
States - Big Screen

In the Prairie State of Illinois, there is mile after magnificent mile of opportunity to expand competitive, integrated employment options for individuals with disabilities. 

2014 State Population.
Change from
2013 to 2014
2014 Number of people with disabilities (all disabilities, ages 18-64).
Change from
2013 to 2014
2014 Number of people with disabilities who are employed (all disabilities, ages 18-64).
Change from
2013 to 2014
2014 Percentage of working age people who are employed (all disabilities).
Change from
2013 to 2014
2014 Percentage of working age people who are employed (NO disabilities).
Change from
2013 to 2014


2012 2013 2014
Population. 12,875,255 12,882,135 12,880,580
Number of people with disabilities (all disabilities, ages 18-64). 675,093 715,405 674,067
Number of people with disabilities who are employed (all disabilities, ages 18-64). 225,623 258,024 240,777
Number of people without disabilities who are employed (ages 18-64). 5,472,719 5,471,231 5,546,305
Percentage of working age people who are employed (all disabilities). 33.42% 36.07% 35.72%
Percentage of working age people who are employed (NO disabilities). 74.65% 75.00% 75.72%
Overall unemployment rate. 9.00% 9.10% 7.10%
Poverty Rate (all disabilities). 21.60% 20.70% 21.00%
Poverty Rate (NO disabilities). 13.90% 13.90% 13.50%
Number of males with disabilities (all ages). 636,811 675,154 646,153
Number of females with disabilities (all ages). 719,802 733,538 735,634
Number of Caucasians with disabilities (all ages). 995,696 1,040,158 1,014,786
Number of African Americans with disabilities (all ages). 252,831 249,389 247,792
Number of Hispanic/Latinos with disabilities (all ages). 139,522 147,497 135,110
Number of American Indians/Alaska Natives with disabilities (all ages). 3,333 3,365 5,707
Number of Asians with disabilities (all ages). 35,266 39,547 44,592
Number of Hawaiians/Pacific Islanders with disabilities (all ages). N/A 427 466
Number of with multiple races disabilities (all ages). 24,464 26,362 26,803
Number of others with disabilities (all ages). 44,463 49,444 41,641



2012 2013 2014
Number of SSI recipients with disabilities who work. 12,081 11,787 12,019
Percentage of SSI recipients with disabilities who work relative to total SSI recipients with disabilities. 4.80% 4.70% 4.80%
Old Age Survivor and Disability Insurance (OASDI) recipients/workers with disabilities. 289,906 291,729 289,730



2012 2013 2014
Number of mental health services consumers who are employed. 15,685 12,096 12,069
Number of mental health services consumers who are part of the labor force (employed or actively looking for employment). 56,569 42,497 41,266
Number of adults served who have a known employment status. 93,557 74,121 75,009
Percentage of all state mental health agency consumers served in the community who are employed. 16.80% 16.30% 16.10%
Percentage of supported employment services evidence based practices (EBP). 2.00% 2.80% 3.30%
Percentage of supported housing services evidence based practices (EBP). 1.80% N/A N/A
Percentage of assertive community treatment services evidence based practices (EBP). 1.00% 1.30% 1.70%
Percentage of medications management evidence based practices (EBP). N/A N/A N/A
Number of evidence based practices (EBP) supported employment services. 1,480 2,047 2,489
Number of evidence based practices (EBP) supported housing services. 1,361 N/A N/A
Number of evidence based practices (EBP) assertive community treatment services. 733 979 1,274
Number of evidence based practices (EBP) medications management. N/A N/A N/A



2012 2013 2014
Number of registered job seekers with a disability. 2,726 4,508 4,391
Proportion of registered job seekers with a disability. 0.00 0.01 0.01



2011 2012 2013
Total number of people with a disability that is a substantial barrier to work served by Job Training and Partnership Act/Workforce Investment Act programs. 118 115 85
Total number of people with a disability that is a substantial barrier to work who entered unsubsidized employment. 67 61 40
Percentage of people with a disability that is a substantial barrier to work who entered unsubsidized employment relative to total the number of people with a disability that is a substantial barrier to work. 57.00% 53.00% 47.00%
Incidence rate of people with a disability that is a substantial barrier to work who entered unsubsidized employment per 100,000 individuals in the general state population. 0.52 0.47 0.31



