18th Meeting
December 7-8, 2016

Crowne Plaza Redondo Beach, Peninsula and Pacific Ballrooms
300 N. Harbor Drive, Redondo Beach, CA 90277


Jump to session: Dec 7 | Dec 8

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

9:00 - 9:05
Call to Order & Announcements
Mr. James J. Miller, Executive Director, PNT Advisory Board, NASA Headquarters
9:05 - 9:30
18th Meeting Focus based on October 27 PNT EXCOM Priorities
Spectrum Repurposing & Existential Threats to GPS/GNSS Services
Mr. John Stenbit, Chair; Dr. Bradford Parkinson, 1st Vice-Chair; Gov Jim Geringer, 2nd Vice-Chair
9:30 - 10:00
U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) Civil GPS/PNT Update
GPS Adjacent Band Compatibility (ABC) Assessment
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Ms. Karen Van Dyke, Director for PNT, DOT Office of the Secretary, Research and Technology
10:00 - 10:15
Policy Update and Recent PNT EXCOM Topics
National Coordination Office (NCO) Interagency Perspectives
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Mr. Harold "Stormy" Martin, Director, National Coordination Office for Space-Based PNT
10:15 - 10:45
Global Positioning System (GPS) Status & Modernization Milestones
GPS III Satellite Vehicle and OCX Progress & Plans
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Col Gerard "Gerry" Gleckel, Deputy Director, GPS Directorate, Space & Missile Systems Center
10:45 - 11:00
11:00 - 11:30
U.S. International Activities Update: Multilateral and Bilateral Advances
11th Meeting of the International Committee on GNSS & Intl. Outreach
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Mr. Ken Hodgkins, Director, Office of Space and Advanced Technology, U.S. Department of State
11:30 - 12:00
European Space Agency (ESA) Perspective on Galileo as an Emerging Utility
Economic Benefits and Serving Space Users for Societal Benefit
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Dr. Werner Enderle, Head, Navigation Support Office, European Space Agency
12:00 - 1:00
1:00 - 1:25
Boeing GPS Overview
Building Global Capabilities
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Mr. Douglas Skinner, GPS Program, Networks & Space Systems, Space & Security, Boeing Defense
1:25 - 1:50
Deep Space Atomic Clock (DSAC) & Optical Communications/Navigation
Emerging Capabilities for PNT Autonomy & Space Architectures
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Dr. Don Cornwell, Director, Advanced Comm and Nav Technology, Space Comm & Nav (SCaN), NASA
1:50 - 2:15
GPS III – Poised for Tomorrow
Building Global Capabilities
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Mr. John Voce, Manager, Business Development, Lockheed Martin Navigation Systems
2:15 - 2:40
GPS/GNSS Space Service Volume (SSV) Update Initiatives
U.S. and International Benefits — GOES-R in Action!
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Mr. Joel Parker, Aerospace Engineer, Nav & Mission Design Branch, Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA
2:40 - 3:05
Northrop Grumman PNT Overview
Building Global Capabilities
Dr. Dennis Hall, Director of Emerging Communications, Northrop Grumman
3:05 - 3:25
Real-Time GNSS for Earthquake and Tsunami Early Warning
Implementing GNSS as a Worldwide Public Safety Infrastructure
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Dr. Gerald Bawden, Program Scientist, Natural Hazards Research, NASA HQ
3:25 - 3:40
3:40 - 4:00
Update on Protecting United States Critical GPS Infrastructure
Department of Homeland Security Infrastructure Protection Initiatives
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Mr. James (Jim) Platt, Director, PNT Office, Department of Homeland Security
4:00 - 4:20
Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions (ATIS) GPS Vulnerability Report
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Mr. Michael Calabro, Contributing Engineer, Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions
4:20 - 4:40
Standardisation of GNSS Threat Reporting and Receiver Testing through Intl. Knowledge Exchange, Experimentation & Exploitation [STRIKE3]
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Mr. Mark Dumville, General Manager, Nottingham Scientific Limited (NSL), United Kingdom
4:40 - 5:00
Communicating Time Looks Like a Simple Problem, But If It's so Simple, Why Haven't We Solved It?
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Mr. Harlan Stenn, Founder and President, Network Time Foundation

Thursday, December 8, 2016

9:00 - 9:05
Call to Order
Mr. James J. Miller, PNT Advisory Board Executive Director, NASA HQ
9:05 - 9:30
Announcements & Agenda
Concise Assessment & Member Feedback from December 7 Deliberations
Mr. John Stenbit, Chair; Dr. Bradford Parkinson, 1st Vice-Chair; Gov Jim Geringer, 2nd Vice-Chair
9:30 - 11:00
Representative & International Reports & Perspectives:
Ms. Ann Ciganer, GPS Innovation Alliance (United States)
Dr. Gerhard Beutler, International Association of Geodesy (Switzerland)
  • Norway's Contribution to the Global Geodetic Reference Frame
    View PDF (2 MB)
Mr. Arve Dimmen, Norwegian Coastal Administration (Norway)
Dr. Sergio Camacho-Lara, U.N. Center of Science and Space Technology (Mexico)
  • Prioritizing Dangers to the United States from Threats to GPS
    View PDF (1 MB)
Mr. Dana A. Goward, Resilient Navigation and Timing Foundation (United States)
  • Remarks on the International Activities Regarding GNSS Spectrum Protection — A Day Without Interference
    View PDF (351 KB)
Dr. Refaat Rashad, Arab Institute of Navigation (Egypt)
11:00 - 11:15
11:15 - 12:00
PNT Board Member Roundtable Discussion
Priorities & Recommendations for new Administration PNT Executive Committee – Key Topics & Work Plan for 2017
All PNT Board Members
12:00 - 1:00
LUNCH - Working

Dates and times are as originally scheduled and do not reflect actual presentation times.

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