

Burr: Student Loan Interest Rates, National Police Week, Contaminated Water at Camp Lejeune

Last week, students and parents received good news: federal student loan interest rates are set to drop for the upcoming school year to 4.29 percent, down from 4.66 percent. I am thrilled students in North Carolina, and all across our nation, will see the interest rates on their student loans drop for the next year, in addition to over $8 billion in savings from the past year. When I introduced the Bipartisan Student Loan Certainty Act two years ago, I knew this law would benefit 100% of student… Continue Reading


Burr: Breakthrough Medical Devices legislation, Closing the loophole for Military Sex Offenders Passes the Senate Unanimously

Last week, after much debate and a lengthy amendment process, the Senate passed the bipartisan Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act, 99-0. During the amendment process, I successfully championed legislation through the Senate that will close a loophole that has allowed sex offenders convicted undermilitary courts to game the system and again victimize others. The Military Sex Offender Reporting amendment passed theSenate unanimously, 98-0. In our own state of North Carolina, we've seen the de… Continue Reading


Burr: K-12 Education, Student Loans, and Highway Improvements

This week, my efforts in the Senate were focused on education as the Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee worked on legislation to update the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). I was pleased to rectify an inequity that has plagued North Carolina's low income students for several years. During the week, I was able to fix federal education funding that for the last 15 years has not only shortchanged North Carolina's teachers and schools, but also the low-income stud… Continue Reading


Burr: Intel Chairmanship, Paris, and Higher Education

This week is the beginning of the 114th Congress with a new Republican majority and a new North Carolina Senator sworn in. On Tuesday, Senator Tillis became the junior Senator from our state and I greatly look forward to working with him in the coming years. I also have officially taken over as the Chairman of the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. As you may know, I've spent the better part of two decades overseeing the work of our nation's intelligence community as it has worked to… Continue Reading


Legislative Update From Senator Richard Burr

This week, the 113th Congress came to an end. When the Senate opens back up on January 6, it will be with a new majority. In the 114th Congress, I will be serving on three committees - the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (or HELP) Committee, and the Senate Finance Committee. I will be stepping down from the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee after having served seven years as the Committee's Republican Ranking (or lead) Member. I consid… Continue Reading


Legislative Update From Senator Richard Burr

Wednesday evening the House passed a piece of legislation Senator Casey and I have been working on for nearly 8 years. The Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act passed with broad bipartisan support, 404-17. I am incredibly pleased that the House passed the ABLE Act this week. Families of individuals with disabilities often face overwhelming financial burdens associated with the expensive costs of healthcare, education, housing and transportation. The ABLE Act will make it easier for par… Continue Reading


Legislative Update From Senator Richard Burr

This week the Senate finally took a vote on the Keystone XL Pipeline after years of stalling. Unfortunately, the legislation did not pass. As an original cosponsor of the bill and supporter of its authorization, it's inexplicable that Senate Democrats and the President continue to block legislation supported by this Administration's own State Department and a strong majority of Americans. We know that you, along with Americans all across our nation, want real leadership and a genuine opportunit… Continue Reading


Legislative Update From Senator Richard Burr

During the month of October, I was in North Carolina for a state-work period. While I was there, I sat down with WRAL about our state's ability to respond to Ebola and penned an op-ed with my colleague Senator Coburn on an Ebola vaccine. I had a chance to spend the day at Pope Airfield with some of our men and women in uniform and spoke at the 2014 Federal Construction, Infrastructure & Environment (FEDCON) Summit in Wilmington, NC. This week, I was back in DC. We picked up where we left of… Continue Reading


Legislative Update From Senator Richard Burr

Last Friday, a bipartisan, bicameral agreement was reached to reform the Child Care & Development Block Grant Program. Senator Mikulski and I have been working on reforming the program for three years and introduced legislation in 2013, which passed the Senate earlier this year. The Child Care and Development Block Grant Act (CCDBG) provides funds to states to help low-income families pay for child care while a parent works or is in an educational or job training program. The law has not … Continue Reading


Legislative Update From Senator Richard Burr

This week, the Senate was back in session after a productive work period in the state. You can visit my Facebook page and see some of the highlights of my August meetings and events. Thank you to all of the businesses and groups that hosted me. Wednesday, the President shared with the nation his strategy for handling ISIL. Publically and privately, I have shared my thoughts on the group -- ISIL is a capable, well organized, and well financed organization that has taken over more geographic … Continue Reading


