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Subject: B4) What is the origin of the word "hurricane"?

Contributed by Chris Landsea

 "HURRICANE derived from 'Hurican', the Carib god of evil...
 alternative spellings:  foracan, foracane, furacana, 
 furacane, furicane,furicano, haracana, harauncana, haraucane, 
 haroucana, harrycain, hauracane, haurachana, herican, hericane, 
 hericano, herocane, herricao, herycano, heuricane, hiracano, 
 hirecano, hurac[s]n, huracano, hurican, hurleblast, hurlecan, 
 hurlecano, hurlicano, hurrican, hurricano, hyrracano, urycan, 
 hyrricano, jimmycane, oraucan, uracan, uracano"

From the AMS Glossary of Meteorology
It should be noted that the Carib god 'Hurican' was derived from the Mayan god 'Hurakan', one of their creator gods, who blew his breath across the Chaotic water and brought forth dry land and later destroyed the men of wood with a great storm and flood .

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