
Points of View

Communications • March 26, 2015


This week marked the five-year anniversary of the President’s broken health care law. House Republicans responded with a solution. Below, listen and read what House Republicans had to say about our plan to balance the budget, protect Medicare, and put health care decisions back into the hands of American families.

House Committee on Homeland Security Chairman Michael McCaul (R-TX)
Chairman McCaul Discusses Latest On Terror Threat
ABC, This Week

“The foreign fighters, in addition to the homegrown violent extremists who can be inspired and radicalized over the internet, is what greatly concerns me.”


Rep. Carlos Curbelo (R-FL)Rep. Curbelo Talks To Univision About The House Republican Budget For A Prosperous America
Entravision, Perspectiva Nacional

“Our budget balances in less than 10 years without raising taxes… Americans want to say that their Government is living within it means and working to reduce the national debt, and we aim to do that here.”


Rep. Robert Pittenger (R-NC)
Rep. Pittenger discusses Obama/Netanyahu Relationship On Fox News
Fox News, The Kelly File

“That is the real concern, that America should be addressing the UN, not seeking to put Israel in a position where it can’t defend it’s own country.”

House Budget Committee Chairman Tom Price (R-GA)
Balance The Budget For A Prosperous America
Univision News

“Cuando nos fijamos en los Estados Unidos de hoy, vemos una nación que no está a la altura de su potencial económico o de liderazgo, y la razón de esta situación no tiene nada que ver con la calidad y el carácter del pueblo estadounidense.

“Hoy en la Cámara de Representantes vamos a votar para un presupuesto equilibrado para un Estados Unidos más fuerte. Es un plan para crear empleos y restaurar la disciplina fiscal en Washington mediante el empoderamiento de los individuos, las familias, las empresas y las comunidades locales, con la libertad y flexibilidad para construir una economía más sana.”


“When we look at America today, we see a nation that is not living up to its economic or leadership potential, and the reason why has nothing to do with the quality and character of the American people. 

“Today we are voting on A Balanced Budget for a Stronger America. It’s a plan to create jobs and restore fiscal discipline in Washington by empowering individuals, families, businesses and our local communities with the freedom and flexibility to build a healthier economy.”

House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI)
A Chance To Strengthen Medicare
Washington Examiner

“Medicare is going broke, but this week we have a chance to start fixing it. And we can do it — with bipartisan support — by repealing a clumsy payment system that has threatened seniors’ access to care and vexed Congress for nearly two decades.

“My colleagues and I have come up with a bipartisan plan to replace these arbitrary cuts with real reforms. Our plan would strengthen Medicare by encouraging better care and rewarding doctors for better results.

“This reform would be a firm step in the right direction. Our plan would also achieve savings by making two other structural reforms.
“Our plan would give doctors the certainty they need. It would give seniors the security they deserve. And above all, it would be a firm step toward a patient-centered healthcare system.”

Rep. Gus Bilirakis (R-FL)
U.S. Security At Stake In Iran Deal
Tampa Bay Times

“The Obama administration’s foreign policy missteps do not inspire confidence that the current negotiations will be any different. The president seems to be arguing that we should just trust him on this.

“The intransigent Iranian regime has made existential threats to our steadfast ally, and only democracy in the Middle East, Israel. Additionally, the mullahs promise to destroy U.S. military assets, including personnel, and American interests abroad with missile strikes and more. We must take these threats seriously.
Now that we are past Israeli elections, we should be coming together to take a substantive, firm look at our own policies and how they intersect with those of our allies when dealing with Iran.

“President Barack Obama has promised since 2008 that he would not allow Iran to develop a nuclear weapon. He should keep that promise to the American people, our allies and the rest of the world.”

Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN)
Obamacare: Five Years Of Smoke And Mirrors

“According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the uninsured rate dropped 35 percent from October 2013 through March 4, 2015.

“Many constituents continue to relate their disappointment in Obamacare when they find the premiums are more than they can afford. Still others have paid their premiums and then are hit with sticker shock when they must pay high copayments and deductibles.

“I have introduced legislation to increase competition among insurance companies with the ultimate goal of lowering the price. If enacted, H.R. 543 would empower consumers by giving them the ability to purchase affordable health insurance with a range of options.

“The bottom line is that after 5 years, it is clearer than ever, Obamacare is wrong for America. It is too expensive, does not deliver on its promises, and there are better alternatives.”

Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX)
Let’s Take First Step To Saving Medicare
The Woodlands Villager

“President Thomas Jefferson once urged, ‘Don’t ask, act! Action will delineate and define you.’ In the next few weeks Congress and the President can act decisively to begin saving Medicare for the long term.

