
States - Big Screen

The motto of Wisconsin is "Forward," and it's clear to see that things are moving forward on Employment First initiatives that are empowering individuals with disabilities to find success in the careers they choose.

2014 State Population.
Change from
2013 to 2014
2014 Number of people with disabilities (all disabilities, ages 18-64).
Change from
2013 to 2014
2014 Number of people with disabilities who are employed (all disabilities, ages 18-64).
Change from
2013 to 2014
2014 Percentage of working age people who are employed (all disabilities).
Change from
2013 to 2014
2014 Percentage of working age people who are employed (NO disabilities).
Change from
2013 to 2014


2012 2013 2014
Population. 5,726,398 5,742,713 5,757,564
Number of people with disabilities (all disabilities, ages 18-64). 331,686 355,057 353,031
Number of people with disabilities who are employed (all disabilities, ages 18-64). 124,829 145,103 140,488
Number of people without disabilities who are employed (ages 18-64). 2,553,029 2,554,274 2,586,501
Percentage of working age people who are employed (all disabilities). 37.63% 40.87% 39.79%
Percentage of working age people who are employed (NO disabilities). 79.52% 80.10% 81.15%
Overall unemployment rate. 7.00% 6.80% 5.50%
Poverty Rate (all disabilities). 21.70% 21.80% 20.80%
Poverty Rate (NO disabilities). 12.10% 12.40% 12.10%
Number of males with disabilities (all ages). 319,449 338,222 339,579
Number of females with disabilities (all ages). 320,318 347,572 337,992
Number of Caucasians with disabilities (all ages). 547,132 591,940 582,635
Number of African Americans with disabilities (all ages). 57,029 53,913 55,258
Number of Hispanic/Latinos with disabilities (all ages). 27,262 31,645 33,986
Number of American Indians/Alaska Natives with disabilities (all ages). 7,132 7,921 6,434
Number of Asians with disabilities (all ages). 7,799 9,386 10,701
Number of Hawaiians/Pacific Islanders with disabilities (all ages). N/A N/A N/A
Number of with multiple races disabilities (all ages). 13,354 14,399 13,328
Number of others with disabilities (all ages). 7,220 8,082 8,923



2012 2013 2014
Number of SSI recipients with disabilities who work. 10,383 10,442 10,674
Percentage of SSI recipients with disabilities who work relative to total SSI recipients with disabilities. 9.60% 9.40% 9.50%
Old Age Survivor and Disability Insurance (OASDI) recipients/workers with disabilities. 157,689 160,842 161,894



2012 2013 2014
Number of mental health services consumers who are employed. 3,071 3,395 3,562
Number of mental health services consumers who are part of the labor force (employed or actively looking for employment). 5,337 6,013 5,843
Number of adults served who have a known employment status. 13,476 15,779 14,613
Percentage of all state mental health agency consumers served in the community who are employed. 22.80% 21.50% 24.40%
Percentage of supported employment services evidence based practices (EBP). 1.00% 1.40% 1.40%
Percentage of supported housing services evidence based practices (EBP). 2.00% 2.10% 1.30%
Percentage of assertive community treatment services evidence based practices (EBP). 9.00% 7.90% 6.10%
Percentage of medications management evidence based practices (EBP). 5.90% 4.30% 3.00%
Number of evidence based practices (EBP) supported employment services. 425 647 701
Number of evidence based practices (EBP) supported housing services. 864 944 648
Number of evidence based practices (EBP) assertive community treatment services. 3,802 3,572 2,972
Number of evidence based practices (EBP) medications management. 2,485 1,946 1,454



2012 2013 2014
Number of registered job seekers with a disability. 16,802 17,223 15,934
Proportion of registered job seekers with a disability. 0.05 0.05 0.05



2011 2012 2013
Total number of people with a disability that is a substantial barrier to work served by Job Training and Partnership Act/Workforce Investment Act programs. 101 91 106
Total number of people with a disability that is a substantial barrier to work who entered unsubsidized employment. 56 64 70
Percentage of people with a disability that is a substantial barrier to work who entered unsubsidized employment relative to total the number of people with a disability that is a substantial barrier to work. 55.00% 70.00% 66.00%
Incidence rate of people with a disability that is a substantial barrier to work who entered unsubsidized employment per 100,000 individuals in the general state population. 0.98 1.12 1.22



2013 2014 2015
Total Number of people served under VR.
Number of people with visual impairments served under VR. 163 N/A N/A
Number of people with communicative (hearing loss, deafness) impairments served under VR. 558 N/A N/A
Number of people with physical impairments served under VR. 2,130 N/A N/A
Number of people cognitive impairments served under VR. 1,970 N/A N/A
Number of people psychosocial impairments served under VR. 1,417 N/A N/A
Number of people with mental impairments served under VR. 457 N/A N/A
Percentage of overall closures into employment under VR. 20.60% N/A N/A
Number of employment network (EN) and vocational rehabilitation (VR) tickets assigned. N/A 9,316 9,159
Number of eligible ticket to work beneficiaries. N/A 235,031 237,335
Total number of ID closures using supported employment services with or without Title VI-B funds expended (VI-C prior to 2002). 179 N/A N/A
Total number of ID competitive labor market closures. 431 N/A N/A



2011 2012 2013
Dollars spent on day/employment services for integrated employment funding. $25,736,000 $22,923,000 $22,690,000
Dollars spent on day/employment services for facility-based work funding. $67,406,000 $65,460,000 $60,875,000
Dollars spent on day/employment services for facility-based non-work funding. $110,254,000 $103,492,000 $99,599,000
Dollars spent on day/employment services for community based non-work funding. $17,226,000 $14,235,000 $9,643,000
Percentage of people served in integrated employment. 22.00% 22.00% 21.00%
Number of people served in community based non-work. 3,283 3,114 2,069
Number of people served in facility based work. 6,529 7,108 6,824
Number of people served in facility based non-work. 7,385 7,755 7,667
Number supported in integrated employment per 100,000 individuals in the general state population. 58.30 60.00 54.90



2011 2012 2013
Percent of children with IEPs aged 6 through 21 served inside the regular class 80% or more of the day (Indicator 5a). 59.42% 61.91% 63.54%
Percent of children with IEPs aged 6 through 21 served inside the regular class less than 40% of the day (Indicator 5b). 10.01% 9.97% 9.75%
Percent of children with IEPs aged 6 through 21 served in separate schools, residential facilities, or homebound/hospital placements (Indicator 5c). 1.20% 1.23% 1.40%
Percent of youth with IEPs aged 16 and above with an IEP that includes appropriate measurable postsecondary goals (Indicator 13). 79.28% 98.75% 98.92%
Percentage of youth who are no longer in secondary school, had IEPs in effect at the time they left school, and were enrolled in higher education within one year of leaving high school (Indicator 14a). 34.62% 29.80% 27.51%
Percentage of youth who are no longer in secondary school, had IEPs in effect at the time they left school, and were enrolled in higher education or competitively employed within one year of leaving high school (Indicator 14b). 64.52% 59.40% 64.94%
Percentage of youth who are no longer in secondary school, had IEPs in effect at the time they left school, and were enrolled in higher education or in some other postsecondary education or training program; or competitively employed or in some other employment within one year of leaving high school (Indicator 14c). 78.83% 72.90% 77.56%
Percentage of youth who are no longer in secondary school, had IEPs in effect at the time they left school, and were competitively employed within one year of leaving high school (Subset of Indicator 14). 29.90% 29.60% 37.43%



Number of overall agency blind and SD hours. 2,759,088
Number of overall total blind and SD workers. 3,964
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD hours (products). 269,729
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD hours (services). 1,118,183
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD hours (combined). 1,387,912
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD workers (products). 410
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD workers (services). 862
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD workers (combined). 1,272
AbilityOne wages (products). $1,894,656
AbilityOne wages (services). $16,572,273



2014 2015
Number of 14(c) certificate-holding private businesses. 18 16
Number of 14(c) certificate-holding school work experience programs (SWEPs). 1 2
Number of 14(c) certificate-holding community rehabilitation programs (CRPs). 76 72
Number of 14(c) certificate holding patient workers. N/A 4
Total Number of 14(c) certificate holding entities. N/A 94
Reported number of people with disabilities working under 14(c) certificate holding private businesses. N/A 25
Reported number of people with disabilities working under 14 (c) certificate holding school work experience programs (SWEPs). N/A 24
Reported number of people with disabilities working under 14(c) certificate holding community rehabilitation programs (CRPs). N/A 9,156
Reported number of people with disabilities working under 14(c) certificate holding patient workers. N/A 451
Total reported number of people with disabilities working under 14(c) certificate holding entities. N/A 9,656


Wisconsin Assembly Bill 731 - 03/31/2016

This bill makes changes to the laws in this state related to the federal Achieving a Better Life Experience Act of 2014. Under federal law, an eligible resident of this state may participate in a qualified ABLE program of another state and establish an ABLE account. The proceeds of an ABLE account may be used to pay for qualified expenses, such as education, housing, and transportation costs, for a beneficiary who is an individual with disabilities, as defined under federal law.

  • Other
  • Asset Development / Financial Capability

WI Statutes: Vocational Rehabilitation; Specialized Programs for Persons with Disabilities - 08/26/2015

This WI statute defines persons with disabilities and explains Vocational Rehabilitation and “special programs for persons with disabilities.” It states that the State will, “Make vocational rehabilitation services under this chapter available in every county to all persons with disabilities who are present in the state, regardless of residency,” and details the services that will be available to people with disabilities.

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Provider Transformation

Wisconsin SB 21 (Act 55) - 07/12/2015

"Senate Bill 21 as 2015 Wisconsin Act 55 is approved and deposited in the office of the Secretary of State...The following is a brief summary of how this budget, including my vetoes, will continue to make Wisconsin more prosperous, more independent and more efficient...Newly establishes Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) accounts to empower the disabled community and their families to achieve greater independence and assist with various expenses."

  • Other
  • Asset Development / Financial Capability

Wisconsin Fair Employment Act

Wisconsin's Fair Employment Law gives civil rights protections to qualified persons with disabilities. The law applies to virtually all, private and public employers, regardless of the number of employees. Under the federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), disability discrimination is also prohibited for employers having 15 or more employees. Both laws are designed to ensure equal opportunity in all aspects of employment.

  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Asset Development / Financial Capability

No Executive Orders have been entered for this state.

Wisconsin DVR Statewide Service Fee Schedule - 02/15/2016

All services must comply with the technical specifications outlined for each service or payment will not be made. A revised report must be submitted to DVR in 10 business days if returned for non-compliance. No additional fees will be paid for requested meetings.

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Workforce Development

Supported Employment Fees/Customized Employment - 10/01/2015

Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development chart of supported employment and customized employment fees.   It details the Supported Employment Service, and the fee for each service.

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Customized Employment
  • Employer Engagement
  • Provider Transformation

Transition Action Guide For Post-secondary Planning - 03/01/2015

This Transition Action Guide (TAG) was developed to support the 2007 Interagency Agreement among the Department of Workforce Development (DWD), the Department of Public Instruction (DPI), and the Department of Health Services (DHS). This guide suggests best practices and resources to assist key stakeholders (students, parents/guardians, teachers and school team members, DVR counselors, Children and Adult Long –Term Care and Mental Health professionals, and ADRC representatives) involved in the transition process. This tool can be used as a framework to improve communication, coordination, and services for students with disabilities transitioning from school to employment.

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Mental Health
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Department of Education
  • Other
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

A Better Bottom Line: Governor Scott Walker Delivers Remarks at Wisconsin Employment First Conference - 04/03/2014

“Governor Walker proclaimed 2014 as the Year of A Better Bottom Line to encourage and promote employment opportunities for people with disabilities... During the Year of A Better Bottom Line, Governor Walker is directing state agencies to focus on recognizing and promoting public and private programs, companies, and organizations that are improving employment opportunities for people with disabilities, including veterans and students.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Priorities for People with Disabilities in Wisconsin

“This packet provides information and recommendations on various issues that people with disabilities face, including integrated employment, access to health care and schools, and special education funding.”

  • Other
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)
  • Segregated Day & Employment Services

Wisconsin Individual Placement and Support

IPS is an evidenced based practice model of supported employment for individuals with severe and persistent mental illness. In Wisconsin the Department of Workforce Development, DVR has partnered with the Department of Health Services - Division of Mental Health to establish IPS in Wisconsin as part of a grant from Dartmouth College and Johnson and Johnson. Mental health services in Wisconsin are provided by each county. The IPS model involves a team approach involving an Employment Specialist and a DVR counselor becoming a part of a mental health treatment team, with employment becoming a focus of mental health services. Adherence to the prescribed national model is essential. Fidelity reviews are conducted until good fidelity is achieved. Technical assistance is provided as part of the grant and can be provided for counties wishing to implement IPS. Legislation has been proposed (2014) for a significant expansion of IPS availability in Wisconsin.

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Mental Health
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Mental Health
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Individual Placement and Support (IPS) Wisconsin Community Mental Health Services and Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Process

The IPS project emphasizes best practice implementation strategies in collaboration and modifying existing practices and organizational barriers. There is long term technical assistance for statewide implementation. Outcomes are tracked closely. On the local level the work is done in a team with all members contributing expertise towards employment and other goals. DVR would be expected to be a member of that team and provide expertise and case service based funding for related vocational services. The day to day work is done by an Employment Specialist with a small caseload (20) of participants. Strict guidelines and fidelity scales are used to insure that evidence based best practice is used and not services based on anecdotal, casual or existing practice. This document is intended to provide an outline of process elements needed for Individual Placement and Support (IPS) in Mental Health for WI DVR Counselors and others

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Mental Health
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Governor’s Committee for people with disability Work plan

The Governor’s Committee for People with Disabilities: • Advises the Governor and state agencies on problems faced by people with disabilities, • Reviews legislation and advises the Governor about legislation affecting people with disabilities, • Suggests to the Governor and state agencies ways to enhance the effective operations of publicity and privately administered or supported programs serving people with disabilities, • Promotes the goal of self-sufficiency for people with disabilities, • Promotes the collection, dissemination and incorporation of adequate information about persons with disabilities into public planning at all levels of government, • Promotes public awareness of needs and abilities of people with disabilities, and • Encourages the effective involvement of people with disabilities in government.

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Mental Health
  • Other

Results of a Comprehensive Statewide Assessment of the Rehabilitation Needs of Individuals with Disabilities and the Need to Establish, Develop or Improve Community Rehabilitation Programs.

The Wisconsin Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) conducts an annual update to the statewide assessment of the rehabilitation (and other) needs of individuals with disabilities residing in the state. The comprehensive statewide assessment process also includes an annual review of Wisconsin disability statistics, DVR customer and service federal report data, and public comment and input provided to the Wisconsin Rehabilitation Council (WRC) throughout the year. This attachment also includes input received during public hearings conducted by DVR and WRC during May 2014 regarding FFY15 State Plan

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Other
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

Employment Outcomes for WI DVR (Reviewed May 2014)

Purpose: To provide WI DVR’s definition of successful employment outcomes (coded as a status “26”) and to describe our policies, the Federal Regulations, and the Intent of Title I of the Rehabilitation Act that support the definition of a successful employment outcome. Rationale: There may be employment settings where a more thorough review will be necessary to ensure that the setting and wages meet the requirements of an employment outcome. Guidance: The Wisconsin Vocational Rehabilitation Program Policy Manual states as one of its requirements that a consumer has achieved an employment outcome when the employment is in the most integrated setting possible that is consistent with the consumer's informed choice. The consumer must also be compensated at or above the minimum wage i.e., competitive employment, and receive at least the customary wage and benefit level paid to other individuals performing similar work for the same employer.

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Asset Development / Financial Capability
  • Employer Engagement
  • 14(c)/Income Security

LCS in WI: An Organizational Investment in Capacity-Building and Staff Training

“Over the last five years, LCS, a provider in Racine, Wisconsin, has developed the capacity of its staff to expand integrated employment service options. LCS has hired and retained staff who are passionate about integrated employment, and has invested in supporting them to deliver high-quality integrated employment services.   Through state-of-the-art training and other resources, LCS has navigated internal and external challenges to building staff competencies, and has solidified its mission of sustaining highly qualified staff.”  
  • Other
  • Provider Transformation

WI Supported Employment

“This program works to increase employment opportunities for people with the most significant disabilities by working with a consumer and an employer to find a job that suits the consumer's specific skills and abilities. DVR works with county agencies to provide the long-term supports that will help the consumer keep their job.”

  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Customized Employment

What’s New with the Postsecondary Transition Plan (PTP)

“With stakeholder input, the Department of Public Instruction has developed a web-based IEP: Postsecondary Transition Plan (PTP) that will assist local educational agencies to document the postsecondary transition requirements with 100% compliance while allowing for individualization to meet student needs. The PTP is the application for collecting Indicator 13 data. Because state law requires transition plans for students with disabilities aged 14 and above, the PTP is used to develop and monitor transition plans for all students with disabilities who need a postsecondary transition plan.”

  • Department of Education
  • School-to-Work Transition

Wisconsin Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Combined State Plan

This WIOA Combined State Plan was jointly developed by one state team, guided by the WIOA Leadership Team. The WIOA Leadership Team is comprised of executive level leadership from all of Wisconsin's combined state plan programs. The strategic and operational planning elements were written with input from and approval by the WIOA Leadership Team, while program‐specific requirements were written by each program and shared for vetting with the WIOA Leadership Team.

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Wisconsin Employment First Initiative

Employment First is, “a national movement that is helping states improve their economies by supporting businesses to find talent and meet their needs by hiring people with disabilities. The intentional creation of policies and practices that result in a significant increase in the numbers of people with disabilities being employed in the community. A policy initiative that promotes employment in the community at minimum wage or higher as the preferred outcome for publicly funded services for all working age citizens with disabilities.”


Addresses other FAQs regarding Employment First.

  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Other
  • Employer Engagement
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

WI Employment First

“The Employment First Initiative is a project of the Wisconsin Board for Persons with Developmental Disabilities (WI BPDD) in partnership with Wisconsin APSE, and People First Wisconsin.”

  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Wisconsin Vocational Rehabilitation: “Employment First Team” - 03/01/2015

Lists team members and headquarters as of March 2015.

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Wisconsin Transition Interagency Agreement - 12/02/2010

This interagency agreement has been revised from the July 2007 interagency agreement to now focus on both students with disabilities transitioning from high school as well as adults with disabilities, who have an expectation for integrated competitive employment. It has also been elaborated for clarity and to reflect best practices associated with increasing employment opportunities for people with cognitive and/or physical disabilities who also have challenges with mental health. Based on recommendations made by a statewide employment task force, this agreement represents the intent to fully coordinate all of the activities and programs within each agency, for every internal and external stakeholder who is striving to achieve employment for citizens with disabilities.

  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Department of Education
  • Other
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

WI Interagency Agreement MOU: Adults and Transitioning Youth - 12/02/2010

“This agreement between DPI, DVR, and DHS has four overall priorities supporting integrated employment: To comply with federal legal mandates under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004 (IDEA). To provide practical guidance, technical assistance, and training to internal and external stakeholders and staff regarding employment-related services and supports. To provide information on employment services to individuals with disabilities and their family members or guardians so they will be able to participate fully in employment. To provide clarification of roles of stakeholders within each respective department regarding individuals with disabilities who have identified support needs associated with employment and independent living, so that individuals and their families may regard such efforts to be as seamless, non-duplicative, and as transparent as possible.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Mental Health
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Other
  • Employer Engagement
  • Provider Transformation
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Memorandum of Understanding for the Wisconsin Works (W-2) Program - 11/10/2009

“The purpose of this MOU is for the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) and the Department of Children and Families, Division of Family and Economic Security, Wisconsin Works (W-2) Program to establish collaborative efforts regarding their services and to develop a common understanding regarding their roles, policies, and procedures to better serve individuals with disabilities who may benefit from services from both programs.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

WI Department of Health Services’ Managed Care and Employment Task Force (MCETF): Final Report - 07/18/2008

“Against this backdrop, the Managed Care and Employment Task Force (MCETF) was convened in May 2007 by Division of Long-Term Care Administrator Sinikka Santala and charged with recommending a comprehensive strategy to expand work options for adults who rely on the community-based, long-term care system. The Task Force, composed of 28 members representing a wide range of interests and expertise, analyzed the challenges and identified best practices from Wisconsin and elsewhere for overcoming these challenges.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Governor’s Committee for people with disability Work plan

The Governor’s Committee for People with Disabilities: • Advises the Governor and state agencies on problems faced by people with disabilities, • Reviews legislation and advises the Governor about legislation affecting people with disabilities, • Suggests to the Governor and state agencies ways to enhance the effective operations of publicity and privately administered or supported programs serving people with disabilities, • Promotes the goal of self-sufficiency for people with disabilities, • Promotes the collection, dissemination and incorporation of adequate information about persons with disabilities into public planning at all levels of government, • Promotes public awareness of needs and abilities of people with disabilities, and • Encourages the effective involvement of people with disabilities in government.

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Mental Health
  • Other

Transition Planning for Students with Disabilities

“Transition is helping students with disabilities and their families think about their life after high school and identify long-range goals designing the high school experience to ensure that students gain the skills and connections they need to achieve these goals the provision of funds and services to local school districts to assist in the transition process.”

  • Department of Education
  • Other
  • School-to-Work Transition

Survival Coalition of Wisconsin Disability Organizations

“The intention of the Wisconsin Employment First Coalition is to partner with people with disabilities, other stakeholders, businesses and the public to increase awareness of the need to provide integrated employment opportunities here in Wisconsin. Survival Coalition supports integrated employment as the presumed outcome for people with disabilities. They believe that everyone can and should work in integrated jobs.”

