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About 214 Public Notices

Effective April 29, 2016 the New Orleans District began issuing public notices about 214 Agreements.

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214 Public Notices

Posted 4/29/2016

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This Special Public Notice announces the intent of the United States Army Corps of Engineers (“USACE”), New Orleans District (“CEMVN”), to accept and expend funds from the Lake Charles Harbor and Terminal District (“LCHTD”) for the purpose of providing the expedited review, evaluation, and processing of permission requests for LCHTD projects and activities that are under the jurisdiction of the Department of the Army (“DA”).

This Special Public Notice solicits comments from the general public, concerned agencies, and organizations on the subject of the acceptance and expenditure of funds to be contributed by LCHTD to expedite the evaluation of DA permits pursuant to 33 U.S.C Section 2352, also referred to as Section 214 of the Water Resources Development Act of 2000, (“Section 214”), as amended by Section 1006 of the Water Resources Reform and Development Act of 2014. The public comment period under this Special Public Notice is 15 days.

The full public notice is available here.