Climate Adaptation for Coastal Communities

Course Description

Coastal communities increasingly realize the need for climate adaptation strategies, but many are unsure where to begin. Attend this course to gain a thorough grounding and practical skills for incorporating climate adaptation strategies into the planning process. Time in class is provided to practice applying what you’ve learned, and opportunities for local collaboration and next steps are emphasized through discussion, participant activities, and local speakers and examples.

The course is designed for program administrators, land use planners, public works staff members, floodplain managers, hazard mitigation planners, emergency managers, community groups, members of civic organizations, and coastal resource managers.

You will learn how to

  • Recognize climate changes and variability, and their influence on coastal communities
  • Identify opportunities to integrate adaptation strategies into existing efforts
  • Examine methods for conducting hazard, vulnerability, and risk assessments
  • Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of adaptation strategies
  • Apply climate communication research to improve communication with target audiences


18 hours certification maintenance credits through American Institute of Certified Planners and 12 hours Certified Floodplain Manager (CFM) professional certifications

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