  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Wisconsin Association of People Supporting Employment First (APSE)

Wisconsin has an APSE chapter.  “WI APSE believes that a state-wide Employment First effort is a vital component to the goal of increasing employment outcomes for citizens with disabilities in a manner that promotes equality of opportunity…Between May and September 2009, WI APSE facilitated group discussions about employment opportunities in eight locations around the state.” This document is a compilation of their observations, suggestions and next steps to implementing Employment First in Wisconsin.

  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

WI Employment First Community Action Team’s (CATs)

The Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilities and National APSE  teamed up to fund the technical assistance and training of three to five pilot “Employment First” Community Action Teams (CATs) sites round the state. “The purpose of the CATs is to implement practices around the state aligned with the Employment First Initiative to support an increased number of people with disabilities in Wisconsin to work in their communities. CATs will take the lead in implementing action plan items at a local level, setting local benchmarks, and reporting on progress.”

  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilities

“The Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilities (WBPDD) was established to advocate on behalf of individuals with developmental disabilities, foster welcoming and inclusive communities, and improve the disability service system. The Board's mission is to help people with developmental disabilities become independent, productive, and included in all facets of community life.”


  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

WI Employment Development Initiative - 10/01/2011

“In an effort to assist State Mental Health Authorities, in close collaboration with Single State Authorities, in planning and implementing activities to foster increased employment opportunities for people with mental health and/or substance use disorders, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and its Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS) created the Employment Development Initiative (EDI).

This initiative provides, on a competitive basis, modest funding awards in the form of fixed-price subcontracts between the Contractor, the National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors (NASMHPD), and the States, Territories and District of Columbia. In addition, each awardee will receive two consultant technical assistance visits coordinated and paid through the Contractor's portion of the project." Wisconsin received a grant to support their Rural Supported Employment and Peer Support Programs.

  • Department of Mental Health
  • Mental Health


The Medicaid Infrastructure Grant Research Assistance to States (MIG-RATS) Center launched a website to provide resources and support to states implementing MIGs. The website is designed to help staff find research reports and resources, learn about MIG-RATS activities and initiatives, and connect with MIG researchers. The website includes info on topics such as Medicaid Buy-In programs, outreach and marketing, and youth in transition and also provides links to tools and a calendar of events. 

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

Wisconsin PROMISE Initiative

The PROMISE initiative is intended to improve services for youth SSI (Social Security Supplemental Security Income) recipients and their families. The services help youth recipients achieve better outcomes, including graduating from high school ready for college and a career, completing postsecondary education and job training, and obtaining competitive employment in an integrated setting. As a result, these youth SSI recipients can achieve long-term reductions in reliance on SSI.   PROMISE is a joint initiative of the U.S. Department of Education, the U.S. Social Security Administration, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and the U.S. Department of Labor.  
  • Department of Mental Health
  • Department of Education
  • Other
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

WI Disability Employment Initiative

"The WI Disability Employment Initiative was designed to ‘improve the accessibility and accountability of the public workforce development system for individuals with disabilities,’ extending ‘promising practices implemented by disability program navigators.’ Wisconsin’s Disability Employment Initiative will ‘improve coordination and collaboration among employment and training and asset development programs carried out at a state and local level.’ Linking to the ‘Ticket to Work program,’ Wisconsin seeks to build what members of Congress termed ‘effective community partnerships that leverage public and private resources to better serve individuals with disabilities and improve employment outcomes.’”  The grant ended in 2014.

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Mental Health
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Asset Development / Financial Capability
  • Employer Engagement
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships
  • Resource Leveraging

WI Disability Program Navigator

“ETA and SSA are jointly funding the DPN Initiative in 42 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the United States Virgin Islands where SSA implemented employment support initiatives. This Initiative promotes comprehensive services and work incentive information for SSA beneficiaries and other people with disabilities, through the One Stop system. The Initiative focuses on developing new and ongoing partnerships to achieve seamless, comprehensive, and integrated access to services, creating systemic change, and expanding the workforce development system's capacity to serve customers with disabilities and employers.”

  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

WI Partnerships in Employment Systems Change Grant (Let’s Get to Work)

“The Wisconsin Let’s Get to Work project is a five-year, national systems change grant that will lead to improved community employment outcomes for youth with intellectual and developmental disabilities in transition…Funded by the Administration on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities the project focuses on improving, developing and implementing policies and practices that raise community expectations and overall employment outcomes for youth with intellectual/developmental disabilities (I/DD).”

  • Other
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Mental Health
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

WI Medicaid Purchase Plan

“The Medicaid Purchase Plan offers people with disabilities who are working or interested in working the opportunity to buy health care coverage through the Wisconsin Medicaid Program. Depending on an individual’s income, a premium payment may be required for this health care coverage.”

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Other
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

WI Money Follows the Person

“Wisconsin received a federal award for a five-year Money Follows the Person Rebalancing Demonstration (MFP Demo).  The demonstration, authorized by Congress and funded by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, provides enhanced federal matching funds for services provided to participants in the demonstration.”


  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Other
  • Mental Health

Family Care Integrated Employment Planning for Members with Physical Disabilities - 07/15/2015

This is a training designed to help Interdisciplinary Team (IDT) understand Family Care Integrated Employment Planning. 

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Transition Action Guide For Post-secondary Planning - 03/01/2015

This Transition Action Guide (TAG) was developed to support the 2007 Interagency Agreement among the Department of Workforce Development (DWD), the Department of Public Instruction (DPI), and the Department of Health Services (DHS). This guide suggests best practices and resources to assist key stakeholders (students, parents/guardians, teachers and school team members, DVR counselors, Children and Adult Long –Term Care and Mental Health professionals, and ADRC representatives) involved in the transition process. This tool can be used as a framework to improve communication, coordination, and services for students with disabilities transitioning from school to employment.

  • Department of Mental Health
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Department of Education
  • Other
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

WI Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) Technical Specifications: Supported Employment - 07/01/2014

DVR can provide up to 24 months of support, although this level of need is rare. DVR can provide up to 48 months of support for youth (age 14-24). The services and processes outlined in the technical specifications have been designed to insure a good job match and reduce the need for support while maximizing consumer independence. All DVR services must be provided in competitive wage and integrated settings.” 

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Provider Transformation

WI Self-Employment Toolkit V2.0 - 12/19/2013

“This toolkit was developed to assist DVR staff and consumers through the self-employment process. It addresses all areas of the process, from how to start the initial conversation with the consumer, through opening the business and closing the case successfully. The process outlined in this toolkit is in a 12-step format. Each step has a purpose and should be completed prior to moving on to the next step. It is expected that this process will be followed for all start-up self-employment cases.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Self-Employment

Wisconsin Division of Vocational Rehabilitation: Customized Self-Employment Toolkit - 08/01/2012

“This tool has been developed to assist DVR Staff throughout the exploration and development of a small business for consumers who need a customized or supported approach to self-employment. A consumer requiring a customized approach may need supports to develop and/or maintain the business. Supports could include: long term job coaching supports, ongoing case management, peer supports, natural supports, family supports or ongoing paid professional services for the business, etc.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Customized Employment
  • Self-Employment
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Mental Health
  • Provider Transformation

Self-Directed Employment Planning Resource Guide - 07/01/2012

“This Resource Guide was designed to be used with the Self-Directed Employment Planning online modules. Since the Self-Directed Employment Planning modules are an on-line resource, website links are included as part of the Resource Guide. If you click on the website links in an electronic version of this guide from a computer, you should be able to go to each website.    This Resource Guide is set up in the same order as the training modules. There are ten sections that go with each of the ten on-line modules. You should listen to each module first and then take the time to look at the information in this Resource Guide that goes with each module.     This Resource Guide also contains helpful templates and samples that were described in the learning modules. You can use these templates in your planning. You can use parts or all of them. You can print off the pages you need and make as many copies of them as you want to use.”  
  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Other
  • Customized Employment
  • Self-Employment
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Mental Health

Wisconsin Department Workforce Development (DWD) and Department of Health Services (DHS) Technical Assistance Guide for Adults Seeking Integrated Employment - 12/28/2010

“This Adult Technical Assistance Guide (Adult TAG) is intended to improve communication, coordination, and services for adults with disabilities seeking integrated employment who participate in either the Family Care, Family Care Partnership, PACE or IRIS long term care programs and who are jointly eligible for Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) services. It is designed to be useful for all persons and agencies involved in the process of vocational placement and providing long term support for integrated employment.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Beach Center on Disability Research Highlights: Customized Employment - 07/15/2008

“In this study, personal and employment histories of 50 individuals with significant disabilities were examined in table format to identify trends in employment and support the validity of integrated work experiences. Personal histories included: exit year of high school, age disability label and residential support. Employment histories included work environment, time at job, work tasks, hours per week, hourly wage, professional support and reasons for changing jobs. The participants’ experiences began 15-24 years ago when they entered the services provided by Community Work Services Inc. in Madison, Wisconsin.”

  • Other
  • Customized Employment
  • School-to-Work Transition

Self-Directed Employment Planning Modules

“This on-line series was designed to help people with disabilities think about their integrated employment options, understand employment supports, and create a plan to achieve their integrated employment goals.   There are 12 learning modules, which you can watch by clicking the links below.  Start with the introduction so that you can learn how to use this learning series.”  
  • Other
  • Customized Employment
  • School-to-Work Transition

Customized Employment: Job Development - Success Stories

This presentation contains success stories from Wisconsin job seekers with disabilities who have successfully obtained employment through the Customized Employment process.

  • Other
  • Customized Employment
  • Employer Engagement

Customized Employment: It Really Works!

Presentation on how and why Customized Employment works as a strategy for getting people with disabilities jobs.  Addresses CE as evidence-based practice and the benefits of CE for employers and co-workers.

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Other
  • Customized Employment
  • Self-Employment
  • Employer Engagement
  • Provider Transformation

Community-Based Transition Options for 18- to 21-year old Students with Disabilities

“This guide shares a framework for planning community-based transition options for 18-21-year-old students with disabilities. This tool will assist local districts in assessing needs and developing transition-focused options within a community-based environment. In addition, the guide assists districts to create a step-by-step process using practical activities and user-friendly forms. The forms have been created to identify student needs, analyze in-school and community resources, set priorities, develop meaningful action plans, and establish the process for evaluation.”

  • Department of Education
  • Other
  • Customized Employment
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Mental Health

Pathways to Employment Resource Center: PERC

 “PERC provides education and training, technical assistance, research, and resources to expand opportunities for persons with disabilities to earn income and participate fully in community life.”

  • Other
  • Customized Employment
  • Self-Employment
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Employer Engagement

No Enforcement have been entered for this state.

WI Medicaid Purchase Plan

“The Medicaid Purchase Plan offers people with disabilities who are working or interested in working the opportunity to buy health care coverage through the Wisconsin Medicaid Program. Depending on an individual’s income, a premium payment may be required for this health care coverage.”

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

WI Money Follows the Person

“Wisconsin received a federal award for a five-year Money Follows the Person Rebalancing Demonstration (MFP Demo).  The demonstration, authorized by Congress and funded by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, provides enhanced federal matching funds for services provided to participants in the demonstration.”

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Mental Health

Wisconsin Statewide Transition Plan (Medicaid)

The Department of Health Services (DHS) intends to transition the Community Recovery Services (CRS) program currently operating under the 1915(i) authority to a 1905(a) State Plan authority effective January 1, 2015, pending CMS approval. The DHS has issued a public notice regarding this transition under the Wisconsin State Register published November 15, 2014. If CMS does not approve the transition of the CRS program from a 1915(i) to a 1905(a) State Plan service, then DHS agrees to follow the statewide transition plan for Medicaid HCBS as outlined in this plan.

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

Wisconsin Medicaid State Plan

“The State Plan is the officially recognized statement describing the nature and scope of Wisconsin's Medicaid program.”

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

WI Self Directed Support Waiver (IRIS)

“The IRIS Program is a Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) waiver for self-directed long-term supports. The program is an option for adults with long term care needs. The Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Division of Long Term Care (DLTC), Office of IRIS Management under the authorization of the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) is responsible for oversight of the IRIS program. IRIS is available to Wisconsin residents determined financially eligible for Medicaid, functionally in need of nursing home or Intermediate Care Facility for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities (ICF/IID) level of care; and living in a county where managed long-term care and IRIS are available. People who are eligible have the choice of IRIS or managed care through their local Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC).”

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Mental Health
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

WI Family Care Program

"Family Care was designed to provide cost-effective, comprehensive and flexible long-term care that will foster consumers’ independence and quality of life, while recognizing the need for interdependence and support…”

Family Care, authorized by the Governor and Legislature in 1998, serves people with physical disabilities, people with intellectual/developmental disabilities and frail elders, with the specific goals of: Giving people better choices about where they live and what kinds of services and supports they get to meet their needs; Improving access to services; Improving quality through a focus on health and social outcomes; [and] Creating a cost-effective system for the future.”

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Mental Health
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

WI Community Integration Program

“The Community Integration Program is a Medicaid Home and Community-Based Waiver for adults with developmental disabilities.”

“The CIP Waiver helps people with developmental disabilities to stay out of institutions, or to relocate from state centers and nursing homes back to their communities.  In many circumstances, CIP can help prevent someone from having to leave his/her community.  CIP is funded through the federal Medicaid Program (MA).  It is known as an "MA waiver" because the federal government has waived certain regulations, allowing Wisconsin to use the dollars to follow people to the community.  The money goes from the state to county waiver agencies who administer the program.”

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Mental Health
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

States - Large Tablet


The motto of Wisconsin is "Forward," and it's clear to see that things are moving forward on Employment First initiatives that are empowering individuals with disabilities to find success in the careers they choose.

2014 State Population.
Change from
2013 to 2014
2014 Number of people with disabilities (all disabilities, ages 18-64).
Change from
2013 to 2014
2014 Number of people with disabilities who are employed (all disabilities, ages 18-64).
Change from
2013 to 2014
2014 Percentage of working age people who are employed (all disabilities).
Change from
2013 to 2014
2014 Percentage of working age people who are employed (NO disabilities).
Change from
2013 to 2014

State Data


2012 2013 2014
Population. 5,726,398 5,742,713 5,757,564
Number of people with disabilities (all disabilities, ages 18-64). 331,686 355,057 353,031
Number of people with disabilities who are employed (all disabilities, ages 18-64). 124,829 145,103 140,488
Number of people without disabilities who are employed (ages 18-64). 2,553,029 2,554,274 2,586,501
Percentage of working age people who are employed (all disabilities). 37.63% 40.87% 39.79%
Percentage of working age people who are employed (NO disabilities). 79.52% 80.10% 81.15%
Overall unemployment rate. 7.00% 6.80% 5.50%
Poverty Rate (all disabilities). 21.70% 21.80% 20.80%
Poverty Rate (NO disabilities). 12.10% 12.40% 12.10%
Number of males with disabilities (all ages). 319,449 338,222 339,579
Number of females with disabilities (all ages). 320,318 347,572 337,992
Number of Caucasians with disabilities (all ages). 547,132 591,940 582,635
Number of African Americans with disabilities (all ages). 57,029 53,913 55,258
Number of Hispanic/Latinos with disabilities (all ages). 27,262 31,645 33,986
Number of American Indians/Alaska Natives with disabilities (all ages). 7,132 7,921 6,434
Number of Asians with disabilities (all ages). 7,799 9,386 10,701
Number of Hawaiians/Pacific Islanders with disabilities (all ages). N/A N/A N/A
Number of with multiple races disabilities (all ages). 13,354 14,399 13,328
Number of others with disabilities (all ages). 7,220 8,082 8,923



2012 2013 2014
Number of SSI recipients with disabilities who work. 10,383 10,442 10,674
Percentage of SSI recipients with disabilities who work relative to total SSI recipients with disabilities. 9.60% 9.40% 9.50%
Old Age Survivor and Disability Insurance (OASDI) recipients/workers with disabilities. 157,689 160,842 161,894



2012 2013 2014
Number of mental health services consumers who are employed. 3,071 3,395 3,562
Number of mental health services consumers who are part of the labor force (employed or actively looking for employment). 5,337 6,013 5,843
Number of adults served who have a known employment status. 13,476 15,779 14,613
Percentage of all state mental health agency consumers served in the community who are employed. 22.80% 21.50% 24.40%
Percentage of supported employment services evidence based practices (EBP). 1.00% 1.40% 1.40%
Percentage of supported housing services evidence based practices (EBP). 2.00% 2.10% 1.30%
Percentage of assertive community treatment services evidence based practices (EBP). 9.00% 7.90% 6.10%
Percentage of medications management evidence based practices (EBP). 5.90% 4.30% 3.00%
Number of evidence based practices (EBP) supported employment services. 425 647 701
Number of evidence based practices (EBP) supported housing services. 864 944 648
Number of evidence based practices (EBP) assertive community treatment services. 3,802 3,572 2,972
Number of evidence based practices (EBP) medications management. 2,485 1,946 1,454



2012 2013 2014
Number of registered job seekers with a disability. 16,802 17,223 15,934
Proportion of registered job seekers with a disability. 0.05 0.05 0.05



2011 2012 2013
Total number of people with a disability that is a substantial barrier to work served by Job Training and Partnership Act/Workforce Investment Act programs. 101 91 106
Total number of people with a disability that is a substantial barrier to work who entered unsubsidized employment. 56 64 70
Percentage of people with a disability that is a substantial barrier to work who entered unsubsidized employment relative to total the number of people with a disability that is a substantial barrier to work. 55.00% 70.00% 66.00%
Incidence rate of people with a disability that is a substantial barrier to work who entered unsubsidized employment per 100,000 individuals in the general state population. 0.98 1.12 1.22



2013 2014 2015
Total Number of people served under VR.
Number of people with visual impairments served under VR. 163 N/A N/A
Number of people with communicative (hearing loss, deafness) impairments served under VR. 558 N/A N/A
Number of people with physical impairments served under VR. 2,130 N/A N/A
Number of people cognitive impairments served under VR. 1,970 N/A N/A
Number of people psychosocial impairments served under VR. 1,417 N/A N/A
Number of people with mental impairments served under VR. 457 N/A N/A
Percentage of overall closures into employment under VR. 20.60% N/A N/A
Number of employment network (EN) and vocational rehabilitation (VR) tickets assigned. N/A 9,316 9,159
Number of eligible ticket to work beneficiaries. N/A 235,031 237,335
Total number of ID closures using supported employment services with or without Title VI-B funds expended (VI-C prior to 2002). 179 N/A N/A
Total number of ID competitive labor market closures. 431 N/A N/A



2011 2012 2013
Dollars spent on day/employment services for integrated employment funding. $25,736,000 $22,923,000 $22,690,000
Dollars spent on day/employment services for facility-based work funding. $67,406,000 $65,460,000 $60,875,000
Dollars spent on day/employment services for facility-based non-work funding. $110,254,000 $103,492,000 $99,599,000
Dollars spent on day/employment services for community based non-work funding. $17,226,000 $14,235,000 $9,643,000
Percentage of people served in integrated employment. 22.00% 22.00% 21.00%
Number of people served in community based non-work. 3,283 3,114 2,069
Number of people served in facility based work. 6,529 7,108 6,824
Number of people served in facility based non-work. 7,385 7,755 7,667
Number supported in integrated employment per 100,000 individuals in the general state population. 58.30 60.00 54.90



2011 2012 2013
Percent of children with IEPs aged 6 through 21 served inside the regular class 80% or more of the day (Indicator 5a). 59.42% 61.91% 63.54%
Percent of children with IEPs aged 6 through 21 served inside the regular class less than 40% of the day (Indicator 5b). 10.01% 9.97% 9.75%
Percent of children with IEPs aged 6 through 21 served in separate schools, residential facilities, or homebound/hospital placements (Indicator 5c). 1.20% 1.23% 1.40%
Percent of youth with IEPs aged 16 and above with an IEP that includes appropriate measurable postsecondary goals (Indicator 13). 79.28% 98.75% 98.92%
Percentage of youth who are no longer in secondary school, had IEPs in effect at the time they left school, and were enrolled in higher education within one year of leaving high school (Indicator 14a). 34.62% 29.80% 27.51%
Percentage of youth who are no longer in secondary school, had IEPs in effect at the time they left school, and were enrolled in higher education or competitively employed within one year of leaving high school (Indicator 14b). 64.52% 59.40% 64.94%
Percentage of youth who are no longer in secondary school, had IEPs in effect at the time they left school, and were enrolled in higher education or in some other postsecondary education or training program; or competitively employed or in some other employment within one year of leaving high school (Indicator 14c). 78.83% 72.90% 77.56%
Percentage of youth who are no longer in secondary school, had IEPs in effect at the time they left school, and were competitively employed within one year of leaving high school (Subset of Indicator 14). 29.90% 29.60% 37.43%



Number of overall agency blind and SD hours. 2,759,088
Number of overall total blind and SD workers. 3,964
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD hours (products). 269,729
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD hours (services). 1,118,183
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD hours (combined). 1,387,912
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD workers (products). 410
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD workers (services). 862
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD workers (combined). 1,272
AbilityOne wages (products). $1,894,656
AbilityOne wages (services). $16,572,273



2014 2015
Number of 14(c) certificate-holding private businesses. 18 16
Number of 14(c) certificate-holding school work experience programs (SWEPs). 1 2
Number of 14(c) certificate-holding community rehabilitation programs (CRPs). 76 72
Number of 14(c) certificate holding patient workers. N/A 4
Total Number of 14(c) certificate holding entities. N/A 94
Reported number of people with disabilities working under 14(c) certificate holding private businesses. N/A 25
Reported number of people with disabilities working under 14 (c) certificate holding school work experience programs (SWEPs). N/A 24
Reported number of people with disabilities working under 14(c) certificate holding community rehabilitation programs (CRPs). N/A 9,156
Reported number of people with disabilities working under 14(c) certificate holding patient workers. N/A 451
Total reported number of people with disabilities working under 14(c) certificate holding entities. N/A 9,656



Wisconsin Assembly Bill 731 - 03/31/2016

This bill makes changes to the laws in this state related to the federal Achieving a Better Life Experience Act of 2014. Under federal law, an eligible resident of this state may participate in a qualified ABLE program of another state and establish an ABLE account. The proceeds of an ABLE account may be used to pay for qualified expenses, such as education, housing, and transportation costs, for a beneficiary who is an individual with disabilities, as defined under federal law.

