West Virginia

States - Big Screen

The Mountain State of West Virginia is "Open for Business", and as such is ripe for the benefits of Employment First systems-change efforts as a way to improve socioeconomic outcomes for individuals with disabilities.

2014 State Population.
Change from
2013 to 2014
2014 Number of people with disabilities (all disabilities, ages 18-64).
Change from
2013 to 2014
2014 Number of people with disabilities who are employed (all disabilities, ages 18-64).
Change from
2013 to 2014
2014 Percentage of working age people who are employed (all disabilities).
Change from
2013 to 2014
2014 Percentage of working age people who are employed (NO disabilities).
Change from
2013 to 2014


2012 2013 2014
Population. 1,855,413 1,854,304 1,850,326
Number of people with disabilities (all disabilities, ages 18-64). 193,943 205,141 199,707
Number of people with disabilities who are employed (all disabilities, ages 18-64). 47,073 51,995 51,074
Number of people without disabilities who are employed (ages 18-64). 663,488 655,158 647,970
Percentage of working age people who are employed (all disabilities). 24.27% 25.35% 25.57%
Percentage of working age people who are employed (NO disabilities). 70.06% 70.63% 70.51%
Overall unemployment rate. 7.50% 6.70% 6.50%
Poverty Rate (all disabilities). 25.90% 24.20% 24.90%
Poverty Rate (NO disabilities). 15.80% 17.00% 16.60%
Number of males with disabilities (all ages). 171,915 187,342 179,417
Number of females with disabilities (all ages). 174,793 181,641 183,030
Number of Caucasians with disabilities (all ages). 326,511 349,810 344,523
Number of African Americans with disabilities (all ages). 10,434 9,501 11,408
Number of Hispanic/Latinos with disabilities (all ages). 3,015 2,345 3,018
Number of American Indians/Alaska Natives with disabilities (all ages). 1,054 N/A 1,748
Number of Asians with disabilities (all ages). 300 432 1,018
Number of Hawaiians/Pacific Islanders with disabilities (all ages). N/A N/A N/A
Number of with multiple races disabilities (all ages). 7,752 7,351 3,584
Number of others with disabilities (all ages). 544 N/A N/A



2012 2013 2014
Number of SSI recipients with disabilities who work. 2,154 2,154 2,054
Percentage of SSI recipients with disabilities who work relative to total SSI recipients with disabilities. 2.80% 2.70% 2.70%
Old Age Survivor and Disability Insurance (OASDI) recipients/workers with disabilities. 96,310 95,060 93,837



2012 2013 2014
Number of mental health services consumers who are employed. 1,568 5,992 2,375
Number of mental health services consumers who are part of the labor force (employed or actively looking for employment). 7,685 19,002 12,220
Number of adults served who have a known employment status. 19,193 38,749 19,557
Percentage of all state mental health agency consumers served in the community who are employed. 8.20% 15.50% 1,201.00%
Percentage of supported employment services evidence based practices (EBP). N/A N/A N/A
Percentage of supported housing services evidence based practices (EBP). 10.50% 10.00% 8.70%
Percentage of assertive community treatment services evidence based practices (EBP). 1.00% 1.10% 1.10%
Percentage of medications management evidence based practices (EBP). N/A N/A N/A
Number of evidence based practices (EBP) supported employment services. N/A N/A N/A
Number of evidence based practices (EBP) supported housing services. 4,042 3,723 3,852
Number of evidence based practices (EBP) assertive community treatment services. 399 395 466
Number of evidence based practices (EBP) medications management. N/A N/A N/A



2012 2013 2014
Number of registered job seekers with a disability. 2,705 2,673 2,694
Proportion of registered job seekers with a disability. 0.02 0.02 0.03



2011 2012 2013
Total number of people with a disability that is a substantial barrier to work served by Job Training and Partnership Act/Workforce Investment Act programs. 22 13 8
Total number of people with a disability that is a substantial barrier to work who entered unsubsidized employment. 13 7 6
Percentage of people with a disability that is a substantial barrier to work who entered unsubsidized employment relative to total the number of people with a disability that is a substantial barrier to work. 59.00% 54.00% 75.00%
Incidence rate of people with a disability that is a substantial barrier to work who entered unsubsidized employment per 100,000 individuals in the general state population. 0.70 0.38 0.32



2013 2014 2015
Total Number of people served under VR.
Number of people with visual impairments served under VR. 163 N/A N/A
Number of people with communicative (hearing loss, deafness) impairments served under VR. 1,702 N/A N/A
Number of people with physical impairments served under VR. 1,614 N/A N/A
Number of people cognitive impairments served under VR. 934 N/A N/A
Number of people psychosocial impairments served under VR. 618 N/A N/A
Number of people with mental impairments served under VR. 51 N/A N/A
Percentage of overall closures into employment under VR. 50.70% N/A N/A
Number of employment network (EN) and vocational rehabilitation (VR) tickets assigned. N/A 2,384 2,607
Number of eligible ticket to work beneficiaries. N/A 151,745 149,357
Total number of ID closures using supported employment services with or without Title VI-B funds expended (VI-C prior to 2002). 93 N/A N/A
Total number of ID competitive labor market closures. 144 N/A N/A



2011 2012 2013
Dollars spent on day/employment services for integrated employment funding. N/A N/A N/A
Dollars spent on day/employment services for facility-based work funding. N/A N/A N/A
Dollars spent on day/employment services for facility-based non-work funding. N/A N/A N/A
Dollars spent on day/employment services for community based non-work funding. N/A N/A N/A
Percentage of people served in integrated employment. 22.00% 43.00% 41.00%
Number of people served in community based non-work. N/A N/A N/A
Number of people served in facility based work. 461 N/A 11
Number of people served in facility based non-work. N/A 1,464 1,238
Number supported in integrated employment per 100,000 individuals in the general state population. 44.30 51.80 47.40



2011 2012 2013
Percent of children with IEPs aged 6 through 21 served inside the regular class 80% or more of the day (Indicator 5a). 66.20% 63.90% 64.00%
Percent of children with IEPs aged 6 through 21 served inside the regular class less than 40% of the day (Indicator 5b). 8.30% 8.70% 8.20%
Percent of children with IEPs aged 6 through 21 served in separate schools, residential facilities, or homebound/hospital placements (Indicator 5c). 1.70% 1.70% 1.84%
Percent of youth with IEPs aged 16 and above with an IEP that includes appropriate measurable postsecondary goals (Indicator 13). 70.80% 90.50% 98.41%
Percentage of youth who are no longer in secondary school, had IEPs in effect at the time they left school, and were enrolled in higher education within one year of leaving high school (Indicator 14a). 11.80% 15.00% 15.59%
Percentage of youth who are no longer in secondary school, had IEPs in effect at the time they left school, and were enrolled in higher education or competitively employed within one year of leaving high school (Indicator 14b). 43.90% 49.30% 52.85%
Percentage of youth who are no longer in secondary school, had IEPs in effect at the time they left school, and were enrolled in higher education or in some other postsecondary education or training program; or competitively employed or in some other employment within one year of leaving high school (Indicator 14c). 59.00% 64.70% 64.89%
Percentage of youth who are no longer in secondary school, had IEPs in effect at the time they left school, and were competitively employed within one year of leaving high school (Subset of Indicator 14). 32.10% 34.30% 37.25%



Number of overall agency blind and SD hours. 979,277
Number of overall total blind and SD workers. 1,319
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD hours (products). 1,851
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD hours (services). 313,739
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD hours (combined). 315,590
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD workers (products). 40
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD workers (services). 254
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD workers (combined). 294
AbilityOne wages (products). $11,625
AbilityOne wages (services). $3,283,821



2014 2015
Number of 14(c) certificate-holding private businesses. 0 0
Number of 14(c) certificate-holding school work experience programs (SWEPs). 0 0
Number of 14(c) certificate-holding community rehabilitation programs (CRPs). 17 18
Number of 14(c) certificate holding patient workers. N/A 0
Total Number of 14(c) certificate holding entities. N/A 18
Reported number of people with disabilities working under 14(c) certificate holding private businesses. N/A 0
Reported number of people with disabilities working under 14 (c) certificate holding school work experience programs (SWEPs). N/A 0
Reported number of people with disabilities working under 14(c) certificate holding community rehabilitation programs (CRPs). N/A 809
Reported number of people with disabilities working under 14(c) certificate holding patient workers. N/A 0
Total reported number of people with disabilities working under 14(c) certificate holding entities. N/A 809


West Virginia HB 2902 (ABLE Act) - 03/31/2015

"AN ACT to amend of the Code of West Virginia, 1931, as amended, by adding thereto a new article, designated §16-46-1, §16-46-2, §16-46-3, §16-46-4, §16-46-5, §16-46-6, §16-46-7 and §16-46-8, all relating to providing for the establishment of a program to allow savings accounts for individuals with a disability and their families to save private funds to support the individual with a disability, to be known as the West Virginia ABLE [Achieving a Better Life Experience] Act."


  • Other
  • Asset Development / Financial Capability

West Virginia Code Chapter 18 Article 101: West Virginia Supported Employment Program

“This section of the WV Code establishes a supported employment program, to be administered by the Division of Rehabilitative Services, with the goal of increasing employment for people with severe disabilities.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Mental Health
  • Provider Transformation

No Executive Orders have been entered for this state.

FY 2016 Vocational Rehabilitation Section of WOIA State Plan (Draft 12/2015) - 12/11/2015

In addition to interacting with XIX Medicaid Waiver staff as part of the DDPC meetings, WVDRS participates in two subcommittees, Employment First and Medley Management. The Employment First committee focuses on promoting employment for intellectually/developmentally disabled (IDD) individuals as a first option among services providers, legislators, state policy makers, and the community at large…    The DIDD program manager and WVDRS will interact regularly as part of the WV Developmental Disability Planning Council (DDPC) meetings, as well as the Employment First and Medley Management committees. The Employment First committee focuses on promoting employment for IDD individuals as a first option among services providers, legislators, state policy makers, and the community at large. The Medley Management committee provides oversight and advice to the BBHHF on the state’s Medley program, which serves a specific group of IDD individuals that are at risk of institutionalization. On both of these committees, WVDRS promotes a focus on competitive, integrated employment outcomes.  
  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Diversifying Perspectives Art Contest - 09/03/2015

“The artwork selected as the Grand Exhibitor has been incorporated into a poster promoting National Disability Employment Awareness Month, a national campaign that raises awareness about disability employment issues and celebrates the many and varied contributions of America's workers with disabilities. Held annually in October, this year's theme is ‘My disability is one part of who I am.’”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Employer Engagement
  • Provider Transformation

DVRS Supported Employment definition - 09/01/2014

Supported employment enables clients with the most significant disabilities to enter or retain competitive employment in an integrated work setting. Individuals eligible for this program need intensive job site training/job coaching and ongoing support services in order to perform their work after job placement and case closure occurs. Supported employment services shall be purchased only from Division-acknowledged service providers in accordance with the Division’s fee schedule.

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Education

West Virginia Developmental Disabilities Council Five Year State Plan FFY 2012-2016 - 12/30/2013


“ The West Virginia Council coordinated activities during the Spring of 2011 that encouraged people to provide their views on a wide range of issues affecting people with developmental disabilities and their families in the areas of: Employment, Education, Child Care, Health Care, Transportation, Recreation, Housing, Quality Assurance and Formal/Informal Community Supports. Based on the Council’s service and support needs assessment activities, which included public forums and needs surveys reaching more than seven hundred (700) people, seven major goals emerged during the planning process and serve as the foundation for the Five Year State Plan: The Council will work with stakeholders to develop training focused on customized, Employment First, and other innovative employment approaches, accessing funding sources, and developing collaborative relationships. The Council will partner with the WV Division of Rehabilitation Services, WV APSE, Department of Education, and others to plan the training.”

The seven major goals of the Five Year Plan are: Self-Advocacy; Family Support and Training; Protection Against Abuse, Assuring Safety, and Rights Protection; Direct Support Personnel Development and Training; Inclusive Education; Accessibility and Accountability in Public Services; and Competitive and Valued Employment.

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Department of Education
  • Customized Employment
  • Provider Transformation
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

WV Developmental Disabilities Council: 2014 Legislative Statements - 12/30/2013



“The Council will support legislation that promotes valued, integrated employment with competitive wages as the first and preferred outcome for people with developmental disabilities. The Council asserts that employment is an out-come, not a program.”  



  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Customized Employment
  • Self-Employment
  • Mental Health

State Plan for Independent Living (2015) - 10/01/2013

The plan shall be reviewed and revised not less than once every three years, to ensure the existence of appropriate planning, financial support and coordination, and other assistance to appropriately address, on a statewide and comprehensive basis, the needs in the State for: – The provision of State independent living services; – The development and support of a statewide network of centers for independent living; and – Working relationships between programs providing independent living services and independent living centers, the vocational rehabilitation program established under title I, and other programs providing services for individuals with disabilities. 34 CFR 364.20(f)

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

WV Memorandum of Understanding between the Division of Rehabilitative Services and Department of Education on Transition - 10/30/2012


“The cooperative agreement shall assure that each student with a disability in the state who needs special education and/or vocational rehabilitation services is promptly identified and the appropriate transition services are made available to the individual.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Education
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Mental Health
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

WV Developmental Disabilities Council Policy Plans - 10/05/2012


"The Council will work to produce an Employment First policy by 2014.  They plan to “facilitate a working group to study and make recommendations to the responsible State entities to create or modify policies, practices and/or standards that support employment first philosophy for working-age youth and adults with developmental disabilities.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Department of Education
  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

West Virginia Policy 2419: Regulations for the Education of Students with Exceptionalities - 07/01/2012

“The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004, Public Law 108-446, herein after referred to as IDEA 2004 and the IDEA regulations (34 CFR Part 300), require that the State set forth policies and procedures to demonstrate that the State has established a goal providing full educational opportunity to all students with disabilities who are residents of West Virginia, aged birth through twenty-one years of age and a detailed timetable for accomplishing that goal. The State of West Virginia affirms the goal to provide full educational opportunities by 2014 for all students with disabilities, aged birth through twenty-one years of age, residing within its jurisdiction. The State works toward the realization of this goal through the implementation of, and compliance with, IDEA 2004 and any subsequent reauthorization, state policies and procedures and the implementation of the West Virginia Continuous Improvement and Focused Monitoring System (CIFMS).”

  • Department of Education
  • School-to-Work Transition

West Virginia Olmstead Council Legislative Priorities for 2015

1. Implement the West Virginia Olmstead Plan to ensure compliance with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). 2. Eliminate the institutional bias in West Virginia's long term care system. 3. Develop and maintain a statewide, comprehensive transition and diversion program. 4. Implement a formal plan to address the major barrier of affordable, accessible and integrated housing options for people with disabilities. 5. Ensure people with disabilities have opportunities for employment, transportation and meaningful participation in their community

  • Other
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

Building Bridges in the Workforce: Employer Resource Guide

“The Division of Rehabilitation Services, or DRS, is a comprehensive employer assistance program for business owners and employers… Our goal is to assist business owners and employers fi nd solutions to disability-related issues. DRS can provide you with critical business options in the areas of staffing, education, tapping into fi nancial incentives associated with hiring an individual with a disability, which can be a permanent injury, illness or impairment, or insuring accessibility to your goods and services.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Other
  • Employer Engagement

DRS Tax Credits and Hiring Incentives

“In today’s highly competitive global market, the bottom line is the most important factor for business owners and employers. Every business owner and organization is looking for a critical advantage over the competition. Offering a solid return on investment for stakeholders, maximizing profits and limiting expenses are high priorities.” “To gain this advantage, business owners and employers seek the right opportunity to affect the bottom line. DRS can show you how financial incentives can help your business employ people with disabilities and develop a progressive and proactive approach to ensuring accessibility for employees and customers with disabilities.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Employer Engagement

Transition from School to Work

“We [the Division of Rehabilitation Services] provide a wide range of services to help people get and keep jobs. Because everyone is different, services are customized for each individual. DRS counselors typically begin working with students with disabilities in the 11th grade to help them prepare for future employment.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Education
  • School-to-Work Transition

2014 Consensus Agenda on Disability Policy

“People with disabilities have the right and the responsibility to be productive citizens engaged in competitive, integrated employment with the services and supports needed to do so.” This requires the State to, “Increase funding for Supported Employment Services. Increase funding for Extended Supported Employment Services. Implement the “Employment First” initiative, emphasizing integrated, community-based employment as the desired outcome for individuals with disabilities – expecting, encouraging, providing, creating, and rewarding integrated employment in the workforce as the first and preferred option of youth and adults with disabilities. Increase focus on competitive, community-based employment by creating a continuing line item appropriation to fund services for this purpose, and by identifying specific funding for job readiness skills training. Increase awareness of benefits planning and benefits advocacy for Social Security beneficiaries seeking employment.” This consensus agenda also addresses education, human & civil rights, community infrastructure and Home and Community Based Services.

