new gas well being drilled in our Swanson River Unit in the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge

Cook Inlet Federal Onshore Oil and Gas Production

Cook Inlet Units MapThe Cook Inlet basin is Alaska's oldest producing oil and gas basin, dating back to the 1950s.  Production peaked in the early 1970s at 230,000 bbls/day, but is now at about 18,049 bbls/day.

Southcentral Alaska has federal onshore petroleum resources on both sides of Cook Inlet, located west and south of Anchorage. 

BLM-Alaska administers six exploratory units (Beluga River, Birch Hill, Beaver Creek, Kenai, Sterling, and Swanson River) in Southcentral Alaska. These units include Federal, State, CIRI, and Fee leases. There are 28 Federal leases in these units, totaling 16,881.54 acres (as of December 2016. See the following map for the locations of each unit.

In January 2012, Hilcorp Alaska, LLC purchased the Swanson River Unit and the Birch Hill Unit. These units are located within the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge.  Since that acquisition, oil and gas production in the Swanson River Unit has substantially increased. 

In February 2013, Hilcorp Alaska, LLC acquired the Beaver Creek Unit, Kenai Unit, and Sterling Unit. The Beaver Creek Unit is also within the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge.  Since this acquisition, production from the Beaver Creek Unit and Kenai Unit has increased considerably. Eleven grassroots wells have been drilled in the Kenai Unit. 

In April 2016, Hilcorp Alaska, LLC became operator of the Beluga River Unit, located across the Cook Inlet from Anchorage.

Hilcorp Alaska, LLC is operator in all of the Federal Cook Inlet units. Their efforts to increase the oil and gas production from these mature fields have proven successful. 

Center Content: 

Cook Inlet Units

Beaver Creek Unit MapUnit Name: Beaver Creek (Kenai National Wildlife Refuge)
ALIS/Case #: AA050859
Operator: Hilcorp Alaska
Effective Date: 6/28/1967


Beluga River Unit MapUnit Name: Beluga River (Cook Inlet)
ALIS/Case #: AA050861
Operator: Hilcorp Alaska
Effective Date: 7/06/1962


Birch Hill Unit MapUnit Name: Birch Hill (Kenai National Wildlife Refuge)
ALIS/Case #: AA050862
Operator: Hilcorp Alaska
Effective Date: 6/09/1965


Kenai Unit MapUnit Name: Kenai (Kenai Peninsula)
ALIS/Case #: AA050886
Operator: Hilcorp Alaska
Effective Date: 7/30/1959


Sterling Unit Map Unit Name: Sterling Unit 
ALIS/Case #: AA050887
Operator: Hilcorp Alaska
Effective Date: 7/07/1961


Swanson River UnitUnit Name: Swanson River Unit (Kenai National Wildlife Refuge)
ALIS/Case #: AA050860
Operator: Hilcorp Alaska
Effective Date: 7/31/1956

Right Sidebar Content: 

Laws and Regulations

Mineral Leasing Act of 1920 (MLA)

Code of Federal Regulations:  43 CFR 3100, 43 CFR 3110, 43 CFR 3120, 43 CFR 3140, 43 CFR 3150, 43 CFR 3152, 43 CFR 3160, 43 CFR 3180, 43 CFR 3190, 43 CFR 3104

Point of Contact

Sharon Yarawsky
Mineral Law Specialist/Surface Compliance

Phone: 907-271-5683