  • Other
  • Asset Development / Financial Capability

WI Statutes: Vocational Rehabilitation; Specialized Programs for Persons with Disabilities - 08/26/2015

This WI statute defines persons with disabilities and explains Vocational Rehabilitation and “special programs for persons with disabilities.” It states that the State will, “Make vocational rehabilitation services under this chapter available in every county to all persons with disabilities who are present in the state, regardless of residency,” and details the services that will be available to people with disabilities.

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Provider Transformation

Wisconsin SB 21 (Act 55) - 07/12/2015

"Senate Bill 21 as 2015 Wisconsin Act 55 is approved and deposited in the office of the Secretary of State...The following is a brief summary of how this budget, including my vetoes, will continue to make Wisconsin more prosperous, more independent and more efficient...Newly establishes Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) accounts to empower the disabled community and their families to achieve greater independence and assist with various expenses."

  • Other
  • Asset Development / Financial Capability

Wisconsin Fair Employment Act

Wisconsin's Fair Employment Law gives civil rights protections to qualified persons with disabilities. The law applies to virtually all, private and public employers, regardless of the number of employees. Under the federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), disability discrimination is also prohibited for employers having 15 or more employees. Both laws are designed to ensure equal opportunity in all aspects of employment.

  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Asset Development / Financial Capability

Executive Orders

No Executive Orders have been entered for this state.


Wisconsin DVR Statewide Service Fee Schedule - 02/15/2016

All services must comply with the technical specifications outlined for each service or payment will not be made. A revised report must be submitted to DVR in 10 business days if returned for non-compliance. No additional fees will be paid for requested meetings.

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Workforce Development

Supported Employment Fees/Customized Employment - 10/01/2015

Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development chart of supported employment and customized employment fees.   It details the Supported Employment Service, and the fee for each service.

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Customized Employment
  • Employer Engagement
  • Provider Transformation

Transition Action Guide For Post-secondary Planning - 03/01/2015

This Transition Action Guide (TAG) was developed to support the 2007 Interagency Agreement among the Department of Workforce Development (DWD), the Department of Public Instruction (DPI), and the Department of Health Services (DHS). This guide suggests best practices and resources to assist key stakeholders (students, parents/guardians, teachers and school team members, DVR counselors, Children and Adult Long –Term Care and Mental Health professionals, and ADRC representatives) involved in the transition process. This tool can be used as a framework to improve communication, coordination, and services for students with disabilities transitioning from school to employment.

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Mental Health
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Department of Education
  • Other
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

A Better Bottom Line: Governor Scott Walker Delivers Remarks at Wisconsin Employment First Conference - 04/03/2014

“Governor Walker proclaimed 2014 as the Year of A Better Bottom Line to encourage and promote employment opportunities for people with disabilities... During the Year of A Better Bottom Line, Governor Walker is directing state agencies to focus on recognizing and promoting public and private programs, companies, and organizations that are improving employment opportunities for people with disabilities, including veterans and students.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Priorities for People with Disabilities in Wisconsin

“This packet provides information and recommendations on various issues that people with disabilities face, including integrated employment, access to health care and schools, and special education funding.”

  • Other
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)
  • Segregated Day & Employment Services

Wisconsin Individual Placement and Support

IPS is an evidenced based practice model of supported employment for individuals with severe and persistent mental illness. In Wisconsin the Department of Workforce Development, DVR has partnered with the Department of Health Services - Division of Mental Health to establish IPS in Wisconsin as part of a grant from Dartmouth College and Johnson and Johnson. Mental health services in Wisconsin are provided by each county. The IPS model involves a team approach involving an Employment Specialist and a DVR counselor becoming a part of a mental health treatment team, with employment becoming a focus of mental health services. Adherence to the prescribed national model is essential. Fidelity reviews are conducted until good fidelity is achieved. Technical assistance is provided as part of the grant and can be provided for counties wishing to implement IPS. Legislation has been proposed (2014) for a significant expansion of IPS availability in Wisconsin.

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Mental Health
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Mental Health
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Individual Placement and Support (IPS) Wisconsin Community Mental Health Services and Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Process

The IPS project emphasizes best practice implementation strategies in collaboration and modifying existing practices and organizational barriers. There is long term technical assistance for statewide implementation. Outcomes are tracked closely. On the local level the work is done in a team with all members contributing expertise towards employment and other goals. DVR would be expected to be a member of that team and provide expertise and case service based funding for related vocational services. The day to day work is done by an Employment Specialist with a small caseload (20) of participants. Strict guidelines and fidelity scales are used to insure that evidence based best practice is used and not services based on anecdotal, casual or existing practice. This document is intended to provide an outline of process elements needed for Individual Placement and Support (IPS) in Mental Health for WI DVR Counselors and others

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Mental Health
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Governor’s Committee for people with disability Work plan

The Governor’s Committee for People with Disabilities: • Advises the Governor and state agencies on problems faced by people with disabilities, • Reviews legislation and advises the Governor about legislation affecting people with disabilities, • Suggests to the Governor and state agencies ways to enhance the effective operations of publicity and privately administered or supported programs serving people with disabilities, • Promotes the goal of self-sufficiency for people with disabilities, • Promotes the collection, dissemination and incorporation of adequate information about persons with disabilities into public planning at all levels of government, • Promotes public awareness of needs and abilities of people with disabilities, and • Encourages the effective involvement of people with disabilities in government.

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Mental Health
  • Other

Results of a Comprehensive Statewide Assessment of the Rehabilitation Needs of Individuals with Disabilities and the Need to Establish, Develop or Improve Community Rehabilitation Programs.

The Wisconsin Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) conducts an annual update to the statewide assessment of the rehabilitation (and other) needs of individuals with disabilities residing in the state. The comprehensive statewide assessment process also includes an annual review of Wisconsin disability statistics, DVR customer and service federal report data, and public comment and input provided to the Wisconsin Rehabilitation Council (WRC) throughout the year. This attachment also includes input received during public hearings conducted by DVR and WRC during May 2014 regarding FFY15 State Plan

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Other
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

Employment Outcomes for WI DVR (Reviewed May 2014)

Purpose: To provide WI DVR’s definition of successful employment outcomes (coded as a status “26”) and to describe our policies, the Federal Regulations, and the Intent of Title I of the Rehabilitation Act that support the definition of a successful employment outcome. Rationale: There may be employment settings where a more thorough review will be necessary to ensure that the setting and wages meet the requirements of an employment outcome. Guidance: The Wisconsin Vocational Rehabilitation Program Policy Manual states as one of its requirements that a consumer has achieved an employment outcome when the employment is in the most integrated setting possible that is consistent with the consumer's informed choice. The consumer must also be compensated at or above the minimum wage i.e., competitive employment, and receive at least the customary wage and benefit level paid to other individuals performing similar work for the same employer.

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Asset Development / Financial Capability
  • Employer Engagement
  • 14(c)/Income Security

LCS in WI: An Organizational Investment in Capacity-Building and Staff Training

“Over the last five years, LCS, a provider in Racine, Wisconsin, has developed the capacity of its staff to expand integrated employment service options. LCS has hired and retained staff who are passionate about integrated employment, and has invested in supporting them to deliver high-quality integrated employment services.   Through state-of-the-art training and other resources, LCS has navigated internal and external challenges to building staff competencies, and has solidified its mission of sustaining highly qualified staff.”  
  • Other
  • Provider Transformation

WI Supported Employment

“This program works to increase employment opportunities for people with the most significant disabilities by working with a consumer and an employer to find a job that suits the consumer's specific skills and abilities. DVR works with county agencies to provide the long-term supports that will help the consumer keep their job.”

  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Customized Employment

What’s New with the Postsecondary Transition Plan (PTP)

“With stakeholder input, the Department of Public Instruction has developed a web-based IEP: Postsecondary Transition Plan (PTP) that will assist local educational agencies to document the postsecondary transition requirements with 100% compliance while allowing for individualization to meet student needs. The PTP is the application for collecting Indicator 13 data. Because state law requires transition plans for students with disabilities aged 14 and above, the PTP is used to develop and monitor transition plans for all students with disabilities who need a postsecondary transition plan.”

  • Department of Education
  • School-to-Work Transition

Wisconsin Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Combined State Plan

This WIOA Combined State Plan was jointly developed by one state team, guided by the WIOA Leadership Team. The WIOA Leadership Team is comprised of executive level leadership from all of Wisconsin's combined state plan programs. The strategic and operational planning elements were written with input from and approval by the WIOA Leadership Team, while program‐specific requirements were written by each program and shared for vetting with the WIOA Leadership Team.

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Wisconsin Employment First Initiative

Employment First is, “a national movement that is helping states improve their economies by supporting businesses to find talent and meet their needs by hiring people with disabilities. The intentional creation of policies and practices that result in a significant increase in the numbers of people with disabilities being employed in the community. A policy initiative that promotes employment in the community at minimum wage or higher as the preferred outcome for publicly funded services for all working age citizens with disabilities.”


Addresses other FAQs regarding Employment First.

  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Other
  • Employer Engagement
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

WI Employment First

“The Employment First Initiative is a project of the Wisconsin Board for Persons with Developmental Disabilities (WI BPDD) in partnership with Wisconsin APSE, and People First Wisconsin.”

  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships


Wisconsin Vocational Rehabilitation: “Employment First Team” - 03/01/2015

Lists team members and headquarters as of March 2015.

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Wisconsin Transition Interagency Agreement - 12/02/2010

This interagency agreement has been revised from the July 2007 interagency agreement to now focus on both students with disabilities transitioning from high school as well as adults with disabilities, who have an expectation for integrated competitive employment. It has also been elaborated for clarity and to reflect best practices associated with increasing employment opportunities for people with cognitive and/or physical disabilities who also have challenges with mental health. Based on recommendations made by a statewide employment task force, this agreement represents the intent to fully coordinate all of the activities and programs within each agency, for every internal and external stakeholder who is striving to achieve employment for citizens with disabilities.

  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Department of Education
  • Other
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

WI Interagency Agreement MOU: Adults and Transitioning Youth - 12/02/2010

“This agreement between DPI, DVR, and DHS has four overall priorities supporting integrated employment: To comply with federal legal mandates under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004 (IDEA). To provide practical guidance, technical assistance, and training to internal and external stakeholders and staff regarding employment-related services and supports. To provide information on employment services to individuals with disabilities and their family members or guardians so they will be able to participate fully in employment. To provide clarification of roles of stakeholders within each respective department regarding individuals with disabilities who have identified support needs associated with employment and independent living, so that individuals and their families may regard such efforts to be as seamless, non-duplicative, and as transparent as possible.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Mental Health
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Other
  • Employer Engagement
  • Provider Transformation
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Memorandum of Understanding for the Wisconsin Works (W-2) Program - 11/10/2009

“The purpose of this MOU is for the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) and the Department of Children and Families, Division of Family and Economic Security, Wisconsin Works (W-2) Program to establish collaborative efforts regarding their services and to develop a common understanding regarding their roles, policies, and procedures to better serve individuals with disabilities who may benefit from services from both programs.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

WI Department of Health Services’ Managed Care and Employment Task Force (MCETF): Final Report - 07/18/2008

“Against this backdrop, the Managed Care and Employment Task Force (MCETF) was convened in May 2007 by Division of Long-Term Care Administrator Sinikka Santala and charged with recommending a comprehensive strategy to expand work options for adults who rely on the community-based, long-term care system. The Task Force, composed of 28 members representing a wide range of interests and expertise, analyzed the challenges and identified best practices from Wisconsin and elsewhere for overcoming these challenges.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Governor’s Committee for people with disability Work plan

The Governor’s Committee for People with Disabilities: • Advises the Governor and state agencies on problems faced by people with disabilities, • Reviews legislation and advises the Governor about legislation affecting people with disabilities, • Suggests to the Governor and state agencies ways to enhance the effective operations of publicity and privately administered or supported programs serving people with disabilities, • Promotes the goal of self-sufficiency for people with disabilities, • Promotes the collection, dissemination and incorporation of adequate information about persons with disabilities into public planning at all levels of government, • Promotes public awareness of needs and abilities of people with disabilities, and • Encourages the effective involvement of people with disabilities in government.

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Mental Health
  • Other

Transition Planning for Students with Disabilities

“Transition is helping students with disabilities and their families think about their life after high school and identify long-range goals designing the high school experience to ensure that students gain the skills and connections they need to achieve these goals the provision of funds and services to local school districts to assist in the transition process.”

  • Department of Education
  • Other
  • School-to-Work Transition

Survival Coalition of Wisconsin Disability Organizations

“The intention of the Wisconsin Employment First Coalition is to partner with people with disabilities, other stakeholders, businesses and the public to increase awareness of the need to provide integrated employment opportunities here in Wisconsin. Survival Coalition supports integrated employment as the presumed outcome for people with disabilities. They believe that everyone can and should work in integrated jobs.”

  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Wisconsin Association of People Supporting Employment First (APSE)

Wisconsin has an APSE chapter.  “WI APSE believes that a state-wide Employment First effort is a vital component to the goal of increasing employment outcomes for citizens with disabilities in a manner that promotes equality of opportunity…Between May and September 2009, WI APSE facilitated group discussions about employment opportunities in eight locations around the state.” This document is a compilation of their observations, suggestions and next steps to implementing Employment First in Wisconsin.

  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

WI Employment First Community Action Team’s (CATs)

The Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilities and National APSE  teamed up to fund the technical assistance and training of three to five pilot “Employment First” Community Action Teams (CATs) sites round the state. “The purpose of the CATs is to implement practices around the state aligned with the Employment First Initiative to support an increased number of people with disabilities in Wisconsin to work in their communities. CATs will take the lead in implementing action plan items at a local level, setting local benchmarks, and reporting on progress.”

  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilities

“The Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilities (WBPDD) was established to advocate on behalf of individuals with developmental disabilities, foster welcoming and inclusive communities, and improve the disability service system. The Board's mission is to help people with developmental disabilities become independent, productive, and included in all facets of community life.”


  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Systems-Change Funding

WI Employment Development Initiative - 10/01/2011

“In an effort to assist State Mental Health Authorities, in close collaboration with Single State Authorities, in planning and implementing activities to foster increased employment opportunities for people with mental health and/or substance use disorders, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and its Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS) created the Employment Development Initiative (EDI).

This initiative provides, on a competitive basis, modest funding awards in the form of fixed-price subcontracts between the Contractor, the National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors (NASMHPD), and the States, Territories and District of Columbia. In addition, each awardee will receive two consultant technical assistance visits coordinated and paid through the Contractor's portion of the project." Wisconsin received a grant to support their Rural Supported Employment and Peer Support Programs.

  • Department of Mental Health
  • Mental Health


The Medicaid Infrastructure Grant Research Assistance to States (MIG-RATS) Center launched a website to provide resources and support to states implementing MIGs. The website is designed to help staff find research reports and resources, learn about MIG-RATS activities and initiatives, and connect with MIG researchers. The website includes info on topics such as Medicaid Buy-In programs, outreach and marketing, and youth in transition and also provides links to tools and a calendar of events. 

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

Wisconsin PROMISE Initiative

The PROMISE initiative is intended to improve services for youth SSI (Social Security Supplemental Security Income) recipients and their families. The services help youth recipients achieve better outcomes, including graduating from high school ready for college and a career, completing postsecondary education and job training, and obtaining competitive employment in an integrated setting. As a result, these youth SSI recipients can achieve long-term reductions in reliance on SSI.   PROMISE is a joint initiative of the U.S. Department of Education, the U.S. Social Security Administration, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and the U.S. Department of Labor.  
  • Department of Mental Health
  • Department of Education
  • Other
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

WI Disability Employment Initiative

"The WI Disability Employment Initiative was designed to ‘improve the accessibility and accountability of the public workforce development system for individuals with disabilities,’ extending ‘promising practices implemented by disability program navigators.’ Wisconsin’s Disability Employment Initiative will ‘improve coordination and collaboration among employment and training and asset development programs carried out at a state and local level.’ Linking to the ‘Ticket to Work program,’ Wisconsin seeks to build what members of Congress termed ‘effective community partnerships that leverage public and private resources to better serve individuals with disabilities and improve employment outcomes.’”  The grant ended in 2014.

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Mental Health
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Asset Development / Financial Capability
  • Employer Engagement
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships
  • Resource Leveraging

WI Disability Program Navigator

“ETA and SSA are jointly funding the DPN Initiative in 42 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the United States Virgin Islands where SSA implemented employment support initiatives. This Initiative promotes comprehensive services and work incentive information for SSA beneficiaries and other people with disabilities, through the One Stop system. The Initiative focuses on developing new and ongoing partnerships to achieve seamless, comprehensive, and integrated access to services, creating systemic change, and expanding the workforce development system's capacity to serve customers with disabilities and employers.”

  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

WI Partnerships in Employment Systems Change Grant (Let’s Get to Work)

“The Wisconsin Let’s Get to Work project is a five-year, national systems change grant that will lead to improved community employment outcomes for youth with intellectual and developmental disabilities in transition…Funded by the Administration on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities the project focuses on improving, developing and implementing policies and practices that raise community expectations and overall employment outcomes for youth with intellectual/developmental disabilities (I/DD).”

  • Other
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Mental Health
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

WI Medicaid Purchase Plan

“The Medicaid Purchase Plan offers people with disabilities who are working or interested in working the opportunity to buy health care coverage through the Wisconsin Medicaid Program. Depending on an individual’s income, a premium payment may be required for this health care coverage.”

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Other
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

WI Money Follows the Person

“Wisconsin received a federal award for a five-year Money Follows the Person Rebalancing Demonstration (MFP Demo).  The demonstration, authorized by Congress and funded by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, provides enhanced federal matching funds for services provided to participants in the demonstration.”


  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Other
  • Mental Health

Training/Capacity Building

Family Care Integrated Employment Planning for Members with Physical Disabilities - 07/15/2015

This is a training designed to help Interdisciplinary Team (IDT) understand Family Care Integrated Employment Planning. 

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Transition Action Guide For Post-secondary Planning - 03/01/2015

This Transition Action Guide (TAG) was developed to support the 2007 Interagency Agreement among the Department of Workforce Development (DWD), the Department of Public Instruction (DPI), and the Department of Health Services (DHS). This guide suggests best practices and resources to assist key stakeholders (students, parents/guardians, teachers and school team members, DVR counselors, Children and Adult Long –Term Care and Mental Health professionals, and ADRC representatives) involved in the transition process. This tool can be used as a framework to improve communication, coordination, and services for students with disabilities transitioning from school to employment.

  • Department of Mental Health
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Department of Education
  • Other
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

WI Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) Technical Specifications: Supported Employment - 07/01/2014

DVR can provide up to 24 months of support, although this level of need is rare. DVR can provide up to 48 months of support for youth (age 14-24). The services and processes outlined in the technical specifications have been designed to insure a good job match and reduce the need for support while maximizing consumer independence. All DVR services must be provided in competitive wage and integrated settings.” 

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Provider Transformation

WI Self-Employment Toolkit V2.0 - 12/19/2013

“This toolkit was developed to assist DVR staff and consumers through the self-employment process. It addresses all areas of the process, from how to start the initial conversation with the consumer, through opening the business and closing the case successfully. The process outlined in this toolkit is in a 12-step format. Each step has a purpose and should be completed prior to moving on to the next step. It is expected that this process will be followed for all start-up self-employment cases.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Self-Employment

Wisconsin Division of Vocational Rehabilitation: Customized Self-Employment Toolkit - 08/01/2012

“This tool has been developed to assist DVR Staff throughout the exploration and development of a small business for consumers who need a customized or supported approach to self-employment. A consumer requiring a customized approach may need supports to develop and/or maintain the business. Supports could include: long term job coaching supports, ongoing case management, peer supports, natural supports, family supports or ongoing paid professional services for the business, etc.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Customized Employment
  • Self-Employment
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Mental Health
  • Provider Transformation

Self-Directed Employment Planning Resource Guide - 07/01/2012

“This Resource Guide was designed to be used with the Self-Directed Employment Planning online modules. Since the Self-Directed Employment Planning modules are an on-line resource, website links are included as part of the Resource Guide. If you click on the website links in an electronic version of this guide from a computer, you should be able to go to each website.    This Resource Guide is set up in the same order as the training modules. There are ten sections that go with each of the ten on-line modules. You should listen to each module first and then take the time to look at the information in this Resource Guide that goes with each module.     This Resource Guide also contains helpful templates and samples that were described in the learning modules. You can use these templates in your planning. You can use parts or all of them. You can print off the pages you need and make as many copies of them as you want to use.”  
  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Other
  • Customized Employment
  • Self-Employment
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Mental Health

Wisconsin Department Workforce Development (DWD) and Department of Health Services (DHS) Technical Assistance Guide for Adults Seeking Integrated Employment - 12/28/2010

“This Adult Technical Assistance Guide (Adult TAG) is intended to improve communication, coordination, and services for adults with disabilities seeking integrated employment who participate in either the Family Care, Family Care Partnership, PACE or IRIS long term care programs and who are jointly eligible for Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) services. It is designed to be useful for all persons and agencies involved in the process of vocational placement and providing long term support for integrated employment.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Beach Center on Disability Research Highlights: Customized Employment - 07/15/2008

“In this study, personal and employment histories of 50 individuals with significant disabilities were examined in table format to identify trends in employment and support the validity of integrated work experiences. Personal histories included: exit year of high school, age disability label and residential support. Employment histories included work environment, time at job, work tasks, hours per week, hourly wage, professional support and reasons for changing jobs. The participants’ experiences began 15-24 years ago when they entered the services provided by Community Work Services Inc. in Madison, Wisconsin.”

