
On August 31, 2009, the Commonwealth entered into a series of agreements with Oracle that, as a whole, will significantly reduce the prices paid by Commonwealth entities for Oracle products. These agreements were accomplished through the work of many individuals at the Operational Services Division, the Administrative Office of the Trial Courts, the Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development, the Executive Office for Transportation and Public Works (now part of the Department of Transportation), and the Information Technology Division.

Download the Announcement of Oracle Contract Changes doc format of oracle_announcement_final.doc


The negotiations for this project spanned several months. The following outlines the projected savings for the Oracle Project over a five year timeframe. The chart refers to ULA (Universal Licensing Agreements) participating entities; Administration & Finance, Executive Office of Transportation, Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development and the Trial Courts.

Oracle Savings Chart

Documents Related to the Oracle Project

Please note: the following are in a scanned PDF format for legal purposes. If you can not view these documents or have any issues with accessing this content, please contact Michelle Burwell for assistance.

Oracle Ordering Document for the Trial Courts pdf format of ordering_doc_courts.pdf
file size 1MB
Oracle Ordering Document for the Executive Office for Administration and Finance pdf format of ordering_doc_anf.pdf
file size 2MB
Oracle Ordering Document for the Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development pdf format of ordering_doc_eolwd.pdf
file size 1MB  
Oracle Ordering Document for the Executive Office of Transportation pdf format of ordering_doc_eot.pdf
file size 1MB  
Payment Schedule and Payment Plan Agreement pdf format of payment_plan_sched.pdf

Savings Tracker

The attached chart shows ULA commitments and cost recoveries from the four ordering departments:
Oracle ULA/PeopleSoft ELA Cost Analysis pdf format of oracle_savings.pdf


If you have any questions regarding the content on this page, please contact Linda Hamel, General Counsel for the Information Technology Division.


Created February 8, 2010: Information provided by ITD's Legal Office