2013 2014 2015
Total Number of people served under VR.
Number of people with visual impairments served under VR. N/A N/A N/A
Number of people with communicative (hearing loss, deafness) impairments served under VR. N/A N/A N/A
Number of people with physical impairments served under VR. N/A N/A N/A
Number of people cognitive impairments served under VR. N/A N/A N/A
Number of people psychosocial impairments served under VR. N/A N/A N/A
Number of people with mental impairments served under VR. N/A N/A N/A
Percentage of overall closures into employment under VR. 35.30% N/A N/A
Number of employment network (EN) and vocational rehabilitation (VR) tickets assigned. N/A 11,588 13,199
Number of eligible ticket to work beneficiaries. N/A 471,923 471,002
Total number of ID closures using supported employment services with or without Title VI-B funds expended (VI-C prior to 2002). 208 N/A N/A
Total number of ID competitive labor market closures. 513 N/A N/A



2011 2012 2013
Dollars spent on day/employment services for integrated employment funding. $10,249,000 $8,722,000 $8,720,000
Dollars spent on day/employment services for facility-based work funding. $6,646,000 $2,008,000 $1,456,000
Dollars spent on day/employment services for facility-based non-work funding. $237,321,000 $241,215,000 $237,162,000
Dollars spent on day/employment services for community based non-work funding. $0 $0 $0
Percentage of people served in integrated employment. 9.00% 6.00% 6.00%
Number of people served in community based non-work. 0 0 0
Number of people served in facility based work. 1,977 291 198
Number of people served in facility based non-work. 21,799 22,146 22,375
Number supported in integrated employment per 100,000 individuals in the general state population. 19.00 11.30 11.60



2011 2012 2013
Percent of children with IEPs aged 6 through 21 served inside the regular class 80% or more of the day (Indicator 5a). 53.20% 53.50% 53.80%
Percent of children with IEPs aged 6 through 21 served inside the regular class less than 40% of the day (Indicator 5b). 14.60% 14.60% 13.36%
Percent of children with IEPs aged 6 through 21 served in separate schools, residential facilities, or homebound/hospital placements (Indicator 5c). 6.10% 6.50% 6.43%
Percent of youth with IEPs aged 16 and above with an IEP that includes appropriate measurable postsecondary goals (Indicator 13). 91.20% 91.90% 93.73%
Percentage of youth who are no longer in secondary school, had IEPs in effect at the time they left school, and were enrolled in higher education within one year of leaving high school (Indicator 14a). 17.30% 22.40% 29.32%
Percentage of youth who are no longer in secondary school, had IEPs in effect at the time they left school, and were enrolled in higher education or competitively employed within one year of leaving high school (Indicator 14b). 55.70% 56.60% 60.99%
Percentage of youth who are no longer in secondary school, had IEPs in effect at the time they left school, and were enrolled in higher education or in some other postsecondary education or training program; or competitively employed or in some other employment within one year of leaving high school (Indicator 14c). 69.60% 71.10% 71.54%
Percentage of youth who are no longer in secondary school, had IEPs in effect at the time they left school, and were competitively employed within one year of leaving high school (Subset of Indicator 14). 38.40% 34.20% 31.66%



Number of overall agency blind and SD hours. 1,980,290
Number of overall total blind and SD workers. 5,147
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD hours (products). 27,367
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD hours (services). 730,086
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD hours (combined). 757,453
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD workers (products). 63
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD workers (services). 964
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD workers (combined). 1,027
AbilityOne wages (products). $180,290
AbilityOne wages (services). $8,915,166



2014 2015
Number of 14(c) certificate-holding private businesses. 3 3
Number of 14(c) certificate-holding school work experience programs (SWEPs). 6 11
Number of 14(c) certificate-holding community rehabilitation programs (CRPs). 126 128
Number of 14(c) certificate holding patient workers. N/A 7
Total Number of 14(c) certificate holding entities. N/A 149
Reported number of people with disabilities working under 14(c) certificate holding private businesses. N/A 10
Reported number of people with disabilities working under 14 (c) certificate holding school work experience programs (SWEPs). N/A 362
Reported number of people with disabilities working under 14(c) certificate holding community rehabilitation programs (CRPs). N/A 13,742
Reported number of people with disabilities working under 14(c) certificate holding patient workers. N/A 427
Total reported number of people with disabilities working under 14(c) certificate holding entities. N/A 14,541


