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Petitions Awaiting 90-Day Findings

Petitioned Species Date Received Requested ESA Action
(linked to petition)
salmon, chum
(Oncorhynchus keta)
06/29/2015 List the Puget Sound Winter-run Chum Salmon Population as Threatened or Endangered
Marine Invertebrates
clams, giant
(10 species)
08/08/2016 List as Threatened or Endangered and Designate Critical Habitat

Petition Process

If a petition to list a species presents substantial information that the petitioned action may be warranted, a positive 90-day finding is published in the Federal Register and the species becomes a Candidate for listing under the ESA.

If a petition to delist a species presents substantial information that the petitioned action may be warranted, a positive 90-day finding is published in the Federal Register and the species goes under review for delisting under the ESA.

If a petition does not present substantial information, a negative 90-day finding denying the petition is published in a Federal Register notice.

More information on how species are listed under the ESA is also available.

Updated: October 11, 2016