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Wounded Warrior Career Development Program

For military personnel with combat-related disabilities

A unique limited-term career development employment opportunity that enables veterans to acquire career-based skills at Sandia through training, mentoring and real-world work experience while supporting mission success. Potential exists for conversion to regular full time employment.


The Wounded Warrior Career Program has established a number of goals that will be used to identify, recruit, hire, and train disabled military personnel who meet program criteria. The goals are to:

  • Provide activities to develop and refine career-based skill sets that support Sandia's missions
  • Provide flexible work schedules to support additional education
  • Provide a comprehensive support system
  • Coordinate program benefits and services through multiple agencies in a collaborative atmosphere
  • Coordinate professional, individualized functional training to help participants successfully transition from a military career to a civilian career
  • Coordinate professional, individualized guidance and support to help participants successfully transition from military life to civilian life
To ensure success, program activities will focus on providing timely and targeted support.


Modeled after the successful Oracle Wounded Warrior program that has produced a number of top performers for Oracle, military veterans who are accepted into Sandia's Wounded Warrior program will be expected to:

  • Contribute to the missions of Sandia National Laboratories
  • Actively pursue an appropriate college degree (achieving advanced degree desired)
  • Continue to develop and refine job related skills through training
  • Engage in executive-level mentoring
  • Share experiences to improve understanding of combat theater and enhance connections with Sandia work
The program is designed as a multi-year "re-vector" program with a new cohort beginning each year. The program is for limited term (1-3 years) employment and is not an internship. Rather it involves a support structure to facilitate the WW's successful transition from military to civilian life. The size of each cohort will depend on project workloads, funding sources, and the limitations of collaborative partners. We estimate a typical cohort size of 5 to 10.