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January 18, 2017 : Texas Public Radio

It is not just the extra fat in the body, but where it is stored that increases the risks for diabetes, heart disease and stroke. NHLBI-funded researchers have identified seven new areas of the genome that influence the storage of fat. The study published in Nature Genetics might lead to insights for prevention and targeted therapies. Read the release.  

January 17, 2017 : Pantagraph

The risk for heart disease and stroke is significantly greater for black men and women living in impoverished, usually urban neighborhoods, according to an NHLBI-funded study published in the American Journal of Public Health. The researchers analyzed data from the Jackson Heart Study and the 2000 U.S. Census, and found that every step down the scale used to measure socioeconomic status was associated with a 25 percent rise in heart disease risk. 

January 10, 2017 : The American Journal of Managed Care

Researchers are reporting development of a new method that could improve the safety and efficacy of bone marrow transplants used for treating advanced blood cancers.  In the new study using mouse models of lymphoma (a type of blood cancer),  the researchers genetically engineered immune cells (T cells) from a donor in a way that made the cells less likely to cause graft-versus-host disease (GVHD). GVHD is a potentially deadly complication in which donor white blood cells attack healthy tissues in the recipient. The study, published in Nature Medicine, was partly funded by NHLBI.

January 9, 2017 : Daily Mail

Most parents would be surprised to learn how much their exercise habits are followed by their young children. Literally followed. That was a key finding of an NHLBI-funded study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine. Researchers found a direct correlation between the physical activity of parents and their preschool-age children in underserved populations. Read the release.

January 6, 2017 : Science Daily

Complications from asthma, including death, are more likely for African Americans. A group of NHLBI-funded researchers found that a unique type of inflammation of the airways might be partly to blame, as it makes black patients less responsive to asthma treatment. The findings, published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, are the result of one of the largest and most diverse U.S. clinical trials on race and asthma.

January 4, 2017 : ABC News

As we pledge to, this year definitely, follow through with the “lose-weight resolution,” the U.S. News & World Report annual diet rankings come not a minute too soon. And, the NHLBI-developed DASH Diet wins the top spot for the seventh consecutive year as the “best overall” diet.

January 3, 2017 : Psoriasis News Today

Scientists have known for years that patients with psoriasis are at increased risk for developing heart disease. Now, researchers are reporting that they have identified a group of molecules that may help explain this link. In a pair of studies in mice, researchers showed how the inflammatory response to psoriasis can lead to altered levels of certain immune system molecules, increasing the risk of fatal blood clots. The studies could lead to novel treatments to lower the risk of heart disease in people with psoriasis, the researchers say. One of the studies, published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation Insight, was partly funded by NHLBI.

December 29, 2016 : The Wall Street Journal

Go ahead, sleep in on a weekend; but don’t think you are making up for lost hours of sleep over the work week, says an NHLBI-funded study, published in the journal Brain, Behavior, and Immunity. The researchers, while noting that this was a small study, stress two key findings. First, sleeping in on weekends does not appear to restore the body’s stress responses down to normal levels. Second, the habit of deprivation during the week and “binging” on sleep on weekends is very hard to break the longer it continues, as people are less likely to realize they are sleepy and have more trouble doing everyday tasks.

December 27, 2016 : UPI

Hospitalized patients tend to have a higher risk of cardiac arrest and transfers to an intensive care unit if they are in wards when other patients have experienced similar emergencies, a new study suggests.  The observational study followed about 84,000 patients over a four-year span.  After one patient on a ward experienced a “critical event” (such as cardiac arrest, death, or transfer to ICU), the likelihood that a second patient on the ward might do so within the next six hours rose by nearly 18 percent, the study found.  The findings underscore the need for hospital-based physicians to pay closer scrutiny to other patients who share the same unit as critically ill patients being treated on hospital wards, the researchers say. The study, which is funded by NHLBI, was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. 

December 22, 2016 : CNBC

After more than four decades of progress in prevention and treatment, NHLBI researchers say the 0.9 percent increase in deaths from heart disease in 2015 should be a wake-up call. More research is needed regarding treatment of cardiovascular disease, but the researchers warn about complacency and call for redoubling the efforts to do what is known to work, particularly in the prevention side by focusing of risk factors such as obesity, blood pressure, cholesterol, smoking and blood glucose.

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