Honors & Awards


Mr. Peter Dodge, Dr. John Gamache, and Dr. Frank Marks - Administrator's Award

(National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)

For outstanding management of the G-IV tail Doppler radar project, enhancing NOAA's weather forecasting and research capability


Dr. Kelly Goodwin and Dr. Christopher Sinigalliano - Technology Transfer Award

(National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)

For exceptional leadership in developing and transferring Microbial Source Tracking tools to identify coastal waters contamination sources and allowing city and county managers to devise mitigation strategies to restore water quality, decrease risks to human health, and preserve coastal economies.

Dr. Rik Wanninkhof - John Martin Award

(Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography)

For the landmark paper entitled Relationship between wind speed and gas exchange over the ocean (Wanninkhof, 1992, JGR 97(C5):7373-7382) that has had a significant impact on subsequent research in the field of oceanography.


Mr. Kevin Sullivan - Antarctica Service Medal
(National Science Foundation)
For participation in the CLIVAR CO2 Repeat Hydrography Program cruise to the Southern Ocean aboard the Ice Breaker Nathaniel B. Palmer.

Dr. Maribeth Gidley - NOAA Team Member of the Month (March 2012)
(National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)
For outstanding efforts in mentoring graduate and summer student interns.

Ms. Shirley T. Murillo - Dr. Charles E. Anderson Award
(American Meteorological Society)
For outstanding support of minorities and women to promote a more diverse workforce through mentoring, education, and community service.

Dr. Mark D. Powell - Fellow
(American Meteorological Society)
For more than 30 years of research that has advanced the state of tropical cyclone knowledge through improvements in real-time wind field monitoring and analysis, rain band structure and dynamics, and hurricane boundary layer structure.

John Kaplan - Bronze Medal
(U.S. Department of Commerce)
For providing skillful operational hurricane intensity models as demonstrated by the National Hurricane Center forecast verifications for the 2009 and 2010 seasons.

Dr. Sim Aberson, Dr. Altug Aksoy, Mr. Michael Black, Mr. Neal Dorst, Mr. Jason Dunion, Mr. John Kaplan, Dr. Frank Marks, Ms. Shirley Murillo, Dr. Robert Rogers, Ms. Kathryn Sellwood, Dr. Eric Uhlhorn, and Mr. Paul Willis - Group Achievement Award
(National Aeronautics and Space Administration)
For outstanding contributions to the Genesis and Rapid Intensification Processes (GRIP) field science missions during the 2010 Atlantic hurricane season.

Mr. Evan Forde - Administrator's Award
(National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)
For outstanding communication of NOAA science, sharing the joy of science with students, and helping to foster a science literate society.

Dr. Robert Rogers - Scientific Employee of the Year
(South Florida Federal Executive Board)
For leadership during NOAA's 2010 Hurricane Field Program and for research that has contributed to a greater understanding of hurricane structure and intensity.

Dr. Robert Rogers - Employee of the Month (April 2011)
(National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)
In recognition of leadership during NOAA's 2010 Hurricane Field Program.

Dr. Frank Marks-Verner E. Suomi Award
(American Meteorological Society)
For creative use of airborne Doppler radar and other technologies to advance understanding of the dynamics of tropical cyclones.

Dr. Altug Aksoy-Editor's Award
(American Meteorological Society)
For providing a large number of high-quality reviews to several of the editors.

Dr. Rik Wanninkhof - Editors Citation for Excellence in Refereeing Award
(American Geophysical Union)
For conscientious reviews of submitted papers to the Journal of Geophysical Research (Oceans) that have enabled AGU to maintain its high standards of quality.

Ms. Judith Gray - Distinguished Career Award
(U.S. Department of Commerce)
For exceptional management, leadership, and service to NOAA employees throughout 30 years of service.

Dr. Alan Leonardi-Silver Medal
(U.S. Department of Commerce)
For exemplary leadership in building a first-of-its-kind partnership with Google to disseminate NOAA ocean data and information through Google Earth.

Dr. Robert Atlas and Mr. Jason Dunion-Group Achievement Award
(National Aeronautics and Space Administration)
For outstanding contributions in improving weather forecasting using data from the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) and for production of its key climate data products.

Dr. Silvia Garzoli-Scientific Employee of the Year
(South Florida Federal Executive Board)
For outstanding research and leadership.

Drs. Eric Uhlhorn and Peter Black (retired)-Special Award
(American Meteorological Society)
For sustaining over 30 years an exceptional, interdisciplinary project resulting in continuous operational monitoring of hurricane surface winds, improved hurricane intensity advisories, and saving countless lives.

Dr. Frank Marks-Distinguished Career Award
(U.S. Department of Commerce)
For pioneering achievements in airborne radar remote sensing of tropical cyclones and severe storms to improve the understanding of storm structure.

Dr. Rik Wanninkhof-Silver Medal
(U.S. Department of Commerce)
For providing timely ocean information and capacity for improved global monitoring and management of coral reef ecosystems relative to climate change.

Dr. Joseph Cione-Bronze Medal
(U.S. Department of Commerce)
For successfully executing the first launch and recovery of an unmanned aircraft system (UAS) into the core of a tropical cyclone (Tropical Storm Ophelia, 2005).

Dr. Rick Lumpkin-Bronze Medal
(U.S. Department of Commerce)
For exceptional service as an editor and author of the NOAA/Smithsonian Sant Ocean Hall companion publicationHidden Depths: Atlas of the Oceans.

Dr. Rick Lumpkin-Bronze Medal
(U.S. Department of Commerce)
For remarkable contributions and original concepts in the design and leverage of the Sant Ocean Hall, the national exhibition on the global ocean.

Dr. Rick Lumpkin-Bronze Medal
(U.S. Department of Commerce)
For developing the successful research-to-operation transition of Climate Sea Surface Temperature Observing System Design, Implementation and Performance Monitoring.

Mr. Evan Forde-Federal Employee of the Year (Service to Community)
(South Florida Federal Executive Board
For leadership, dedicated effort, and substantial and continuing service to the community, especially in regard to assisting youth and the needy.

Mr. Jason Dunion-Editors' Citation for Excellence in Refereeing
(American Geophysical Union)
For contributions that have been invaluable in maintaining the high standards of quality for the journal Geophysical Research Letters through the conscientious review of submitted papers.

Dr. Rik Wanninkhof-Fellow
(American Geophysical Union)
For contributions to understanding of the ocean carbon cycle with emphasis on improved understanding and quantification of the exchange of carbon dioxide between the surface ocean and atmosphere.

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