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Peer Review

Last Published: 10/19/2016

As required under the Office of Management and Budget's "Final Information Quality Bulletin for Peer Review," released December 16, 2004, the Food and Nutrition Service reviews its study and evaluation plans to determine whether any projects currently planned or underway meet the Bulletin's standards for "highly influential scientific assessments" or "influential scientific information".

The agency has concluded from its most recent review that is not currently preparing or sponsoring any "highly influential scientific assessments." Five current projects are expected to yield "influential scientific information". Peer review plans for these projects are linked below:

Title: School Nutrition and Meal Cost Study


This study examines the relationships between school environment and school food service operations, nutritional quality of meals offered and served in the The National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program, costs to produce reimbursable meals, and student participation, participant characteristics, satisfaction and related attitudes toward the school lunch and breakfast programs.

Title: Evaluation of Pilot Projects to Promote Work and Increase State Accountability in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)


The Agriculture Act of 2014 (PL 113-79, Section 4022) authorized USDA to enter into cooperative agreements with State agencies to carry out pilot projects designed to raise employment, increase earnings, and reduce reliance on public assistance, including the benefits provided by SNAP. This study is an independent evaluation of these projects designed to determine differences in employment, earnings, and public assistance expenditures between those who receive the pilot services offered and a control group that does not receive such services, in order to identify the most effective interventions for wider implementation.

Title: Study of Nutrition and Wellness Quality in Child Care Settings (Sec. 223 of PL 111-296)


Required by Section 223 of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010, the study is a national study of child care centers and family or group day care homes that includes an assessment of (1) the nutritional quality of all foods provided to children in child care settings as compared to the recommendations in most recent Dietary Guidelines for Americans, (2) the quantity and type of opportunities for physical activity provided to children in child care settings; (3) the quantity of time spent by children in child care settings in sedentary activities; and (4) an assessment of barriers and facilitators to nutritional and wellness quality.  In addition, the study will subsample providers participating in the Child and Adult Care Food Program so all analyses can be conducted separately for CACFP.  The CACFP-focused analysis will also provide a cost analysis to determine the cost of providing meals and snacks in CACFP.

Title: WIC Infant and Toddler Feeding Practices Study-2 Interim and Final Reports


A national, longitudinal data collection regarding contemporary WIC infant and toddler feeding practices, including the duration of breastfeeding, the age and pattern of introduction of foods other than breast milk or formula, and the age of introduction of cow’s milk. The study is examining the influences that shape a mother’s infant and toddler feeding decisions and describing the changes in feeding practices as the children develop. This study also collects information on nutrition education, breastfeeding promotion, and support provided to participants.


View Completed Peer Review Plans and Reports


Richard Lucas, FNS Peer Review Official
Acting Deputy Administrator for Policy Support
3101 Park Center Drive
Alexandria, VA 22302
Phone: (703) 305-2017

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