Table 10. WAGES AND SALARIES (NOT SEASONALLY ADJUSTED): Employment Cost Index for wages and salaries, for private industry workers, by bargaining status, region, and area

    Table 10.  Employment Cost Index for wages and salaries, for private industry workers, by bargaining status
    and census region and division
                                                  Indexes (Dec. 2005 =             Percent changes for–          
      Bargaining status and census region and                                                                    
                     division                                              3-months ended–     12-months ended–  
                                                  Dec.    Sep.    Dec.                                           
                                                  2011    2012    2012                                           
                                                                         Dec.   Sep.   Dec.   Dec.   Sep.   Dec. 
                                                                         2011   2012   2012   2011   2012   2012 
                 Bargaining status                                                                               
      Union....................................  114.9   116.9   117.4     0.3    0.6    0.4    1.8    2.0    2.2
        Goods-producing industries(1)..........  112.9   114.4   115.0      .1     .5     .5    1.5    1.4    1.9
          Manufacturing........................  110.7   112.1   112.5      .1     .3     .4    1.8    1.4    1.6
        Service-providing industries(2)........  116.3   118.7   119.1      .4     .7     .3    1.8    2.5    2.4
      Nonunion.................................  114.6   116.3   116.5      .3     .3     .2    1.7    1.7    1.7
        Goods-producing industries(1)..........  113.7   115.3   115.5      .4     .5     .2    1.8    1.8    1.6
          Manufacturing........................  113.3   115.2   115.4      .3     .5     .2    1.9    1.9    1.9
        Service-providing industries(2)........  114.8   116.5   116.8      .3     .3     .3    1.6    1.7    1.7
           Census region and division(3)                                                                         
      Northeast................................  115.3   116.7   117.0      .3     .3     .3    1.7    1.6    1.5
        New England............................  116.0   117.8   118.2      .0     .5     .3    1.5    1.6    1.9
        Middle Atlantic........................  115.0   116.4   116.5      .4     .3     .1    1.7    1.7    1.3
      South....................................  115.2   117.3   117.8      .2     .5     .4    1.6    2.0    2.3
        South Atlantic.........................  115.6   118.0   118.5      .2     .6     .4    1.7    2.3    2.5
        East South Central.....................  113.5   114.9   115.4      .1     .1     .4    1.8    1.3    1.7
        West South Central.....................  115.2   117.1   117.7      .2     .4     .5    1.5    1.8    2.2
      Midwest..................................  112.9   114.7   115.0      .2     .3     .3    1.5    1.8    1.9
        East North Central.....................  111.9   113.4   113.5      .1     .3     .1    1.5    1.4    1.4
        West North Central.....................  115.4   118.0   118.5      .4     .8     .4    1.7    2.7    2.7
      West.....................................  114.9   116.5   116.4      .3     .3    -.1    1.7    1.7    1.3
        Mountain...............................  115.2   116.3   115.2      .2     .5    -.9    1.3    1.1     .0
        Pacific................................  114.9   116.7   117.0      .4     .3     .3    1.9    2.0    1.8

      1 Includes mining, construction, and manufacturing.
      2 Includes the following industries: wholesale trade; retail trade; transportation and warehousing;
    utilities; information; finance and insurance; real estate and rental and leasing; professional and technical
    services; management of companies and enterprises; administrative and waste services; education services;
    health care and social assistance; arts, entertainment and recreation; accommodation and food services; and
    other services, except public administration.
      3 The states (including the District of Columbia) that comprise the census divisions are: New England:
    Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont; Middle Atlantic: New Jersey, New
    York, and Pennsylvania; South Atlantic: Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Maryland, North
    Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, and West Virginia; East South Central: Alabama, Kentucky, Mississippi,
    and Tennessee; West South Central: Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Texas; East North Central: Illinois,
    Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin; West North Central: Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska,
    North Dakota, and South Dakota; Mountain: Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, and
    Wyoming; and Pacific: Alaska, California, Hawaii, Oregon, and Washington.
      NOTE:  The indexes for these series are not strictly comparable to those for the aggregate, occupation, and
      industry series. Dashes indicate data not available.

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Last Modified Date: January 31, 2013