  • Other
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)
  • Employer Engagement
  • Provider Transformation
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

West Virginia Code §5A-1-11

State Americans with disabilities coordinator.

There is continued within the Department of Administration the position of the State Americans with Disabilities Coordinator, who shall be appointed by the Secretary of the Department of Administration with input from the chairperson from each of the following four councils: The Developmental Disabilities Council;  The Statewide Independent Living Council; The Mental Health Planning Council; and The State Rehabilitation Council. The coordinator shall be a full-time employee, and shall have an in-depth working knowledge of the challenges facing persons with disabilities. The coordinator may be a current employee of the Department of Administration or other state agency employee
  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Mental Health
  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Other
  • Mental Health
  • Employer Engagement

WV Interagency Collaborative Team MOU – WORKFORCE WV and One Stop designated partners 2014-2015 - 09/01/2014


“West Virginia state agencies effectively collaborating to define, build and sustain an integrated comprehensive workforce development system that: Ensures universal access; has the right agency doing the right job; focuses on meeting the customer requirements; is uniform, consistent and responsive; advances a seamless delivery system that maximizes resources; remains flexible, yet expandable to grow; and fosters a continuous improvement culture for quality and innovation.”

  • Department of Education
  • Employer Engagement
  • Provider Transformation
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Memorandum of Understanding between the Division of Rehabilitative Services and Department of Education on Transition - 10/30/2012

“The cooperative agreement shall assure that each student with a disability in the state who needs special education and/or vocational rehabilitation services is promptly identified and the appropriate transition services are made available to the individual.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Education
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Mental Health
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

WV Student Transition to Employment Project - 09/01/2012


“The Student Transition to Employment (STEP) Project is designed to train special education teachers and aides to become vendors with the WV Division of Rehabilitation Services (WVDRS). Working in close partnership with the WVDRS School Counselor, this unique project allows for individuals with disabilities who are graduating from high school to receive job placement and training from the teacher or aide who worked with them throughout their high school careers. The purpose of STEP is to provide a more seamless transition from school to work for students with disabilities… STEP was made possible thanks to funding received from the WV Developmental Disabilities Council and WVDRS.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Other
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

WV Comprehensive Employment Systems Infrastructure Development (CES-ID) Grant - 12/01/2006


“A diverse team of agency administrators, partner organizations, and technical assistance providers collaborated to begin the process of creating a comprehensive and coordinated statewide employment support system. This map is the first product of the process and identifies “enabling prerequisites” for creating a more detailed strategic plan. Ten goals are articulated as guidelines for further progress.”

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

SSA Youth Transition Demonstration: West Virginia Youth Works


“Human Resource Development Foundation, Inc. and the West Virginia University Center for Excellence in Disabilities partner to administer West Virginia Youth Works, which provides customized services and supports to SSI recipients, ages 15 to 25, in 19 counties. Services include assessment, planning, work experiences, job development, job placement support, benefits planning and counseling, and job retention services. The project enrolled 404 youths. YTD services ended March 2012.”

  • Other
  • School-to-Work Transition

WV M-WIN (Medicaid Work Incentive Network)


“M-WIN is a work incentive for people with disabilities or chronic health conditions. It allows individuals who work, to pay a monthly premium and keep or obtain Medicaid healthcare coverage. M-WIN eliminates a major barrier to employment - losing current healthcare benefits when an individual with a disability returns to work. It also creates an incentive for individuals with disabilities to obtain employment and earn health care coverage. M-WIN members can earn more money and save more money than Medicaid normally allows. Hundreds of West Virginians with disabilities are benefiting from M-WIN.”

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

WV Money Follows the Person – Take me home

  “West Virginia was awarded a Money Follows the Person (MFP) Rebalancing Demonstration Grant by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services in 2011… The purpose of the MFP initiative is to support state Medicaid programs in providing people with long-term care needs a greater choice of where to live and receive needed services and supports.”   “West Virginia’s Money Follows the Person initiative is called Take Me Home, West Virginia. The Program expects to transition at least 600 individuals from facility-based living to their own homes and communities over the demonstration period. The Program targets Medicaid beneficiaries who:  Are elderly (65 and older);  Have a physical disability, or ; Have a serious mental illness.”  
  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Segregated Day & Employment Services

West Virginia Department of Education: Career Technical Education for students with disability - 10/01/2013

Career technical education (CTE) programs in West Virginia are designed for all students and prepare them for entering post-secondary education, training or the workforce. CTE Content Skill Sets (CSSs) are based on national industry recognized accreditation and credentialing standards. Many students with disabilities achieve great success in career and technical education programs with minimal accommodations. It is essential that CTE instructors and special education (SE) case managers collaborate to develop coordinated plans to meet the needs of individual students as indicated in the Individualized Education Program (IEP)

  • Department of Education
  • School-to-Work Transition

WV Customized Employment Grant


“This funding announcement is intended to provide support to agencies that can work with employers in meeting their needs by finding, maintaining and improving the employment status of individuals with disabilities in competitive employment in each region of the state.”

 “When the ADA was passed in 1990, Congress announced four public policy goals for people with disabilities: 1) equality of opportunity; 2) full participation; 3) independent living; and 4) economic self-sufficiency. The Bureau of Behavioral Health and Health Facilities (BBHHF) works in collaboration with the West Virginia Division of Rehabilitation Services (DRS), the Bureau for Medical Services (BMS), the WV Department of Education (DOE), the West Virginia Developmental Disabilities Council (WV DDC), West Virginia University Center for Excellence in Disabilities (WVCED), and other partners to promote these goals. Employment in the general workforce is the first and preferred outcome in the provision of publicly funded services for all working age citizens with disabilities, regardless of level of disability.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Mental Health
  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Department of Education
  • Other
  • Employer Engagement
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships
  • Resource Leveraging

No Enforcement have been entered for this state.

West Virginia Olmstead Council Legislative Priorities for 2015

1. Implement the West Virginia Olmstead Plan to ensure compliance with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). 2. Eliminate the institutional bias in West Virginia's long term care system. 3. Develop and maintain a statewide, comprehensive transition and diversion program. 4. Implement a formal plan to address the major barrier of affordable, accessible and integrated housing options for people with disabilities. 5. Ensure people with disabilities have opportunities for employment, transportation and meaningful participation in their community

  • Other
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

Methodology for West Virginia’s Waiver Transition Plan Application

West Virginia underwent the process of developing a transition plan pursuant to 42 CFR 441.301(c)(6) that contains the actions the state will take to bring all West Virginia waivers into compliance with requirements set forth in 42 CFR 441.301(c)(4-5). West Virginia intends to work with the various providers, participants, guardians, and other stakeholders engaged in HCBS to implement the proposed transition plan. This document summarizes the steps West Virginia’s Bureau for Medical Services (BMS) undertook to develop the transition plans as well as planned activities related to compliance.

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

West Virginia Medicaid State Plan, Recent amendments.

Amendments to the State Plan are available by year on this page.

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

West Virginia Medicaid State Plan

The West Virginia Medicaid State Plan may be accessed from this page. It is available in sections in pdf. Format.

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

M-WIN (Medicaid Work Incentive Network)

“M-WIN is a work incentive for people with disabilities or chronic health conditions. It allows individuals who work, to pay a monthly premium and keep or obtain Medicaid healthcare coverage. M-WIN eliminates a major barrier to employment - losing current healthcare benefits when an individual with a disability returns to work. It also creates an incentive for individuals with disabilities to obtain employment and earn health care coverage. M-WIN members can earn more money and save more money than Medicaid normally allows. Hundreds of West Virginians with disabilities are benefiting from M-WIN.”

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

Money Follows the Person – Take me home

“West Virginia was awarded a Money Follows the Person (MFP) Rebalancing Demonstration Grant by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services in 2011… The purpose of the MFP initiative is to support state Medicaid programs in providing people with long-term care needs a greater choice of where to live and receive needed services and supports.”

“West Virginia’s Money Follows the Person initiative is called Take Me Home, West Virginia. The Program expects to transition at least 600 individuals from facility-based living to their own homes and communities over the demonstration period. The Program targets Medicaid beneficiaries who: Are elderly (65 and older); Have a physical disability, or Have a serious mental illness.”

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Segregated Day & Employment Services

WV Aged and Disabled Waiver Program


“Aged and Disabled Waiver Program (ADW) is a long-term care alternative that provides services that enable an individual to remain at or return home rater than receiving nursing home care. The goals and objectives of this program are focused on providing services that are person-centered, promote choice, independence, participant-direction, respect, and dignity and community integration.” 

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

WV Medicaid Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities Waiver


“The Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities (I/DD) Waiver (formerly the MR/DD Waiver Program) provides services that instruct, train, support, supervise, and assist individuals who have intellectual disabilities and/or developmental disabilities in achieving the highest level of independence and self-sufficiency possible in their lives. The I/DD Waiver Program provides services in natural settings, homes and communities where the member resides, works, and shops instead of ICF/MR facilities.”

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

States - Large Tablet


The Mountain State of West Virginia is "Open for Business", and as such is ripe for the benefits of Employment First systems-change efforts as a way to improve socioeconomic outcomes for individuals with disabilities.

2014 State Population.
Change from
2013 to 2014
2014 Number of people with disabilities (all disabilities, ages 18-64).
Change from
2013 to 2014
2014 Number of people with disabilities who are employed (all disabilities, ages 18-64).
Change from
2013 to 2014
2014 Percentage of working age people who are employed (all disabilities).
Change from
2013 to 2014
2014 Percentage of working age people who are employed (NO disabilities).
Change from
2013 to 2014

State Data


2012 2013 2014
Population. 1,855,413 1,854,304 1,850,326
Number of people with disabilities (all disabilities, ages 18-64). 193,943 205,141 199,707
Number of people with disabilities who are employed (all disabilities, ages 18-64). 47,073 51,995 51,074
Number of people without disabilities who are employed (ages 18-64). 663,488 655,158 647,970
Percentage of working age people who are employed (all disabilities). 24.27% 25.35% 25.57%
Percentage of working age people who are employed (NO disabilities). 70.06% 70.63% 70.51%
Overall unemployment rate. 7.50% 6.70% 6.50%
Poverty Rate (all disabilities). 25.90% 24.20% 24.90%
Poverty Rate (NO disabilities). 15.80% 17.00% 16.60%
Number of males with disabilities (all ages). 171,915 187,342 179,417
Number of females with disabilities (all ages). 174,793 181,641 183,030
Number of Caucasians with disabilities (all ages). 326,511 349,810 344,523
Number of African Americans with disabilities (all ages). 10,434 9,501 11,408
Number of Hispanic/Latinos with disabilities (all ages). 3,015 2,345 3,018
Number of American Indians/Alaska Natives with disabilities (all ages). 1,054 N/A 1,748
Number of Asians with disabilities (all ages). 300 432 1,018
Number of Hawaiians/Pacific Islanders with disabilities (all ages). N/A N/A N/A
Number of with multiple races disabilities (all ages). 7,752 7,351 3,584
Number of others with disabilities (all ages). 544 N/A N/A



2012 2013 2014
Number of SSI recipients with disabilities who work. 2,154 2,154 2,054
Percentage of SSI recipients with disabilities who work relative to total SSI recipients with disabilities. 2.80% 2.70% 2.70%
Old Age Survivor and Disability Insurance (OASDI) recipients/workers with disabilities. 96,310 95,060 93,837



2012 2013 2014
Number of mental health services consumers who are employed. 1,568 5,992 2,375
Number of mental health services consumers who are part of the labor force (employed or actively looking for employment). 7,685 19,002 12,220
Number of adults served who have a known employment status. 19,193 38,749 19,557
Percentage of all state mental health agency consumers served in the community who are employed. 8.20% 15.50% 1,201.00%
Percentage of supported employment services evidence based practices (EBP). N/A N/A N/A
Percentage of supported housing services evidence based practices (EBP). 10.50% 10.00% 8.70%
Percentage of assertive community treatment services evidence based practices (EBP). 1.00% 1.10% 1.10%
Percentage of medications management evidence based practices (EBP). N/A N/A N/A
Number of evidence based practices (EBP) supported employment services. N/A N/A N/A
Number of evidence based practices (EBP) supported housing services. 4,042 3,723 3,852
Number of evidence based practices (EBP) assertive community treatment services. 399 395 466
Number of evidence based practices (EBP) medications management. N/A N/A N/A



2012 2013 2014
Number of registered job seekers with a disability. 2,705 2,673 2,694
Proportion of registered job seekers with a disability. 0.02 0.02 0.03



2011 2012 2013
Total number of people with a disability that is a substantial barrier to work served by Job Training and Partnership Act/Workforce Investment Act programs. 22 13 8
Total number of people with a disability that is a substantial barrier to work who entered unsubsidized employment. 13 7 6
Percentage of people with a disability that is a substantial barrier to work who entered unsubsidized employment relative to total the number of people with a disability that is a substantial barrier to work. 59.00% 54.00% 75.00%
Incidence rate of people with a disability that is a substantial barrier to work who entered unsubsidized employment per 100,000 individuals in the general state population. 0.70 0.38 0.32



2013 2014 2015
Total Number of people served under VR.
Number of people with visual impairments served under VR. 163 N/A N/A
Number of people with communicative (hearing loss, deafness) impairments served under VR. 1,702 N/A N/A
Number of people with physical impairments served under VR. 1,614 N/A N/A
Number of people cognitive impairments served under VR. 934 N/A N/A
Number of people psychosocial impairments served under VR. 618 N/A N/A
Number of people with mental impairments served under VR. 51 N/A N/A
Percentage of overall closures into employment under VR. 50.70% N/A N/A
Number of employment network (EN) and vocational rehabilitation (VR) tickets assigned. N/A 2,384 2,607
Number of eligible ticket to work beneficiaries. N/A 151,745 149,357
Total number of ID closures using supported employment services with or without Title VI-B funds expended (VI-C prior to 2002). 93 N/A N/A
Total number of ID competitive labor market closures. 144 N/A N/A



2011 2012 2013
Dollars spent on day/employment services for integrated employment funding. N/A N/A N/A
Dollars spent on day/employment services for facility-based work funding. N/A N/A N/A
Dollars spent on day/employment services for facility-based non-work funding. N/A N/A N/A
Dollars spent on day/employment services for community based non-work funding. N/A N/A N/A
Percentage of people served in integrated employment. 22.00% 43.00% 41.00%
Number of people served in community based non-work. N/A N/A N/A
Number of people served in facility based work. 461 N/A 11
Number of people served in facility based non-work. N/A 1,464 1,238
Number supported in integrated employment per 100,000 individuals in the general state population. 44.30 51.80 47.40



