• Sea lions that prey on migrating salmon pass their behavior to other sea lions. A study suggests that to be more effective, sea lion removals should have begun earlier. Read More . . .

  • After nearly disappearing from Puget Sound, harbor porpoises rebounded-- a remarkable ‘comeback’, although there is no full understanding of why they declined and how the species recovered. Read More . . .

  • Now, all sablefish landings will be recorded with electronic fish tickets. This replaces long-used paper tickets and makes harvest data quickly available to fishery managers and law enforcement. Read More . . .

  • NOAA seeks public comments on a petition calling for a whale protection zone for highly endangered Southern Resident killer whales on the west side of Washington’s San Juan Island in Puget Sound. Read More . . .

  • Acidification of seawater as it absorbs increasing amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere will reverberate through the marine food web, but not necessarily in the ways you might expect. Read More . . .

Puget Sound

Salmon Recovery Habitat Conservation   Killer Whales

Puget Sound is a broad array of saltwater bays, islands, and peninsulas carved by prehistoric glaciers. It supports diverse marine life, including salmon and steelhead, Southern Resident killer whales, rockfish, marine mammals, and shellfish. NOAA Fisheries West Coast Region works to conserve and protect each of these marine resources and their habitats.

Columbia & Snake Rivers

Salmon Recovery Columbia Basin Partnership Federal Columbia River Power System

The Columbia River Basin drains more than 258,000 square miles and together with its largest tributary, the Snake River, is home to salmon and steelhead, Pacific eulachon, and green sturgeon. NOAA Fisheries West Coast Region works to conserve and protect each of these species and their habitats throughout the basin.

Willamette River Basin

Salmon Recovery Habitat Conservation Biological Opinion

The Willamette River Basin is the largest watershed in Oregon, covering more than 11,500 square miles and 13 major tributaries that support salmon and steelhead runs. NOAA Fisheries West Coast Region works to conserve and protect each of these species and their habitats throughout the basin.

Northern California

Klamath Salmon Recovery Drought

Covering a diverse geography that includes the Klamath and Trinity River Basins and the San Francisco Bay Delta, Northern California’s rivers support salmon and steelhead, Pacific eulachon, and green sturgeon. NOAA Fisheries West Coast Region works to conserve and protect each of these species and their habitats throughout this region.

Central Valley

Water Operations 2015 Interagency Drought Strategy Salmon & Steelhead Central Valley

California’s Central Valley covers roughly 22,500 square miles and includes two major river systems that are home to salmon, steelhead, and green sturgeon—the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers. NOAA Fisheries West Coast Region works to conserve and protect each of these species and their habitats throughout the valley.

Southern California

Salmon Recovery Habitat Conservation Biological Opinion

With a dense population of more than 21 million people, Southern California includes diverse landscapes and habitats that also support marine mammals, sea turtles, steelhead, and abalone. The region also supports economically significant commercial and recreational fisheries. NOAA Fisheries West Coast Region works to conserve and protect each of these resources.

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