  • Other
  • Customized Employment
  • School-to-Work Transition

Self-Directed Employment Planning Modules

“This on-line series was designed to help people with disabilities think about their integrated employment options, understand employment supports, and create a plan to achieve their integrated employment goals.   There are 12 learning modules, which you can watch by clicking the links below.  Start with the introduction so that you can learn how to use this learning series.”  
  • Other
  • Customized Employment
  • School-to-Work Transition

Customized Employment: Job Development - Success Stories

This presentation contains success stories from Wisconsin job seekers with disabilities who have successfully obtained employment through the Customized Employment process.

  • Other
  • Customized Employment
  • Employer Engagement

Customized Employment: It Really Works!

Presentation on how and why Customized Employment works as a strategy for getting people with disabilities jobs.  Addresses CE as evidence-based practice and the benefits of CE for employers and co-workers.

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Other
  • Customized Employment
  • Self-Employment
  • Employer Engagement
  • Provider Transformation

Community-Based Transition Options for 18- to 21-year old Students with Disabilities

“This guide shares a framework for planning community-based transition options for 18-21-year-old students with disabilities. This tool will assist local districts in assessing needs and developing transition-focused options within a community-based environment. In addition, the guide assists districts to create a step-by-step process using practical activities and user-friendly forms. The forms have been created to identify student needs, analyze in-school and community resources, set priorities, develop meaningful action plans, and establish the process for evaluation.”

  • Department of Education
  • Other
  • Customized Employment
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Mental Health

Pathways to Employment Resource Center: PERC

 “PERC provides education and training, technical assistance, research, and resources to expand opportunities for persons with disabilities to earn income and participate fully in community life.”

  • Other
  • Customized Employment
  • Self-Employment
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Employer Engagement


No Enforcement have been entered for this state.

Medicaid & Employment

WI Medicaid Purchase Plan

“The Medicaid Purchase Plan offers people with disabilities who are working or interested in working the opportunity to buy health care coverage through the Wisconsin Medicaid Program. Depending on an individual’s income, a premium payment may be required for this health care coverage.”

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

WI Money Follows the Person

“Wisconsin received a federal award for a five-year Money Follows the Person Rebalancing Demonstration (MFP Demo).  The demonstration, authorized by Congress and funded by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, provides enhanced federal matching funds for services provided to participants in the demonstration.”

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Mental Health

Wisconsin Statewide Transition Plan (Medicaid)

The Department of Health Services (DHS) intends to transition the Community Recovery Services (CRS) program currently operating under the 1915(i) authority to a 1905(a) State Plan authority effective January 1, 2015, pending CMS approval. The DHS has issued a public notice regarding this transition under the Wisconsin State Register published November 15, 2014. If CMS does not approve the transition of the CRS program from a 1915(i) to a 1905(a) State Plan service, then DHS agrees to follow the statewide transition plan for Medicaid HCBS as outlined in this plan.

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

Wisconsin Medicaid State Plan

“The State Plan is the officially recognized statement describing the nature and scope of Wisconsin's Medicaid program.”

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

WI Self Directed Support Waiver (IRIS)

“The IRIS Program is a Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) waiver for self-directed long-term supports. The program is an option for adults with long term care needs. The Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Division of Long Term Care (DLTC), Office of IRIS Management under the authorization of the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) is responsible for oversight of the IRIS program. IRIS is available to Wisconsin residents determined financially eligible for Medicaid, functionally in need of nursing home or Intermediate Care Facility for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities (ICF/IID) level of care; and living in a county where managed long-term care and IRIS are available. People who are eligible have the choice of IRIS or managed care through their local Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC).”

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Mental Health
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

WI Family Care Program

"Family Care was designed to provide cost-effective, comprehensive and flexible long-term care that will foster consumers’ independence and quality of life, while recognizing the need for interdependence and support…”

Family Care, authorized by the Governor and Legislature in 1998, serves people with physical disabilities, people with intellectual/developmental disabilities and frail elders, with the specific goals of: Giving people better choices about where they live and what kinds of services and supports they get to meet their needs; Improving access to services; Improving quality through a focus on health and social outcomes; [and] Creating a cost-effective system for the future.”

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Mental Health
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

WI Community Integration Program

“The Community Integration Program is a Medicaid Home and Community-Based Waiver for adults with developmental disabilities.”

“The CIP Waiver helps people with developmental disabilities to stay out of institutions, or to relocate from state centers and nursing homes back to their communities.  In many circumstances, CIP can help prevent someone from having to leave his/her community.  CIP is funded through the federal Medicaid Program (MA).  It is known as an "MA waiver" because the federal government has waived certain regulations, allowing Wisconsin to use the dollars to follow people to the community.  The money goes from the state to county waiver agencies who administer the program.”

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Mental Health
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

States - Small Tablet


The motto of Wisconsin is "Forward," and it's clear to see that things are moving forward on Employment First initiatives that are empowering individuals with disabilities to find success in the careers they choose.

2014 State Population.
Change from
2013 to 2014
2014 Number of people with disabilities (all disabilities, ages 18-64).
Change from
2013 to 2014
2014 Number of people with disabilities who are employed (all disabilities, ages 18-64).
Change from
2013 to 2014
2014 Percentage of working age people who are employed (all disabilities).
Change from
2013 to 2014
2014 Percentage of working age people who are employed (NO disabilities).
Change from
2013 to 2014

State Data


2012 2013 2014
Population. 5,726,398 5,742,713 5,757,564
Number of people with disabilities (all disabilities, ages 18-64). 331,686 355,057 353,031
Number of people with disabilities who are employed (all disabilities, ages 18-64). 124,829 145,103 140,488
Number of people without disabilities who are employed (ages 18-64). 2,553,029 2,554,274 2,586,501
Percentage of working age people who are employed (all disabilities). 37.63% 40.87% 39.79%
Percentage of working age people who are employed (NO disabilities). 79.52% 80.10% 81.15%
Overall unemployment rate. 7.00% 6.80% 5.50%
Poverty Rate (all disabilities). 21.70% 21.80% 20.80%
Poverty Rate (NO disabilities). 12.10% 12.40% 12.10%
Number of males with disabilities (all ages). 319,449 338,222 339,579
Number of females with disabilities (all ages). 320,318 347,572 337,992
Number of Caucasians with disabilities (all ages). 547,132 591,940 582,635
Number of African Americans with disabilities (all ages). 57,029 53,913 55,258
Number of Hispanic/Latinos with disabilities (all ages). 27,262 31,645 33,986
Number of American Indians/Alaska Natives with disabilities (all ages). 7,132 7,921 6,434
Number of Asians with disabilities (all ages). 7,799 9,386 10,701
Number of Hawaiians/Pacific Islanders with disabilities (all ages). N/A N/A N/A
Number of with multiple races disabilities (all ages). 13,354 14,399 13,328
Number of others with disabilities (all ages). 7,220 8,082 8,923



2012 2013 2014
Number of SSI recipients with disabilities who work. 10,383 10,442 10,674
Percentage of SSI recipients with disabilities who work relative to total SSI recipients with disabilities. 9.60% 9.40% 9.50%
Old Age Survivor and Disability Insurance (OASDI) recipients/workers with disabilities. 157,689 160,842 161,894



2012 2013 2014
Number of mental health services consumers who are employed. 3,071 3,395 3,562
Number of mental health services consumers who are part of the labor force (employed or actively looking for employment). 5,337 6,013 5,843
Number of adults served who have a known employment status. 13,476 15,779 14,613
Percentage of all state mental health agency consumers served in the community who are employed. 22.80% 21.50% 24.40%
Percentage of supported employment services evidence based practices (EBP). 1.00% 1.40% 1.40%
Percentage of supported housing services evidence based practices (EBP). 2.00% 2.10% 1.30%
Percentage of assertive community treatment services evidence based practices (EBP). 9.00% 7.90% 6.10%
Percentage of medications management evidence based practices (EBP). 5.90% 4.30% 3.00%
Number of evidence based practices (EBP) supported employment services. 425 647 701
Number of evidence based practices (EBP) supported housing services. 864 944 648
Number of evidence based practices (EBP) assertive community treatment services. 3,802 3,572 2,972
Number of evidence based practices (EBP) medications management. 2,485 1,946 1,454



2012 2013 2014
Number of registered job seekers with a disability. 16,802 17,223 15,934
Proportion of registered job seekers with a disability. 0.05 0.05 0.05



2011 2012 2013
Total number of people with a disability that is a substantial barrier to work served by Job Training and Partnership Act/Workforce Investment Act programs. 101 91 106
Total number of people with a disability that is a substantial barrier to work who entered unsubsidized employment. 56 64 70
Percentage of people with a disability that is a substantial barrier to work who entered unsubsidized employment relative to total the number of people with a disability that is a substantial barrier to work. 55.00% 70.00% 66.00%
Incidence rate of people with a disability that is a substantial barrier to work who entered unsubsidized employment per 100,000 individuals in the general state population. 0.98 1.12 1.22



2013 2014 2015
Total Number of people served under VR.
Number of people with visual impairments served under VR. 163 N/A N/A
Number of people with communicative (hearing loss, deafness) impairments served under VR. 558 N/A N/A
Number of people with physical impairments served under VR. 2,130 N/A N/A
Number of people cognitive impairments served under VR. 1,970 N/A N/A
Number of people psychosocial impairments served under VR. 1,417 N/A N/A
Number of people with mental impairments served under VR. 457 N/A N/A
Percentage of overall closures into employment under VR. 20.60% N/A N/A
Number of employment network (EN) and vocational rehabilitation (VR) tickets assigned. N/A 9,316 9,159
Number of eligible ticket to work beneficiaries. N/A 235,031 237,335
Total number of ID closures using supported employment services with or without Title VI-B funds expended (VI-C prior to 2002). 179 N/A N/A
Total number of ID competitive labor market closures. 431 N/A N/A



2011 2012 2013
Dollars spent on day/employment services for integrated employment funding. $25,736,000 $22,923,000 $22,690,000
Dollars spent on day/employment services for facility-based work funding. $67,406,000 $65,460,000 $60,875,000
Dollars spent on day/employment services for facility-based non-work funding. $110,254,000 $103,492,000 $99,599,000
Dollars spent on day/employment services for community based non-work funding. $17,226,000 $14,235,000 $9,643,000
Percentage of people served in integrated employment. 22.00% 22.00% 21.00%
Number of people served in community based non-work. 3,283 3,114 2,069
Number of people served in facility based work. 6,529 7,108 6,824
Number of people served in facility based non-work. 7,385 7,755 7,667
Number supported in integrated employment per 100,000 individuals in the general state population. 58.30 60.00 54.90



2011 2012 2013
Percent of children with IEPs aged 6 through 21 served inside the regular class 80% or more of the day (Indicator 5a). 59.42% 61.91% 63.54%
Percent of children with IEPs aged 6 through 21 served inside the regular class less than 40% of the day (Indicator 5b). 10.01% 9.97% 9.75%
Percent of children with IEPs aged 6 through 21 served in separate schools, residential facilities, or homebound/hospital placements (Indicator 5c). 1.20% 1.23% 1.40%
Percent of youth with IEPs aged 16 and above with an IEP that includes appropriate measurable postsecondary goals (Indicator 13). 79.28% 98.75% 98.92%
Percentage of youth who are no longer in secondary school, had IEPs in effect at the time they left school, and were enrolled in higher education within one year of leaving high school (Indicator 14a). 34.62% 29.80% 27.51%
Percentage of youth who are no longer in secondary school, had IEPs in effect at the time they left school, and were enrolled in higher education or competitively employed within one year of leaving high school (Indicator 14b). 64.52% 59.40% 64.94%
Percentage of youth who are no longer in secondary school, had IEPs in effect at the time they left school, and were enrolled in higher education or in some other postsecondary education or training program; or competitively employed or in some other employment within one year of leaving high school (Indicator 14c). 78.83% 72.90% 77.56%
Percentage of youth who are no longer in secondary school, had IEPs in effect at the time they left school, and were competitively employed within one year of leaving high school (Subset of Indicator 14). 29.90% 29.60% 37.43%



Number of overall agency blind and SD hours. 2,759,088
Number of overall total blind and SD workers. 3,964
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD hours (products). 269,729
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD hours (services). 1,118,183
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD hours (combined). 1,387,912
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD workers (products). 410
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD workers (services). 862
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD workers (combined). 1,272
AbilityOne wages (products). $1,894,656
AbilityOne wages (services). $16,572,273



2014 2015
Number of 14(c) certificate-holding private businesses. 18 16
Number of 14(c) certificate-holding school work experience programs (SWEPs). 1 2
Number of 14(c) certificate-holding community rehabilitation programs (CRPs). 76 72
Number of 14(c) certificate holding patient workers. N/A 4
Total Number of 14(c) certificate holding entities. N/A 94
Reported number of people with disabilities working under 14(c) certificate holding private businesses. N/A 25
Reported number of people with disabilities working under 14 (c) certificate holding school work experience programs (SWEPs). N/A 24
Reported number of people with disabilities working under 14(c) certificate holding community rehabilitation programs (CRPs). N/A 9,156
Reported number of people with disabilities working under 14(c) certificate holding patient workers. N/A 451
Total reported number of people with disabilities working under 14(c) certificate holding entities. N/A 9,656



Wisconsin Assembly Bill 731 - 03/31/2016

This bill makes changes to the laws in this state related to the federal Achieving a Better Life Experience Act of 2014. Under federal law, an eligible resident of this state may participate in a qualified ABLE program of another state and establish an ABLE account. The proceeds of an ABLE account may be used to pay for qualified expenses, such as education, housing, and transportation costs, for a beneficiary who is an individual with disabilities, as defined under federal law.

  • Other
  • Asset Development / Financial Capability

WI Statutes: Vocational Rehabilitation; Specialized Programs for Persons with Disabilities - 08/26/2015

This WI statute defines persons with disabilities and explains Vocational Rehabilitation and “special programs for persons with disabilities.” It states that the State will, “Make vocational rehabilitation services under this chapter available in every county to all persons with disabilities who are present in the state, regardless of residency,” and details the services that will be available to people with disabilities.

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Provider Transformation

Wisconsin SB 21 (Act 55) - 07/12/2015

"Senate Bill 21 as 2015 Wisconsin Act 55 is approved and deposited in the office of the Secretary of State...The following is a brief summary of how this budget, including my vetoes, will continue to make Wisconsin more prosperous, more independent and more efficient...Newly establishes Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) accounts to empower the disabled community and their families to achieve greater independence and assist with various expenses."

  • Other
  • Asset Development / Financial Capability

Wisconsin Fair Employment Act

Wisconsin's Fair Employment Law gives civil rights protections to qualified persons with disabilities. The law applies to virtually all, private and public employers, regardless of the number of employees. Under the federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), disability discrimination is also prohibited for employers having 15 or more employees. Both laws are designed to ensure equal opportunity in all aspects of employment.

  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Asset Development / Financial Capability

Executive Orders

No Executive Orders have been entered for this state.


Wisconsin DVR Statewide Service Fee Schedule - 02/15/2016

All services must comply with the technical specifications outlined for each service or payment will not be made. A revised report must be submitted to DVR in 10 business days if returned for non-compliance. No additional fees will be paid for requested meetings.

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Workforce Development

Supported Employment Fees/Customized Employment - 10/01/2015

Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development chart of supported employment and customized employment fees.   It details the Supported Employment Service, and the fee for each service.

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Customized Employment
  • Employer Engagement
  • Provider Transformation

Transition Action Guide For Post-secondary Planning - 03/01/2015

This Transition Action Guide (TAG) was developed to support the 2007 Interagency Agreement among the Department of Workforce Development (DWD), the Department of Public Instruction (DPI), and the Department of Health Services (DHS). This guide suggests best practices and resources to assist key stakeholders (students, parents/guardians, teachers and school team members, DVR counselors, Children and Adult Long –Term Care and Mental Health professionals, and ADRC representatives) involved in the transition process. This tool can be used as a framework to improve communication, coordination, and services for students with disabilities transitioning from school to employment.

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Mental Health
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Department of Education
  • Other
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

A Better Bottom Line: Governor Scott Walker Delivers Remarks at Wisconsin Employment First Conference - 04/03/2014

“Governor Walker proclaimed 2014 as the Year of A Better Bottom Line to encourage and promote employment opportunities for people with disabilities... During the Year of A Better Bottom Line, Governor Walker is directing state agencies to focus on recognizing and promoting public and private programs, companies, and organizations that are improving employment opportunities for people with disabilities, including veterans and students.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Priorities for People with Disabilities in Wisconsin

“This packet provides information and recommendations on various issues that people with disabilities face, including integrated employment, access to health care and schools, and special education funding.”

  • Other
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)
  • Segregated Day & Employment Services

Wisconsin Individual Placement and Support

IPS is an evidenced based practice model of supported employment for individuals with severe and persistent mental illness. In Wisconsin the Department of Workforce Development, DVR has partnered with the Department of Health Services - Division of Mental Health to establish IPS in Wisconsin as part of a grant from Dartmouth College and Johnson and Johnson. Mental health services in Wisconsin are provided by each county. The IPS model involves a team approach involving an Employment Specialist and a DVR counselor becoming a part of a mental health treatment team, with employment becoming a focus of mental health services. Adherence to the prescribed national model is essential. Fidelity reviews are conducted until good fidelity is achieved. Technical assistance is provided as part of the grant and can be provided for counties wishing to implement IPS. Legislation has been proposed (2014) for a significant expansion of IPS availability in Wisconsin.

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Mental Health
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Mental Health
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Individual Placement and Support (IPS) Wisconsin Community Mental Health Services and Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Process

The IPS project emphasizes best practice implementation strategies in collaboration and modifying existing practices and organizational barriers. There is long term technical assistance for statewide implementation. Outcomes are tracked closely. On the local level the work is done in a team with all members contributing expertise towards employment and other goals. DVR would be expected to be a member of that team and provide expertise and case service based funding for related vocational services. The day to day work is done by an Employment Specialist with a small caseload (20) of participants. Strict guidelines and fidelity scales are used to insure that evidence based best practice is used and not services based on anecdotal, casual or existing practice. This document is intended to provide an outline of process elements needed for Individual Placement and Support (IPS) in Mental Health for WI DVR Counselors and others

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Mental Health
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Governor’s Committee for people with disability Work plan

The Governor’s Committee for People with Disabilities: • Advises the Governor and state agencies on problems faced by people with disabilities, • Reviews legislation and advises the Governor about legislation affecting people with disabilities, • Suggests to the Governor and state agencies ways to enhance the effective operations of publicity and privately administered or supported programs serving people with disabilities, • Promotes the goal of self-sufficiency for people with disabilities, • Promotes the collection, dissemination and incorporation of adequate information about persons with disabilities into public planning at all levels of government, • Promotes public awareness of needs and abilities of people with disabilities, and • Encourages the effective involvement of people with disabilities in government.

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Mental Health
  • Other

Results of a Comprehensive Statewide Assessment of the Rehabilitation Needs of Individuals with Disabilities and the Need to Establish, Develop or Improve Community Rehabilitation Programs.

The Wisconsin Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) conducts an annual update to the statewide assessment of the rehabilitation (and other) needs of individuals with disabilities residing in the state. The comprehensive statewide assessment process also includes an annual review of Wisconsin disability statistics, DVR customer and service federal report data, and public comment and input provided to the Wisconsin Rehabilitation Council (WRC) throughout the year. This attachment also includes input received during public hearings conducted by DVR and WRC during May 2014 regarding FFY15 State Plan

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Other
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

Employment Outcomes for WI DVR (Reviewed May 2014)

Purpose: To provide WI DVR’s definition of successful employment outcomes (coded as a status “26”) and to describe our policies, the Federal Regulations, and the Intent of Title I of the Rehabilitation Act that support the definition of a successful employment outcome. Rationale: There may be employment settings where a more thorough review will be necessary to ensure that the setting and wages meet the requirements of an employment outcome. Guidance: The Wisconsin Vocational Rehabilitation Program Policy Manual states as one of its requirements that a consumer has achieved an employment outcome when the employment is in the most integrated setting possible that is consistent with the consumer's informed choice. The consumer must also be compensated at or above the minimum wage i.e., competitive employment, and receive at least the customary wage and benefit level paid to other individuals performing similar work for the same employer.

