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College Chats

College Chats

Announcing Weekly College Chats in the Consulate Library!

Starting Tuesday, July 7th, the library in the Consulate will be offering drop-in “college chats” every Tuesday afternoon from 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. until the end of summer.

These college chats offer Chinese students an opportunity to come and informally discuss studying in the U.S. and college life with one of the American college interns working this summer at the Consulate. It’s a great way for students to practice English and learn about the realities of U.S. college life through one-on-one peer interaction.

During our college chats, the Consulate Library will be reserved for the use of students and closed to other guests. Please make sure to bring a current high school or college ID if you are planning to participate. Please also bring a regular ID to enter the Consulate building. No RSVP is required.

Meet our American College Chat Hosts!

We have a fantastic group of U.S. college students ready to talk to you individually or in groups about studying in the United States, academics, and student life. Our American students are all currently enrolled in a variety of universities including University of Denver, University of South Carolina, Missouri State University, Vanderbilt University, Ave Maria University in Florida, College of William and Mary, Georgetown University, and Harvard University.