“Today in Texas, less than half of family physicians are accepting new Medicare patients. Regularly neighbors and constituents tell me they can no longer see the doctor they’ve been seeing for years.

“Let’s stop ducking the tough issues. Saving Medicare won’t be easy but there are good solutions if we act soon. If Republicans and the President are serious about delivering on their promises to save Medicare, they will act now by permanently solving the doctor crisis.”

Rep. Barbara Comstock (R-VA) and Rep. Tom Emmer (R-MN)
Republican Freshmen Call on Congress, President To Lead On Trade
Roll Call 

“Despite demand for U.S. goods overseas, coupled with a robust industry and network of trade partners, there are still unnecessary foreign barriers to U.S. exports that hinder American businesses and producers from fully thriving in a global market.

“International trade supports more than 38 million jobs, and the share of U.S. jobs tied to trade has more than doubled in the past 20 years.

“A whopping 96 percent of the world’s consumers live outside the U.S., so it is vital to open these markets to further a healthy U.S. economy and create more jobs.

“TPA is not a new proposal. Every president since Franklin D. Roosevelt has had TPA, and it has been used for 14 bilateral/regional free trade agreements as well as multilateral trade liberalization agreements.”

Rep. Paul Cook (R-CA)
Sex Slavery Trade In U.S. Demands Action By Congress
The Sun Columns

“There are over 30 million people trapped in the $150 billion market for sex slavery and slave labor. Most chilling, child sex trafficking is a billion dollar industry, and there are as many as 300,000 American children at risk of being sold into slavery.

“Bipartisan work will not only strengthen our current laws to crack down on those who fuel the trafficking industry, but also provide protection and much-needed services to victims of trafficking, especially children.

“HR 468, the Enhancing Services for Runaway and Homeless Victims for Youth Trafficking Act, will improve services for youth who are victims of trafficking, including street-based strategies and grants.”

Rep. Randy Hultgren (R-IL)
Protecting 529s And Promoting A ‘Culture Of Saving’
Daily Herald

“When the average student loan debt is $28,400 and tuition costs rise each year, it’s no wonder nearly 12 million American families — the vast majority of which are middle class — have turned to 529 plans to prepare for their children’s education.

“Studies show that college savings accounts, even with mere hundreds of dollars deposited, greatly encourage children to enroll and graduate from college.

“H.R. 529 passed the House with more than 400 votes — a widely bipartisan success story. I hope the Senate and president turn this bill into a law soon.”

Rep. Robert Hurt (R-VA)
Hurt Introduces Bipartisan Legislation To Protect Privacy On

“Consumers are required to enter personally identifiable and often sensitive information just to browse healthcare plans on

“Cybersecurity vulnerabilities pose a significant threat to individual privacy, but this administration was so focused on getting to function at a basic level that it did not take sufficient action to ensure that users’ personal information will be protected, despite spending two billion dollars of taxpayer money to build the site.

“It is my hope that this bill moves swiftly through the legislative process, and I look forward to working with Rep. Peterson and my colleagues to ensure that individual privacy is protected.”

Rep. Steve Russell (R-OK)
Right Track, Not Fast Track
The Hill

“Regardless of the merits of trade partnership or the tactics of their negotiation, two fundamental questions loom: Why do we trust this president given his track record in foreign affairs, and what serious harm would come to the nation by waiting 23 months?

“In a balanced process, the full range of Congressional committees would hold hearings with experts, establish clear objectives, set the terms of the negotiation, and be regularly informed throughout the negotiating process.

“The American people must be at the table – and they can be, through their elected representatives in Congress.

“We cannot allow this president to rush willy-nilly into a fast track Chinese hegemony without regard to strategic thinking. Given his dismal foreign policy record, it comes as no revelation but it does come with consequences. What serious harm can come by waiting 23 months? As Abraham Lincoln famously said, ‘nothing good can be frustrated by time.’”

Rep. Tim Walberg (R-MI)
Politics Shouldn’t Stan In The Way Of Protecting Human-Trafficking Victims
Jackson Citizen Patriot

“Each year, as many as 300,000 children in the United States are at risk for sexual exploitation in what has become a $9.8 billion criminal enterprise.

“It will take all of us — federal and state officials, law enforcement, victims and advocacy organizations, and concerned citizens — working together to combat the growing problem of human trafficking.

“In January, the House took overwhelmingly bipartisan action and passed a package of 12 bills to help equip law enforcement officials with more resources to prevent human trafficking and provide victims with additional support.”

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