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Data and Resources

The following data and resources include procedures, databases, maps, and tools produced by NREL. These resources are available to assess, analyze, and optimize renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies for your project.

Annual Technology Baseline and Standard Scenarios

This study provides an annual process designed to ensure consistent application of a realistic and timely set of input assumptions and consider a diverse set of potential futures.

Building Energy Data Book

Provides statistics on residential and commercial building energy consumption.

Fleet DNA: Commercial Fleet Vehicle Operating Data

Clearinghouse of medium- and heavy-duty commercial fleet transportation data for optimizing the design of advanced vehicle technologies or for selecting a technology to invest in.

GIS Data Sets

Technology-specific data sets, designed for use in GIS software applications, for a variety of areas, including biomass, geothermal, solar, wind, and renewable hydrogen.

NREL Developer Network

Helps developers access and use energy data via Web services, including renewable energy and alternative fuel data.

NREL Renewable Energy Project Finance

Provides information on the Solar Access to Public Capital working group, Market Insights blog, finance reports, standard contracts, and additional NREL project finance information.

NSRDB Viewer

The NSRDB Viewer is an interactive Web-based GIS application for visualizing, examining, and downloading complete solar resource data, including TMYs. Both U.S. and international data sets are available in the NSRDB Viewer.

Open EI (Open Energy Information)

OpenEI is a knowledge sharing online community providing energy information and data via geographic discovery, visualizations and apps, and topic-oriented gateways.

OpenEI Incentives and Policies for RE and EE

DSIRE provides comprehensive, up-to-date information on state, local, federal, and utility incentives and policies for renewable energy and energy efficiency.

The Open PV Project

A collaborative effort between government, industry, and the public to compile a database of photovoltaic (PV) installation and cost data for the United States.


Between 2009 and 2012, the Renewable Energy Finance Tracking Initiative (REFTI) gathered project financing terms including debt interest rates, equity returns, and PPA duration.

Renewable Energy Data Book

Provides facts and figures on energy and renewable electricity investments and use in the United States and around the world.

Renewable Energy Technology Maps

Dynamic and static maps for various renewable resources and for specific projects. provides information on federal initiatives that support the development of Smart Grid technologies, policies and projects transforming the electric power industry.

Solar Data APIs on NREL Developer Network

NREL's Developer Network helps analysts and developers access and use energy data via web services.

Transparent Cost Database (TCDB)

Compares U.S. DOE EERE program cost and performance estimates for vehicles, biofuels, and electricity generation technologies with other published data. All data are downloadable for full transparency.

Transportation Secure Data Center

Repository of detailed travel data—including demographic information and second-by-second speed profiles—from various surveys and studies. Robust data sets are readily available to support research projects while protecting individual participant privacy.

Utility Rate Database

A free storehouse of rate structure information from utilities in the United States. These rates are provided in a computer-readable format for use in user-developed tools and models.

Wind Integration Data Sets

The Wind Integration Data Sets provide energy professionals with a consistent set of wind profiles for the eastern United States and the western United States. Both data sets provide ten-minute time-series wind data for 2004, 2005, and 2006.

Other Data and Resources

  • The U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) summarizes select sources of data and online maps on energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies.
  • EERE's Green Power Network provides up-to-date information on green power providers, product offerings, consumer protection issues, and policies affecting green power markets. It also includes a reference library of papers, articles and reports.