Employment and Economic Opportunity for Persons with Disabilities Task Force Act - 07/18/2016

“Task Force Responsibilities. The Task Force shall analyze programs and policies of the State to determine what changes, modifications, and innovations may be necessary to remove barriers to competitive employment and economic opportunity for persons with disabilities, including barriers such as transportation, housing, program accessibility, and benefit structure. The Task Force shall also analyze State disability systems, including the mental health, developmental disabilities, veterans' assistance, workforce investment, and rehabilitation services systems, and their effect on employment of persons with disabilities. The Task Force shall review and analyze applicable research and policy studies, innovations used in other states, and any federal policy initiatives such as customized employment, and federal funding opportunities that would increase competitive employment and economic opportunity for persons with disabilities in Illinois”

  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Department of Education
  • Customized Employment
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Illinois SB 1383 - 07/27/2015

"The “Achieving a Better Life Experience” or “ABLE” account program is hereby created and shall be administered by the State Treasurer. The purpose of the ABLE plan is to encourage and assist individuals and families in saving private funds for the purpose of supporting individuals with disabilities to maintain health, independence, and quality of life, and to provide secure funding for disability-related expensed on behalf of designated beneficiaries with disabilities that will supplement, but not supplant, benefits provided through private insurance, federal and State medical and disability insurance, the beneficiary’s employment, and other sources."


  • Other
  • Asset Development / Financial Capability

Illinois Employment First Act (HB2591) - 07/16/2013

The bill, which became effective on July 16, 2013, declares Illinois an Employment First State and establishes competitive employment in integrated settings as the first option for working-age persons with disabilities in Illinois.    The bill also requires states to coordinate across agencies share data and information across systems, and requires the Economics Opportunity for Persons with Disabilities (EEOPWD) Task for responsible for establishing measures and monitoring procedures for Employment First.:    
  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Department of Education
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Illinois Disabled Hiring Incentives (HB 0040)

Amends the Department of Central Management Services Law of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois. Requires the Department of Central Management Services, in cooperation with the Department of Human Services, to develop and implement plans to increase the number of individuals with a disability employed by State government and to submit an annual report. Amends the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity Law of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois. Requires the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, in cooperation with not-for-profit groups and community partners, to develop and implement an education and outreach campaign designed to increase statewide awareness of issues that affect individuals with a disability. Amends the Department of Human Services Act. Requires the Department of Human Services to collect information during the period of July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010 regarding employers claims of the federal Work Opportunity Tax Credit and to submit an annual report. Amends the Illinois Procurement Code. Provides that a chief procurement officer may, as part of any solicitation, encourage prospective vendors to consider hiring qualified individuals with a disability and to notify them of any available financial incentives or other advantages associated with hiring such persons. Effective immediately.

  • Other
  • Asset Development / Financial Capability
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)
  • Provider Transformation
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships
  • Resource Leveraging

Illinois Business Enterprise for Minorities, Females, and Persons with Disabilities Act

It is hereby declared to be the public policy of the State of Illinois to promote and encourage each State agency and public institution of higher education to use businesses owned by minorities, females, and persons with disabilities in the area of goods and services, including, but not limited to, insurance services, investment management services, information technology services, accounting services, architectural and engineering services, and legal services. Furthermore, each State agency and public institution of higher education shall utilize such firms to the greatest extent feasible within the bounds of financial and fiduciary prudence, and take affirmative steps to remove any barriers to the full participation of such firms in the procurement and contracting opportunities afforded.

  • Department of Education
  • Other
  • Asset Development / Financial Capability
  • Resource Leveraging

Illinois Employment First Executive Order - 06/03/2014

“WHEREAS, the Illinois Employment First Act (20 ILCS 40 et. seq) requires that State agencies follow and implement the State’s policy of competitive and integrated employment as the first option when serving persons with disabilities of working age, regardless of level of disability, (the ‘Employment First Policy’)...An Employment First Liaison (the “Liaison”) shall be appointed within the Office of the Governor to implement Illinois’ Employment First Policy, in conjunction with the Task Force and State Agencies, as defined below...The Liaison’s goal and purpose shall be the implementation of the Employment First Policy, which seeks to facilitate the full inclusion and integration of individuals with disabilities in the workplace. The Liaison shall work with the following entities (together the ‘Parties’) to develop a preliminary five-year plan (the ‘Preliminary Plan’) and a final plan (the ‘Final Plan’) to improve community integrated private employment outcomes for people with disabilities.”

