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Documentation of ReEDS Base Case Data

The Regional Energy Deployment System (ReEDS) documentation summarizes the key data inputs to the Base Case of the ReEDS model. The Base Case was developed simply as a point of departure for other analyses to be conducted with the ReEDS model. It does not represent a forecast of the future, but rather is a consensus scenario whose inputs depend strongly on others' results and forecasts. For example, the ReEDS Base Case derives many of its inputs from the EIA's Annual Energy Outlook (EIA 2009)—in particular, its fossil fuel price forecasts, and its electric-sector load-growth rates.

Using ReEDS

This documentation describes the variables, constraints, and other attributes in ReEDS' linear program formulation.

  1. Summary: Model Description and Formulation
  2. Description of the Technologies
  3. Transmission Representation
  4. System Operation and Reliability
  5. Cost Output
  6. ReEDS Standard Inputs and Assumptions
  7. Model Parameters, Variables, and Equations
  8. Appendix