2011 2012 2013
Percent of children with IEPs aged 6 through 21 served inside the regular class 80% or more of the day (Indicator 5a). 66.20% 63.90% 64.00%
Percent of children with IEPs aged 6 through 21 served inside the regular class less than 40% of the day (Indicator 5b). 8.30% 8.70% 8.20%
Percent of children with IEPs aged 6 through 21 served in separate schools, residential facilities, or homebound/hospital placements (Indicator 5c). 1.70% 1.70% 1.84%
Percent of youth with IEPs aged 16 and above with an IEP that includes appropriate measurable postsecondary goals (Indicator 13). 70.80% 90.50% 98.41%
Percentage of youth who are no longer in secondary school, had IEPs in effect at the time they left school, and were enrolled in higher education within one year of leaving high school (Indicator 14a). 11.80% 15.00% 15.59%
Percentage of youth who are no longer in secondary school, had IEPs in effect at the time they left school, and were enrolled in higher education or competitively employed within one year of leaving high school (Indicator 14b). 43.90% 49.30% 52.85%
Percentage of youth who are no longer in secondary school, had IEPs in effect at the time they left school, and were enrolled in higher education or in some other postsecondary education or training program; or competitively employed or in some other employment within one year of leaving high school (Indicator 14c). 59.00% 64.70% 64.89%
Percentage of youth who are no longer in secondary school, had IEPs in effect at the time they left school, and were competitively employed within one year of leaving high school (Subset of Indicator 14). 32.10% 34.30% 37.25%



Number of overall agency blind and SD hours. 979,277
Number of overall total blind and SD workers. 1,319
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD hours (products). 1,851
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD hours (services). 313,739
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD hours (combined). 315,590
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD workers (products). 40
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD workers (services). 254
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD workers (combined). 294
AbilityOne wages (products). $11,625
AbilityOne wages (services). $3,283,821



2014 2015
Number of 14(c) certificate-holding private businesses. 0 0
Number of 14(c) certificate-holding school work experience programs (SWEPs). 0 0
Number of 14(c) certificate-holding community rehabilitation programs (CRPs). 17 18
Number of 14(c) certificate holding patient workers. N/A 0
Total Number of 14(c) certificate holding entities. N/A 18
Reported number of people with disabilities working under 14(c) certificate holding private businesses. N/A 0
Reported number of people with disabilities working under 14 (c) certificate holding school work experience programs (SWEPs). N/A 0
Reported number of people with disabilities working under 14(c) certificate holding community rehabilitation programs (CRPs). N/A 809
Reported number of people with disabilities working under 14(c) certificate holding patient workers. N/A 0
Total reported number of people with disabilities working under 14(c) certificate holding entities. N/A 809



West Virginia HB 2902 (ABLE Act) - 03/31/2015

"AN ACT to amend of the Code of West Virginia, 1931, as amended, by adding thereto a new article, designated §16-46-1, §16-46-2, §16-46-3, §16-46-4, §16-46-5, §16-46-6, §16-46-7 and §16-46-8, all relating to providing for the establishment of a program to allow savings accounts for individuals with a disability and their families to save private funds to support the individual with a disability, to be known as the West Virginia ABLE [Achieving a Better Life Experience] Act."


  • Other
  • Asset Development / Financial Capability

West Virginia Code Chapter 18 Article 101: West Virginia Supported Employment Program

“This section of the WV Code establishes a supported employment program, to be administered by the Division of Rehabilitative Services, with the goal of increasing employment for people with severe disabilities.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Mental Health
  • Provider Transformation

Executive Orders

No Executive Orders have been entered for this state.


FY 2016 Vocational Rehabilitation Section of WOIA State Plan (Draft 12/2015) - 12/11/2015

In addition to interacting with XIX Medicaid Waiver staff as part of the DDPC meetings, WVDRS participates in two subcommittees, Employment First and Medley Management. The Employment First committee focuses on promoting employment for intellectually/developmentally disabled (IDD) individuals as a first option among services providers, legislators, state policy makers, and the community at large…    The DIDD program manager and WVDRS will interact regularly as part of the WV Developmental Disability Planning Council (DDPC) meetings, as well as the Employment First and Medley Management committees. The Employment First committee focuses on promoting employment for IDD individuals as a first option among services providers, legislators, state policy makers, and the community at large. The Medley Management committee provides oversight and advice to the BBHHF on the state’s Medley program, which serves a specific group of IDD individuals that are at risk of institutionalization. On both of these committees, WVDRS promotes a focus on competitive, integrated employment outcomes.  
  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Diversifying Perspectives Art Contest - 09/03/2015

“The artwork selected as the Grand Exhibitor has been incorporated into a poster promoting National Disability Employment Awareness Month, a national campaign that raises awareness about disability employment issues and celebrates the many and varied contributions of America's workers with disabilities. Held annually in October, this year's theme is ‘My disability is one part of who I am.’”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Employer Engagement
  • Provider Transformation

DVRS Supported Employment definition - 09/01/2014

Supported employment enables clients with the most significant disabilities to enter or retain competitive employment in an integrated work setting. Individuals eligible for this program need intensive job site training/job coaching and ongoing support services in order to perform their work after job placement and case closure occurs. Supported employment services shall be purchased only from Division-acknowledged service providers in accordance with the Division’s fee schedule.

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Education

West Virginia Developmental Disabilities Council Five Year State Plan FFY 2012-2016 - 12/30/2013


“ The West Virginia Council coordinated activities during the Spring of 2011 that encouraged people to provide their views on a wide range of issues affecting people with developmental disabilities and their families in the areas of: Employment, Education, Child Care, Health Care, Transportation, Recreation, Housing, Quality Assurance and Formal/Informal Community Supports. Based on the Council’s service and support needs assessment activities, which included public forums and needs surveys reaching more than seven hundred (700) people, seven major goals emerged during the planning process and serve as the foundation for the Five Year State Plan: The Council will work with stakeholders to develop training focused on customized, Employment First, and other innovative employment approaches, accessing funding sources, and developing collaborative relationships. The Council will partner with the WV Division of Rehabilitation Services, WV APSE, Department of Education, and others to plan the training.”

The seven major goals of the Five Year Plan are: Self-Advocacy; Family Support and Training; Protection Against Abuse, Assuring Safety, and Rights Protection; Direct Support Personnel Development and Training; Inclusive Education; Accessibility and Accountability in Public Services; and Competitive and Valued Employment.

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Department of Education
  • Customized Employment
  • Provider Transformation
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

WV Developmental Disabilities Council: 2014 Legislative Statements - 12/30/2013



“The Council will support legislation that promotes valued, integrated employment with competitive wages as the first and preferred outcome for people with developmental disabilities. The Council asserts that employment is an out-come, not a program.”  



  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Customized Employment
  • Self-Employment
  • Mental Health

State Plan for Independent Living (2015) - 10/01/2013

The plan shall be reviewed and revised not less than once every three years, to ensure the existence of appropriate planning, financial support and coordination, and other assistance to appropriately address, on a statewide and comprehensive basis, the needs in the State for: – The provision of State independent living services; – The development and support of a statewide network of centers for independent living; and – Working relationships between programs providing independent living services and independent living centers, the vocational rehabilitation program established under title I, and other programs providing services for individuals with disabilities. 34 CFR 364.20(f)

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

WV Memorandum of Understanding between the Division of Rehabilitative Services and Department of Education on Transition - 10/30/2012


“The cooperative agreement shall assure that each student with a disability in the state who needs special education and/or vocational rehabilitation services is promptly identified and the appropriate transition services are made available to the individual.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Education
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Mental Health
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

WV Developmental Disabilities Council Policy Plans - 10/05/2012


"The Council will work to produce an Employment First policy by 2014.  They plan to “facilitate a working group to study and make recommendations to the responsible State entities to create or modify policies, practices and/or standards that support employment first philosophy for working-age youth and adults with developmental disabilities.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Department of Education
  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

West Virginia Policy 2419: Regulations for the Education of Students with Exceptionalities - 07/01/2012

“The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004, Public Law 108-446, herein after referred to as IDEA 2004 and the IDEA regulations (34 CFR Part 300), require that the State set forth policies and procedures to demonstrate that the State has established a goal providing full educational opportunity to all students with disabilities who are residents of West Virginia, aged birth through twenty-one years of age and a detailed timetable for accomplishing that goal. The State of West Virginia affirms the goal to provide full educational opportunities by 2014 for all students with disabilities, aged birth through twenty-one years of age, residing within its jurisdiction. The State works toward the realization of this goal through the implementation of, and compliance with, IDEA 2004 and any subsequent reauthorization, state policies and procedures and the implementation of the West Virginia Continuous Improvement and Focused Monitoring System (CIFMS).”

  • Department of Education
  • School-to-Work Transition

West Virginia Olmstead Council Legislative Priorities for 2015

1. Implement the West Virginia Olmstead Plan to ensure compliance with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). 2. Eliminate the institutional bias in West Virginia's long term care system. 3. Develop and maintain a statewide, comprehensive transition and diversion program. 4. Implement a formal plan to address the major barrier of affordable, accessible and integrated housing options for people with disabilities. 5. Ensure people with disabilities have opportunities for employment, transportation and meaningful participation in their community

  • Other
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

Building Bridges in the Workforce: Employer Resource Guide

“The Division of Rehabilitation Services, or DRS, is a comprehensive employer assistance program for business owners and employers… Our goal is to assist business owners and employers fi nd solutions to disability-related issues. DRS can provide you with critical business options in the areas of staffing, education, tapping into fi nancial incentives associated with hiring an individual with a disability, which can be a permanent injury, illness or impairment, or insuring accessibility to your goods and services.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Other
  • Employer Engagement

DRS Tax Credits and Hiring Incentives

“In today’s highly competitive global market, the bottom line is the most important factor for business owners and employers. Every business owner and organization is looking for a critical advantage over the competition. Offering a solid return on investment for stakeholders, maximizing profits and limiting expenses are high priorities.” “To gain this advantage, business owners and employers seek the right opportunity to affect the bottom line. DRS can show you how financial incentives can help your business employ people with disabilities and develop a progressive and proactive approach to ensuring accessibility for employees and customers with disabilities.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Employer Engagement

Transition from School to Work

“We [the Division of Rehabilitation Services] provide a wide range of services to help people get and keep jobs. Because everyone is different, services are customized for each individual. DRS counselors typically begin working with students with disabilities in the 11th grade to help them prepare for future employment.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Education
  • School-to-Work Transition

2014 Consensus Agenda on Disability Policy

“People with disabilities have the right and the responsibility to be productive citizens engaged in competitive, integrated employment with the services and supports needed to do so.” This requires the State to, “Increase funding for Supported Employment Services. Increase funding for Extended Supported Employment Services. Implement the “Employment First” initiative, emphasizing integrated, community-based employment as the desired outcome for individuals with disabilities – expecting, encouraging, providing, creating, and rewarding integrated employment in the workforce as the first and preferred option of youth and adults with disabilities. Increase focus on competitive, community-based employment by creating a continuing line item appropriation to fund services for this purpose, and by identifying specific funding for job readiness skills training. Increase awareness of benefits planning and benefits advocacy for Social Security beneficiaries seeking employment.” This consensus agenda also addresses education, human & civil rights, community infrastructure and Home and Community Based Services.

  • Other
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)
  • Employer Engagement
  • Provider Transformation
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

West Virginia Code §5A-1-11

State Americans with disabilities coordinator.

There is continued within the Department of Administration the position of the State Americans with Disabilities Coordinator, who shall be appointed by the Secretary of the Department of Administration with input from the chairperson from each of the following four councils: The Developmental Disabilities Council;  The Statewide Independent Living Council; The Mental Health Planning Council; and The State Rehabilitation Council. The coordinator shall be a full-time employee, and shall have an in-depth working knowledge of the challenges facing persons with disabilities. The coordinator may be a current employee of the Department of Administration or other state agency employee
  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Mental Health
  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Other
  • Mental Health
  • Employer Engagement


WV Interagency Collaborative Team MOU – WORKFORCE WV and One Stop designated partners 2014-2015 - 09/01/2014


“West Virginia state agencies effectively collaborating to define, build and sustain an integrated comprehensive workforce development system that: Ensures universal access; has the right agency doing the right job; focuses on meeting the customer requirements; is uniform, consistent and responsive; advances a seamless delivery system that maximizes resources; remains flexible, yet expandable to grow; and fosters a continuous improvement culture for quality and innovation.”

  • Department of Education
  • Employer Engagement
  • Provider Transformation
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Memorandum of Understanding between the Division of Rehabilitative Services and Department of Education on Transition - 10/30/2012

“The cooperative agreement shall assure that each student with a disability in the state who needs special education and/or vocational rehabilitation services is promptly identified and the appropriate transition services are made available to the individual.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Education
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Mental Health
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

WV Student Transition to Employment Project - 09/01/2012


“The Student Transition to Employment (STEP) Project is designed to train special education teachers and aides to become vendors with the WV Division of Rehabilitation Services (WVDRS). Working in close partnership with the WVDRS School Counselor, this unique project allows for individuals with disabilities who are graduating from high school to receive job placement and training from the teacher or aide who worked with them throughout their high school careers. The purpose of STEP is to provide a more seamless transition from school to work for students with disabilities… STEP was made possible thanks to funding received from the WV Developmental Disabilities Council and WVDRS.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Other
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Systems-Change Funding

WV Comprehensive Employment Systems Infrastructure Development (CES-ID) Grant - 12/01/2006


“A diverse team of agency administrators, partner organizations, and technical assistance providers collaborated to begin the process of creating a comprehensive and coordinated statewide employment support system. This map is the first product of the process and identifies “enabling prerequisites” for creating a more detailed strategic plan. Ten goals are articulated as guidelines for further progress.”

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

SSA Youth Transition Demonstration: West Virginia Youth Works


“Human Resource Development Foundation, Inc. and the West Virginia University Center for Excellence in Disabilities partner to administer West Virginia Youth Works, which provides customized services and supports to SSI recipients, ages 15 to 25, in 19 counties. Services include assessment, planning, work experiences, job development, job placement support, benefits planning and counseling, and job retention services. The project enrolled 404 youths. YTD services ended March 2012.”

  • Other
  • School-to-Work Transition

WV M-WIN (Medicaid Work Incentive Network)


“M-WIN is a work incentive for people with disabilities or chronic health conditions. It allows individuals who work, to pay a monthly premium and keep or obtain Medicaid healthcare coverage. M-WIN eliminates a major barrier to employment - losing current healthcare benefits when an individual with a disability returns to work. It also creates an incentive for individuals with disabilities to obtain employment and earn health care coverage. M-WIN members can earn more money and save more money than Medicaid normally allows. Hundreds of West Virginians with disabilities are benefiting from M-WIN.”

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

WV Money Follows the Person – Take me home

  “West Virginia was awarded a Money Follows the Person (MFP) Rebalancing Demonstration Grant by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services in 2011… The purpose of the MFP initiative is to support state Medicaid programs in providing people with long-term care needs a greater choice of where to live and receive needed services and supports.”   “West Virginia’s Money Follows the Person initiative is called Take Me Home, West Virginia. The Program expects to transition at least 600 individuals from facility-based living to their own homes and communities over the demonstration period. The Program targets Medicaid beneficiaries who:  Are elderly (65 and older);  Have a physical disability, or ; Have a serious mental illness.”  
  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Segregated Day & Employment Services

Training/Capacity Building

West Virginia Department of Education: Career Technical Education for students with disability - 10/01/2013

Career technical education (CTE) programs in West Virginia are designed for all students and prepare them for entering post-secondary education, training or the workforce. CTE Content Skill Sets (CSSs) are based on national industry recognized accreditation and credentialing standards. Many students with disabilities achieve great success in career and technical education programs with minimal accommodations. It is essential that CTE instructors and special education (SE) case managers collaborate to develop coordinated plans to meet the needs of individual students as indicated in the Individualized Education Program (IEP)

  • Department of Education
  • School-to-Work Transition

WV Customized Employment Grant


“This funding announcement is intended to provide support to agencies that can work with employers in meeting their needs by finding, maintaining and improving the employment status of individuals with disabilities in competitive employment in each region of the state.”