  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Department of Education
  • Segregated Day & Employment Services
  • Provider Transformation
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Illinois Department of Human Services “The DDD Scoop 4-15-16” - 07/19/2016

Employment First Update Recently, the Division met with a small group of stakeholders to work on Employment First concepts specific to the Division's services. This project is being facilitated through the support of a consultant, Lisa Mills, funded through a grant from the United States Department of Labor. It is also supported with funds from the federal Balancing Incentive Program (BIP). The first meeting of the group was held on March 30, 2016. During that meeting, the stakeholders focused on service definitions and possible modifications to enhance opportunities for individuals to access supported or competitive employment. The second meeting, held on April 7, 2016, focused on provider and staff qualifications and rate structures. Staff are now working with Ms. Mills to develop written descriptions of the draft modifications for review by the group. The stakeholders intend to meet again by the end of May. It is the Division's intent that this work will be used during the renewal of the Adult Medicaid Waiver now underway.

  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Provider Transformation

Illinois Worknet WOIA Youth Pathways “Goals and Objectives” - 04/13/2016

Evidence Based Programming that encourages youth to progress through a career pathway, completing secondary, postsecondary education and/or advanced training, and enter into unsubsidized employment

  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Other
  • School-to-Work Transition

Illinois Dept of Healthcare and Family Services “Annual Report Medical Assistance Program Fiscal Years 2013, 2014 and 2015” - 04/01/2016

Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) waivers, authorized under 1915(c) of the Social Security Act, allow the State to provide specialized long term care services in an individual’s home or community. The 1915 (c) Waivers were initiated by the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) in 1981. Illinois’ first HCBS waiver programs began in 1983. HCBS waivers have enabled the State to tailor services to meet the needs of particular target groups. Within these target groups, the State is also permitted to establish additional criteria to further specify the population to be served on a HCBS waiver. The State has the discretion to design the waivers as they choose, within certain parameters For example, States may choose the number of consumers to serve, the services provided, and whether or not the program is statewide. Federal CMS continually reviews the waivers and requires each waiver to prove cost neutrality in comparison to institutions. Initial waivers are approved for three years, and waiver renewals have a five year term.

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Other
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

State of Illinois Employment First Strategic Plan Draft - 12/29/2014

The Draft report summarizes the history of Employment First in Illinois, and details the initiatives planneds for the future. Plans for the future are broken down in to two phases. The first phase requires collaboration with expert consults to: “Define the types of opportunities DDD wish to promote;   Determine provider qualifications;   Review and, as needed, modify current rate structure;   Discuss maximum utilization issues; and   Establish data collection and benchmark expectations.    The second phase will include obtaining services through an RFI process to:  Assist 200 individuals in the Adult DD Waiver in accessing supported and competitive employment; and  Develop a procedural guide and other materials for use by providers throughout the Illinois system in assisting and supporting individuals to find and maintain employment.”   
  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Mental Health
  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Customized Employment
  • Self-Employment
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)
  • Employer Engagement
  • Segregated Day & Employment Services
  • Provider Transformation
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships
  • Resource Leveraging
  • Data Sharing

Illinois Employment First Blueprint - 10/01/2014

“This Blueprint provides policymakers and stakeholders in Illinois with specific recommendations and action steps to ensure that competitive, integrated employment is the first option for all people with disabilities, a concept known as Employment First. Illinois has taken important first steps towards Employment First, including enactment of the Illinois Employment First Act and the issuance of an Employment First Executive Order. The challenge is now for Illinois to realign and modernize the states’ disability service system. Action must be taken to translate that policy into positive changes for people with disabilities.”

