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Federal Energy Regulatory Commission


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Projects Near You
The search functions on the following projects page enable you to learn about energy developments in your area of the country. Basic information on what company or companies are involved, as well as the overall scope of the project is provided.

The docket number associated with each of the following listings will enable you to go to FERC's electronic library, eLibrary, and gather more specific details and dates about the project. Read More.

Getting Involved
If you think you might be affected by a proposed natural gas or hydroelectric project regulated by the Commission, you have certain rights. Read More

Guides provide a summary of your rights and the process when dealing with FERC proposed electric transmission, natural gas pipelines, LNG terminals and hydropower licensing. Read More

FERC Processes
High level schematics of some of the common Commission processes.

Most common Frequently Asked Questions about a variety of issues and processes at the Commission.

RSS Access
FERC's most important news, decisions and events using this new technology.

Most commonly used acronyms at the Commission

Brief definitions of certain terms used at the Commission.

Public Reference Room
Provides a place for members of the public to view official Commission documents. The Public Reference Room, along with eLibrary, is the Commission's primary channels for disseminating information.