 “When the ADA was passed in 1990, Congress announced four public policy goals for people with disabilities: 1) equality of opportunity; 2) full participation; 3) independent living; and 4) economic self-sufficiency. The Bureau of Behavioral Health and Health Facilities (BBHHF) works in collaboration with the West Virginia Division of Rehabilitation Services (DRS), the Bureau for Medical Services (BMS), the WV Department of Education (DOE), the West Virginia Developmental Disabilities Council (WV DDC), West Virginia University Center for Excellence in Disabilities (WVCED), and other partners to promote these goals. Employment in the general workforce is the first and preferred outcome in the provision of publicly funded services for all working age citizens with disabilities, regardless of level of disability.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Mental Health
  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Department of Education
  • Other
  • Employer Engagement
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships
  • Resource Leveraging


No Enforcement have been entered for this state.

Medicaid & Employment

West Virginia Olmstead Council Legislative Priorities for 2015

1. Implement the West Virginia Olmstead Plan to ensure compliance with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). 2. Eliminate the institutional bias in West Virginia's long term care system. 3. Develop and maintain a statewide, comprehensive transition and diversion program. 4. Implement a formal plan to address the major barrier of affordable, accessible and integrated housing options for people with disabilities. 5. Ensure people with disabilities have opportunities for employment, transportation and meaningful participation in their community

  • Other
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

Methodology for West Virginia’s Waiver Transition Plan Application

West Virginia underwent the process of developing a transition plan pursuant to 42 CFR 441.301(c)(6) that contains the actions the state will take to bring all West Virginia waivers into compliance with requirements set forth in 42 CFR 441.301(c)(4-5). West Virginia intends to work with the various providers, participants, guardians, and other stakeholders engaged in HCBS to implement the proposed transition plan. This document summarizes the steps West Virginia’s Bureau for Medical Services (BMS) undertook to develop the transition plans as well as planned activities related to compliance.

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

West Virginia Medicaid State Plan, Recent amendments.

Amendments to the State Plan are available by year on this page.

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

West Virginia Medicaid State Plan

The West Virginia Medicaid State Plan may be accessed from this page. It is available in sections in pdf. Format.

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

M-WIN (Medicaid Work Incentive Network)

“M-WIN is a work incentive for people with disabilities or chronic health conditions. It allows individuals who work, to pay a monthly premium and keep or obtain Medicaid healthcare coverage. M-WIN eliminates a major barrier to employment - losing current healthcare benefits when an individual with a disability returns to work. It also creates an incentive for individuals with disabilities to obtain employment and earn health care coverage. M-WIN members can earn more money and save more money than Medicaid normally allows. Hundreds of West Virginians with disabilities are benefiting from M-WIN.”

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

Money Follows the Person – Take me home

“West Virginia was awarded a Money Follows the Person (MFP) Rebalancing Demonstration Grant by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services in 2011… The purpose of the MFP initiative is to support state Medicaid programs in providing people with long-term care needs a greater choice of where to live and receive needed services and supports.”

“West Virginia’s Money Follows the Person initiative is called Take Me Home, West Virginia. The Program expects to transition at least 600 individuals from facility-based living to their own homes and communities over the demonstration period. The Program targets Medicaid beneficiaries who: Are elderly (65 and older); Have a physical disability, or Have a serious mental illness.”

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Segregated Day & Employment Services

WV Aged and Disabled Waiver Program


“Aged and Disabled Waiver Program (ADW) is a long-term care alternative that provides services that enable an individual to remain at or return home rater than receiving nursing home care. The goals and objectives of this program are focused on providing services that are person-centered, promote choice, independence, participant-direction, respect, and dignity and community integration.” 

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

WV Medicaid Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities Waiver


“The Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities (I/DD) Waiver (formerly the MR/DD Waiver Program) provides services that instruct, train, support, supervise, and assist individuals who have intellectual disabilities and/or developmental disabilities in achieving the highest level of independence and self-sufficiency possible in their lives. The I/DD Waiver Program provides services in natural settings, homes and communities where the member resides, works, and shops instead of ICF/MR facilities.”

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

States - Small Tablet


The Mountain State of West Virginia is "Open for Business", and as such is ripe for the benefits of Employment First systems-change efforts as a way to improve socioeconomic outcomes for individuals with disabilities.

2014 State Population.
Change from
2013 to 2014
2014 Number of people with disabilities (all disabilities, ages 18-64).
Change from
2013 to 2014
2014 Number of people with disabilities who are employed (all disabilities, ages 18-64).
Change from
2013 to 2014
2014 Percentage of working age people who are employed (all disabilities).
Change from
2013 to 2014
2014 Percentage of working age people who are employed (NO disabilities).
Change from
2013 to 2014

State Data


2012 2013 2014
Population. 1,855,413 1,854,304 1,850,326
Number of people with disabilities (all disabilities, ages 18-64). 193,943 205,141 199,707
Number of people with disabilities who are employed (all disabilities, ages 18-64). 47,073 51,995 51,074
Number of people without disabilities who are employed (ages 18-64). 663,488 655,158 647,970
Percentage of working age people who are employed (all disabilities). 24.27% 25.35% 25.57%
Percentage of working age people who are employed (NO disabilities). 70.06% 70.63% 70.51%
Overall unemployment rate. 7.50% 6.70% 6.50%
Poverty Rate (all disabilities). 25.90% 24.20% 24.90%
Poverty Rate (NO disabilities). 15.80% 17.00% 16.60%
Number of males with disabilities (all ages). 171,915 187,342 179,417
Number of females with disabilities (all ages). 174,793 181,641 183,030
Number of Caucasians with disabilities (all ages). 326,511 349,810 344,523
Number of African Americans with disabilities (all ages). 10,434 9,501 11,408
Number of Hispanic/Latinos with disabilities (all ages). 3,015 2,345 3,018
Number of American Indians/Alaska Natives with disabilities (all ages). 1,054 N/A 1,748
Number of Asians with disabilities (all ages). 300 432 1,018
Number of Hawaiians/Pacific Islanders with disabilities (all ages). N/A N/A N/A
Number of with multiple races disabilities (all ages). 7,752 7,351 3,584
Number of others with disabilities (all ages). 544 N/A N/A



2012 2013 2014
Number of SSI recipients with disabilities who work. 2,154 2,154 2,054
Percentage of SSI recipients with disabilities who work relative to total SSI recipients with disabilities. 2.80% 2.70% 2.70%
Old Age Survivor and Disability Insurance (OASDI) recipients/workers with disabilities. 96,310 95,060 93,837



2012 2013 2014
Number of mental health services consumers who are employed. 1,568 5,992 2,375
Number of mental health services consumers who are part of the labor force (employed or actively looking for employment). 7,685 19,002 12,220
Number of adults served who have a known employment status. 19,193 38,749 19,557
Percentage of all state mental health agency consumers served in the community who are employed. 8.20% 15.50% 1,201.00%
Percentage of supported employment services evidence based practices (EBP). N/A N/A N/A
Percentage of supported housing services evidence based practices (EBP). 10.50% 10.00% 8.70%
Percentage of assertive community treatment services evidence based practices (EBP). 1.00% 1.10% 1.10%
Percentage of medications management evidence based practices (EBP). N/A N/A N/A
Number of evidence based practices (EBP) supported employment services. N/A N/A N/A
Number of evidence based practices (EBP) supported housing services. 4,042 3,723 3,852
Number of evidence based practices (EBP) assertive community treatment services. 399 395 466
Number of evidence based practices (EBP) medications management. N/A N/A N/A



2012 2013 2014
Number of registered job seekers with a disability. 2,705 2,673 2,694
Proportion of registered job seekers with a disability. 0.02 0.02 0.03



2011 2012 2013
Total number of people with a disability that is a substantial barrier to work served by Job Training and Partnership Act/Workforce Investment Act programs. 22 13 8
Total number of people with a disability that is a substantial barrier to work who entered unsubsidized employment. 13 7 6
Percentage of people with a disability that is a substantial barrier to work who entered unsubsidized employment relative to total the number of people with a disability that is a substantial barrier to work. 59.00% 54.00% 75.00%
Incidence rate of people with a disability that is a substantial barrier to work who entered unsubsidized employment per 100,000 individuals in the general state population. 0.70 0.38 0.32



2013 2014 2015
Total Number of people served under VR.
Number of people with visual impairments served under VR. 163 N/A N/A
Number of people with communicative (hearing loss, deafness) impairments served under VR. 1,702 N/A N/A
Number of people with physical impairments served under VR. 1,614 N/A N/A
Number of people cognitive impairments served under VR. 934 N/A N/A
Number of people psychosocial impairments served under VR. 618 N/A N/A
Number of people with mental impairments served under VR. 51 N/A N/A
Percentage of overall closures into employment under VR. 50.70% N/A N/A
Number of employment network (EN) and vocational rehabilitation (VR) tickets assigned. N/A 2,384 2,607
Number of eligible ticket to work beneficiaries. N/A 151,745 149,357
Total number of ID closures using supported employment services with or without Title VI-B funds expended (VI-C prior to 2002). 93 N/A N/A
Total number of ID competitive labor market closures. 144 N/A N/A



2011 2012 2013
Dollars spent on day/employment services for integrated employment funding. N/A N/A N/A
Dollars spent on day/employment services for facility-based work funding. N/A N/A N/A
Dollars spent on day/employment services for facility-based non-work funding. N/A N/A N/A
Dollars spent on day/employment services for community based non-work funding. N/A N/A N/A
Percentage of people served in integrated employment. 22.00% 43.00% 41.00%
Number of people served in community based non-work. N/A N/A N/A
Number of people served in facility based work. 461 N/A 11
Number of people served in facility based non-work. N/A 1,464 1,238
Number supported in integrated employment per 100,000 individuals in the general state population. 44.30 51.80 47.40



2011 2012 2013
Percent of children with IEPs aged 6 through 21 served inside the regular class 80% or more of the day (Indicator 5a). 66.20% 63.90% 64.00%
Percent of children with IEPs aged 6 through 21 served inside the regular class less than 40% of the day (Indicator 5b). 8.30% 8.70% 8.20%
Percent of children with IEPs aged 6 through 21 served in separate schools, residential facilities, or homebound/hospital placements (Indicator 5c). 1.70% 1.70% 1.84%
Percent of youth with IEPs aged 16 and above with an IEP that includes appropriate measurable postsecondary goals (Indicator 13). 70.80% 90.50% 98.41%
Percentage of youth who are no longer in secondary school, had IEPs in effect at the time they left school, and were enrolled in higher education within one year of leaving high school (Indicator 14a). 11.80% 15.00% 15.59%
Percentage of youth who are no longer in secondary school, had IEPs in effect at the time they left school, and were enrolled in higher education or competitively employed within one year of leaving high school (Indicator 14b). 43.90% 49.30% 52.85%
Percentage of youth who are no longer in secondary school, had IEPs in effect at the time they left school, and were enrolled in higher education or in some other postsecondary education or training program; or competitively employed or in some other employment within one year of leaving high school (Indicator 14c). 59.00% 64.70% 64.89%
Percentage of youth who are no longer in secondary school, had IEPs in effect at the time they left school, and were competitively employed within one year of leaving high school (Subset of Indicator 14). 32.10% 34.30% 37.25%



Number of overall agency blind and SD hours. 979,277
Number of overall total blind and SD workers. 1,319
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD hours (products). 1,851
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD hours (services). 313,739
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD hours (combined). 315,590
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD workers (products). 40
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD workers (services). 254
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD workers (combined). 294
AbilityOne wages (products). $11,625
AbilityOne wages (services). $3,283,821



2014 2015
Number of 14(c) certificate-holding private businesses. 0 0
Number of 14(c) certificate-holding school work experience programs (SWEPs). 0 0
Number of 14(c) certificate-holding community rehabilitation programs (CRPs). 17 18
Number of 14(c) certificate holding patient workers. N/A 0
Total Number of 14(c) certificate holding entities. N/A 18
Reported number of people with disabilities working under 14(c) certificate holding private businesses. N/A 0
Reported number of people with disabilities working under 14 (c) certificate holding school work experience programs (SWEPs). N/A 0
Reported number of people with disabilities working under 14(c) certificate holding community rehabilitation programs (CRPs). N/A 809
Reported number of people with disabilities working under 14(c) certificate holding patient workers. N/A 0
Total reported number of people with disabilities working under 14(c) certificate holding entities. N/A 809



West Virginia HB 2902 (ABLE Act) - 03/31/2015

"AN ACT to amend of the Code of West Virginia, 1931, as amended, by adding thereto a new article, designated §16-46-1, §16-46-2, §16-46-3, §16-46-4, §16-46-5, §16-46-6, §16-46-7 and §16-46-8, all relating to providing for the establishment of a program to allow savings accounts for individuals with a disability and their families to save private funds to support the individual with a disability, to be known as the West Virginia ABLE [Achieving a Better Life Experience] Act."


  • Other
  • Asset Development / Financial Capability

West Virginia Code Chapter 18 Article 101: West Virginia Supported Employment Program

“This section of the WV Code establishes a supported employment program, to be administered by the Division of Rehabilitative Services, with the goal of increasing employment for people with severe disabilities.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Mental Health
  • Provider Transformation

Executive Orders

No Executive Orders have been entered for this state.


FY 2016 Vocational Rehabilitation Section of WOIA State Plan (Draft 12/2015) - 12/11/2015

In addition to interacting with XIX Medicaid Waiver staff as part of the DDPC meetings, WVDRS participates in two subcommittees, Employment First and Medley Management. The Employment First committee focuses on promoting employment for intellectually/developmentally disabled (IDD) individuals as a first option among services providers, legislators, state policy makers, and the community at large…    The DIDD program manager and WVDRS will interact regularly as part of the WV Developmental Disability Planning Council (DDPC) meetings, as well as the Employment First and Medley Management committees. The Employment First committee focuses on promoting employment for IDD individuals as a first option among services providers, legislators, state policy makers, and the community at large. The Medley Management committee provides oversight and advice to the BBHHF on the state’s Medley program, which serves a specific group of IDD individuals that are at risk of institutionalization. On both of these committees, WVDRS promotes a focus on competitive, integrated employment outcomes.  
  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Diversifying Perspectives Art Contest - 09/03/2015

“The artwork selected as the Grand Exhibitor has been incorporated into a poster promoting National Disability Employment Awareness Month, a national campaign that raises awareness about disability employment issues and celebrates the many and varied contributions of America's workers with disabilities. Held annually in October, this year's theme is ‘My disability is one part of who I am.’”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Employer Engagement
  • Provider Transformation

DVRS Supported Employment definition - 09/01/2014

Supported employment enables clients with the most significant disabilities to enter or retain competitive employment in an integrated work setting. Individuals eligible for this program need intensive job site training/job coaching and ongoing support services in order to perform their work after job placement and case closure occurs. Supported employment services shall be purchased only from Division-acknowledged service providers in accordance with the Division’s fee schedule.

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Education

West Virginia Developmental Disabilities Council Five Year State Plan FFY 2012-2016 - 12/30/2013


“ The West Virginia Council coordinated activities during the Spring of 2011 that encouraged people to provide their views on a wide range of issues affecting people with developmental disabilities and their families in the areas of: Employment, Education, Child Care, Health Care, Transportation, Recreation, Housing, Quality Assurance and Formal/Informal Community Supports. Based on the Council’s service and support needs assessment activities, which included public forums and needs surveys reaching more than seven hundred (700) people, seven major goals emerged during the planning process and serve as the foundation for the Five Year State Plan: The Council will work with stakeholders to develop training focused on customized, Employment First, and other innovative employment approaches, accessing funding sources, and developing collaborative relationships. The Council will partner with the WV Division of Rehabilitation Services, WV APSE, Department of Education, and others to plan the training.”