Legislative Update from Senator Richard Burr

This week, the Senate Finance Committee held a hearing on the ABLE Act -- a piece of commonsense, bipartisan legislation introduced by Senator Casey and me. Put simply, the ABLE Act would allow families with a severely disabled child the opportunity to save their own money in a 529 college savings account to help cover their child's long-term expenses. Over three-quarters of the Congress has added their names to the ABLE Act as cosponsors, including both the Majority and Minority leaders i… Continue Reading


Legislative Update from Senator Richard Burr

On Monday, the VA Office of the Inspector General (IG) released a report on the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) two-year-old claim initiative. This initiative was purportedly started by the Department to process long-pending claims more quickly. I requested this latest report, along with several other Senators. The IG report confirmed that VA's 'fix' to its backlog process was just smoke and mirrors-- another example of VA manipulating the data to make it appear as if veterans are… Continue Reading


Legislative Update from Senator Richard Burr

This week the Senate spent most of the work period on S. 2363, the Bipartisan Sportsmen's Act of 2014. I introduced two amendments to the bill - an amendment that would help stop federal restrictions on access to North Carolina's beaches and an amendment to protect the Corolla wild horses. You can read about each of these amendments here: Senator Burr Offers Amendment to Ensure Access to Outer Banks Beaches Senator Burr Offers Amendment to Protect Corolla Wild Hor… Continue Reading


Fourth of July Message from Senator Burr

Every year, we look forward to the Fourth of July holiday as an opportunity to celebrate with family and friends by grilling out, enjoying the warm weather, and viewing the community fireworks display.However, as we enjoy the day of fun, we must not let the significance of our nation's birthday escape us. Two hundred and thirty-eight years ago our Founding Fathers signed the Declaration of Independence.By signing the Declaration, a new nation was established, ruled by the people and f… Continue Reading


Legislative Update from Senator Richard Burr

Tuesday, I joined my Senate colleagues and members from the House to discuss legislation which would address the deeply rooted problems at VA. It is now time for us, in partnership with VA, to begin to repair the damage that has resulted from the systemic failures that have undermined the trust veterans had placed in VA. Most importantly, we must ensure that veterans get the appointments they need from the doctor of their choice, provide the transparency needed to do an apples-to-apples co… Continue Reading


Legislative Update from Senator Richard Burr

Yesterday, I spoke on the floor about the growing threat in the Middle East. I understand that our nation is weary of war. I respect the sacrifices made by our service members and I work every day to ensure that our brave men and women, our veterans, are provided the care and treatment they deserve. Their efforts should not be in vain. Our service members served and sacrificed overseas so we could be safe at home. We cannot in good faith let the Administration dishonor their efforts with a… Continue Reading


Legislative Update from Senator Richard Burr

This week the Senate began moving forward on legislative solutions to address the crisis at the Department of Veteran Affairs (VA). On Tuesday, Senators McCain, Coburn, Flake, and I introduced the Veterans Choice Act. This targeted, commonsense legislation would address the most pressing issues raised by the continuing VA scandal by providing veterans with greater choice and flexibility in health care providers and increasing accountability and transparency at the VA. The Veterans Choice … Continue Reading


Memorial Day Message from Senator Burr

As we celebrate Memorial Day, let us take a moment to remember the true meaning of the holiday: to honor those service members who have sacrificed for our nation. Upon entry to the United States military, these brave men and women take an oath to protect and defend the Constitution, our country, and our freedom, even if it means paying the ultimate price. For those who pay this price, we express our deepest gratitude. Let us also remember the families who were left behind - they paid … Continue Reading


Legislative Update from Senator Richard Burr

This week, I continued to work along with some of my colleagues on addressing the serious problems facing the VA and the Veterans Health Administration. On Tuesday, Senator Deb Fischer (R-Neb.) and I introduced S. 2362, legislation that would prohibit the payment of bonuses to employees at the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) through Fiscal Year 2015. It is appalling and totally unacceptable that the VHA, which is being scrutinized by Congress and the media for a string of national… Continue Reading


Legislative Update from Senator Richard Burr

Yesterday, the Veterans' Affairs committee held a hearing on "The State of VA Health Care." During the hearing we heard from Secretary Shinseki, Under Secretary Petzel, various veterans groups, and oversight entities, like the Office of Inspector General (OIG) and the Government Accountability Office (GAO). To watch the full hearing,click here. I believe the hearing confirmed how systemic this problem is. Veterans and their families across the country have faced delayed, or in some cases, n… Continue Reading

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