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Asset Development / Financial Capability
  • Employer Engagement
  • 14(c)/Income Security

LCS in WI: An Organizational Investment in Capacity-Building and Staff Training

“Over the last five years, LCS, a provider in Racine, Wisconsin, has developed the capacity of its staff to expand integrated employment service options. LCS has hired and retained staff who are passionate about integrated employment, and has invested in supporting them to deliver high-quality integrated employment services.   Through state-of-the-art training and other resources, LCS has navigated internal and external challenges to building staff competencies, and has solidified its mission of sustaining highly qualified staff.”  
  • Other
  • Provider Transformation

WI Supported Employment

“This program works to increase employment opportunities for people with the most significant disabilities by working with a consumer and an employer to find a job that suits the consumer's specific skills and abilities. DVR works with county agencies to provide the long-term supports that will help the consumer keep their job.”

  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Customized Employment

What’s New with the Postsecondary Transition Plan (PTP)

“With stakeholder input, the Department of Public Instruction has developed a web-based IEP: Postsecondary Transition Plan (PTP) that will assist local educational agencies to document the postsecondary transition requirements with 100% compliance while allowing for individualization to meet student needs. The PTP is the application for collecting Indicator 13 data. Because state law requires transition plans for students with disabilities aged 14 and above, the PTP is used to develop and monitor transition plans for all students with disabilities who need a postsecondary transition plan.”

  • Department of Education
  • School-to-Work Transition

Wisconsin Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Combined State Plan

This WIOA Combined State Plan was jointly developed by one state team, guided by the WIOA Leadership Team. The WIOA Leadership Team is comprised of executive level leadership from all of Wisconsin's combined state plan programs. The strategic and operational planning elements were written with input from and approval by the WIOA Leadership Team, while program‐specific requirements were written by each program and shared for vetting with the WIOA Leadership Team.

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Wisconsin Employment First Initiative

Employment First is, “a national movement that is helping states improve their economies by supporting businesses to find talent and meet their needs by hiring people with disabilities. The intentional creation of policies and practices that result in a significant increase in the numbers of people with disabilities being employed in the community. A policy initiative that promotes employment in the community at minimum wage or higher as the preferred outcome for publicly funded services for all working age citizens with disabilities.”


Addresses other FAQs regarding Employment First.

  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Other
  • Employer Engagement
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

WI Employment First

“The Employment First Initiative is a project of the Wisconsin Board for Persons with Developmental Disabilities (WI BPDD) in partnership with Wisconsin APSE, and People First Wisconsin.”

  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships


Wisconsin Vocational Rehabilitation: “Employment First Team” - 03/01/2015

Lists team members and headquarters as of March 2015.

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Wisconsin Transition Interagency Agreement - 12/02/2010

This interagency agreement has been revised from the July 2007 interagency agreement to now focus on both students with disabilities transitioning from high school as well as adults with disabilities, who have an expectation for integrated competitive employment. It has also been elaborated for clarity and to reflect best practices associated with increasing employment opportunities for people with cognitive and/or physical disabilities who also have challenges with mental health. Based on recommendations made by a statewide employment task force, this agreement represents the intent to fully coordinate all of the activities and programs within each agency, for every internal and external stakeholder who is striving to achieve employment for citizens with disabilities.

  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Department of Education
  • Other
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

WI Interagency Agreement MOU: Adults and Transitioning Youth - 12/02/2010

“This agreement between DPI, DVR, and DHS has four overall priorities supporting integrated employment: To comply with federal legal mandates under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004 (IDEA). To provide practical guidance, technical assistance, and training to internal and external stakeholders and staff regarding employment-related services and supports. To provide information on employment services to individuals with disabilities and their family members or guardians so they will be able to participate fully in employment. To provide clarification of roles of stakeholders within each respective department regarding individuals with disabilities who have identified support needs associated with employment and independent living, so that individuals and their families may regard such efforts to be as seamless, non-duplicative, and as transparent as possible.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Mental Health
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Other
  • Employer Engagement
  • Provider Transformation
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Memorandum of Understanding for the Wisconsin Works (W-2) Program - 11/10/2009

“The purpose of this MOU is for the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) and the Department of Children and Families, Division of Family and Economic Security, Wisconsin Works (W-2) Program to establish collaborative efforts regarding their services and to develop a common understanding regarding their roles, policies, and procedures to better serve individuals with disabilities who may benefit from services from both programs.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

WI Department of Health Services’ Managed Care and Employment Task Force (MCETF): Final Report - 07/18/2008

“Against this backdrop, the Managed Care and Employment Task Force (MCETF) was convened in May 2007 by Division of Long-Term Care Administrator Sinikka Santala and charged with recommending a comprehensive strategy to expand work options for adults who rely on the community-based, long-term care system. The Task Force, composed of 28 members representing a wide range of interests and expertise, analyzed the challenges and identified best practices from Wisconsin and elsewhere for overcoming these challenges.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Governor’s Committee for people with disability Work plan

The Governor’s Committee for People with Disabilities: • Advises the Governor and state agencies on problems faced by people with disabilities, • Reviews legislation and advises the Governor about legislation affecting people with disabilities, • Suggests to the Governor and state agencies ways to enhance the effective operations of publicity and privately administered or supported programs serving people with disabilities, • Promotes the goal of self-sufficiency for people with disabilities, • Promotes the collection, dissemination and incorporation of adequate information about persons with disabilities into public planning at all levels of government, • Promotes public awareness of needs and abilities of people with disabilities, and • Encourages the effective involvement of people with disabilities in government.

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Mental Health
  • Other

Transition Planning for Students with Disabilities

“Transition is helping students with disabilities and their families think about their life after high school and identify long-range goals designing the high school experience to ensure that students gain the skills and connections they need to achieve these goals the provision of funds and services to local school districts to assist in the transition process.”

  • Department of Education
  • Other
  • School-to-Work Transition

Survival Coalition of Wisconsin Disability Organizations

“The intention of the Wisconsin Employment First Coalition is to partner with people with disabilities, other stakeholders, businesses and the public to increase awareness of the need to provide integrated employment opportunities here in Wisconsin. Survival Coalition supports integrated employment as the presumed outcome for people with disabilities. They believe that everyone can and should work in integrated jobs.”

  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Wisconsin Association of People Supporting Employment First (APSE)

Wisconsin has an APSE chapter.  “WI APSE believes that a state-wide Employment First effort is a vital component to the goal of increasing employment outcomes for citizens with disabilities in a manner that promotes equality of opportunity…Between May and September 2009, WI APSE facilitated group discussions about employment opportunities in eight locations around the state.” This document is a compilation of their observations, suggestions and next steps to implementing Employment First in Wisconsin.

  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

WI Employment First Community Action Team’s (CATs)

The Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilities and National APSE  teamed up to fund the technical assistance and training of three to five pilot “Employment First” Community Action Teams (CATs) sites round the state. “The purpose of the CATs is to implement practices around the state aligned with the Employment First Initiative to support an increased number of people with disabilities in Wisconsin to work in their communities. CATs will take the lead in implementing action plan items at a local level, setting local benchmarks, and reporting on progress.”

  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilities

“The Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilities (WBPDD) was established to advocate on behalf of individuals with developmental disabilities, foster welcoming and inclusive communities, and improve the disability service system. The Board's mission is to help people with developmental disabilities become independent, productive, and included in all facets of community life.”


  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Systems-Change Funding

WI Employment Development Initiative - 10/01/2011

“In an effort to assist State Mental Health Authorities, in close collaboration with Single State Authorities, in planning and implementing activities to foster increased employment opportunities for people with mental health and/or substance use disorders, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and its Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS) created the Employment Development Initiative (EDI).

This initiative provides, on a competitive basis, modest funding awards in the form of fixed-price subcontracts between the Contractor, the National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors (NASMHPD), and the States, Territories and District of Columbia. In addition, each awardee will receive two consultant technical assistance visits coordinated and paid through the Contractor's portion of the project." Wisconsin received a grant to support their Rural Supported Employment and Peer Support Programs.

  • Department of Mental Health
  • Mental Health


The Medicaid Infrastructure Grant Research Assistance to States (MIG-RATS) Center launched a website to provide resources and support to states implementing MIGs. The website is designed to help staff find research reports and resources, learn about MIG-RATS activities and initiatives, and connect with MIG researchers. The website includes info on topics such as Medicaid Buy-In programs, outreach and marketing, and youth in transition and also provides links to tools and a calendar of events. 

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

Wisconsin PROMISE Initiative

The PROMISE initiative is intended to improve services for youth SSI (Social Security Supplemental Security Income) recipients and their families. The services help youth recipients achieve better outcomes, including graduating from high school ready for college and a career, completing postsecondary education and job training, and obtaining competitive employment in an integrated setting. As a result, these youth SSI recipients can achieve long-term reductions in reliance on SSI.   PROMISE is a joint initiative of the U.S. Department of Education, the U.S. Social Security Administration, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and the U.S. Department of Labor.  
  • Department of Mental Health
  • Department of Education
  • Other
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

WI Disability Employment Initiative

"The WI Disability Employment Initiative was designed to ‘improve the accessibility and accountability of the public workforce development system for individuals with disabilities,’ extending ‘promising practices implemented by disability program navigators.’ Wisconsin’s Disability Employment Initiative will ‘improve coordination and collaboration among employment and training and asset development programs carried out at a state and local level.’ Linking to the ‘Ticket to Work program,’ Wisconsin seeks to build what members of Congress termed ‘effective community partnerships that leverage public and private resources to better serve individuals with disabilities and improve employment outcomes.’”  The grant ended in 2014.

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Mental Health
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Asset Development / Financial Capability
  • Employer Engagement
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships
  • Resource Leveraging

WI Disability Program Navigator

“ETA and SSA are jointly funding the DPN Initiative in 42 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the United States Virgin Islands where SSA implemented employment support initiatives. This Initiative promotes comprehensive services and work incentive information for SSA beneficiaries and other people with disabilities, through the One Stop system. The Initiative focuses on developing new and ongoing partnerships to achieve seamless, comprehensive, and integrated access to services, creating systemic change, and expanding the workforce development system's capacity to serve customers with disabilities and employers.”

  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

WI Partnerships in Employment Systems Change Grant (Let’s Get to Work)

“The Wisconsin Let’s Get to Work project is a five-year, national systems change grant that will lead to improved community employment outcomes for youth with intellectual and developmental disabilities in transition…Funded by the Administration on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities the project focuses on improving, developing and implementing policies and practices that raise community expectations and overall employment outcomes for youth with intellectual/developmental disabilities (I/DD).”

  • Other
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Mental Health
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

WI Medicaid Purchase Plan

“The Medicaid Purchase Plan offers people with disabilities who are working or interested in working the opportunity to buy health care coverage through the Wisconsin Medicaid Program. Depending on an individual’s income, a premium payment may be required for this health care coverage.”

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Other
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

WI Money Follows the Person

“Wisconsin received a federal award for a five-year Money Follows the Person Rebalancing Demonstration (MFP Demo).  The demonstration, authorized by Congress and funded by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, provides enhanced federal matching funds for services provided to participants in the demonstration.”


  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Other
  • Mental Health

Training/Capacity Building

Family Care Integrated Employment Planning for Members with Physical Disabilities - 07/15/2015

This is a training designed to help Interdisciplinary Team (IDT) understand Family Care Integrated Employment Planning. 

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Transition Action Guide For Post-secondary Planning - 03/01/2015

This Transition Action Guide (TAG) was developed to support the 2007 Interagency Agreement among the Department of Workforce Development (DWD), the Department of Public Instruction (DPI), and the Department of Health Services (DHS). This guide suggests best practices and resources to assist key stakeholders (students, parents/guardians, teachers and school team members, DVR counselors, Children and Adult Long –Term Care and Mental Health professionals, and ADRC representatives) involved in the transition process. This tool can be used as a framework to improve communication, coordination, and services for students with disabilities transitioning from school to employment.

  • Department of Mental Health
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Department of Education
  • Other
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

WI Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) Technical Specifications: Supported Employment - 07/01/2014

DVR can provide up to 24 months of support, although this level of need is rare. DVR can provide up to 48 months of support for youth (age 14-24). The services and processes outlined in the technical specifications have been designed to insure a good job match and reduce the need for support while maximizing consumer independence. All DVR services must be provided in competitive wage and integrated settings.” 

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Provider Transformation

WI Self-Employment Toolkit V2.0 - 12/19/2013

“This toolkit was developed to assist DVR staff and consumers through the self-employment process. It addresses all areas of the process, from how to start the initial conversation with the consumer, through opening the business and closing the case successfully. The process outlined in this toolkit is in a 12-step format. Each step has a purpose and should be completed prior to moving on to the next step. It is expected that this process will be followed for all start-up self-employment cases.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Self-Employment

Wisconsin Division of Vocational Rehabilitation: Customized Self-Employment Toolkit - 08/01/2012

“This tool has been developed to assist DVR Staff throughout the exploration and development of a small business for consumers who need a customized or supported approach to self-employment. A consumer requiring a customized approach may need supports to develop and/or maintain the business. Supports could include: long term job coaching supports, ongoing case management, peer supports, natural supports, family supports or ongoing paid professional services for the business, etc.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Customized Employment
  • Self-Employment
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Mental Health
  • Provider Transformation

Self-Directed Employment Planning Resource Guide - 07/01/2012

“This Resource Guide was designed to be used with the Self-Directed Employment Planning online modules. Since the Self-Directed Employment Planning modules are an on-line resource, website links are included as part of the Resource Guide. If you click on the website links in an electronic version of this guide from a computer, you should be able to go to each website.    This Resource Guide is set up in the same order as the training modules. There are ten sections that go with each of the ten on-line modules. You should listen to each module first and then take the time to look at the information in this Resource Guide that goes with each module.     This Resource Guide also contains helpful templates and samples that were described in the learning modules. You can use these templates in your planning. You can use parts or all of them. You can print off the pages you need and make as many copies of them as you want to use.”  
  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Other
  • Customized Employment
  • Self-Employment
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Mental Health

Wisconsin Department Workforce Development (DWD) and Department of Health Services (DHS) Technical Assistance Guide for Adults Seeking Integrated Employment - 12/28/2010

“This Adult Technical Assistance Guide (Adult TAG) is intended to improve communication, coordination, and services for adults with disabilities seeking integrated employment who participate in either the Family Care, Family Care Partnership, PACE or IRIS long term care programs and who are jointly eligible for Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) services. It is designed to be useful for all persons and agencies involved in the process of vocational placement and providing long term support for integrated employment.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Beach Center on Disability Research Highlights: Customized Employment - 07/15/2008

“In this study, personal and employment histories of 50 individuals with significant disabilities were examined in table format to identify trends in employment and support the validity of integrated work experiences. Personal histories included: exit year of high school, age disability label and residential support. Employment histories included work environment, time at job, work tasks, hours per week, hourly wage, professional support and reasons for changing jobs. The participants’ experiences began 15-24 years ago when they entered the services provided by Community Work Services Inc. in Madison, Wisconsin.”

  • Other
  • Customized Employment
  • School-to-Work Transition

Self-Directed Employment Planning Modules

“This on-line series was designed to help people with disabilities think about their integrated employment options, understand employment supports, and create a plan to achieve their integrated employment goals.   There are 12 learning modules, which you can watch by clicking the links below.  Start with the introduction so that you can learn how to use this learning series.”  
  • Other
  • Customized Employment
  • School-to-Work Transition

Customized Employment: Job Development - Success Stories

This presentation contains success stories from Wisconsin job seekers with disabilities who have successfully obtained employment through the Customized Employment process.

  • Other
  • Customized Employment
  • Employer Engagement

Customized Employment: It Really Works!

Presentation on how and why Customized Employment works as a strategy for getting people with disabilities jobs.  Addresses CE as evidence-based practice and the benefits of CE for employers and co-workers.

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Other
  • Customized Employment
  • Self-Employment
  • Employer Engagement
  • Provider Transformation

Community-Based Transition Options for 18- to 21-year old Students with Disabilities

“This guide shares a framework for planning community-based transition options for 18-21-year-old students with disabilities. This tool will assist local districts in assessing needs and developing transition-focused options within a community-based environment. In addition, the guide assists districts to create a step-by-step process using practical activities and user-friendly forms. The forms have been created to identify student needs, analyze in-school and community resources, set priorities, develop meaningful action plans, and establish the process for evaluation.”

  • Department of Education
  • Other
  • Customized Employment
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Mental Health

Pathways to Employment Resource Center: PERC

 “PERC provides education and training, technical assistance, research, and resources to expand opportunities for persons with disabilities to earn income and participate fully in community life.”

  • Other
  • Customized Employment
  • Self-Employment
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Employer Engagement


No Enforcement have been entered for this state.

Medicaid & Employment

WI Medicaid Purchase Plan

“The Medicaid Purchase Plan offers people with disabilities who are working or interested in working the opportunity to buy health care coverage through the Wisconsin Medicaid Program. Depending on an individual’s income, a premium payment may be required for this health care coverage.”

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

WI Money Follows the Person

“Wisconsin received a federal award for a five-year Money Follows the Person Rebalancing Demonstration (MFP Demo).  The demonstration, authorized by Congress and funded by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, provides enhanced federal matching funds for services provided to participants in the demonstration.”

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Mental Health

Wisconsin Statewide Transition Plan (Medicaid)

The Department of Health Services (DHS) intends to transition the Community Recovery Services (CRS) program currently operating under the 1915(i) authority to a 1905(a) State Plan authority effective January 1, 2015, pending CMS approval. The DHS has issued a public notice regarding this transition under the Wisconsin State Register published November 15, 2014. If CMS does not approve the transition of the CRS program from a 1915(i) to a 1905(a) State Plan service, then DHS agrees to follow the statewide transition plan for Medicaid HCBS as outlined in this plan.

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

Wisconsin Medicaid State Plan

“The State Plan is the officially recognized statement describing the nature and scope of Wisconsin's Medicaid program.”

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

WI Self Directed Support Waiver (IRIS)

“The IRIS Program is a Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) waiver for self-directed long-term supports. The program is an option for adults with long term care needs. The Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Division of Long Term Care (DLTC), Office of IRIS Management under the authorization of the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) is responsible for oversight of the IRIS program. IRIS is available to Wisconsin residents determined financially eligible for Medicaid, functionally in need of nursing home or Intermediate Care Facility for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities (ICF/IID) level of care; and living in a county where managed long-term care and IRIS are available. People who are eligible have the choice of IRIS or managed care through their local Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC).”

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Mental Health
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

WI Family Care Program

"Family Care was designed to provide cost-effective, comprehensive and flexible long-term care that will foster consumers’ independence and quality of life, while recognizing the need for interdependence and support…”

Family Care, authorized by the Governor and Legislature in 1998, serves people with physical disabilities, people with intellectual/developmental disabilities and frail elders, with the specific goals of: Giving people better choices about where they live and what kinds of services and supports they get to meet their needs; Improving access to services; Improving quality through a focus on health and social outcomes; [and] Creating a cost-effective system for the future.”

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Mental Health
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

WI Community Integration Program

“The Community Integration Program is a Medicaid Home and Community-Based Waiver for adults with developmental disabilities.”

“The CIP Waiver helps people with developmental disabilities to stay out of institutions, or to relocate from state centers and nursing homes back to their communities.  In many circumstances, CIP can help prevent someone from having to leave his/her community.  CIP is funded through the federal Medicaid Program (MA).  It is known as an "MA waiver" because the federal government has waived certain regulations, allowing Wisconsin to use the dollars to follow people to the community.  The money goes from the state to county waiver agencies who administer the program.”

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Mental Health
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

States - Phablet


The motto of Wisconsin is "Forward," and it's clear to see that things are moving forward on Employment First initiatives that are empowering individuals with disabilities to find success in the careers they choose.