The seven major goals of the Five Year Plan are: Self-Advocacy; Family Support and Training; Protection Against Abuse, Assuring Safety, and Rights Protection; Direct Support Personnel Development and Training; Inclusive Education; Accessibility and Accountability in Public Services; and Competitive and Valued Employment.

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Department of Education
  • Customized Employment
  • Provider Transformation
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

WV Developmental Disabilities Council: 2014 Legislative Statements - 12/30/2013



“The Council will support legislation that promotes valued, integrated employment with competitive wages as the first and preferred outcome for people with developmental disabilities. The Council asserts that employment is an out-come, not a program.”  



  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Customized Employment
  • Self-Employment
  • Mental Health

State Plan for Independent Living (2015) - 10/01/2013

The plan shall be reviewed and revised not less than once every three years, to ensure the existence of appropriate planning, financial support and coordination, and other assistance to appropriately address, on a statewide and comprehensive basis, the needs in the State for: – The provision of State independent living services; – The development and support of a statewide network of centers for independent living; and – Working relationships between programs providing independent living services and independent living centers, the vocational rehabilitation program established under title I, and other programs providing services for individuals with disabilities. 34 CFR 364.20(f)

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

WV Memorandum of Understanding between the Division of Rehabilitative Services and Department of Education on Transition - 10/30/2012


“The cooperative agreement shall assure that each student with a disability in the state who needs special education and/or vocational rehabilitation services is promptly identified and the appropriate transition services are made available to the individual.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Education
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Mental Health
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

WV Developmental Disabilities Council Policy Plans - 10/05/2012


"The Council will work to produce an Employment First policy by 2014.  They plan to “facilitate a working group to study and make recommendations to the responsible State entities to create or modify policies, practices and/or standards that support employment first philosophy for working-age youth and adults with developmental disabilities.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Department of Education
  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

West Virginia Policy 2419: Regulations for the Education of Students with Exceptionalities - 07/01/2012

“The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004, Public Law 108-446, herein after referred to as IDEA 2004 and the IDEA regulations (34 CFR Part 300), require that the State set forth policies and procedures to demonstrate that the State has established a goal providing full educational opportunity to all students with disabilities who are residents of West Virginia, aged birth through twenty-one years of age and a detailed timetable for accomplishing that goal. The State of West Virginia affirms the goal to provide full educational opportunities by 2014 for all students with disabilities, aged birth through twenty-one years of age, residing within its jurisdiction. The State works toward the realization of this goal through the implementation of, and compliance with, IDEA 2004 and any subsequent reauthorization, state policies and procedures and the implementation of the West Virginia Continuous Improvement and Focused Monitoring System (CIFMS).”

  • Department of Education
  • School-to-Work Transition

West Virginia Olmstead Council Legislative Priorities for 2015

1. Implement the West Virginia Olmstead Plan to ensure compliance with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). 2. Eliminate the institutional bias in West Virginia's long term care system. 3. Develop and maintain a statewide, comprehensive transition and diversion program. 4. Implement a formal plan to address the major barrier of affordable, accessible and integrated housing options for people with disabilities. 5. Ensure people with disabilities have opportunities for employment, transportation and meaningful participation in their community

  • Other
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

Building Bridges in the Workforce: Employer Resource Guide

“The Division of Rehabilitation Services, or DRS, is a comprehensive employer assistance program for business owners and employers… Our goal is to assist business owners and employers fi nd solutions to disability-related issues. DRS can provide you with critical business options in the areas of staffing, education, tapping into fi nancial incentives associated with hiring an individual with a disability, which can be a permanent injury, illness or impairment, or insuring accessibility to your goods and services.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Other
  • Employer Engagement

DRS Tax Credits and Hiring Incentives

“In today’s highly competitive global market, the bottom line is the most important factor for business owners and employers. Every business owner and organization is looking for a critical advantage over the competition. Offering a solid return on investment for stakeholders, maximizing profits and limiting expenses are high priorities.” “To gain this advantage, business owners and employers seek the right opportunity to affect the bottom line. DRS can show you how financial incentives can help your business employ people with disabilities and develop a progressive and proactive approach to ensuring accessibility for employees and customers with disabilities.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Employer Engagement

Transition from School to Work

“We [the Division of Rehabilitation Services] provide a wide range of services to help people get and keep jobs. Because everyone is different, services are customized for each individual. DRS counselors typically begin working with students with disabilities in the 11th grade to help them prepare for future employment.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Education
  • School-to-Work Transition

2014 Consensus Agenda on Disability Policy

“People with disabilities have the right and the responsibility to be productive citizens engaged in competitive, integrated employment with the services and supports needed to do so.” This requires the State to, “Increase funding for Supported Employment Services. Increase funding for Extended Supported Employment Services. Implement the “Employment First” initiative, emphasizing integrated, community-based employment as the desired outcome for individuals with disabilities – expecting, encouraging, providing, creating, and rewarding integrated employment in the workforce as the first and preferred option of youth and adults with disabilities. Increase focus on competitive, community-based employment by creating a continuing line item appropriation to fund services for this purpose, and by identifying specific funding for job readiness skills training. Increase awareness of benefits planning and benefits advocacy for Social Security beneficiaries seeking employment.” This consensus agenda also addresses education, human & civil rights, community infrastructure and Home and Community Based Services.

  • Other
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)
  • Employer Engagement
  • Provider Transformation
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

West Virginia Code §5A-1-11

State Americans with disabilities coordinator.

There is continued within the Department of Administration the position of the State Americans with Disabilities Coordinator, who shall be appointed by the Secretary of the Department of Administration with input from the chairperson from each of the following four councils: The Developmental Disabilities Council;  The Statewide Independent Living Council; The Mental Health Planning Council; and The State Rehabilitation Council. The coordinator shall be a full-time employee, and shall have an in-depth working knowledge of the challenges facing persons with disabilities. The coordinator may be a current employee of the Department of Administration or other state agency employee
  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Mental Health
  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Other
  • Mental Health
  • Employer Engagement


WV Interagency Collaborative Team MOU – WORKFORCE WV and One Stop designated partners 2014-2015 - 09/01/2014


“West Virginia state agencies effectively collaborating to define, build and sustain an integrated comprehensive workforce development system that: Ensures universal access; has the right agency doing the right job; focuses on meeting the customer requirements; is uniform, consistent and responsive; advances a seamless delivery system that maximizes resources; remains flexible, yet expandable to grow; and fosters a continuous improvement culture for quality and innovation.”

  • Department of Education
  • Employer Engagement
  • Provider Transformation
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Memorandum of Understanding between the Division of Rehabilitative Services and Department of Education on Transition - 10/30/2012

“The cooperative agreement shall assure that each student with a disability in the state who needs special education and/or vocational rehabilitation services is promptly identified and the appropriate transition services are made available to the individual.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Education
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Mental Health
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

WV Student Transition to Employment Project - 09/01/2012


“The Student Transition to Employment (STEP) Project is designed to train special education teachers and aides to become vendors with the WV Division of Rehabilitation Services (WVDRS). Working in close partnership with the WVDRS School Counselor, this unique project allows for individuals with disabilities who are graduating from high school to receive job placement and training from the teacher or aide who worked with them throughout their high school careers. The purpose of STEP is to provide a more seamless transition from school to work for students with disabilities… STEP was made possible thanks to funding received from the WV Developmental Disabilities Council and WVDRS.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Other
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Systems-Change Funding

WV Comprehensive Employment Systems Infrastructure Development (CES-ID) Grant - 12/01/2006


“A diverse team of agency administrators, partner organizations, and technical assistance providers collaborated to begin the process of creating a comprehensive and coordinated statewide employment support system. This map is the first product of the process and identifies “enabling prerequisites” for creating a more detailed strategic plan. Ten goals are articulated as guidelines for further progress.”

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

SSA Youth Transition Demonstration: West Virginia Youth Works


“Human Resource Development Foundation, Inc. and the West Virginia University Center for Excellence in Disabilities partner to administer West Virginia Youth Works, which provides customized services and supports to SSI recipients, ages 15 to 25, in 19 counties. Services include assessment, planning, work experiences, job development, job placement support, benefits planning and counseling, and job retention services. The project enrolled 404 youths. YTD services ended March 2012.”

  • Other
  • School-to-Work Transition

WV M-WIN (Medicaid Work Incentive Network)


“M-WIN is a work incentive for people with disabilities or chronic health conditions. It allows individuals who work, to pay a monthly premium and keep or obtain Medicaid healthcare coverage. M-WIN eliminates a major barrier to employment - losing current healthcare benefits when an individual with a disability returns to work. It also creates an incentive for individuals with disabilities to obtain employment and earn health care coverage. M-WIN members can earn more money and save more money than Medicaid normally allows. Hundreds of West Virginians with disabilities are benefiting from M-WIN.”

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

WV Money Follows the Person – Take me home

  “West Virginia was awarded a Money Follows the Person (MFP) Rebalancing Demonstration Grant by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services in 2011… The purpose of the MFP initiative is to support state Medicaid programs in providing people with long-term care needs a greater choice of where to live and receive needed services and supports.”   “West Virginia’s Money Follows the Person initiative is called Take Me Home, West Virginia. The Program expects to transition at least 600 individuals from facility-based living to their own homes and communities over the demonstration period. The Program targets Medicaid beneficiaries who:  Are elderly (65 and older);  Have a physical disability, or ; Have a serious mental illness.”  
  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Segregated Day & Employment Services

Training/Capacity Building

West Virginia Department of Education: Career Technical Education for students with disability - 10/01/2013

Career technical education (CTE) programs in West Virginia are designed for all students and prepare them for entering post-secondary education, training or the workforce. CTE Content Skill Sets (CSSs) are based on national industry recognized accreditation and credentialing standards. Many students with disabilities achieve great success in career and technical education programs with minimal accommodations. It is essential that CTE instructors and special education (SE) case managers collaborate to develop coordinated plans to meet the needs of individual students as indicated in the Individualized Education Program (IEP)

  • Department of Education
  • School-to-Work Transition

WV Customized Employment Grant


“This funding announcement is intended to provide support to agencies that can work with employers in meeting their needs by finding, maintaining and improving the employment status of individuals with disabilities in competitive employment in each region of the state.”

 “When the ADA was passed in 1990, Congress announced four public policy goals for people with disabilities: 1) equality of opportunity; 2) full participation; 3) independent living; and 4) economic self-sufficiency. The Bureau of Behavioral Health and Health Facilities (BBHHF) works in collaboration with the West Virginia Division of Rehabilitation Services (DRS), the Bureau for Medical Services (BMS), the WV Department of Education (DOE), the West Virginia Developmental Disabilities Council (WV DDC), West Virginia University Center for Excellence in Disabilities (WVCED), and other partners to promote these goals. Employment in the general workforce is the first and preferred outcome in the provision of publicly funded services for all working age citizens with disabilities, regardless of level of disability.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Mental Health
  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Department of Education
  • Other
  • Employer Engagement
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships
  • Resource Leveraging


No Enforcement have been entered for this state.

Medicaid & Employment

West Virginia Olmstead Council Legislative Priorities for 2015

1. Implement the West Virginia Olmstead Plan to ensure compliance with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). 2. Eliminate the institutional bias in West Virginia's long term care system. 3. Develop and maintain a statewide, comprehensive transition and diversion program. 4. Implement a formal plan to address the major barrier of affordable, accessible and integrated housing options for people with disabilities. 5. Ensure people with disabilities have opportunities for employment, transportation and meaningful participation in their community

  • Other
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

Methodology for West Virginia’s Waiver Transition Plan Application

West Virginia underwent the process of developing a transition plan pursuant to 42 CFR 441.301(c)(6) that contains the actions the state will take to bring all West Virginia waivers into compliance with requirements set forth in 42 CFR 441.301(c)(4-5). West Virginia intends to work with the various providers, participants, guardians, and other stakeholders engaged in HCBS to implement the proposed transition plan. This document summarizes the steps West Virginia’s Bureau for Medical Services (BMS) undertook to develop the transition plans as well as planned activities related to compliance.

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

West Virginia Medicaid State Plan, Recent amendments.

Amendments to the State Plan are available by year on this page.

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

West Virginia Medicaid State Plan

The West Virginia Medicaid State Plan may be accessed from this page. It is available in sections in pdf. Format.

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

M-WIN (Medicaid Work Incentive Network)

“M-WIN is a work incentive for people with disabilities or chronic health conditions. It allows individuals who work, to pay a monthly premium and keep or obtain Medicaid healthcare coverage. M-WIN eliminates a major barrier to employment - losing current healthcare benefits when an individual with a disability returns to work. It also creates an incentive for individuals with disabilities to obtain employment and earn health care coverage. M-WIN members can earn more money and save more money than Medicaid normally allows. Hundreds of West Virginians with disabilities are benefiting from M-WIN.”

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

Money Follows the Person – Take me home

“West Virginia was awarded a Money Follows the Person (MFP) Rebalancing Demonstration Grant by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services in 2011… The purpose of the MFP initiative is to support state Medicaid programs in providing people with long-term care needs a greater choice of where to live and receive needed services and supports.”

“West Virginia’s Money Follows the Person initiative is called Take Me Home, West Virginia. The Program expects to transition at least 600 individuals from facility-based living to their own homes and communities over the demonstration period. The Program targets Medicaid beneficiaries who: Are elderly (65 and older); Have a physical disability, or Have a serious mental illness.”

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Segregated Day & Employment Services

WV Aged and Disabled Waiver Program


“Aged and Disabled Waiver Program (ADW) is a long-term care alternative that provides services that enable an individual to remain at or return home rater than receiving nursing home care. The goals and objectives of this program are focused on providing services that are person-centered, promote choice, independence, participant-direction, respect, and dignity and community integration.” 

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

WV Medicaid Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities Waiver


“The Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities (I/DD) Waiver (formerly the MR/DD Waiver Program) provides services that instruct, train, support, supervise, and assist individuals who have intellectual disabilities and/or developmental disabilities in achieving the highest level of independence and self-sufficiency possible in their lives. The I/DD Waiver Program provides services in natural settings, homes and communities where the member resides, works, and shops instead of ICF/MR facilities.”

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

States - Phablet


The Mountain State of West Virginia is "Open for Business", and as such is ripe for the benefits of Employment First systems-change efforts as a way to improve socioeconomic outcomes for individuals with disabilities.

