A father and daughter watch the sunset over Indian Creek in Utah. Photo by Bob Wick, BLM.

Our Strategy

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Connecting with Communities

BLM-managed public lands are recognized as America’s Great Outdoors, a “Backyard to Backcountry” treasure. These lands represent the largest acreage available for recreation in America.  The BLM’s many offices have partnered with state and local government agencies, other federal agencies, conservation organizations, and others, to help people connect to nature through recreation. 

The vision of the Connecting with Communities strategy is to build on this strength and expand the BLM’s existing partnerships with national, regional, and local organizations who share our goals of providing sustainable recreation opportunities and lasting economic benefits to communities.

The BLM seeks to manage America’s public lands for visitors to enjoy better health, spend time with families and friends, and connect to America’s Great Outdoors.

Through the links below, learn how our regional offices are implementing this community-based strategy.

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