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Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

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Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Projects (ANGTP)

Open Season Regulation Provisions (Order 2005)

  1. Require that project proponents file open season plans for Commission approval (90 days prior to the open season).
  2. Follow provisions Standards of Conduct Orders, while conducting an open season.
  3. Include procedures for the allocation of capacity.
  4. Include the criteria for and timing of any open seasons.
  5. Promote competition in the exploration, development, and production of Alaska natural gas.
  6. Cover voluntary expansion open seasons which must then provide the opportunity for the transportation of natural gas other than from the Prudhoe Bay and Point Thomson.
  7. Include an assessment of in-state needs, and a listing of prospective delivery points within Alaska.

The open season regulations apply to:

  • Any initial or (voluntary) expansion capacity on any Alaska natural gas transportation project.
  • Does not apply to involuntary expansion if one is ordered under the Alaska Natural Gas Pipeline Act of 2004 (ANGPA)