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Review Pending and Select Permits

Below is a selection of applications and permits managed by the Permits, Conservation and Education Division. This is not a comprehensive list, but represents some of the more frequently requested. Also available for review are:

Applications are announced with a notice in the Federal Register. You may submit comments on permit applications during the official public comment period listed in the notice via:

Email: (include appropriate file number in subject) 
Fax: 301-713-0376
Chief, Permits, Conservation and Education Division
Office of Protected Resources
NOAA Fisheries (F/PR1)
1315 East-West Highway
Silver Spring, MD 20910-3226

MMPA Permits and Applications

Permit Information for Institute for Marine Mammal Studies (File No. 15537; acquisition of releasable stranded California sea lions for the purpose of public display)
Issue Date: October 5, 2011
Application Date: May 2010
Permit Information for File No. 17754 (SeaWorld)
to import 1 captive-born pacific white-sided dolphin (Lagenorhynchus obliquidens) for public display


Permit Information for File No. 13430 (National Marine Mammal Laboratory)
research on marine mammals
Permit Information for File No. 781-1824-02 (Northwest Fisheries Science Center)
Date Issued: December 2011
Permit Information for File Nos. 16163 (Northwest Fisheries Science Center), 16160 (The Whale Museum) and 15569 (The Center for Whale Research)
Date Issued: June 2012
Application Date: November 2011



» Archived permits and applications

Updated: June 24, 2015