  • Other
  • Employer Engagement
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Illinois Employment First Summit Report - 01/31/2012

“In January 2011, the Task Force submitted its annual report to the Governor and Legislature, and that report included a recommendation that Illinois become an Employment First state – i.e., that employment in the community be the first and preferred option for individuals with disabilities receiving publicly funded services in Illinois. To enact this recommendation, the Task Force developed plans for an Employment First Summit. The invitation-only Summit was held on January 31, 2012 and included a cross-section of individuals with disabilities, family members, policymakers, advocates, disability professionals, and educators. This report summarizes the findings from the summit, and lays out a series of recommendations for turning the vision of Employment First discussed at the summit into reality.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Mental Health
  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Department of Education
  • Other
  • Customized Employment
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Employer Engagement
  • Provider Transformation
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships
  • Resource Leveraging
  • Data Sharing

Illinois Dept of Human Rights, Dept of Human Services “Interagency Committee on Employees with Disabilities Annual Report 2016”

MONITORING EMPLOYMENT OF PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES The Committee continues to track the composition of the state’s workforce to monitor its affirmative action efforts in regards to people with disabilities. A chart in Appendix A shows employment figures in state government over the last 17 years for employees who have self-identified as having a disability through a survey process. The data shows that the number of state employees as a whole decreased over the years by 29% and the number of employees with disabilities decreased by a slightly smaller percentage of 27%. Consequently, the percentage of state employees with disabilities has grown during the years studied, from a low point of about 5% in FY04 to a high in FY13 of 7.5%. The percentage of state employees with disabilities slipped to 7% in 2015. It should be noted that the State began a more reliable system of identifying employees with disabilities in 2011—through an online survey -- which might explain some of the increase in the percentage of employees with disabilities in recent years.

  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships
  • Data Sharing

Illinois Department of Human Services “Employment First Illinois Policy”

Illinois has adopted an Employment First policy via the Employment First Act (20 ILCS 40) in 2013. This law states that "competitive and integrated employment shall be considered the first option when serving persons with disabilities of working age" and requires all State agencies to follow the policy as well as ensure its effective implementation within their programs and services. Additionally, Illinois has an Executive Order (14-08) that requires the participation of multiple state agencies to fully implement Employment First across the State. The state agencies include: the Department of Human Services, the Department of Healthcare and Family Services, the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, the Department of Employment Security, the Department of Central Management Services, the Department of Labor, the Department of Veterans' Affairs, the State Board of Education, the Board of Higher Education, the Community College Board, and the Council on Developmental Disabilities. The Order requires the above agencies to look at everything from policies to funding to partnerships all focused around the goal of integrated employment for individuals with disabilities.

  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Department of Education
  • Other

Illinois 2015 State Plan for the State Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program

This document outlines the plans and goals for the 2015 Division of Rehabilitation Services programs. It “constitutes the report generated by the State Plan Committee and approved by the State Rehabilitation Council.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Illinois Disabled Workers Programs

"Illinois has implemented several programs and services for people with disabilities through a dedicated disabled workers initiative. This initiative includes:

The Successful Disability) Opportunities Program

“The Successful Disability Opportunities Program provides persons with disabilities a greater access to employment opportunities within the State.”

Alternative Employment Program

“The Alternative Employment Program was established by law to assist in finding alternative employment opportunities for certified employees who are on an approved leave of absence due to a work related or non-work related disability which precludes the performance of their current job duties.”

Accommodated Testing Program

“In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Illinois Human Rights Act, State agencies must ensure that the employment process is accessible to persons with disabilities. Specifically, these laws require that the State provide reasonable accommodations upon request by individuals participating in all steps of the employment process. This includes the State of Illinois Rutan interview process.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Employer Engagement

Illinois Employment and Economic Opportunity for Persons with Disabilities Task Force Annual Report

"This annual report “outlines the activities undertaken by the Task Force during the first full year of operation. It reflects the information that has been gathered by the Task Force to date as well as outlines the recommendations developed by the Task Force during a strategic planning meeting held in April 2011. The Task Force is committed to addressing the major issues impacting employment and economic self-sufficiency for people with disabilities in Illinois and collaborating with Illinois leaders to do this. To that end, the task force is proposing several initiatives that are aimed to begin the necessary dialogues for changing the way that existing employment programs are operated and the policies and procedures that govern them.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Mental Health
  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Department of Education
  • Customized Employment
  • Self-Employment
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Employer Engagement
  • Segregated Day & Employment Services
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Illinois State Rehabilitation Council

