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Upcoming Programs in 2015


November 5, 2015 New

Lecture                        Marriage across national and racial borders

Hosts                           Dennie Hoopingarner and Stacy Chung

Venue:                        Consular Section Waiting Room (Unless notified otherwise)

Time:                           5:30 - 6:30pm

Online registration:              

Language:                   All events will be conducted in English

Please note:                Everyone is welcome to attend this event free of charge.  Please contact us to reserve a seat 1 day in advance to reserve a seat and remember to bring your ID card. Seating is limited, so please reserve your spot now!

Security Regulation of the US Consulate General in Shenyang

No electronic and metal items are allowed to be brought into the Consulate compound, Such as knives, cigarettes, lighters, laptops, PDAs, cell phones and cameras, etc.

Any luggage and bags are not allowed to be brought into the Consulate.

No food and drinks are allowed to be brought into the Consulate.