2014 State Population.
Change from
2013 to 2014
2014 Number of people with disabilities (all disabilities, ages 18-64).
Change from
2013 to 2014
2014 Number of people with disabilities who are employed (all disabilities, ages 18-64).
Change from
2013 to 2014
2014 Percentage of working age people who are employed (all disabilities).
Change from
2013 to 2014
2014 Percentage of working age people who are employed (NO disabilities).
Change from
2013 to 2014

State Data


Population. 1,850,326
Number of people with disabilities (all disabilities, ages 18-64). 199,707
Number of people with disabilities who are employed (all disabilities, ages 18-64). 51,074
Number of people without disabilities who are employed (ages 18-64). 647,970
Percentage of working age people who are employed (all disabilities). 25.57%
Percentage of working age people who are employed (NO disabilities). 70.51%
Overall unemployment rate. 6.50%
Poverty Rate (all disabilities). 24.90%
Poverty Rate (NO disabilities). 16.60%
Number of males with disabilities (all ages). 179,417
Number of females with disabilities (all ages). 183,030
Number of Caucasians with disabilities (all ages). 344,523
Number of African Americans with disabilities (all ages). 11,408
Number of Hispanic/Latinos with disabilities (all ages). 3,018
Number of American Indians/Alaska Natives with disabilities (all ages). 1,748
Number of Asians with disabilities (all ages). 1,018
Number of Hawaiians/Pacific Islanders with disabilities (all ages). N/A
Number of with multiple races disabilities (all ages). 3,584
Number of others with disabilities (all ages). N/A



Number of SSI recipients with disabilities who work. 2,054
Percentage of SSI recipients with disabilities who work relative to total SSI recipients with disabilities. 2.70%
Old Age Survivor and Disability Insurance (OASDI) recipients/workers with disabilities. 93,837



Number of mental health services consumers who are employed. 2,375
Number of mental health services consumers who are part of the labor force (employed or actively looking for employment). 12,220
Number of adults served who have a known employment status. 19,557
Percentage of all state mental health agency consumers served in the community who are employed. 1,201.00%
Percentage of supported employment services evidence based practices (EBP). N/A
Percentage of supported housing services evidence based practices (EBP). 8.70%
Percentage of assertive community treatment services evidence based practices (EBP). 1.10%
Percentage of medications management evidence based practices (EBP). N/A
Number of evidence based practices (EBP) supported employment services. N/A
Number of evidence based practices (EBP) supported housing services. 3,852
Number of evidence based practices (EBP) assertive community treatment services. 466
Number of evidence based practices (EBP) medications management. N/A



Number of registered job seekers with a disability. 2,694
Proportion of registered job seekers with a disability. 0.03



Total number of people with a disability that is a substantial barrier to work served by Job Training and Partnership Act/Workforce Investment Act programs. 8
Total number of people with a disability that is a substantial barrier to work who entered unsubsidized employment. 6
Percentage of people with a disability that is a substantial barrier to work who entered unsubsidized employment relative to total the number of people with a disability that is a substantial barrier to work. 75.00%
Incidence rate of people with a disability that is a substantial barrier to work who entered unsubsidized employment per 100,000 individuals in the general state population. 0.32



Total Number of people served under VR.
Number of people with visual impairments served under VR. N/A
Number of people with communicative (hearing loss, deafness) impairments served under VR. N/A
Number of people with physical impairments served under VR. N/A
Number of people cognitive impairments served under VR. N/A
Number of people psychosocial impairments served under VR. N/A
Number of people with mental impairments served under VR. N/A
Percentage of overall closures into employment under VR. N/A
Number of employment network (EN) and vocational rehabilitation (VR) tickets assigned. 2,607
Number of eligible ticket to work beneficiaries. 149,357
Total number of ID closures using supported employment services with or without Title VI-B funds expended (VI-C prior to 2002). N/A
Total number of ID competitive labor market closures. N/A



Dollars spent on day/employment services for integrated employment funding. N/A
Dollars spent on day/employment services for facility-based work funding. N/A
Dollars spent on day/employment services for facility-based non-work funding. N/A
Dollars spent on day/employment services for community based non-work funding. N/A
Percentage of people served in integrated employment. 41.00%
Number of people served in community based non-work. N/A
Number of people served in facility based work. 11
Number of people served in facility based non-work. 1,238
Number supported in integrated employment per 100,000 individuals in the general state population. 47.40



Percent of children with IEPs aged 6 through 21 served inside the regular class 80% or more of the day (Indicator 5a). 64.00%
Percent of children with IEPs aged 6 through 21 served inside the regular class less than 40% of the day (Indicator 5b). 8.20%
Percent of children with IEPs aged 6 through 21 served in separate schools, residential facilities, or homebound/hospital placements (Indicator 5c). 1.84%
Percent of youth with IEPs aged 16 and above with an IEP that includes appropriate measurable postsecondary goals (Indicator 13). 98.41%
Percentage of youth who are no longer in secondary school, had IEPs in effect at the time they left school, and were enrolled in higher education within one year of leaving high school (Indicator 14a). 15.59%
Percentage of youth who are no longer in secondary school, had IEPs in effect at the time they left school, and were enrolled in higher education or competitively employed within one year of leaving high school (Indicator 14b). 52.85%
Percentage of youth who are no longer in secondary school, had IEPs in effect at the time they left school, and were enrolled in higher education or in some other postsecondary education or training program; or competitively employed or in some other employment within one year of leaving high school (Indicator 14c). 64.89%
Percentage of youth who are no longer in secondary school, had IEPs in effect at the time they left school, and were competitively employed within one year of leaving high school (Subset of Indicator 14). 37.25%



Number of overall agency blind and SD hours. 979,277
Number of overall total blind and SD workers. 1,319
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD hours (products). 1,851
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD hours (services). 313,739
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD hours (combined). 315,590
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD workers (products). 40
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD workers (services). 254
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD workers (combined). 294
AbilityOne wages (products). $11,625
AbilityOne wages (services). $3,283,821



Number of 14(c) certificate-holding private businesses. 0
Number of 14(c) certificate-holding school work experience programs (SWEPs). 0
Number of 14(c) certificate-holding community rehabilitation programs (CRPs). 18
Number of 14(c) certificate holding patient workers. 0
Total Number of 14(c) certificate holding entities. 18
Reported number of people with disabilities working under 14(c) certificate holding private businesses. 0
Reported number of people with disabilities working under 14 (c) certificate holding school work experience programs (SWEPs). 0
Reported number of people with disabilities working under 14(c) certificate holding community rehabilitation programs (CRPs). 809
Reported number of people with disabilities working under 14(c) certificate holding patient workers. 0
Total reported number of people with disabilities working under 14(c) certificate holding entities. 809



West Virginia HB 2902 (ABLE Act) - 03/31/2015

"AN ACT to amend of the Code of West Virginia, 1931, as amended, by adding thereto a new article, designated §16-46-1, §16-46-2, §16-46-3, §16-46-4, §16-46-5, §16-46-6, §16-46-7 and §16-46-8, all relating to providing for the establishment of a program to allow savings accounts for individuals with a disability and their families to save private funds to support the individual with a disability, to be known as the West Virginia ABLE [Achieving a Better Life Experience] Act."


  • Other
  • Asset Development / Financial Capability

West Virginia Code Chapter 18 Article 101: West Virginia Supported Employment Program

“This section of the WV Code establishes a supported employment program, to be administered by the Division of Rehabilitative Services, with the goal of increasing employment for people with severe disabilities.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Mental Health
  • Provider Transformation

Executive Orders

No Executive Orders have been entered for this state.


FY 2016 Vocational Rehabilitation Section of WOIA State Plan (Draft 12/2015) - 12/11/2015

In addition to interacting with XIX Medicaid Waiver staff as part of the DDPC meetings, WVDRS participates in two subcommittees, Employment First and Medley Management. The Employment First committee focuses on promoting employment for intellectually/developmentally disabled (IDD) individuals as a first option among services providers, legislators, state policy makers, and the community at large…    The DIDD program manager and WVDRS will interact regularly as part of the WV Developmental Disability Planning Council (DDPC) meetings, as well as the Employment First and Medley Management committees. The Employment First committee focuses on promoting employment for IDD individuals as a first option among services providers, legislators, state policy makers, and the community at large. The Medley Management committee provides oversight and advice to the BBHHF on the state’s Medley program, which serves a specific group of IDD individuals that are at risk of institutionalization. On both of these committees, WVDRS promotes a focus on competitive, integrated employment outcomes.  
  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Diversifying Perspectives Art Contest - 09/03/2015

“The artwork selected as the Grand Exhibitor has been incorporated into a poster promoting National Disability Employment Awareness Month, a national campaign that raises awareness about disability employment issues and celebrates the many and varied contributions of America's workers with disabilities. Held annually in October, this year's theme is ‘My disability is one part of who I am.’”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Employer Engagement
  • Provider Transformation

DVRS Supported Employment definition - 09/01/2014

Supported employment enables clients with the most significant disabilities to enter or retain competitive employment in an integrated work setting. Individuals eligible for this program need intensive job site training/job coaching and ongoing support services in order to perform their work after job placement and case closure occurs. Supported employment services shall be purchased only from Division-acknowledged service providers in accordance with the Division’s fee schedule.

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Education

West Virginia Developmental Disabilities Council Five Year State Plan FFY 2012-2016 - 12/30/2013


“ The West Virginia Council coordinated activities during the Spring of 2011 that encouraged people to provide their views on a wide range of issues affecting people with developmental disabilities and their families in the areas of: Employment, Education, Child Care, Health Care, Transportation, Recreation, Housing, Quality Assurance and Formal/Informal Community Supports. Based on the Council’s service and support needs assessment activities, which included public forums and needs surveys reaching more than seven hundred (700) people, seven major goals emerged during the planning process and serve as the foundation for the Five Year State Plan: The Council will work with stakeholders to develop training focused on customized, Employment First, and other innovative employment approaches, accessing funding sources, and developing collaborative relationships. The Council will partner with the WV Division of Rehabilitation Services, WV APSE, Department of Education, and others to plan the training.”

The seven major goals of the Five Year Plan are: Self-Advocacy; Family Support and Training; Protection Against Abuse, Assuring Safety, and Rights Protection; Direct Support Personnel Development and Training; Inclusive Education; Accessibility and Accountability in Public Services; and Competitive and Valued Employment.

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Department of Education
  • Customized Employment
  • Provider Transformation
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

WV Developmental Disabilities Council: 2014 Legislative Statements - 12/30/2013



“The Council will support legislation that promotes valued, integrated employment with competitive wages as the first and preferred outcome for people with developmental disabilities. The Council asserts that employment is an out-come, not a program.”  



  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Customized Employment
  • Self-Employment
  • Mental Health

State Plan for Independent Living (2015) - 10/01/2013

The plan shall be reviewed and revised not less than once every three years, to ensure the existence of appropriate planning, financial support and coordination, and other assistance to appropriately address, on a statewide and comprehensive basis, the needs in the State for: – The provision of State independent living services; – The development and support of a statewide network of centers for independent living; and – Working relationships between programs providing independent living services and independent living centers, the vocational rehabilitation program established under title I, and other programs providing services for individuals with disabilities. 34 CFR 364.20(f)

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

WV Memorandum of Understanding between the Division of Rehabilitative Services and Department of Education on Transition - 10/30/2012


“The cooperative agreement shall assure that each student with a disability in the state who needs special education and/or vocational rehabilitation services is promptly identified and the appropriate transition services are made available to the individual.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Education
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Mental Health
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

WV Developmental Disabilities Council Policy Plans - 10/05/2012


"The Council will work to produce an Employment First policy by 2014.  They plan to “facilitate a working group to study and make recommendations to the responsible State entities to create or modify policies, practices and/or standards that support employment first philosophy for working-age youth and adults with developmental disabilities.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Department of Education
  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

West Virginia Policy 2419: Regulations for the Education of Students with Exceptionalities - 07/01/2012

“The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004, Public Law 108-446, herein after referred to as IDEA 2004 and the IDEA regulations (34 CFR Part 300), require that the State set forth policies and procedures to demonstrate that the State has established a goal providing full educational opportunity to all students with disabilities who are residents of West Virginia, aged birth through twenty-one years of age and a detailed timetable for accomplishing that goal. The State of West Virginia affirms the goal to provide full educational opportunities by 2014 for all students with disabilities, aged birth through twenty-one years of age, residing within its jurisdiction. The State works toward the realization of this goal through the implementation of, and compliance with, IDEA 2004 and any subsequent reauthorization, state policies and procedures and the implementation of the West Virginia Continuous Improvement and Focused Monitoring System (CIFMS).”

  • Department of Education
  • School-to-Work Transition

West Virginia Olmstead Council Legislative Priorities for 2015

1. Implement the West Virginia Olmstead Plan to ensure compliance with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). 2. Eliminate the institutional bias in West Virginia's long term care system. 3. Develop and maintain a statewide, comprehensive transition and diversion program. 4. Implement a formal plan to address the major barrier of affordable, accessible and integrated housing options for people with disabilities. 5. Ensure people with disabilities have opportunities for employment, transportation and meaningful participation in their community

  • Other
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

Building Bridges in the Workforce: Employer Resource Guide

“The Division of Rehabilitation Services, or DRS, is a comprehensive employer assistance program for business owners and employers… Our goal is to assist business owners and employers fi nd solutions to disability-related issues. DRS can provide you with critical business options in the areas of staffing, education, tapping into fi nancial incentives associated with hiring an individual with a disability, which can be a permanent injury, illness or impairment, or insuring accessibility to your goods and services.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Other
  • Employer Engagement

DRS Tax Credits and Hiring Incentives

“In today’s highly competitive global market, the bottom line is the most important factor for business owners and employers. Every business owner and organization is looking for a critical advantage over the competition. Offering a solid return on investment for stakeholders, maximizing profits and limiting expenses are high priorities.” “To gain this advantage, business owners and employers seek the right opportunity to affect the bottom line. DRS can show you how financial incentives can help your business employ people with disabilities and develop a progressive and proactive approach to ensuring accessibility for employees and customers with disabilities.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Employer Engagement

Transition from School to Work

“We [the Division of Rehabilitation Services] provide a wide range of services to help people get and keep jobs. Because everyone is different, services are customized for each individual. DRS counselors typically begin working with students with disabilities in the 11th grade to help them prepare for future employment.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Education
  • School-to-Work Transition

2014 Consensus Agenda on Disability Policy

“People with disabilities have the right and the responsibility to be productive citizens engaged in competitive, integrated employment with the services and supports needed to do so.” This requires the State to, “Increase funding for Supported Employment Services. Increase funding for Extended Supported Employment Services. Implement the “Employment First” initiative, emphasizing integrated, community-based employment as the desired outcome for individuals with disabilities – expecting, encouraging, providing, creating, and rewarding integrated employment in the workforce as the first and preferred option of youth and adults with disabilities. Increase focus on competitive, community-based employment by creating a continuing line item appropriation to fund services for this purpose, and by identifying specific funding for job readiness skills training. Increase awareness of benefits planning and benefits advocacy for Social Security beneficiaries seeking employment.” This consensus agenda also addresses education, human & civil rights, community infrastructure and Home and Community Based Services.

  • Other
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)
  • Employer Engagement
  • Provider Transformation
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

West Virginia Code §5A-1-11

State Americans with disabilities coordinator.

There is continued within the Department of Administration the position of the State Americans with Disabilities Coordinator, who shall be appointed by the Secretary of the Department of Administration with input from the chairperson from each of the following four councils: The Developmental Disabilities Council;  The Statewide Independent Living Council; The Mental Health Planning Council; and The State Rehabilitation Council. The coordinator shall be a full-time employee, and shall have an in-depth working knowledge of the challenges facing persons with disabilities. The coordinator may be a current employee of the Department of Administration or other state agency employee
  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Mental Health
  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Other
  • Mental Health
  • Employer Engagement


WV Interagency Collaborative Team MOU – WORKFORCE WV and One Stop designated partners 2014-2015 - 09/01/2014


“West Virginia state agencies effectively collaborating to define, build and sustain an integrated comprehensive workforce development system that: Ensures universal access; has the right agency doing the right job; focuses on meeting the customer requirements; is uniform, consistent and responsive; advances a seamless delivery system that maximizes resources; remains flexible, yet expandable to grow; and fosters a continuous improvement culture for quality and innovation.”