“The State Rehabilitation Council (SRC) advises the Secretary of the Department of Human Services and the Director of the Division of Rehabilitation Services in matters concerning individuals with disabilities and the provision of rehabilitation services. The SRC provides true customer input into the current and future VR process.“

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Mental Health
  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Illinois Strategic Planning Leadership Committee - Strategic Plan

“Three state agencies, the Departments of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS), Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO), and Human Services (DHS) established a Strategic Planning Leadership Committee (SPLC) comprised of twenty-six individuals representing each of these sectors. … The SPLC was charged with the task of developing this Strategic Plan under the terms of Illinois’ Medicaid Infrastructure Grant (MIG).”

This plan describes the SPLC’s recommendations for reducing or eliminating barriers to employment for Illinois residents with disabilities. The SPLC met nine times over the course of twelve months. The members established five subcommittees to allow more in-depth work in the key areas of: service model review, benefits planning awareness, focus group and survey development, resource mapping of state services, and business education. The SPLC proper as well as the subcommittees received staff support from HFS, DCEO and DHS.”

  • Department of Mental Health
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Other
  • Employer Engagement
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Illinois Interagency Committee of Employees with Disabilities.

The ICED “serves to support state employees with disabilities and state agencies who have disability-related questions. ICED was created by statute to promote access, independence, and opportunity for state employees with disabilities. Co-chaired by the Department of Human Rights and the Departments of Human Services, the Committee has five agency members and four employee members appointed by the Governor. The five statutory agency members are the Departments of Human Rights, Human Services, Central Management Services, Veterans Affairs, and the Civil Service Commission. In addition, ICED has the following standing committee members: the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Commission, U of I Division of Specialized Care for Children, the Office of the Secretary of State, the Department of Employment Security, and the Council on Developmental Disabilities.”

  • Department of Mental Health
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Other
  • Employer Engagement
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Illinois Disability Employment Initiative - 10/01/2013

The Disability Employment Initiative (DEI) is a three-year federal grant-funded program that improves education, training, employment opportunities, and employment outcomes for people who are unemployed, underemployed, and/or receiving Social Security disability benefits. In 2010, Illinois was awarded a Round 1 DEI grant from the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment Training Administration. When this grant ended in 2013, a Round 4 grant was awarded. This grant began in 2013 and will end in 2016.

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Employer Engagement
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships
  • Resource Leveraging

Illinois Advancing Customized Employment (Project ACE) - 04/15/2004

Advancing Customized Employment, Project ACE, was designed to, “enrich the capacity of local One-Stops to provide customized employment (CE) services to people with psychiatric disabilities who are not regularly targeted for services by the One-Stop Center system.” 

  • Department of Mental Health
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Other
  • Customized Employment
  • Self-Employment
  • Provider Transformation
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Illinois "Add Us In Chicagoland"

“This project has two main goals: first, to identify and develop strategies to increase the capacity of small businesses and communities, to employ youth and adults with disabilities, and second, to enhance the opportunities and skills of individuals with disabilities pursuing employment or self-employment.”
  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Other
  • Self-Employment
  • Employer Engagement
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships
  • Resource Leveraging

Illinois Money Follows the Person

The Money Follows the Person/Community Reintegration Program (MFP) is part of a statewide, multidepartment demonstration program. Participation is voluntary. “The goals of MFP are to: increase the use of home- and community-based long term care services; eliminate barriers that prevent or restrict flexible use of Medicaid funds for necessary long term care services in the settings reflecting individual choice; increase the ability to assure continued community-based long term care services to eligible individuals after transition; and ensure that quality assurance and improvement continuously occurs for community-based long term care services.”