2014 State Population.
Change from
2013 to 2014
2014 Number of people with disabilities (all disabilities, ages 18-64).
Change from
2013 to 2014
2014 Number of people with disabilities who are employed (all disabilities, ages 18-64).
Change from
2013 to 2014
2014 Percentage of working age people who are employed (all disabilities).
Change from
2013 to 2014
2014 Percentage of working age people who are employed (NO disabilities).
Change from
2013 to 2014

State Data


Population. 5,757,564
Number of people with disabilities (all disabilities, ages 18-64). 353,031
Number of people with disabilities who are employed (all disabilities, ages 18-64). 140,488
Number of people without disabilities who are employed (ages 18-64). 2,586,501
Percentage of working age people who are employed (all disabilities). 39.79%
Percentage of working age people who are employed (NO disabilities). 81.15%
Overall unemployment rate. 5.50%
Poverty Rate (all disabilities). 20.80%
Poverty Rate (NO disabilities). 12.10%
Number of males with disabilities (all ages). 339,579
Number of females with disabilities (all ages). 337,992
Number of Caucasians with disabilities (all ages). 582,635
Number of African Americans with disabilities (all ages). 55,258
Number of Hispanic/Latinos with disabilities (all ages). 33,986
Number of American Indians/Alaska Natives with disabilities (all ages). 6,434
Number of Asians with disabilities (all ages). 10,701
Number of Hawaiians/Pacific Islanders with disabilities (all ages). N/A
Number of with multiple races disabilities (all ages). 13,328
Number of others with disabilities (all ages). 8,923



Number of SSI recipients with disabilities who work. 10,674
Percentage of SSI recipients with disabilities who work relative to total SSI recipients with disabilities. 9.50%
Old Age Survivor and Disability Insurance (OASDI) recipients/workers with disabilities. 161,894



Number of mental health services consumers who are employed. 3,562
Number of mental health services consumers who are part of the labor force (employed or actively looking for employment). 5,843
Number of adults served who have a known employment status. 14,613
Percentage of all state mental health agency consumers served in the community who are employed. 24.40%
Percentage of supported employment services evidence based practices (EBP). 1.40%
Percentage of supported housing services evidence based practices (EBP). 1.30%
Percentage of assertive community treatment services evidence based practices (EBP). 6.10%
Percentage of medications management evidence based practices (EBP). 3.00%
Number of evidence based practices (EBP) supported employment services. 701
Number of evidence based practices (EBP) supported housing services. 648
Number of evidence based practices (EBP) assertive community treatment services. 2,972
Number of evidence based practices (EBP) medications management. 1,454



Number of registered job seekers with a disability. 15,934
Proportion of registered job seekers with a disability. 0.05



Total number of people with a disability that is a substantial barrier to work served by Job Training and Partnership Act/Workforce Investment Act programs. 106
Total number of people with a disability that is a substantial barrier to work who entered unsubsidized employment. 70
Percentage of people with a disability that is a substantial barrier to work who entered unsubsidized employment relative to total the number of people with a disability that is a substantial barrier to work. 66.00%
Incidence rate of people with a disability that is a substantial barrier to work who entered unsubsidized employment per 100,000 individuals in the general state population. 1.22



Total Number of people served under VR.
Number of people with visual impairments served under VR. N/A
Number of people with communicative (hearing loss, deafness) impairments served under VR. N/A
Number of people with physical impairments served under VR. N/A
Number of people cognitive impairments served under VR. N/A
Number of people psychosocial impairments served under VR. N/A
Number of people with mental impairments served under VR. N/A
Percentage of overall closures into employment under VR. N/A
Number of employment network (EN) and vocational rehabilitation (VR) tickets assigned. 9,159
Number of eligible ticket to work beneficiaries. 237,335
Total number of ID closures using supported employment services with or without Title VI-B funds expended (VI-C prior to 2002). N/A
Total number of ID competitive labor market closures. N/A



Dollars spent on day/employment services for integrated employment funding. $22,690,000
Dollars spent on day/employment services for facility-based work funding. $60,875,000
Dollars spent on day/employment services for facility-based non-work funding. $99,599,000
Dollars spent on day/employment services for community based non-work funding. $9,643,000
Percentage of people served in integrated employment. 21.00%
Number of people served in community based non-work. 2,069
Number of people served in facility based work. 6,824
Number of people served in facility based non-work. 7,667
Number supported in integrated employment per 100,000 individuals in the general state population. 54.90



Percent of children with IEPs aged 6 through 21 served inside the regular class 80% or more of the day (Indicator 5a). 63.54%
Percent of children with IEPs aged 6 through 21 served inside the regular class less than 40% of the day (Indicator 5b). 9.75%
Percent of children with IEPs aged 6 through 21 served in separate schools, residential facilities, or homebound/hospital placements (Indicator 5c). 1.40%
Percent of youth with IEPs aged 16 and above with an IEP that includes appropriate measurable postsecondary goals (Indicator 13). 98.92%
Percentage of youth who are no longer in secondary school, had IEPs in effect at the time they left school, and were enrolled in higher education within one year of leaving high school (Indicator 14a). 27.51%
Percentage of youth who are no longer in secondary school, had IEPs in effect at the time they left school, and were enrolled in higher education or competitively employed within one year of leaving high school (Indicator 14b). 64.94%
Percentage of youth who are no longer in secondary school, had IEPs in effect at the time they left school, and were enrolled in higher education or in some other postsecondary education or training program; or competitively employed or in some other employment within one year of leaving high school (Indicator 14c). 77.56%
Percentage of youth who are no longer in secondary school, had IEPs in effect at the time they left school, and were competitively employed within one year of leaving high school (Subset of Indicator 14). 37.43%



Number of overall agency blind and SD hours. 2,759,088
Number of overall total blind and SD workers. 3,964
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD hours (products). 269,729
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD hours (services). 1,118,183
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD hours (combined). 1,387,912
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD workers (products). 410
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD workers (services). 862
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD workers (combined). 1,272
AbilityOne wages (products). $1,894,656
AbilityOne wages (services). $16,572,273



Number of 14(c) certificate-holding private businesses. 16
Number of 14(c) certificate-holding school work experience programs (SWEPs). 2
Number of 14(c) certificate-holding community rehabilitation programs (CRPs). 72
Number of 14(c) certificate holding patient workers. 4
Total Number of 14(c) certificate holding entities. 94
Reported number of people with disabilities working under 14(c) certificate holding private businesses. 25
Reported number of people with disabilities working under 14 (c) certificate holding school work experience programs (SWEPs). 24
Reported number of people with disabilities working under 14(c) certificate holding community rehabilitation programs (CRPs). 9,156
Reported number of people with disabilities working under 14(c) certificate holding patient workers. 451
Total reported number of people with disabilities working under 14(c) certificate holding entities. 9,656



Wisconsin Assembly Bill 731 - 03/31/2016

This bill makes changes to the laws in this state related to the federal Achieving a Better Life Experience Act of 2014. Under federal law, an eligible resident of this state may participate in a qualified ABLE program of another state and establish an ABLE account. The proceeds of an ABLE account may be used to pay for qualified expenses, such as education, housing, and transportation costs, for a beneficiary who is an individual with disabilities, as defined under federal law.

  • Other
  • Asset Development / Financial Capability

WI Statutes: Vocational Rehabilitation; Specialized Programs for Persons with Disabilities - 08/26/2015

This WI statute defines persons with disabilities and explains Vocational Rehabilitation and “special programs for persons with disabilities.” It states that the State will, “Make vocational rehabilitation services under this chapter available in every county to all persons with disabilities who are present in the state, regardless of residency,” and details the services that will be available to people with disabilities.

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Provider Transformation

Wisconsin SB 21 (Act 55) - 07/12/2015

"Senate Bill 21 as 2015 Wisconsin Act 55 is approved and deposited in the office of the Secretary of State...The following is a brief summary of how this budget, including my vetoes, will continue to make Wisconsin more prosperous, more independent and more efficient...Newly establishes Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) accounts to empower the disabled community and their families to achieve greater independence and assist with various expenses."

  • Other
  • Asset Development / Financial Capability

Wisconsin Fair Employment Act

Wisconsin's Fair Employment Law gives civil rights protections to qualified persons with disabilities. The law applies to virtually all, private and public employers, regardless of the number of employees. Under the federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), disability discrimination is also prohibited for employers having 15 or more employees. Both laws are designed to ensure equal opportunity in all aspects of employment.

  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Asset Development / Financial Capability

Executive Orders

No Executive Orders have been entered for this state.


Wisconsin DVR Statewide Service Fee Schedule - 02/15/2016

All services must comply with the technical specifications outlined for each service or payment will not be made. A revised report must be submitted to DVR in 10 business days if returned for non-compliance. No additional fees will be paid for requested meetings.

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Workforce Development

Supported Employment Fees/Customized Employment - 10/01/2015

Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development chart of supported employment and customized employment fees.   It details the Supported Employment Service, and the fee for each service.

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Customized Employment
  • Employer Engagement
  • Provider Transformation

Transition Action Guide For Post-secondary Planning - 03/01/2015

This Transition Action Guide (TAG) was developed to support the 2007 Interagency Agreement among the Department of Workforce Development (DWD), the Department of Public Instruction (DPI), and the Department of Health Services (DHS). This guide suggests best practices and resources to assist key stakeholders (students, parents/guardians, teachers and school team members, DVR counselors, Children and Adult Long –Term Care and Mental Health professionals, and ADRC representatives) involved in the transition process. This tool can be used as a framework to improve communication, coordination, and services for students with disabilities transitioning from school to employment.

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Mental Health
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Department of Education
  • Other
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

A Better Bottom Line: Governor Scott Walker Delivers Remarks at Wisconsin Employment First Conference - 04/03/2014

“Governor Walker proclaimed 2014 as the Year of A Better Bottom Line to encourage and promote employment opportunities for people with disabilities... During the Year of A Better Bottom Line, Governor Walker is directing state agencies to focus on recognizing and promoting public and private programs, companies, and organizations that are improving employment opportunities for people with disabilities, including veterans and students.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Priorities for People with Disabilities in Wisconsin

“This packet provides information and recommendations on various issues that people with disabilities face, including integrated employment, access to health care and schools, and special education funding.”

  • Other
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)
  • Segregated Day & Employment Services

Wisconsin Individual Placement and Support

IPS is an evidenced based practice model of supported employment for individuals with severe and persistent mental illness. In Wisconsin the Department of Workforce Development, DVR has partnered with the Department of Health Services - Division of Mental Health to establish IPS in Wisconsin as part of a grant from Dartmouth College and Johnson and Johnson. Mental health services in Wisconsin are provided by each county. The IPS model involves a team approach involving an Employment Specialist and a DVR counselor becoming a part of a mental health treatment team, with employment becoming a focus of mental health services. Adherence to the prescribed national model is essential. Fidelity reviews are conducted until good fidelity is achieved. Technical assistance is provided as part of the grant and can be provided for counties wishing to implement IPS. Legislation has been proposed (2014) for a significant expansion of IPS availability in Wisconsin.

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Mental Health
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Mental Health
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Individual Placement and Support (IPS) Wisconsin Community Mental Health Services and Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Process

The IPS project emphasizes best practice implementation strategies in collaboration and modifying existing practices and organizational barriers. There is long term technical assistance for statewide implementation. Outcomes are tracked closely. On the local level the work is done in a team with all members contributing expertise towards employment and other goals. DVR would be expected to be a member of that team and provide expertise and case service based funding for related vocational services. The day to day work is done by an Employment Specialist with a small caseload (20) of participants. Strict guidelines and fidelity scales are used to insure that evidence based best practice is used and not services based on anecdotal, casual or existing practice. This document is intended to provide an outline of process elements needed for Individual Placement and Support (IPS) in Mental Health for WI DVR Counselors and others

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Mental Health
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Governor’s Committee for people with disability Work plan

The Governor’s Committee for People with Disabilities: • Advises the Governor and state agencies on problems faced by people with disabilities, • Reviews legislation and advises the Governor about legislation affecting people with disabilities, • Suggests to the Governor and state agencies ways to enhance the effective operations of publicity and privately administered or supported programs serving people with disabilities, • Promotes the goal of self-sufficiency for people with disabilities, • Promotes the collection, dissemination and incorporation of adequate information about persons with disabilities into public planning at all levels of government, • Promotes public awareness of needs and abilities of people with disabilities, and • Encourages the effective involvement of people with disabilities in government.

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Mental Health
  • Other

Results of a Comprehensive Statewide Assessment of the Rehabilitation Needs of Individuals with Disabilities and the Need to Establish, Develop or Improve Community Rehabilitation Programs.

The Wisconsin Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) conducts an annual update to the statewide assessment of the rehabilitation (and other) needs of individuals with disabilities residing in the state. The comprehensive statewide assessment process also includes an annual review of Wisconsin disability statistics, DVR customer and service federal report data, and public comment and input provided to the Wisconsin Rehabilitation Council (WRC) throughout the year. This attachment also includes input received during public hearings conducted by DVR and WRC during May 2014 regarding FFY15 State Plan

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Other
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

Employment Outcomes for WI DVR (Reviewed May 2014)

Purpose: To provide WI DVR’s definition of successful employment outcomes (coded as a status “26”) and to describe our policies, the Federal Regulations, and the Intent of Title I of the Rehabilitation Act that support the definition of a successful employment outcome. Rationale: There may be employment settings where a more thorough review will be necessary to ensure that the setting and wages meet the requirements of an employment outcome. Guidance: The Wisconsin Vocational Rehabilitation Program Policy Manual states as one of its requirements that a consumer has achieved an employment outcome when the employment is in the most integrated setting possible that is consistent with the consumer's informed choice. The consumer must also be compensated at or above the minimum wage i.e., competitive employment, and receive at least the customary wage and benefit level paid to other individuals performing similar work for the same employer.

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Asset Development / Financial Capability
  • Employer Engagement
  • 14(c)/Income Security

LCS in WI: An Organizational Investment in Capacity-Building and Staff Training

“Over the last five years, LCS, a provider in Racine, Wisconsin, has developed the capacity of its staff to expand integrated employment service options. LCS has hired and retained staff who are passionate about integrated employment, and has invested in supporting them to deliver high-quality integrated employment services.   Through state-of-the-art training and other resources, LCS has navigated internal and external challenges to building staff competencies, and has solidified its mission of sustaining highly qualified staff.”  
  • Other
  • Provider Transformation

WI Supported Employment

“This program works to increase employment opportunities for people with the most significant disabilities by working with a consumer and an employer to find a job that suits the consumer's specific skills and abilities. DVR works with county agencies to provide the long-term supports that will help the consumer keep their job.”

  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Customized Employment

What’s New with the Postsecondary Transition Plan (PTP)

“With stakeholder input, the Department of Public Instruction has developed a web-based IEP: Postsecondary Transition Plan (PTP) that will assist local educational agencies to document the postsecondary transition requirements with 100% compliance while allowing for individualization to meet student needs. The PTP is the application for collecting Indicator 13 data. Because state law requires transition plans for students with disabilities aged 14 and above, the PTP is used to develop and monitor transition plans for all students with disabilities who need a postsecondary transition plan.”

  • Department of Education
  • School-to-Work Transition

Wisconsin Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Combined State Plan

This WIOA Combined State Plan was jointly developed by one state team, guided by the WIOA Leadership Team. The WIOA Leadership Team is comprised of executive level leadership from all of Wisconsin's combined state plan programs. The strategic and operational planning elements were written with input from and approval by the WIOA Leadership Team, while program‐specific requirements were written by each program and shared for vetting with the WIOA Leadership Team.

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Wisconsin Employment First Initiative

Employment First is, “a national movement that is helping states improve their economies by supporting businesses to find talent and meet their needs by hiring people with disabilities. The intentional creation of policies and practices that result in a significant increase in the numbers of people with disabilities being employed in the community. A policy initiative that promotes employment in the community at minimum wage or higher as the preferred outcome for publicly funded services for all working age citizens with disabilities.”


Addresses other FAQs regarding Employment First.

  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Other
  • Employer Engagement
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

WI Employment First

“The Employment First Initiative is a project of the Wisconsin Board for Persons with Developmental Disabilities (WI BPDD) in partnership with Wisconsin APSE, and People First Wisconsin.”

  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships


Wisconsin Vocational Rehabilitation: “Employment First Team” - 03/01/2015

Lists team members and headquarters as of March 2015.

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Wisconsin Transition Interagency Agreement - 12/02/2010

This interagency agreement has been revised from the July 2007 interagency agreement to now focus on both students with disabilities transitioning from high school as well as adults with disabilities, who have an expectation for integrated competitive employment. It has also been elaborated for clarity and to reflect best practices associated with increasing employment opportunities for people with cognitive and/or physical disabilities who also have challenges with mental health. Based on recommendations made by a statewide employment task force, this agreement represents the intent to fully coordinate all of the activities and programs within each agency, for every internal and external stakeholder who is striving to achieve employment for citizens with disabilities.

  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Department of Education
  • Other
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

WI Interagency Agreement MOU: Adults and Transitioning Youth - 12/02/2010

“This agreement between DPI, DVR, and DHS has four overall priorities supporting integrated employment: To comply with federal legal mandates under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004 (IDEA). To provide practical guidance, technical assistance, and training to internal and external stakeholders and staff regarding employment-related services and supports. To provide information on employment services to individuals with disabilities and their family members or guardians so they will be able to participate fully in employment. To provide clarification of roles of stakeholders within each respective department regarding individuals with disabilities who have identified support needs associated with employment and independent living, so that individuals and their families may regard such efforts to be as seamless, non-duplicative, and as transparent as possible.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Mental Health
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Other
  • Employer Engagement
  • Provider Transformation
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Memorandum of Understanding for the Wisconsin Works (W-2) Program - 11/10/2009

“The purpose of this MOU is for the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) and the Department of Children and Families, Division of Family and Economic Security, Wisconsin Works (W-2) Program to establish collaborative efforts regarding their services and to develop a common understanding regarding their roles, policies, and procedures to better serve individuals with disabilities who may benefit from services from both programs.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

WI Department of Health Services’ Managed Care and Employment Task Force (MCETF): Final Report - 07/18/2008

“Against this backdrop, the Managed Care and Employment Task Force (MCETF) was convened in May 2007 by Division of Long-Term Care Administrator Sinikka Santala and charged with recommending a comprehensive strategy to expand work options for adults who rely on the community-based, long-term care system. The Task Force, composed of 28 members representing a wide range of interests and expertise, analyzed the challenges and identified best practices from Wisconsin and elsewhere for overcoming these challenges.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Governor’s Committee for people with disability Work plan

The Governor’s Committee for People with Disabilities: • Advises the Governor and state agencies on problems faced by people with disabilities, • Reviews legislation and advises the Governor about legislation affecting people with disabilities, • Suggests to the Governor and state agencies ways to enhance the effective operations of publicity and privately administered or supported programs serving people with disabilities, • Promotes the goal of self-sufficiency for people with disabilities, • Promotes the collection, dissemination and incorporation of adequate information about persons with disabilities into public planning at all levels of government, • Promotes public awareness of needs and abilities of people with disabilities, and • Encourages the effective involvement of people with disabilities in government.

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Mental Health
  • Other

Transition Planning for Students with Disabilities

“Transition is helping students with disabilities and their families think about their life after high school and identify long-range goals designing the high school experience to ensure that students gain the skills and connections they need to achieve these goals the provision of funds and services to local school districts to assist in the transition process.”

  • Department of Education
  • Other
  • School-to-Work Transition

Survival Coalition of Wisconsin Disability Organizations

“The intention of the Wisconsin Employment First Coalition is to partner with people with disabilities, other stakeholders, businesses and the public to increase awareness of the need to provide integrated employment opportunities here in Wisconsin. Survival Coalition supports integrated employment as the presumed outcome for people with disabilities. They believe that everyone can and should work in integrated jobs.”

  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Wisconsin Association of People Supporting Employment First (APSE)

Wisconsin has an APSE chapter.  “WI APSE believes that a state-wide Employment First effort is a vital component to the goal of increasing employment outcomes for citizens with disabilities in a manner that promotes equality of opportunity…Between May and September 2009, WI APSE facilitated group discussions about employment opportunities in eight locations around the state.” This document is a compilation of their observations, suggestions and next steps to implementing Employment First in Wisconsin.

  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

WI Employment First Community Action Team’s (CATs)

The Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilities and National APSE  teamed up to fund the technical assistance and training of three to five pilot “Employment First” Community Action Teams (CATs) sites round the state. “The purpose of the CATs is to implement practices around the state aligned with the Employment First Initiative to support an increased number of people with disabilities in Wisconsin to work in their communities. CATs will take the lead in implementing action plan items at a local level, setting local benchmarks, and reporting on progress.”

  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilities

“The Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilities (WBPDD) was established to advocate on behalf of individuals with developmental disabilities, foster welcoming and inclusive communities, and improve the disability service system. The Board's mission is to help people with developmental disabilities become independent, productive, and included in all facets of community life.”


  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Systems-Change Funding

WI Employment Development Initiative - 10/01/2011

“In an effort to assist State Mental Health Authorities, in close collaboration with Single State Authorities, in planning and implementing activities to foster increased employment opportunities for people with mental health and/or substance use disorders, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and its Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS) created the Employment Development Initiative (EDI).

This initiative provides, on a competitive basis, modest funding awards in the form of fixed-price subcontracts between the Contractor, the National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors (NASMHPD), and the States, Territories and District of Columbia. In addition, each awardee will receive two consultant technical assistance visits coordinated and paid through the Contractor's portion of the project." Wisconsin received a grant to support their Rural Supported Employment and Peer Support Programs.

  • Department of Mental Health
  • Mental Health


The Medicaid Infrastructure Grant Research Assistance to States (MIG-RATS) Center launched a website to provide resources and support to states implementing MIGs. The website is designed to help staff find research reports and resources, learn about MIG-RATS activities and initiatives, and connect with MIG researchers. The website includes info on topics such as Medicaid Buy-In programs, outreach and marketing, and youth in transition and also provides links to tools and a calendar of events. 

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

Wisconsin PROMISE Initiative

The PROMISE initiative is intended to improve services for youth SSI (Social Security Supplemental Security Income) recipients and their families. The services help youth recipients achieve better outcomes, including graduating from high school ready for college and a career, completing postsecondary education and job training, and obtaining competitive employment in an integrated setting. As a result, these youth SSI recipients can achieve long-term reductions in reliance on SSI.   PROMISE is a joint initiative of the U.S. Department of Education, the U.S. Social Security Administration, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and the U.S. Department of Labor.  
  • Department of Mental Health
  • Department of Education
  • Other
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

WI Disability Employment Initiative

"The WI Disability Employment Initiative was designed to ‘improve the accessibility and accountability of the public workforce development system for individuals with disabilities,’ extending ‘promising practices implemented by disability program navigators.’ Wisconsin’s Disability Employment Initiative will ‘improve coordination and collaboration among employment and training and asset development programs carried out at a state and local level.’ Linking to the ‘Ticket to Work program,’ Wisconsin seeks to build what members of Congress termed ‘effective community partnerships that leverage public and private resources to better serve individuals with disabilities and improve employment outcomes.’”  The grant ended in 2014.

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Mental Health
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Asset Development / Financial Capability
  • Employer Engagement
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships
  • Resource Leveraging

WI Disability Program Navigator

“ETA and SSA are jointly funding the DPN Initiative in 42 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the United States Virgin Islands where SSA implemented employment support initiatives. This Initiative promotes comprehensive services and work incentive information for SSA beneficiaries and other people with disabilities, through the One Stop system. The Initiative focuses on developing new and ongoing partnerships to achieve seamless, comprehensive, and integrated access to services, creating systemic change, and expanding the workforce development system's capacity to serve customers with disabilities and employers.”