  • Department of Education
  • Employer Engagement
  • Provider Transformation
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Memorandum of Understanding between the Division of Rehabilitative Services and Department of Education on Transition - 10/30/2012

“The cooperative agreement shall assure that each student with a disability in the state who needs special education and/or vocational rehabilitation services is promptly identified and the appropriate transition services are made available to the individual.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Education
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Mental Health
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

WV Student Transition to Employment Project - 09/01/2012


“The Student Transition to Employment (STEP) Project is designed to train special education teachers and aides to become vendors with the WV Division of Rehabilitation Services (WVDRS). Working in close partnership with the WVDRS School Counselor, this unique project allows for individuals with disabilities who are graduating from high school to receive job placement and training from the teacher or aide who worked with them throughout their high school careers. The purpose of STEP is to provide a more seamless transition from school to work for students with disabilities… STEP was made possible thanks to funding received from the WV Developmental Disabilities Council and WVDRS.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Other
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Systems-Change Funding

WV Comprehensive Employment Systems Infrastructure Development (CES-ID) Grant - 12/01/2006


“A diverse team of agency administrators, partner organizations, and technical assistance providers collaborated to begin the process of creating a comprehensive and coordinated statewide employment support system. This map is the first product of the process and identifies “enabling prerequisites” for creating a more detailed strategic plan. Ten goals are articulated as guidelines for further progress.”

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

SSA Youth Transition Demonstration: West Virginia Youth Works


“Human Resource Development Foundation, Inc. and the West Virginia University Center for Excellence in Disabilities partner to administer West Virginia Youth Works, which provides customized services and supports to SSI recipients, ages 15 to 25, in 19 counties. Services include assessment, planning, work experiences, job development, job placement support, benefits planning and counseling, and job retention services. The project enrolled 404 youths. YTD services ended March 2012.”

  • Other
  • School-to-Work Transition

WV M-WIN (Medicaid Work Incentive Network)


“M-WIN is a work incentive for people with disabilities or chronic health conditions. It allows individuals who work, to pay a monthly premium and keep or obtain Medicaid healthcare coverage. M-WIN eliminates a major barrier to employment - losing current healthcare benefits when an individual with a disability returns to work. It also creates an incentive for individuals with disabilities to obtain employment and earn health care coverage. M-WIN members can earn more money and save more money than Medicaid normally allows. Hundreds of West Virginians with disabilities are benefiting from M-WIN.”

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

WV Money Follows the Person – Take me home

  “West Virginia was awarded a Money Follows the Person (MFP) Rebalancing Demonstration Grant by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services in 2011… The purpose of the MFP initiative is to support state Medicaid programs in providing people with long-term care needs a greater choice of where to live and receive needed services and supports.”   “West Virginia’s Money Follows the Person initiative is called Take Me Home, West Virginia. The Program expects to transition at least 600 individuals from facility-based living to their own homes and communities over the demonstration period. The Program targets Medicaid beneficiaries who:  Are elderly (65 and older);  Have a physical disability, or ; Have a serious mental illness.”  
  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Segregated Day & Employment Services

Training/Capacity Building

West Virginia Department of Education: Career Technical Education for students with disability - 10/01/2013

Career technical education (CTE) programs in West Virginia are designed for all students and prepare them for entering post-secondary education, training or the workforce. CTE Content Skill Sets (CSSs) are based on national industry recognized accreditation and credentialing standards. Many students with disabilities achieve great success in career and technical education programs with minimal accommodations. It is essential that CTE instructors and special education (SE) case managers collaborate to develop coordinated plans to meet the needs of individual students as indicated in the Individualized Education Program (IEP)

  • Department of Education
  • School-to-Work Transition

WV Customized Employment Grant


“This funding announcement is intended to provide support to agencies that can work with employers in meeting their needs by finding, maintaining and improving the employment status of individuals with disabilities in competitive employment in each region of the state.”

 “When the ADA was passed in 1990, Congress announced four public policy goals for people with disabilities: 1) equality of opportunity; 2) full participation; 3) independent living; and 4) economic self-sufficiency. The Bureau of Behavioral Health and Health Facilities (BBHHF) works in collaboration with the West Virginia Division of Rehabilitation Services (DRS), the Bureau for Medical Services (BMS), the WV Department of Education (DOE), the West Virginia Developmental Disabilities Council (WV DDC), West Virginia University Center for Excellence in Disabilities (WVCED), and other partners to promote these goals. Employment in the general workforce is the first and preferred outcome in the provision of publicly funded services for all working age citizens with disabilities, regardless of level of disability.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Mental Health
  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Department of Education
  • Other
  • Employer Engagement
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships
  • Resource Leveraging


No Enforcement have been entered for this state.

Medicaid & Employment

West Virginia Olmstead Council Legislative Priorities for 2015

1. Implement the West Virginia Olmstead Plan to ensure compliance with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). 2. Eliminate the institutional bias in West Virginia's long term care system. 3. Develop and maintain a statewide, comprehensive transition and diversion program. 4. Implement a formal plan to address the major barrier of affordable, accessible and integrated housing options for people with disabilities. 5. Ensure people with disabilities have opportunities for employment, transportation and meaningful participation in their community

  • Other
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

Methodology for West Virginia’s Waiver Transition Plan Application

West Virginia underwent the process of developing a transition plan pursuant to 42 CFR 441.301(c)(6) that contains the actions the state will take to bring all West Virginia waivers into compliance with requirements set forth in 42 CFR 441.301(c)(4-5). West Virginia intends to work with the various providers, participants, guardians, and other stakeholders engaged in HCBS to implement the proposed transition plan. This document summarizes the steps West Virginia’s Bureau for Medical Services (BMS) undertook to develop the transition plans as well as planned activities related to compliance.

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

West Virginia Medicaid State Plan, Recent amendments.

Amendments to the State Plan are available by year on this page.

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

West Virginia Medicaid State Plan

The West Virginia Medicaid State Plan may be accessed from this page. It is available in sections in pdf. Format.

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

M-WIN (Medicaid Work Incentive Network)

“M-WIN is a work incentive for people with disabilities or chronic health conditions. It allows individuals who work, to pay a monthly premium and keep or obtain Medicaid healthcare coverage. M-WIN eliminates a major barrier to employment - losing current healthcare benefits when an individual with a disability returns to work. It also creates an incentive for individuals with disabilities to obtain employment and earn health care coverage. M-WIN members can earn more money and save more money than Medicaid normally allows. Hundreds of West Virginians with disabilities are benefiting from M-WIN.”

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

Money Follows the Person – Take me home

“West Virginia was awarded a Money Follows the Person (MFP) Rebalancing Demonstration Grant by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services in 2011… The purpose of the MFP initiative is to support state Medicaid programs in providing people with long-term care needs a greater choice of where to live and receive needed services and supports.”

“West Virginia’s Money Follows the Person initiative is called Take Me Home, West Virginia. The Program expects to transition at least 600 individuals from facility-based living to their own homes and communities over the demonstration period. The Program targets Medicaid beneficiaries who: Are elderly (65 and older); Have a physical disability, or Have a serious mental illness.”

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Segregated Day & Employment Services

WV Aged and Disabled Waiver Program


“Aged and Disabled Waiver Program (ADW) is a long-term care alternative that provides services that enable an individual to remain at or return home rater than receiving nursing home care. The goals and objectives of this program are focused on providing services that are person-centered, promote choice, independence, participant-direction, respect, and dignity and community integration.” 

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

WV Medicaid Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities Waiver


“The Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities (I/DD) Waiver (formerly the MR/DD Waiver Program) provides services that instruct, train, support, supervise, and assist individuals who have intellectual disabilities and/or developmental disabilities in achieving the highest level of independence and self-sufficiency possible in their lives. The I/DD Waiver Program provides services in natural settings, homes and communities where the member resides, works, and shops instead of ICF/MR facilities.”

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

States - Phone


The Mountain State of West Virginia is "Open for Business", and as such is ripe for the benefits of Employment First systems-change efforts as a way to improve socioeconomic outcomes for individuals with disabilities.

2014 State Population.
Change from
2013 to 2014
2014 Number of people with disabilities (all disabilities, ages 18-64).
Change from
2013 to 2014
2014 Number of people with disabilities who are employed (all disabilities, ages 18-64).
Change from
2013 to 2014
2014 Percentage of working age people who are employed (all disabilities).
Change from
2013 to 2014
2014 Percentage of working age people who are employed (NO disabilities).
Change from
2013 to 2014

State Data


Population. 1,850,326
Number of people with disabilities (all disabilities, ages 18-64). 199,707
Number of people with disabilities who are employed (all disabilities, ages 18-64). 51,074
Number of people without disabilities who are employed (ages 18-64). 647,970
Percentage of working age people who are employed (all disabilities). 25.57%
Percentage of working age people who are employed (NO disabilities). 70.51%
Overall unemployment rate. 6.50%
Poverty Rate (all disabilities). 24.90%
Poverty Rate (NO disabilities). 16.60%
Number of males with disabilities (all ages). 179,417
Number of females with disabilities (all ages). 183,030
Number of Caucasians with disabilities (all ages). 344,523
Number of African Americans with disabilities (all ages). 11,408
Number of Hispanic/Latinos with disabilities (all ages). 3,018
Number of American Indians/Alaska Natives with disabilities (all ages). 1,748
Number of Asians with disabilities (all ages). 1,018
Number of Hawaiians/Pacific Islanders with disabilities (all ages). N/A
Number of with multiple races disabilities (all ages). 3,584
Number of others with disabilities (all ages). N/A



Number of SSI recipients with disabilities who work. 2,054
Percentage of SSI recipients with disabilities who work relative to total SSI recipients with disabilities. 2.70%
Old Age Survivor and Disability Insurance (OASDI) recipients/workers with disabilities. 93,837



Number of mental health services consumers who are employed. 2,375
Number of mental health services consumers who are part of the labor force (employed or actively looking for employment). 12,220
Number of adults served who have a known employment status. 19,557
Percentage of all state mental health agency consumers served in the community who are employed. 1,201.00%
Percentage of supported employment services evidence based practices (EBP). N/A
Percentage of supported housing services evidence based practices (EBP). 8.70%
Percentage of assertive community treatment services evidence based practices (EBP). 1.10%
Percentage of medications management evidence based practices (EBP). N/A
Number of evidence based practices (EBP) supported employment services. N/A
Number of evidence based practices (EBP) supported housing services. 3,852
Number of evidence based practices (EBP) assertive community treatment services. 466
Number of evidence based practices (EBP) medications management. N/A



Number of registered job seekers with a disability. 2,694
Proportion of registered job seekers with a disability. 0.03



Total number of people with a disability that is a substantial barrier to work served by Job Training and Partnership Act/Workforce Investment Act programs. 8
Total number of people with a disability that is a substantial barrier to work who entered unsubsidized employment. 6
Percentage of people with a disability that is a substantial barrier to work who entered unsubsidized employment relative to total the number of people with a disability that is a substantial barrier to work. 75.00%
Incidence rate of people with a disability that is a substantial barrier to work who entered unsubsidized employment per 100,000 individuals in the general state population. 0.32



Total Number of people served under VR.
Number of people with visual impairments served under VR. N/A
Number of people with communicative (hearing loss, deafness) impairments served under VR. N/A
Number of people with physical impairments served under VR. N/A
Number of people cognitive impairments served under VR. N/A
Number of people psychosocial impairments served under VR. N/A
Number of people with mental impairments served under VR. N/A
Percentage of overall closures into employment under VR. N/A
Number of employment network (EN) and vocational rehabilitation (VR) tickets assigned. 2,607
Number of eligible ticket to work beneficiaries. 149,357
Total number of ID closures using supported employment services with or without Title VI-B funds expended (VI-C prior to 2002). N/A
Total number of ID competitive labor market closures. N/A



Dollars spent on day/employment services for integrated employment funding. N/A
Dollars spent on day/employment services for facility-based work funding. N/A
Dollars spent on day/employment services for facility-based non-work funding. N/A
Dollars spent on day/employment services for community based non-work funding. N/A
Percentage of people served in integrated employment. 41.00%
Number of people served in community based non-work. N/A
Number of people served in facility based work. 11
Number of people served in facility based non-work. 1,238
Number supported in integrated employment per 100,000 individuals in the general state population. 47.40



Percent of children with IEPs aged 6 through 21 served inside the regular class 80% or more of the day (Indicator 5a). 64.00%
Percent of children with IEPs aged 6 through 21 served inside the regular class less than 40% of the day (Indicator 5b). 8.20%
Percent of children with IEPs aged 6 through 21 served in separate schools, residential facilities, or homebound/hospital placements (Indicator 5c). 1.84%
Percent of youth with IEPs aged 16 and above with an IEP that includes appropriate measurable postsecondary goals (Indicator 13). 98.41%
Percentage of youth who are no longer in secondary school, had IEPs in effect at the time they left school, and were enrolled in higher education within one year of leaving high school (Indicator 14a). 15.59%
Percentage of youth who are no longer in secondary school, had IEPs in effect at the time they left school, and were enrolled in higher education or competitively employed within one year of leaving high school (Indicator 14b). 52.85%
Percentage of youth who are no longer in secondary school, had IEPs in effect at the time they left school, and were enrolled in higher education or in some other postsecondary education or training program; or competitively employed or in some other employment within one year of leaving high school (Indicator 14c). 64.89%
Percentage of youth who are no longer in secondary school, had IEPs in effect at the time they left school, and were competitively employed within one year of leaving high school (Subset of Indicator 14). 37.25%



Number of overall agency blind and SD hours. 979,277
Number of overall total blind and SD workers. 1,319
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD hours (products). 1,851
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD hours (services). 313,739
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD hours (combined). 315,590
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD workers (products). 40
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD workers (services). 254
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD workers (combined). 294
AbilityOne wages (products). $11,625
AbilityOne wages (services). $3,283,821



Number of 14(c) certificate-holding private businesses. 0
Number of 14(c) certificate-holding school work experience programs (SWEPs). 0
Number of 14(c) certificate-holding community rehabilitation programs (CRPs). 18
Number of 14(c) certificate holding patient workers. 0
Total Number of 14(c) certificate holding entities. 18
Reported number of people with disabilities working under 14(c) certificate holding private businesses. 0
Reported number of people with disabilities working under 14 (c) certificate holding school work experience programs (SWEPs). 0
Reported number of people with disabilities working under 14(c) certificate holding community rehabilitation programs (CRPs). 809
Reported number of people with disabilities working under 14(c) certificate holding patient workers. 0
Total reported number of people with disabilities working under 14(c) certificate holding entities. 809



West Virginia HB 2902 (ABLE Act) - 03/31/2015

"AN ACT to amend of the Code of West Virginia, 1931, as amended, by adding thereto a new article, designated §16-46-1, §16-46-2, §16-46-3, §16-46-4, §16-46-5, §16-46-6, §16-46-7 and §16-46-8, all relating to providing for the establishment of a program to allow savings accounts for individuals with a disability and their families to save private funds to support the individual with a disability, to be known as the West Virginia ABLE [Achieving a Better Life Experience] Act."


  • Other
  • Asset Development / Financial Capability

West Virginia Code Chapter 18 Article 101: West Virginia Supported Employment Program

“This section of the WV Code establishes a supported employment program, to be administered by the Division of Rehabilitative Services, with the goal of increasing employment for people with severe disabilities.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Mental Health
  • Provider Transformation

Executive Orders

No Executive Orders have been entered for this state.


FY 2016 Vocational Rehabilitation Section of WOIA State Plan (Draft 12/2015) - 12/11/2015

In addition to interacting with XIX Medicaid Waiver staff as part of the DDPC meetings, WVDRS participates in two subcommittees, Employment First and Medley Management. The Employment First committee focuses on promoting employment for intellectually/developmentally disabled (IDD) individuals as a first option among services providers, legislators, state policy makers, and the community at large…    The DIDD program manager and WVDRS will interact regularly as part of the WV Developmental Disability Planning Council (DDPC) meetings, as well as the Employment First and Medley Management committees. The Employment First committee focuses on promoting employment for IDD individuals as a first option among services providers, legislators, state policy makers, and the community at large. The Medley Management committee provides oversight and advice to the BBHHF on the state’s Medley program, which serves a specific group of IDD individuals that are at risk of institutionalization. On both of these committees, WVDRS promotes a focus on competitive, integrated employment outcomes.  
  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Diversifying Perspectives Art Contest - 09/03/2015

“The artwork selected as the Grand Exhibitor has been incorporated into a poster promoting National Disability Employment Awareness Month, a national campaign that raises awareness about disability employment issues and celebrates the many and varied contributions of America's workers with disabilities. Held annually in October, this year's theme is ‘My disability is one part of who I am.’”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Employer Engagement
  • Provider Transformation

DVRS Supported Employment definition - 09/01/2014

Supported employment enables clients with the most significant disabilities to enter or retain competitive employment in an integrated work setting. Individuals eligible for this program need intensive job site training/job coaching and ongoing support services in order to perform their work after job placement and case closure occurs. Supported employment services shall be purchased only from Division-acknowledged service providers in accordance with the Division’s fee schedule.