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

Illinois Department of Human Services, Rehabilitative Services “Real Work for Real Pay” - 05/27/2016

The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) requires state vocational rehabilitation agencies to reach out to individuals working under subminimum wage certificates and offer them the opportunity to pursue competitive integrated employment. The Division of Rehabilitation Services has begun an effort to engage approximately 14,000 individuals in Illinois currently working for subminimum wages. The U.S. Department of Labor has provided a list of over 150 employers with 14(c) subminimum wage certificates. DRS has surveyed those employers and received an estimate of the number of workers at each location. Since DRS does not have a list of individual workers, we will be sending information packets to the employers and requesting that they provide a packet to each individual working for a subminimum wage. This packet of information includes a letter from DRS, as well as an informational flyer and a postage-paid post card. There are links to a web site and an e-mail address which offer these workers several options for responding to DRS

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Other
  • Employer Engagement
  • 14(c)/Income Security

Illinois Department of Human Services “The DDD Scoop 4-15-16” - 04/15/2016

Training Many Division staff will be attending an "all-day" intensive training on Active Treatment on April 20, 2016. The training will address the removal of active treatment expectations for waiver program services. The Division is also offering the following training opportunities for providers and others interested…. A Webinar: "Life Choices Initiative - From Active Treatment to Supports - Changing the Model of Service Delivery for Developmental Disabilities Waivers in Illinois will be offered three times next month. Those interested in attending can choose from May 4, May 5, or May 12. Webinar Description: Historically, Illinois has used an active treatment standard in the delivery of developmental disabilities services in Illinois for both individuals living in an Intermediate Care Facility for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities (ICF/IID), and those receiving home and community based waiver services. Federal rules require active treatment as an aspect of the delivery of services within an ICF/IID, based on a treatment model which requires intensive engagement every day. The Home and Community-Based services (HCBS) Waiver, however, does not require providers to offer and deliver active treatment to people enrolled. The HCBS waiver requires the delivery of support and services, identified through a person-centered planning process and based on a person's identified outcomes, which will assist the person to continue to live in the most integrated setting possible.

  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Other
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)
  • Provider Transformation

Project Set

On Saturday May 14, 2016, the third GET SET Conference hosted by the Project SET Scholars at Access Living was successful! Breakout sessions about community involvement, interagency collaboration, and employment were filled with many attendees ready to learn. A community conversation took place in the afternoon discussing themes from past conferences and action steps that attendees could implement when they got back to their own communities. A big thank you to the UIC College of Education, Department of Special Education and the Center for Urban Educational Leadership for sponsoring the space, breakfast, and lunch. A great day for networking and collaborating about the transition of youth with disabilities! For pictures of the GET SET Conference 2016 please see the link HERE

  • Department of Education
  • Other

Illinois Health & Disability Advocates (HDA) - "Ready for Business Guide"

“The purpose of this guide is to assist individuals with disabilities, and their supports, by providing resources that are available for assistance during the development of a business concept and preparation for future growth of the business. Starting a business is a complex and difficult process for anyone with a dream of being self-employed. Understanding the steps needed to be considered before starting the process can even be complicated! Please keep in mind that this guide is not intended to be a ‘How to Start a Business Guide.’ Rather, it is meant to be used as a tool for accessing resources to help a person take the first steps to starting a business.”

  • Other
  • Customized Employment
  • Self-Employment
  • School-to-Work Transition

Illinois Employment First State Leadership Mentoring Program

“Employment First has become a critical priority for the U.S. Department of Labor's Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP).  In order to help states invest in systems change efforts, ODEP developed the Employment First State Leadership Mentoring Program (EFSLMP).  Illinois participated as a core state in the Program for FY 2015 and was recently announced as a participant for FY 2016 as well.  Through this work, Illinois will work directly with state agency staff, provider agencies, direct support professionals, and advocates to identify ways to better serve individuals with disabilities or mental illness who utilize supported employment services. “

  • Department of Mental Health
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Other
  • Provider Transformation
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Illinois VR In-Service Training

“The In-Service Training Program continues to play a role in helping state VR agencies to develop and implement their CSPD standards for hiring, training and retaining qualified rehabilitation professionals to provide for succession planning to provide leadership development and capacity-building and to provide training on the Rehabilitation Act in their respective states.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services

Illinois Vocational Rehabilitation Quality Assurance (VR QA) Project

"This project has “been implemented by the Center for Capacity Building on Minorities with Disabilities Research (CCBMDR) at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Its purpose is to implement a strategy with the Illinois Division of Rehabilitation Services (IDRS) to promote data utilization by office supervisors to improve case management and the effectiveness and efficiency of vocational counselors.

