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Incentives for Environmental Management Systems

Entities with eligible Environmental Management Systems (EMS) may be approved to receive certain incentives from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.

Title 30 Texas Administrative Code Chapter 90 at §90.30 (effective July 19, 2012) provides for regulatory incentives for your implementation of eligible environmental management systems.


A regulated entity may be eligible to receive regulatory incentives under this chapter if the site's environmental management system (EMS):

  • includes a written environmental policy directed toward continuous improvement;
  • identifies the environmental aspects at the site;
  • prioritizes these environmental aspects by the significance of the impacts at the site;
  • sets the priorities, goals, and targets for continuous improvement in environmental performance and for ensuring compliance with applicable environmental laws, regulations, and permit conditions;
  • assigns clear responsibility for implementation, training, monitoring, and taking corrective action and for ensuring compliance with applicable environmental laws, regulations, and permit conditions;
  • requires written documentation of the implementation procedures and the results;
  • requires evaluation and refinement of the EMS to demonstrate improved attainment of the priorities, goals, and targets of the system; and
  • has been certified to a recognized environmental management system standard by an independent third party. 


  • 10% Compliance History credit
  • Single point-of-contact within the TCEQ for innovative activities
  • Individualized technical assistance


To apply for incentives available under the Environmental Management System program, you must complete and sign the required form, TCEQ-20632. The application must be submitted along with the required attachments, including:

  • The environmental policy
  • The list of significant environmental aspects for the site
  • The list of environmental goals and targets for the site
  • A copy of your site's third-party audit certification


For more information on what you need to apply for these incentives or for information on implementing an Environmental Management System at your site, please contact us by:


Phone: 512-239-3143