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Authorizations and Permits for Protected Species (APPS)


Killer Whales
(Orcinus orca)
Photo: NOAA


APPS is a collaborative effort between the NOAA Fisheries Office of Protected Resources, Northwest Regional Office, and Southwest Regional Office to allow researchers to apply online* for various permits under the authority of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) of 1973 and the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) of 1972.

The types of permits and authorizations that are currently available online through APPS are:

APPS contains helpful permitting information in addition to online applications, such as descriptions of the different permit types, advice on when to apply, a search function, and ways to provide feedback.

Pre-Application Guide (PAG)

The PAG is a useful tool that helps prospective applicants determine what type of permit or authorization, if any, they may need. Applicants scroll through several screens answering questions about their proposed activities. At the conclusion of the PAG, applicants receive a list of their required permits/authorizations and where to go for more information, including contact information, links to application forms, etc.

More Information
APPS Fact Sheet [pdf]

*Please note that you may continue to submit paper applications, if you prefer