NPR-A Working Group

To provide for meaningful, regular input by local communities to the on-going implementation of the NPR-A IAP/EIS, the BLM has established the NPR-A Working Group consisting of representatives of North Slope local governments, Native corporations, and tribal entities in accordance with the February 2013 NPR-A IAP/EIS. 

In comments on the NPR-A Draft Integrated Activity Plan/Environmental Impact Statement (IAP/EIS) and in consultations the Department of Interior and BLM conducted following publication of the Final IAP/EIS, local governments, Native corporations, and tribal entities expressed concerns on how local residents and entities would be involved in on-going management decisions and proposed activities (e.g. oil and gas leasing) and developments (e.g. pipelines) in the NPR-A. 

The NPR-A Working Group will meet on a regular basis and provide BLM information and recommendations on a range of issues associated with future implementation of the IAP/EIS, including oil and gas leasing, land use conflicts, exploration, and infrastructure projects supporting onshore and offshore oil and gas development, such as production facilities and pipelines. The NPR-A Working Group also will be a forum to collect additional scientific information and traditional knowledge about wildlife populations and needs, and it can inform potential adjustments to the boundaries of special areas including, for example, potential future adjustments to the southernmost boundary of the Teshekpuk Lake Special Area. Similarly, if wildlife migration patterns are altered by future development in the NPR-A, the Working Group could provide important feedback on areas where additional protection of surface values should be considered.

Working Group News

Next meeting: Friday, Sept 25th from 1:30pm-5pm at Inupiat Heritage Center in Barrow, Alaska

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Cordinator: Stacie McIntosh

Number: 907-474-2310
