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Hawaiian reef coral (Montipora dilatata)


ESA Species of Concern - Hawaii (Kaneohe Bay, Midway Atoll, Maro Reef)


Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Cnidaria
Class: Anthozoa
Order: Scleractinia
Family: Acroporidae
Genus: Montipora
Species: dilatata

Key Documents

(All documents are in PDF format.)

Title Federal Register Date
Hawaiian reef coral not warranted for listing under the ESA 79 FR 53852 09/10/2014
Proposed Listing Determinations for 82 Reef-Building Coral Species 77 FR 73219 12/07/2012
NMFS Accepts a Petition to List 82 Corals under the Endangered Species Act (90-Day Finding on a Petition) 75 FR 6616 02/10/2010
Species of Concern Fact Sheet: Detailed n/a 10/2015
n/a 04/02/2007

More Information

Updated: October 30, 2015