especially lands damaged by rangeland fires, invasive species, severe storms and drought.

Strategy actions are centered around four major goals: 

  1. Identifying and quantifying seed needs
  2. Undertaking research and improving technologies for seed production and use 
  3. Developing tools for land managers
  4. Ensuring good communications.    

Organizations and individuals at the national, state and local level all will contribute to common goals, pooling resources, sharing information and achieving results for advancing plant conservation on a broad scale.   

The Plant Conservation Alliance developed the strategy in 2015 to address widespread shortages of native seed. Learn more about this network of more than 300 public and private partners dedicated to native plant conservation.