  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

WI Partnerships in Employment Systems Change Grant (Let’s Get to Work)

“The Wisconsin Let’s Get to Work project is a five-year, national systems change grant that will lead to improved community employment outcomes for youth with intellectual and developmental disabilities in transition…Funded by the Administration on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities the project focuses on improving, developing and implementing policies and practices that raise community expectations and overall employment outcomes for youth with intellectual/developmental disabilities (I/DD).”

  • Other
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Mental Health
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

WI Medicaid Purchase Plan

“The Medicaid Purchase Plan offers people with disabilities who are working or interested in working the opportunity to buy health care coverage through the Wisconsin Medicaid Program. Depending on an individual’s income, a premium payment may be required for this health care coverage.”

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Other
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

WI Money Follows the Person

“Wisconsin received a federal award for a five-year Money Follows the Person Rebalancing Demonstration (MFP Demo).  The demonstration, authorized by Congress and funded by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, provides enhanced federal matching funds for services provided to participants in the demonstration.”


  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Other
  • Mental Health

Training/Capacity Building

Family Care Integrated Employment Planning for Members with Physical Disabilities - 07/15/2015

This is a training designed to help Interdisciplinary Team (IDT) understand Family Care Integrated Employment Planning. 

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Transition Action Guide For Post-secondary Planning - 03/01/2015

This Transition Action Guide (TAG) was developed to support the 2007 Interagency Agreement among the Department of Workforce Development (DWD), the Department of Public Instruction (DPI), and the Department of Health Services (DHS). This guide suggests best practices and resources to assist key stakeholders (students, parents/guardians, teachers and school team members, DVR counselors, Children and Adult Long –Term Care and Mental Health professionals, and ADRC representatives) involved in the transition process. This tool can be used as a framework to improve communication, coordination, and services for students with disabilities transitioning from school to employment.

  • Department of Mental Health
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Department of Education
  • Other
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

WI Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) Technical Specifications: Supported Employment - 07/01/2014

DVR can provide up to 24 months of support, although this level of need is rare. DVR can provide up to 48 months of support for youth (age 14-24). The services and processes outlined in the technical specifications have been designed to insure a good job match and reduce the need for support while maximizing consumer independence. All DVR services must be provided in competitive wage and integrated settings.” 

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Provider Transformation

WI Self-Employment Toolkit V2.0 - 12/19/2013

“This toolkit was developed to assist DVR staff and consumers through the self-employment process. It addresses all areas of the process, from how to start the initial conversation with the consumer, through opening the business and closing the case successfully. The process outlined in this toolkit is in a 12-step format. Each step has a purpose and should be completed prior to moving on to the next step. It is expected that this process will be followed for all start-up self-employment cases.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Self-Employment

Wisconsin Division of Vocational Rehabilitation: Customized Self-Employment Toolkit - 08/01/2012

“This tool has been developed to assist DVR Staff throughout the exploration and development of a small business for consumers who need a customized or supported approach to self-employment. A consumer requiring a customized approach may need supports to develop and/or maintain the business. Supports could include: long term job coaching supports, ongoing case management, peer supports, natural supports, family supports or ongoing paid professional services for the business, etc.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Customized Employment
  • Self-Employment
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Mental Health
  • Provider Transformation

Self-Directed Employment Planning Resource Guide - 07/01/2012

“This Resource Guide was designed to be used with the Self-Directed Employment Planning online modules. Since the Self-Directed Employment Planning modules are an on-line resource, website links are included as part of the Resource Guide. If you click on the website links in an electronic version of this guide from a computer, you should be able to go to each website.    This Resource Guide is set up in the same order as the training modules. There are ten sections that go with each of the ten on-line modules. You should listen to each module first and then take the time to look at the information in this Resource Guide that goes with each module.     This Resource Guide also contains helpful templates and samples that were described in the learning modules. You can use these templates in your planning. You can use parts or all of them. You can print off the pages you need and make as many copies of them as you want to use.”  
  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Other
  • Customized Employment
  • Self-Employment
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Mental Health

Wisconsin Department Workforce Development (DWD) and Department of Health Services (DHS) Technical Assistance Guide for Adults Seeking Integrated Employment - 12/28/2010

“This Adult Technical Assistance Guide (Adult TAG) is intended to improve communication, coordination, and services for adults with disabilities seeking integrated employment who participate in either the Family Care, Family Care Partnership, PACE or IRIS long term care programs and who are jointly eligible for Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) services. It is designed to be useful for all persons and agencies involved in the process of vocational placement and providing long term support for integrated employment.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Beach Center on Disability Research Highlights: Customized Employment - 07/15/2008

“In this study, personal and employment histories of 50 individuals with significant disabilities were examined in table format to identify trends in employment and support the validity of integrated work experiences. Personal histories included: exit year of high school, age disability label and residential support. Employment histories included work environment, time at job, work tasks, hours per week, hourly wage, professional support and reasons for changing jobs. The participants’ experiences began 15-24 years ago when they entered the services provided by Community Work Services Inc. in Madison, Wisconsin.”

  • Other
  • Customized Employment
  • School-to-Work Transition

Self-Directed Employment Planning Modules

“This on-line series was designed to help people with disabilities think about their integrated employment options, understand employment supports, and create a plan to achieve their integrated employment goals.   There are 12 learning modules, which you can watch by clicking the links below.  Start with the introduction so that you can learn how to use this learning series.”  
  • Other
  • Customized Employment
  • School-to-Work Transition

Customized Employment: Job Development - Success Stories

This presentation contains success stories from Wisconsin job seekers with disabilities who have successfully obtained employment through the Customized Employment process.

  • Other
  • Customized Employment
  • Employer Engagement

Customized Employment: It Really Works!

Presentation on how and why Customized Employment works as a strategy for getting people with disabilities jobs.  Addresses CE as evidence-based practice and the benefits of CE for employers and co-workers.

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Other
  • Customized Employment
  • Self-Employment
  • Employer Engagement
  • Provider Transformation

Community-Based Transition Options for 18- to 21-year old Students with Disabilities

“This guide shares a framework for planning community-based transition options for 18-21-year-old students with disabilities. This tool will assist local districts in assessing needs and developing transition-focused options within a community-based environment. In addition, the guide assists districts to create a step-by-step process using practical activities and user-friendly forms. The forms have been created to identify student needs, analyze in-school and community resources, set priorities, develop meaningful action plans, and establish the process for evaluation.”

  • Department of Education
  • Other
  • Customized Employment
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Mental Health

Pathways to Employment Resource Center: PERC

 “PERC provides education and training, technical assistance, research, and resources to expand opportunities for persons with disabilities to earn income and participate fully in community life.”

  • Other
  • Customized Employment
  • Self-Employment
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Employer Engagement


No Enforcement have been entered for this state.

Medicaid & Employment

WI Medicaid Purchase Plan

“The Medicaid Purchase Plan offers people with disabilities who are working or interested in working the opportunity to buy health care coverage through the Wisconsin Medicaid Program. Depending on an individual’s income, a premium payment may be required for this health care coverage.”

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

WI Money Follows the Person

“Wisconsin received a federal award for a five-year Money Follows the Person Rebalancing Demonstration (MFP Demo).  The demonstration, authorized by Congress and funded by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, provides enhanced federal matching funds for services provided to participants in the demonstration.”

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Mental Health

Wisconsin Statewide Transition Plan (Medicaid)

The Department of Health Services (DHS) intends to transition the Community Recovery Services (CRS) program currently operating under the 1915(i) authority to a 1905(a) State Plan authority effective January 1, 2015, pending CMS approval. The DHS has issued a public notice regarding this transition under the Wisconsin State Register published November 15, 2014. If CMS does not approve the transition of the CRS program from a 1915(i) to a 1905(a) State Plan service, then DHS agrees to follow the statewide transition plan for Medicaid HCBS as outlined in this plan.

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

Wisconsin Medicaid State Plan

“The State Plan is the officially recognized statement describing the nature and scope of Wisconsin's Medicaid program.”

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

WI Self Directed Support Waiver (IRIS)

“The IRIS Program is a Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) waiver for self-directed long-term supports. The program is an option for adults with long term care needs. The Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Division of Long Term Care (DLTC), Office of IRIS Management under the authorization of the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) is responsible for oversight of the IRIS program. IRIS is available to Wisconsin residents determined financially eligible for Medicaid, functionally in need of nursing home or Intermediate Care Facility for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities (ICF/IID) level of care; and living in a county where managed long-term care and IRIS are available. People who are eligible have the choice of IRIS or managed care through their local Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC).”

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Mental Health
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

WI Family Care Program

"Family Care was designed to provide cost-effective, comprehensive and flexible long-term care that will foster consumers’ independence and quality of life, while recognizing the need for interdependence and support…”

Family Care, authorized by the Governor and Legislature in 1998, serves people with physical disabilities, people with intellectual/developmental disabilities and frail elders, with the specific goals of: Giving people better choices about where they live and what kinds of services and supports they get to meet their needs; Improving access to services; Improving quality through a focus on health and social outcomes; [and] Creating a cost-effective system for the future.”

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Mental Health
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

WI Community Integration Program

“The Community Integration Program is a Medicaid Home and Community-Based Waiver for adults with developmental disabilities.”

“The CIP Waiver helps people with developmental disabilities to stay out of institutions, or to relocate from state centers and nursing homes back to their communities.  In many circumstances, CIP can help prevent someone from having to leave his/her community.  CIP is funded through the federal Medicaid Program (MA).  It is known as an "MA waiver" because the federal government has waived certain regulations, allowing Wisconsin to use the dollars to follow people to the community.  The money goes from the state to county waiver agencies who administer the program.”

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Mental Health
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

States - Phone


The motto of Wisconsin is "Forward," and it's clear to see that things are moving forward on Employment First initiatives that are empowering individuals with disabilities to find success in the careers they choose.

2014 State Population.
Change from
2013 to 2014
2014 Number of people with disabilities (all disabilities, ages 18-64).
Change from
2013 to 2014
2014 Number of people with disabilities who are employed (all disabilities, ages 18-64).
Change from
2013 to 2014
2014 Percentage of working age people who are employed (all disabilities).
Change from
2013 to 2014
2014 Percentage of working age people who are employed (NO disabilities).
Change from
2013 to 2014

State Data


Population. 5,757,564
Number of people with disabilities (all disabilities, ages 18-64). 353,031
Number of people with disabilities who are employed (all disabilities, ages 18-64). 140,488
Number of people without disabilities who are employed (ages 18-64). 2,586,501
Percentage of working age people who are employed (all disabilities). 39.79%
Percentage of working age people who are employed (NO disabilities). 81.15%
Overall unemployment rate. 5.50%
Poverty Rate (all disabilities). 20.80%
Poverty Rate (NO disabilities). 12.10%
Number of males with disabilities (all ages). 339,579
Number of females with disabilities (all ages). 337,992
Number of Caucasians with disabilities (all ages). 582,635
Number of African Americans with disabilities (all ages). 55,258
Number of Hispanic/Latinos with disabilities (all ages). 33,986
Number of American Indians/Alaska Natives with disabilities (all ages). 6,434
Number of Asians with disabilities (all ages). 10,701
Number of Hawaiians/Pacific Islanders with disabilities (all ages). N/A
Number of with multiple races disabilities (all ages). 13,328
Number of others with disabilities (all ages). 8,923



Number of SSI recipients with disabilities who work. 10,674
Percentage of SSI recipients with disabilities who work relative to total SSI recipients with disabilities. 9.50%
Old Age Survivor and Disability Insurance (OASDI) recipients/workers with disabilities. 161,894



Number of mental health services consumers who are employed. 3,562
Number of mental health services consumers who are part of the labor force (employed or actively looking for employment). 5,843
Number of adults served who have a known employment status. 14,613
Percentage of all state mental health agency consumers served in the community who are employed. 24.40%
Percentage of supported employment services evidence based practices (EBP). 1.40%
Percentage of supported housing services evidence based practices (EBP). 1.30%
Percentage of assertive community treatment services evidence based practices (EBP). 6.10%
Percentage of medications management evidence based practices (EBP). 3.00%
Number of evidence based practices (EBP) supported employment services. 701
Number of evidence based practices (EBP) supported housing services. 648
Number of evidence based practices (EBP) assertive community treatment services. 2,972
Number of evidence based practices (EBP) medications management. 1,454



Number of registered job seekers with a disability. 15,934
Proportion of registered job seekers with a disability. 0.05



Total number of people with a disability that is a substantial barrier to work served by Job Training and Partnership Act/Workforce Investment Act programs. 106
Total number of people with a disability that is a substantial barrier to work who entered unsubsidized employment. 70
Percentage of people with a disability that is a substantial barrier to work who entered unsubsidized employment relative to total the number of people with a disability that is a substantial barrier to work. 66.00%
Incidence rate of people with a disability that is a substantial barrier to work who entered unsubsidized employment per 100,000 individuals in the general state population. 1.22



Total Number of people served under VR.
Number of people with visual impairments served under VR. N/A
Number of people with communicative (hearing loss, deafness) impairments served under VR. N/A
Number of people with physical impairments served under VR. N/A
Number of people cognitive impairments served under VR. N/A
Number of people psychosocial impairments served under VR. N/A
Number of people with mental impairments served under VR. N/A
Percentage of overall closures into employment under VR. N/A
Number of employment network (EN) and vocational rehabilitation (VR) tickets assigned. 9,159
Number of eligible ticket to work beneficiaries. 237,335
Total number of ID closures using supported employment services with or without Title VI-B funds expended (VI-C prior to 2002). N/A
Total number of ID competitive labor market closures. N/A



Dollars spent on day/employment services for integrated employment funding. $22,690,000
Dollars spent on day/employment services for facility-based work funding. $60,875,000
Dollars spent on day/employment services for facility-based non-work funding. $99,599,000
Dollars spent on day/employment services for community based non-work funding. $9,643,000
Percentage of people served in integrated employment. 21.00%
Number of people served in community based non-work. 2,069
Number of people served in facility based work. 6,824
Number of people served in facility based non-work. 7,667
Number supported in integrated employment per 100,000 individuals in the general state population. 54.90



Percent of children with IEPs aged 6 through 21 served inside the regular class 80% or more of the day (Indicator 5a). 63.54%
Percent of children with IEPs aged 6 through 21 served inside the regular class less than 40% of the day (Indicator 5b). 9.75%
Percent of children with IEPs aged 6 through 21 served in separate schools, residential facilities, or homebound/hospital placements (Indicator 5c). 1.40%
Percent of youth with IEPs aged 16 and above with an IEP that includes appropriate measurable postsecondary goals (Indicator 13). 98.92%
Percentage of youth who are no longer in secondary school, had IEPs in effect at the time they left school, and were enrolled in higher education within one year of leaving high school (Indicator 14a). 27.51%
Percentage of youth who are no longer in secondary school, had IEPs in effect at the time they left school, and were enrolled in higher education or competitively employed within one year of leaving high school (Indicator 14b). 64.94%
Percentage of youth who are no longer in secondary school, had IEPs in effect at the time they left school, and were enrolled in higher education or in some other postsecondary education or training program; or competitively employed or in some other employment within one year of leaving high school (Indicator 14c). 77.56%
Percentage of youth who are no longer in secondary school, had IEPs in effect at the time they left school, and were competitively employed within one year of leaving high school (Subset of Indicator 14). 37.43%



Number of overall agency blind and SD hours. 2,759,088
Number of overall total blind and SD workers. 3,964
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD hours (products). 269,729
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD hours (services). 1,118,183
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD hours (combined). 1,387,912
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD workers (products). 410
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD workers (services). 862
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD workers (combined). 1,272
AbilityOne wages (products). $1,894,656
AbilityOne wages (services). $16,572,273



Number of 14(c) certificate-holding private businesses. 16
Number of 14(c) certificate-holding school work experience programs (SWEPs). 2
Number of 14(c) certificate-holding community rehabilitation programs (CRPs). 72
Number of 14(c) certificate holding patient workers. 4
Total Number of 14(c) certificate holding entities. 94
Reported number of people with disabilities working under 14(c) certificate holding private businesses. 25
Reported number of people with disabilities working under 14 (c) certificate holding school work experience programs (SWEPs). 24
Reported number of people with disabilities working under 14(c) certificate holding community rehabilitation programs (CRPs). 9,156
Reported number of people with disabilities working under 14(c) certificate holding patient workers. 451
Total reported number of people with disabilities working under 14(c) certificate holding entities. 9,656



Wisconsin Assembly Bill 731 - 03/31/2016

This bill makes changes to the laws in this state related to the federal Achieving a Better Life Experience Act of 2014. Under federal law, an eligible resident of this state may participate in a qualified ABLE program of another state and establish an ABLE account. The proceeds of an ABLE account may be used to pay for qualified expenses, such as education, housing, and transportation costs, for a beneficiary who is an individual with disabilities, as defined under federal law.

  • Other
  • Asset Development / Financial Capability

WI Statutes: Vocational Rehabilitation; Specialized Programs for Persons with Disabilities - 08/26/2015

This WI statute defines persons with disabilities and explains Vocational Rehabilitation and “special programs for persons with disabilities.” It states that the State will, “Make vocational rehabilitation services under this chapter available in every county to all persons with disabilities who are present in the state, regardless of residency,” and details the services that will be available to people with disabilities.

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Provider Transformation

Wisconsin SB 21 (Act 55) - 07/12/2015

"Senate Bill 21 as 2015 Wisconsin Act 55 is approved and deposited in the office of the Secretary of State...The following is a brief summary of how this budget, including my vetoes, will continue to make Wisconsin more prosperous, more independent and more efficient...Newly establishes Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) accounts to empower the disabled community and their families to achieve greater independence and assist with various expenses."

  • Other
  • Asset Development / Financial Capability

Wisconsin Fair Employment Act

Wisconsin's Fair Employment Law gives civil rights protections to qualified persons with disabilities. The law applies to virtually all, private and public employers, regardless of the number of employees. Under the federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), disability discrimination is also prohibited for employers having 15 or more employees. Both laws are designed to ensure equal opportunity in all aspects of employment.

  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Asset Development / Financial Capability

Executive Orders

No Executive Orders have been entered for this state.


Wisconsin DVR Statewide Service Fee Schedule - 02/15/2016

All services must comply with the technical specifications outlined for each service or payment will not be made. A revised report must be submitted to DVR in 10 business days if returned for non-compliance. No additional fees will be paid for requested meetings.

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Workforce Development

Supported Employment Fees/Customized Employment - 10/01/2015

Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development chart of supported employment and customized employment fees.   It details the Supported Employment Service, and the fee for each service.

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Customized Employment
  • Employer Engagement
  • Provider Transformation

Transition Action Guide For Post-secondary Planning - 03/01/2015

This Transition Action Guide (TAG) was developed to support the 2007 Interagency Agreement among the Department of Workforce Development (DWD), the Department of Public Instruction (DPI), and the Department of Health Services (DHS). This guide suggests best practices and resources to assist key stakeholders (students, parents/guardians, teachers and school team members, DVR counselors, Children and Adult Long –Term Care and Mental Health professionals, and ADRC representatives) involved in the transition process. This tool can be used as a framework to improve communication, coordination, and services for students with disabilities transitioning from school to employment.

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Mental Health
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Department of Education
  • Other
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

A Better Bottom Line: Governor Scott Walker Delivers Remarks at Wisconsin Employment First Conference - 04/03/2014

“Governor Walker proclaimed 2014 as the Year of A Better Bottom Line to encourage and promote employment opportunities for people with disabilities... During the Year of A Better Bottom Line, Governor Walker is directing state agencies to focus on recognizing and promoting public and private programs, companies, and organizations that are improving employment opportunities for people with disabilities, including veterans and students.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Priorities for People with Disabilities in Wisconsin

“This packet provides information and recommendations on various issues that people with disabilities face, including integrated employment, access to health care and schools, and special education funding.”

  • Other
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)
  • Segregated Day & Employment Services

Wisconsin Individual Placement and Support

IPS is an evidenced based practice model of supported employment for individuals with severe and persistent mental illness. In Wisconsin the Department of Workforce Development, DVR has partnered with the Department of Health Services - Division of Mental Health to establish IPS in Wisconsin as part of a grant from Dartmouth College and Johnson and Johnson. Mental health services in Wisconsin are provided by each county. The IPS model involves a team approach involving an Employment Specialist and a DVR counselor becoming a part of a mental health treatment team, with employment becoming a focus of mental health services. Adherence to the prescribed national model is essential. Fidelity reviews are conducted until good fidelity is achieved. Technical assistance is provided as part of the grant and can be provided for counties wishing to implement IPS. Legislation has been proposed (2014) for a significant expansion of IPS availability in Wisconsin.

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Mental Health
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Mental Health
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Individual Placement and Support (IPS) Wisconsin Community Mental Health Services and Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Process

The IPS project emphasizes best practice implementation strategies in collaboration and modifying existing practices and organizational barriers. There is long term technical assistance for statewide implementation. Outcomes are tracked closely. On the local level the work is done in a team with all members contributing expertise towards employment and other goals. DVR would be expected to be a member of that team and provide expertise and case service based funding for related vocational services. The day to day work is done by an Employment Specialist with a small caseload (20) of participants. Strict guidelines and fidelity scales are used to insure that evidence based best practice is used and not services based on anecdotal, casual or existing practice. This document is intended to provide an outline of process elements needed for Individual Placement and Support (IPS) in Mental Health for WI DVR Counselors and others

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Mental Health
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Governor’s Committee for people with disability Work plan

The Governor’s Committee for People with Disabilities: • Advises the Governor and state agencies on problems faced by people with disabilities, • Reviews legislation and advises the Governor about legislation affecting people with disabilities, • Suggests to the Governor and state agencies ways to enhance the effective operations of publicity and privately administered or supported programs serving people with disabilities, • Promotes the goal of self-sufficiency for people with disabilities, • Promotes the collection, dissemination and incorporation of adequate information about persons with disabilities into public planning at all levels of government, • Promotes public awareness of needs and abilities of people with disabilities, and • Encourages the effective involvement of people with disabilities in government.