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Education

West Virginia Developmental Disabilities Council Five Year State Plan FFY 2012-2016 - 12/30/2013


“ The West Virginia Council coordinated activities during the Spring of 2011 that encouraged people to provide their views on a wide range of issues affecting people with developmental disabilities and their families in the areas of: Employment, Education, Child Care, Health Care, Transportation, Recreation, Housing, Quality Assurance and Formal/Informal Community Supports. Based on the Council’s service and support needs assessment activities, which included public forums and needs surveys reaching more than seven hundred (700) people, seven major goals emerged during the planning process and serve as the foundation for the Five Year State Plan: The Council will work with stakeholders to develop training focused on customized, Employment First, and other innovative employment approaches, accessing funding sources, and developing collaborative relationships. The Council will partner with the WV Division of Rehabilitation Services, WV APSE, Department of Education, and others to plan the training.”

The seven major goals of the Five Year Plan are: Self-Advocacy; Family Support and Training; Protection Against Abuse, Assuring Safety, and Rights Protection; Direct Support Personnel Development and Training; Inclusive Education; Accessibility and Accountability in Public Services; and Competitive and Valued Employment.

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Department of Education
  • Customized Employment
  • Provider Transformation
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

WV Developmental Disabilities Council: 2014 Legislative Statements - 12/30/2013



“The Council will support legislation that promotes valued, integrated employment with competitive wages as the first and preferred outcome for people with developmental disabilities. The Council asserts that employment is an out-come, not a program.”  



  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Customized Employment
  • Self-Employment
  • Mental Health

State Plan for Independent Living (2015) - 10/01/2013

The plan shall be reviewed and revised not less than once every three years, to ensure the existence of appropriate planning, financial support and coordination, and other assistance to appropriately address, on a statewide and comprehensive basis, the needs in the State for: – The provision of State independent living services; – The development and support of a statewide network of centers for independent living; and – Working relationships between programs providing independent living services and independent living centers, the vocational rehabilitation program established under title I, and other programs providing services for individuals with disabilities. 34 CFR 364.20(f)

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

WV Memorandum of Understanding between the Division of Rehabilitative Services and Department of Education on Transition - 10/30/2012


“The cooperative agreement shall assure that each student with a disability in the state who needs special education and/or vocational rehabilitation services is promptly identified and the appropriate transition services are made available to the individual.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Education
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Mental Health
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

WV Developmental Disabilities Council Policy Plans - 10/05/2012


"The Council will work to produce an Employment First policy by 2014.  They plan to “facilitate a working group to study and make recommendations to the responsible State entities to create or modify policies, practices and/or standards that support employment first philosophy for working-age youth and adults with developmental disabilities.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Department of Education
  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

West Virginia Policy 2419: Regulations for the Education of Students with Exceptionalities - 07/01/2012

“The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004, Public Law 108-446, herein after referred to as IDEA 2004 and the IDEA regulations (34 CFR Part 300), require that the State set forth policies and procedures to demonstrate that the State has established a goal providing full educational opportunity to all students with disabilities who are residents of West Virginia, aged birth through twenty-one years of age and a detailed timetable for accomplishing that goal. The State of West Virginia affirms the goal to provide full educational opportunities by 2014 for all students with disabilities, aged birth through twenty-one years of age, residing within its jurisdiction. The State works toward the realization of this goal through the implementation of, and compliance with, IDEA 2004 and any subsequent reauthorization, state policies and procedures and the implementation of the West Virginia Continuous Improvement and Focused Monitoring System (CIFMS).”

  • Department of Education
  • School-to-Work Transition

West Virginia Olmstead Council Legislative Priorities for 2015

1. Implement the West Virginia Olmstead Plan to ensure compliance with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). 2. Eliminate the institutional bias in West Virginia's long term care system. 3. Develop and maintain a statewide, comprehensive transition and diversion program. 4. Implement a formal plan to address the major barrier of affordable, accessible and integrated housing options for people with disabilities. 5. Ensure people with disabilities have opportunities for employment, transportation and meaningful participation in their community

  • Other
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

Building Bridges in the Workforce: Employer Resource Guide

“The Division of Rehabilitation Services, or DRS, is a comprehensive employer assistance program for business owners and employers… Our goal is to assist business owners and employers fi nd solutions to disability-related issues. DRS can provide you with critical business options in the areas of staffing, education, tapping into fi nancial incentives associated with hiring an individual with a disability, which can be a permanent injury, illness or impairment, or insuring accessibility to your goods and services.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Other
  • Employer Engagement

DRS Tax Credits and Hiring Incentives

“In today’s highly competitive global market, the bottom line is the most important factor for business owners and employers. Every business owner and organization is looking for a critical advantage over the competition. Offering a solid return on investment for stakeholders, maximizing profits and limiting expenses are high priorities.” “To gain this advantage, business owners and employers seek the right opportunity to affect the bottom line. DRS can show you how financial incentives can help your business employ people with disabilities and develop a progressive and proactive approach to ensuring accessibility for employees and customers with disabilities.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Employer Engagement

Transition from School to Work

“We [the Division of Rehabilitation Services] provide a wide range of services to help people get and keep jobs. Because everyone is different, services are customized for each individual. DRS counselors typically begin working with students with disabilities in the 11th grade to help them prepare for future employment.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Education
  • School-to-Work Transition

2014 Consensus Agenda on Disability Policy

“People with disabilities have the right and the responsibility to be productive citizens engaged in competitive, integrated employment with the services and supports needed to do so.” This requires the State to, “Increase funding for Supported Employment Services. Increase funding for Extended Supported Employment Services. Implement the “Employment First” initiative, emphasizing integrated, community-based employment as the desired outcome for individuals with disabilities – expecting, encouraging, providing, creating, and rewarding integrated employment in the workforce as the first and preferred option of youth and adults with disabilities. Increase focus on competitive, community-based employment by creating a continuing line item appropriation to fund services for this purpose, and by identifying specific funding for job readiness skills training. Increase awareness of benefits planning and benefits advocacy for Social Security beneficiaries seeking employment.” This consensus agenda also addresses education, human & civil rights, community infrastructure and Home and Community Based Services.

  • Other
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)
  • Employer Engagement
  • Provider Transformation
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

West Virginia Code §5A-1-11

State Americans with disabilities coordinator.

There is continued within the Department of Administration the position of the State Americans with Disabilities Coordinator, who shall be appointed by the Secretary of the Department of Administration with input from the chairperson from each of the following four councils: The Developmental Disabilities Council;  The Statewide Independent Living Council; The Mental Health Planning Council; and The State Rehabilitation Council. The coordinator shall be a full-time employee, and shall have an in-depth working knowledge of the challenges facing persons with disabilities. The coordinator may be a current employee of the Department of Administration or other state agency employee
  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Mental Health
  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Other
  • Mental Health
  • Employer Engagement


WV Interagency Collaborative Team MOU – WORKFORCE WV and One Stop designated partners 2014-2015 - 09/01/2014


“West Virginia state agencies effectively collaborating to define, build and sustain an integrated comprehensive workforce development system that: Ensures universal access; has the right agency doing the right job; focuses on meeting the customer requirements; is uniform, consistent and responsive; advances a seamless delivery system that maximizes resources; remains flexible, yet expandable to grow; and fosters a continuous improvement culture for quality and innovation.”

  • Department of Education
  • Employer Engagement
  • Provider Transformation
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Memorandum of Understanding between the Division of Rehabilitative Services and Department of Education on Transition - 10/30/2012

“The cooperative agreement shall assure that each student with a disability in the state who needs special education and/or vocational rehabilitation services is promptly identified and the appropriate transition services are made available to the individual.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Education
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Mental Health
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

WV Student Transition to Employment Project - 09/01/2012


“The Student Transition to Employment (STEP) Project is designed to train special education teachers and aides to become vendors with the WV Division of Rehabilitation Services (WVDRS). Working in close partnership with the WVDRS School Counselor, this unique project allows for individuals with disabilities who are graduating from high school to receive job placement and training from the teacher or aide who worked with them throughout their high school careers. The purpose of STEP is to provide a more seamless transition from school to work for students with disabilities… STEP was made possible thanks to funding received from the WV Developmental Disabilities Council and WVDRS.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Other
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Systems-Change Funding

WV Comprehensive Employment Systems Infrastructure Development (CES-ID) Grant - 12/01/2006


“A diverse team of agency administrators, partner organizations, and technical assistance providers collaborated to begin the process of creating a comprehensive and coordinated statewide employment support system. This map is the first product of the process and identifies “enabling prerequisites” for creating a more detailed strategic plan. Ten goals are articulated as guidelines for further progress.”

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

SSA Youth Transition Demonstration: West Virginia Youth Works


“Human Resource Development Foundation, Inc. and the West Virginia University Center for Excellence in Disabilities partner to administer West Virginia Youth Works, which provides customized services and supports to SSI recipients, ages 15 to 25, in 19 counties. Services include assessment, planning, work experiences, job development, job placement support, benefits planning and counseling, and job retention services. The project enrolled 404 youths. YTD services ended March 2012.”

  • Other
  • School-to-Work Transition

WV M-WIN (Medicaid Work Incentive Network)


“M-WIN is a work incentive for people with disabilities or chronic health conditions. It allows individuals who work, to pay a monthly premium and keep or obtain Medicaid healthcare coverage. M-WIN eliminates a major barrier to employment - losing current healthcare benefits when an individual with a disability returns to work. It also creates an incentive for individuals with disabilities to obtain employment and earn health care coverage. M-WIN members can earn more money and save more money than Medicaid normally allows. Hundreds of West Virginians with disabilities are benefiting from M-WIN.”

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

WV Money Follows the Person – Take me home

  “West Virginia was awarded a Money Follows the Person (MFP) Rebalancing Demonstration Grant by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services in 2011… The purpose of the MFP initiative is to support state Medicaid programs in providing people with long-term care needs a greater choice of where to live and receive needed services and supports.”   “West Virginia’s Money Follows the Person initiative is called Take Me Home, West Virginia. The Program expects to transition at least 600 individuals from facility-based living to their own homes and communities over the demonstration period. The Program targets Medicaid beneficiaries who:  Are elderly (65 and older);  Have a physical disability, or ; Have a serious mental illness.”  
  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Segregated Day & Employment Services

Training/Capacity Building

West Virginia Department of Education: Career Technical Education for students with disability - 10/01/2013

Career technical education (CTE) programs in West Virginia are designed for all students and prepare them for entering post-secondary education, training or the workforce. CTE Content Skill Sets (CSSs) are based on national industry recognized accreditation and credentialing standards. Many students with disabilities achieve great success in career and technical education programs with minimal accommodations. It is essential that CTE instructors and special education (SE) case managers collaborate to develop coordinated plans to meet the needs of individual students as indicated in the Individualized Education Program (IEP)

  • Department of Education
  • School-to-Work Transition

WV Customized Employment Grant


“This funding announcement is intended to provide support to agencies that can work with employers in meeting their needs by finding, maintaining and improving the employment status of individuals with disabilities in competitive employment in each region of the state.”

 “When the ADA was passed in 1990, Congress announced four public policy goals for people with disabilities: 1) equality of opportunity; 2) full participation; 3) independent living; and 4) economic self-sufficiency. The Bureau of Behavioral Health and Health Facilities (BBHHF) works in collaboration with the West Virginia Division of Rehabilitation Services (DRS), the Bureau for Medical Services (BMS), the WV Department of Education (DOE), the West Virginia Developmental Disabilities Council (WV DDC), West Virginia University Center for Excellence in Disabilities (WVCED), and other partners to promote these goals. Employment in the general workforce is the first and preferred outcome in the provision of publicly funded services for all working age citizens with disabilities, regardless of level of disability.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Mental Health
  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Department of Education
  • Other
  • Employer Engagement
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships
  • Resource Leveraging


No Enforcement have been entered for this state.

Medicaid & Employment

West Virginia Olmstead Council Legislative Priorities for 2015

1. Implement the West Virginia Olmstead Plan to ensure compliance with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). 2. Eliminate the institutional bias in West Virginia's long term care system. 3. Develop and maintain a statewide, comprehensive transition and diversion program. 4. Implement a formal plan to address the major barrier of affordable, accessible and integrated housing options for people with disabilities. 5. Ensure people with disabilities have opportunities for employment, transportation and meaningful participation in their community

  • Other
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

Methodology for West Virginia’s Waiver Transition Plan Application

West Virginia underwent the process of developing a transition plan pursuant to 42 CFR 441.301(c)(6) that contains the actions the state will take to bring all West Virginia waivers into compliance with requirements set forth in 42 CFR 441.301(c)(4-5). West Virginia intends to work with the various providers, participants, guardians, and other stakeholders engaged in HCBS to implement the proposed transition plan. This document summarizes the steps West Virginia’s Bureau for Medical Services (BMS) undertook to develop the transition plans as well as planned activities related to compliance.

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

West Virginia Medicaid State Plan, Recent amendments.

Amendments to the State Plan are available by year on this page.

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

West Virginia Medicaid State Plan

The West Virginia Medicaid State Plan may be accessed from this page. It is available in sections in pdf. Format.

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

M-WIN (Medicaid Work Incentive Network)

“M-WIN is a work incentive for people with disabilities or chronic health conditions. It allows individuals who work, to pay a monthly premium and keep or obtain Medicaid healthcare coverage. M-WIN eliminates a major barrier to employment - losing current healthcare benefits when an individual with a disability returns to work. It also creates an incentive for individuals with disabilities to obtain employment and earn health care coverage. M-WIN members can earn more money and save more money than Medicaid normally allows. Hundreds of West Virginians with disabilities are benefiting from M-WIN.”

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

Money Follows the Person – Take me home

“West Virginia was awarded a Money Follows the Person (MFP) Rebalancing Demonstration Grant by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services in 2011… The purpose of the MFP initiative is to support state Medicaid programs in providing people with long-term care needs a greater choice of where to live and receive needed services and supports.”

“West Virginia’s Money Follows the Person initiative is called Take Me Home, West Virginia. The Program expects to transition at least 600 individuals from facility-based living to their own homes and communities over the demonstration period. The Program targets Medicaid beneficiaries who: Are elderly (65 and older); Have a physical disability, or Have a serious mental illness.”

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Segregated Day & Employment Services

WV Aged and Disabled Waiver Program


“Aged and Disabled Waiver Program (ADW) is a long-term care alternative that provides services that enable an individual to remain at or return home rater than receiving nursing home care. The goals and objectives of this program are focused on providing services that are person-centered, promote choice, independence, participant-direction, respect, and dignity and community integration.” 

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

WV Medicaid Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities Waiver


“The Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities (I/DD) Waiver (formerly the MR/DD Waiver Program) provides services that instruct, train, support, supervise, and assist individuals who have intellectual disabilities and/or developmental disabilities in achieving the highest level of independence and self-sufficiency possible in their lives. The I/DD Waiver Program provides services in natural settings, homes and communities where the member resides, works, and shops instead of ICF/MR facilities.”

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)