A woman paddles through whitewater rapids in her inflatable kayak.
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Desolation Gray Canyons River Permit System

Want to run a river? Want to experience the beautiful scenery of canyons in central Utah?  Desolation Gray Canyons of the Green River may just be what you want.  The 84-mile trip from Sand Wash to Swaseys Rapid offers outstanding scenery, interesting geologic formations, evidence of prehistoric and historic human activity, and whitewater opportunities. 

A permit is required year round for floating the Desolation Gray Canyons section of the Green River.  

Dates to Know:

  • Lottery applications are accepted from December 1 to January 31 for the upcoming year's lottery

  • Dates before May 1 and after September 30 can be reserved starting December 1 for the upcoming float season

  • Launches from May 1 to September 30 are included in the lottery

  • Lottery notifications are emailed on February 15

  • Successful lottery applicants can accept awarded launch dates, awarded through the lottery, by March 15

  • Dates not accepted will be cancelled March 16

  • All dates not awarded and all dates cancelled through the lottery will be available on www.recreation.gov starting March 16

  • Other cancellations are random and may appear on www.recreation.gov at any time.

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Point of Contact

Bureau of Land Management
Price Field Office
125 South 600 West
Price, UT 84501
Phone: (435) 636-3600
Fax: (435) 636-3657
Email: utprmail@blm.gov  

Monday - Friday 
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.