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Mental Health
  • Other

Results of a Comprehensive Statewide Assessment of the Rehabilitation Needs of Individuals with Disabilities and the Need to Establish, Develop or Improve Community Rehabilitation Programs.

The Wisconsin Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) conducts an annual update to the statewide assessment of the rehabilitation (and other) needs of individuals with disabilities residing in the state. The comprehensive statewide assessment process also includes an annual review of Wisconsin disability statistics, DVR customer and service federal report data, and public comment and input provided to the Wisconsin Rehabilitation Council (WRC) throughout the year. This attachment also includes input received during public hearings conducted by DVR and WRC during May 2014 regarding FFY15 State Plan

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Other
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

Employment Outcomes for WI DVR (Reviewed May 2014)

Purpose: To provide WI DVR’s definition of successful employment outcomes (coded as a status “26”) and to describe our policies, the Federal Regulations, and the Intent of Title I of the Rehabilitation Act that support the definition of a successful employment outcome. Rationale: There may be employment settings where a more thorough review will be necessary to ensure that the setting and wages meet the requirements of an employment outcome. Guidance: The Wisconsin Vocational Rehabilitation Program Policy Manual states as one of its requirements that a consumer has achieved an employment outcome when the employment is in the most integrated setting possible that is consistent with the consumer's informed choice. The consumer must also be compensated at or above the minimum wage i.e., competitive employment, and receive at least the customary wage and benefit level paid to other individuals performing similar work for the same employer.

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Asset Development / Financial Capability
  • Employer Engagement
  • 14(c)/Income Security

LCS in WI: An Organizational Investment in Capacity-Building and Staff Training

“Over the last five years, LCS, a provider in Racine, Wisconsin, has developed the capacity of its staff to expand integrated employment service options. LCS has hired and retained staff who are passionate about integrated employment, and has invested in supporting them to deliver high-quality integrated employment services.   Through state-of-the-art training and other resources, LCS has navigated internal and external challenges to building staff competencies, and has solidified its mission of sustaining highly qualified staff.”  
  • Other
  • Provider Transformation

WI Supported Employment

“This program works to increase employment opportunities for people with the most significant disabilities by working with a consumer and an employer to find a job that suits the consumer's specific skills and abilities. DVR works with county agencies to provide the long-term supports that will help the consumer keep their job.”

  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Customized Employment

What’s New with the Postsecondary Transition Plan (PTP)

“With stakeholder input, the Department of Public Instruction has developed a web-based IEP: Postsecondary Transition Plan (PTP) that will assist local educational agencies to document the postsecondary transition requirements with 100% compliance while allowing for individualization to meet student needs. The PTP is the application for collecting Indicator 13 data. Because state law requires transition plans for students with disabilities aged 14 and above, the PTP is used to develop and monitor transition plans for all students with disabilities who need a postsecondary transition plan.”

  • Department of Education
  • School-to-Work Transition

Wisconsin Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Combined State Plan

This WIOA Combined State Plan was jointly developed by one state team, guided by the WIOA Leadership Team. The WIOA Leadership Team is comprised of executive level leadership from all of Wisconsin's combined state plan programs. The strategic and operational planning elements were written with input from and approval by the WIOA Leadership Team, while program‐specific requirements were written by each program and shared for vetting with the WIOA Leadership Team.

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Wisconsin Employment First Initiative

Employment First is, “a national movement that is helping states improve their economies by supporting businesses to find talent and meet their needs by hiring people with disabilities. The intentional creation of policies and practices that result in a significant increase in the numbers of people with disabilities being employed in the community. A policy initiative that promotes employment in the community at minimum wage or higher as the preferred outcome for publicly funded services for all working age citizens with disabilities.”


Addresses other FAQs regarding Employment First.

  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Other
  • Employer Engagement
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

WI Employment First

“The Employment First Initiative is a project of the Wisconsin Board for Persons with Developmental Disabilities (WI BPDD) in partnership with Wisconsin APSE, and People First Wisconsin.”

  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships


Wisconsin Vocational Rehabilitation: “Employment First Team” - 03/01/2015

Lists team members and headquarters as of March 2015.

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Wisconsin Transition Interagency Agreement - 12/02/2010

This interagency agreement has been revised from the July 2007 interagency agreement to now focus on both students with disabilities transitioning from high school as well as adults with disabilities, who have an expectation for integrated competitive employment. It has also been elaborated for clarity and to reflect best practices associated with increasing employment opportunities for people with cognitive and/or physical disabilities who also have challenges with mental health. Based on recommendations made by a statewide employment task force, this agreement represents the intent to fully coordinate all of the activities and programs within each agency, for every internal and external stakeholder who is striving to achieve employment for citizens with disabilities.

  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Department of Education
  • Other
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

WI Interagency Agreement MOU: Adults and Transitioning Youth - 12/02/2010

“This agreement between DPI, DVR, and DHS has four overall priorities supporting integrated employment: To comply with federal legal mandates under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004 (IDEA). To provide practical guidance, technical assistance, and training to internal and external stakeholders and staff regarding employment-related services and supports. To provide information on employment services to individuals with disabilities and their family members or guardians so they will be able to participate fully in employment. To provide clarification of roles of stakeholders within each respective department regarding individuals with disabilities who have identified support needs associated with employment and independent living, so that individuals and their families may regard such efforts to be as seamless, non-duplicative, and as transparent as possible.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Mental Health
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Other
  • Employer Engagement
  • Provider Transformation
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Memorandum of Understanding for the Wisconsin Works (W-2) Program - 11/10/2009

“The purpose of this MOU is for the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) and the Department of Children and Families, Division of Family and Economic Security, Wisconsin Works (W-2) Program to establish collaborative efforts regarding their services and to develop a common understanding regarding their roles, policies, and procedures to better serve individuals with disabilities who may benefit from services from both programs.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

WI Department of Health Services’ Managed Care and Employment Task Force (MCETF): Final Report - 07/18/2008

“Against this backdrop, the Managed Care and Employment Task Force (MCETF) was convened in May 2007 by Division of Long-Term Care Administrator Sinikka Santala and charged with recommending a comprehensive strategy to expand work options for adults who rely on the community-based, long-term care system. The Task Force, composed of 28 members representing a wide range of interests and expertise, analyzed the challenges and identified best practices from Wisconsin and elsewhere for overcoming these challenges.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Governor’s Committee for people with disability Work plan

The Governor’s Committee for People with Disabilities: • Advises the Governor and state agencies on problems faced by people with disabilities, • Reviews legislation and advises the Governor about legislation affecting people with disabilities, • Suggests to the Governor and state agencies ways to enhance the effective operations of publicity and privately administered or supported programs serving people with disabilities, • Promotes the goal of self-sufficiency for people with disabilities, • Promotes the collection, dissemination and incorporation of adequate information about persons with disabilities into public planning at all levels of government, • Promotes public awareness of needs and abilities of people with disabilities, and • Encourages the effective involvement of people with disabilities in government.

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Mental Health
  • Other

Transition Planning for Students with Disabilities

“Transition is helping students with disabilities and their families think about their life after high school and identify long-range goals designing the high school experience to ensure that students gain the skills and connections they need to achieve these goals the provision of funds and services to local school districts to assist in the transition process.”

  • Department of Education
  • Other
  • School-to-Work Transition

Survival Coalition of Wisconsin Disability Organizations

“The intention of the Wisconsin Employment First Coalition is to partner with people with disabilities, other stakeholders, businesses and the public to increase awareness of the need to provide integrated employment opportunities here in Wisconsin. Survival Coalition supports integrated employment as the presumed outcome for people with disabilities. They believe that everyone can and should work in integrated jobs.”

  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Wisconsin Association of People Supporting Employment First (APSE)

Wisconsin has an APSE chapter.  “WI APSE believes that a state-wide Employment First effort is a vital component to the goal of increasing employment outcomes for citizens with disabilities in a manner that promotes equality of opportunity…Between May and September 2009, WI APSE facilitated group discussions about employment opportunities in eight locations around the state.” This document is a compilation of their observations, suggestions and next steps to implementing Employment First in Wisconsin.

  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

WI Employment First Community Action Team’s (CATs)

The Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilities and National APSE  teamed up to fund the technical assistance and training of three to five pilot “Employment First” Community Action Teams (CATs) sites round the state. “The purpose of the CATs is to implement practices around the state aligned with the Employment First Initiative to support an increased number of people with disabilities in Wisconsin to work in their communities. CATs will take the lead in implementing action plan items at a local level, setting local benchmarks, and reporting on progress.”

  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilities

“The Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilities (WBPDD) was established to advocate on behalf of individuals with developmental disabilities, foster welcoming and inclusive communities, and improve the disability service system. The Board's mission is to help people with developmental disabilities become independent, productive, and included in all facets of community life.”


  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Systems-Change Funding

WI Employment Development Initiative - 10/01/2011

“In an effort to assist State Mental Health Authorities, in close collaboration with Single State Authorities, in planning and implementing activities to foster increased employment opportunities for people with mental health and/or substance use disorders, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and its Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS) created the Employment Development Initiative (EDI).

This initiative provides, on a competitive basis, modest funding awards in the form of fixed-price subcontracts between the Contractor, the National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors (NASMHPD), and the States, Territories and District of Columbia. In addition, each awardee will receive two consultant technical assistance visits coordinated and paid through the Contractor's portion of the project." Wisconsin received a grant to support their Rural Supported Employment and Peer Support Programs.

  • Department of Mental Health
  • Mental Health


The Medicaid Infrastructure Grant Research Assistance to States (MIG-RATS) Center launched a website to provide resources and support to states implementing MIGs. The website is designed to help staff find research reports and resources, learn about MIG-RATS activities and initiatives, and connect with MIG researchers. The website includes info on topics such as Medicaid Buy-In programs, outreach and marketing, and youth in transition and also provides links to tools and a calendar of events. 

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

Wisconsin PROMISE Initiative

The PROMISE initiative is intended to improve services for youth SSI (Social Security Supplemental Security Income) recipients and their families. The services help youth recipients achieve better outcomes, including graduating from high school ready for college and a career, completing postsecondary education and job training, and obtaining competitive employment in an integrated setting. As a result, these youth SSI recipients can achieve long-term reductions in reliance on SSI.   PROMISE is a joint initiative of the U.S. Department of Education, the U.S. Social Security Administration, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and the U.S. Department of Labor.  
  • Department of Mental Health
  • Department of Education
  • Other
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

WI Disability Employment Initiative

"The WI Disability Employment Initiative was designed to ‘improve the accessibility and accountability of the public workforce development system for individuals with disabilities,’ extending ‘promising practices implemented by disability program navigators.’ Wisconsin’s Disability Employment Initiative will ‘improve coordination and collaboration among employment and training and asset development programs carried out at a state and local level.’ Linking to the ‘Ticket to Work program,’ Wisconsin seeks to build what members of Congress termed ‘effective community partnerships that leverage public and private resources to better serve individuals with disabilities and improve employment outcomes.’”  The grant ended in 2014.

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Mental Health
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Asset Development / Financial Capability
  • Employer Engagement
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships
  • Resource Leveraging

WI Disability Program Navigator

“ETA and SSA are jointly funding the DPN Initiative in 42 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the United States Virgin Islands where SSA implemented employment support initiatives. This Initiative promotes comprehensive services and work incentive information for SSA beneficiaries and other people with disabilities, through the One Stop system. The Initiative focuses on developing new and ongoing partnerships to achieve seamless, comprehensive, and integrated access to services, creating systemic change, and expanding the workforce development system's capacity to serve customers with disabilities and employers.”

  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

WI Partnerships in Employment Systems Change Grant (Let’s Get to Work)

“The Wisconsin Let’s Get to Work project is a five-year, national systems change grant that will lead to improved community employment outcomes for youth with intellectual and developmental disabilities in transition…Funded by the Administration on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities the project focuses on improving, developing and implementing policies and practices that raise community expectations and overall employment outcomes for youth with intellectual/developmental disabilities (I/DD).”

  • Other
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Mental Health
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

WI Medicaid Purchase Plan

“The Medicaid Purchase Plan offers people with disabilities who are working or interested in working the opportunity to buy health care coverage through the Wisconsin Medicaid Program. Depending on an individual’s income, a premium payment may be required for this health care coverage.”

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Other
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

WI Money Follows the Person

“Wisconsin received a federal award for a five-year Money Follows the Person Rebalancing Demonstration (MFP Demo).  The demonstration, authorized by Congress and funded by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, provides enhanced federal matching funds for services provided to participants in the demonstration.”


  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Other
  • Mental Health

Training/Capacity Building

Family Care Integrated Employment Planning for Members with Physical Disabilities - 07/15/2015

This is a training designed to help Interdisciplinary Team (IDT) understand Family Care Integrated Employment Planning. 

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Transition Action Guide For Post-secondary Planning - 03/01/2015

This Transition Action Guide (TAG) was developed to support the 2007 Interagency Agreement among the Department of Workforce Development (DWD), the Department of Public Instruction (DPI), and the Department of Health Services (DHS). This guide suggests best practices and resources to assist key stakeholders (students, parents/guardians, teachers and school team members, DVR counselors, Children and Adult Long –Term Care and Mental Health professionals, and ADRC representatives) involved in the transition process. This tool can be used as a framework to improve communication, coordination, and services for students with disabilities transitioning from school to employment.

  • Department of Mental Health
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Department of Education
  • Other
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

WI Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) Technical Specifications: Supported Employment - 07/01/2014

DVR can provide up to 24 months of support, although this level of need is rare. DVR can provide up to 48 months of support for youth (age 14-24). The services and processes outlined in the technical specifications have been designed to insure a good job match and reduce the need for support while maximizing consumer independence. All DVR services must be provided in competitive wage and integrated settings.” 

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Provider Transformation

WI Self-Employment Toolkit V2.0 - 12/19/2013

“This toolkit was developed to assist DVR staff and consumers through the self-employment process. It addresses all areas of the process, from how to start the initial conversation with the consumer, through opening the business and closing the case successfully. The process outlined in this toolkit is in a 12-step format. Each step has a purpose and should be completed prior to moving on to the next step. It is expected that this process will be followed for all start-up self-employment cases.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Self-Employment

Wisconsin Division of Vocational Rehabilitation: Customized Self-Employment Toolkit - 08/01/2012

“This tool has been developed to assist DVR Staff throughout the exploration and development of a small business for consumers who need a customized or supported approach to self-employment. A consumer requiring a customized approach may need supports to develop and/or maintain the business. Supports could include: long term job coaching supports, ongoing case management, peer supports, natural supports, family supports or ongoing paid professional services for the business, etc.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Customized Employment
  • Self-Employment
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Mental Health
  • Provider Transformation

Self-Directed Employment Planning Resource Guide - 07/01/2012

“This Resource Guide was designed to be used with the Self-Directed Employment Planning online modules. Since the Self-Directed Employment Planning modules are an on-line resource, website links are included as part of the Resource Guide. If you click on the website links in an electronic version of this guide from a computer, you should be able to go to each website.    This Resource Guide is set up in the same order as the training modules. There are ten sections that go with each of the ten on-line modules. You should listen to each module first and then take the time to look at the information in this Resource Guide that goes with each module.     This Resource Guide also contains helpful templates and samples that were described in the learning modules. You can use these templates in your planning. You can use parts or all of them. You can print off the pages you need and make as many copies of them as you want to use.”  
  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Other
  • Customized Employment
  • Self-Employment
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Mental Health

Wisconsin Department Workforce Development (DWD) and Department of Health Services (DHS) Technical Assistance Guide for Adults Seeking Integrated Employment - 12/28/2010

“This Adult Technical Assistance Guide (Adult TAG) is intended to improve communication, coordination, and services for adults with disabilities seeking integrated employment who participate in either the Family Care, Family Care Partnership, PACE or IRIS long term care programs and who are jointly eligible for Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) services. It is designed to be useful for all persons and agencies involved in the process of vocational placement and providing long term support for integrated employment.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Beach Center on Disability Research Highlights: Customized Employment - 07/15/2008

“In this study, personal and employment histories of 50 individuals with significant disabilities were examined in table format to identify trends in employment and support the validity of integrated work experiences. Personal histories included: exit year of high school, age disability label and residential support. Employment histories included work environment, time at job, work tasks, hours per week, hourly wage, professional support and reasons for changing jobs. The participants’ experiences began 15-24 years ago when they entered the services provided by Community Work Services Inc. in Madison, Wisconsin.”

  • Other
  • Customized Employment
  • School-to-Work Transition

Self-Directed Employment Planning Modules

“This on-line series was designed to help people with disabilities think about their integrated employment options, understand employment supports, and create a plan to achieve their integrated employment goals.   There are 12 learning modules, which you can watch by clicking the links below.  Start with the introduction so that you can learn how to use this learning series.”  
  • Other
  • Customized Employment
  • School-to-Work Transition

Customized Employment: Job Development - Success Stories

This presentation contains success stories from Wisconsin job seekers with disabilities who have successfully obtained employment through the Customized Employment process.

  • Other
  • Customized Employment
  • Employer Engagement

Customized Employment: It Really Works!

Presentation on how and why Customized Employment works as a strategy for getting people with disabilities jobs.  Addresses CE as evidence-based practice and the benefits of CE for employers and co-workers.

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Other
  • Customized Employment
  • Self-Employment
  • Employer Engagement
  • Provider Transformation

Community-Based Transition Options for 18- to 21-year old Students with Disabilities

“This guide shares a framework for planning community-based transition options for 18-21-year-old students with disabilities. This tool will assist local districts in assessing needs and developing transition-focused options within a community-based environment. In addition, the guide assists districts to create a step-by-step process using practical activities and user-friendly forms. The forms have been created to identify student needs, analyze in-school and community resources, set priorities, develop meaningful action plans, and establish the process for evaluation.”

  • Department of Education
  • Other
  • Customized Employment
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Mental Health

Pathways to Employment Resource Center: PERC

 “PERC provides education and training, technical assistance, research, and resources to expand opportunities for persons with disabilities to earn income and participate fully in community life.”

  • Other
  • Customized Employment
  • Self-Employment
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Employer Engagement


No Enforcement have been entered for this state.

Medicaid & Employment

WI Medicaid Purchase Plan

“The Medicaid Purchase Plan offers people with disabilities who are working or interested in working the opportunity to buy health care coverage through the Wisconsin Medicaid Program. Depending on an individual’s income, a premium payment may be required for this health care coverage.”

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

WI Money Follows the Person

“Wisconsin received a federal award for a five-year Money Follows the Person Rebalancing Demonstration (MFP Demo).  The demonstration, authorized by Congress and funded by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, provides enhanced federal matching funds for services provided to participants in the demonstration.”

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Mental Health

Wisconsin Statewide Transition Plan (Medicaid)

The Department of Health Services (DHS) intends to transition the Community Recovery Services (CRS) program currently operating under the 1915(i) authority to a 1905(a) State Plan authority effective January 1, 2015, pending CMS approval. The DHS has issued a public notice regarding this transition under the Wisconsin State Register published November 15, 2014. If CMS does not approve the transition of the CRS program from a 1915(i) to a 1905(a) State Plan service, then DHS agrees to follow the statewide transition plan for Medicaid HCBS as outlined in this plan.

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

Wisconsin Medicaid State Plan

“The State Plan is the officially recognized statement describing the nature and scope of Wisconsin's Medicaid program.”

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

WI Self Directed Support Waiver (IRIS)

“The IRIS Program is a Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) waiver for self-directed long-term supports. The program is an option for adults with long term care needs. The Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Division of Long Term Care (DLTC), Office of IRIS Management under the authorization of the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) is responsible for oversight of the IRIS program. IRIS is available to Wisconsin residents determined financially eligible for Medicaid, functionally in need of nursing home or Intermediate Care Facility for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities (ICF/IID) level of care; and living in a county where managed long-term care and IRIS are available. People who are eligible have the choice of IRIS or managed care through their local Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC).”

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Mental Health
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

WI Family Care Program

"Family Care was designed to provide cost-effective, comprehensive and flexible long-term care that will foster consumers’ independence and quality of life, while recognizing the need for interdependence and support…”

Family Care, authorized by the Governor and Legislature in 1998, serves people with physical disabilities, people with intellectual/developmental disabilities and frail elders, with the specific goals of: Giving people better choices about where they live and what kinds of services and supports they get to meet their needs; Improving access to services; Improving quality through a focus on health and social outcomes; [and] Creating a cost-effective system for the future.”

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Mental Health
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

WI Community Integration Program

“The Community Integration Program is a Medicaid Home and Community-Based Waiver for adults with developmental disabilities.”

“The CIP Waiver helps people with developmental disabilities to stay out of institutions, or to relocate from state centers and nursing homes back to their communities.  In many circumstances, CIP can help prevent someone from having to leave his/her community.  CIP is funded through the federal Medicaid Program (MA).  It is known as an "MA waiver" because the federal government has waived certain regulations, allowing Wisconsin to use the dollars to follow people to the community.  The money goes from the state to county waiver agencies who administer the program.”

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Mental Health
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)