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National Science Foundation History

NSF - Celebrating 60 Years
The Future of NSF on Its 60th Anniversary - Past and present NSF leaders reflect upon 25 years of experience and offer advice about the agency's future.Mosiac Science Magazine - An online archive of articles published in NSF's flagship magazine from 1970 to 1992. NSF Sensational 60 - 60 years of jundamental research and education support are celebrated across all fields of science and engineering.A Timeline of NSF History - Key events highlighted interactively from the inception of NSF to current day.
Voices From the Future - A lecture series on the impact of research, science eduction, communication, broadening participation and science-altering discoveris.


The American people recognized that scientists and engineers had helped win World War II. Penicillin and the atomic bomb were but the two best known of the many contributions made by the research community. With the coming of peace, the challenge facing politicians and researchers alike was how to ensure that science and engineering would continue both to expand the frontiers of knowledge and serve the American people. The answer was the National Science Foundation (NSF), established in 1950, which continues to be the only federal agency dedicated to the support of fundamental research and education in all scientific and engineering disciplines. Charged with making certain that the United States maintains leadership in scientific discovery and the development of new technologies, the NSF has provided funding for thousands of distinguished scientists and engineers to conduct groundbreaking research, including many Nobel Prize Winners.


  A Timeline of NSF History
  Selective Bibliography of the National Science Foundation


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