TechCheck - Get Started

Welcome to TechCheck, a powerful but simple tool to help employers assess their technology accessibility practices. Whether you have a formal accessible technology effort or not, TechCheck can help give you a benchmarking "snapshot" of the current state of your technology, the accessibility goals you want to reach, and what steps you might take to achieve them.

TechCheck is scalable and intended for U.S. employers of all types--public or private sector, large or small.

What you can expect:

  • It’s quick and easy. TechCheck takes about 10-15 minutes to complete.

  • You’ll get rapid feedback. Shortly after completing the questions,  you’ll receive a Readout evaluation of where you stand across several dimensions, from internal training efforts to procurement policies.

  • It’s completely confidential. PEAT does not retain your answers except to create your customized Readout. And we will never publish any of your answers, or share that you have participated in TechCheck without your explicit permission.

  • A foundation for building a more accessible workplace. TechCheck provides formal documentation that you can use to win support from management to develop your accessible technology efforts further.