Within IDRS, the state program utilizes a virtual case management system (VCM) in which staff and administrators generate regular electronic case-management reports and counselors update client progress. Collectively, agency administrators, field supervisors, and counselors utilize the VCM to monitor activities to improve the efficiency of case management in the VR service- delivery process. … Thus, the UIC team and IDRS collaborators aim to utilize the findings [from] the VR QA project to document organizational capacity-building and to inform other states about promising practices in organizational efforts related to data use in the VR system.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships
  • Data Sharing

Illinois Disability Rights Trainings

The “Training Institute delivers customized, educational seminars through partnership with local service providers, and local and state government.  We host training across the state with local social service agencies, hospitals, schools, state mental health centers, state developmental centers and others.”  Training topics include:

Americans with Disabilities Act Employment Education Self Determination  
  • Other
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Employer Engagement
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Williams Consent Decree - 09/29/2010

“On September 29, 2010, the State of Illinois entered into a Consent Decree, settling the Williams v Quinn class action lawsuit, first filed in 2005…Though the State denied liability and any violation of [ADA] related federal laws, the Parties to the suit were always fundamentally in agreement that, when clinically appropriate, consistent with the parameters now set forth in the Williams Consent Decree, all persons with Serious Mental Illness currently residing in Institutes of Mental Disease (IMD) in Illinois have the right to choose to live in community-based settings, and that the State has an obligation to expand the current community-based service system to support the needs of those individuals…In the Implementation Plan… the State proposes not only to expand the current system of care, but to create a number of recovery-oriented system enhancements in both services and housing, designed to assure that each person choosing to move from an IMD has the best opportunity for a successful transition to community living.”

  • Department of Mental Health
  • Other
  • Mental Health
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services “Annual Report Medical Assistance Program Fiscal Years 2013, 2014 and 2015” - 04/01/2016

Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) waivers, authorized under 1915(c) of the Social Security Act, allow the State to provide specialized long term care services in an individual’s home or community. The 1915 (c) Waivers were initiated by the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) in 1981. Illinois’ first HCBS waiver programs began in 1983. HCBS waivers have enabled the State to tailor services to meet the needs of particular target groups. Within these target groups, the State is also permitted to establish additional criteria to further specify the population to be served on a HCBS waiver. The State has the discretion to design the waivers as they choose, within certain parameters For example, States may choose the number of consumers to serve, the services provided, and whether or not the program is statewide. Federal CMS continually reviews the waivers and requires each waiver to prove cost neutrality in comparison to institutions. Initial waivers are approved for three years, and waiver renewals have a five year term.

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Other
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

Illinois Statewide HCBS Transition Plan - 03/17/2014

“On January 16, 2014 the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) published final regulations that pertain to Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) programs, including 1915 (c) , 1915 (i) and 1915(k) as described in 42 CFR 441.301(c) (4) (5) and 441.710(a) (1) (2). The final regulations went into effect on March 17, 2014 and align home and community-based setting requirements across three Medicaid authorities. The regulations require states operating a 1915 (c) waiver (s) to develop a Statewide Transition Plan which describes the strategies for coming into compliance with the new regulations. Illinois’ assessment of its current HCBS Waiver programs in relation to the new regulations and the remediation strategies necessary to ensure full compliance with the new rules are outlined in the Statewide Transition Plan”

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

Illinois HCBS Waiver for People with Brain Injury (0329.R03.00) - 07/01/2012

This waiver "provides adult day care, day hab, home health aide, homemaker, personal assistant, prevocational, respite, supported employment, cognitive behavioral therapies, environmental accessibility adaptations, home delivered meals, intermittent nursing, nursing, OT, PERS, PT, specialized medical equipment, speech therapist for individuals w/brain injury ages 0 - no max age."

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

Illinois Waiver for Adults with DD (0350.R03.00) - 07/01/2012

This waiver "provides adult day care, developmental training, residential hab, supported employment-individual/group, OT-extended, PT-extended, speech therapy-extended, service facilitation, adaptive equipment, behavior intervention/treatment, behavioral-psychotherapy/counseling, emergency home response services, home accessibility mods, non-medical transportation, personal support, skilled nursing, temporary assistance (formerly crisis), training/counseling services for unpaid caregivers, vehicle mods for individuals w/autism, DD, IID ages 18 - no max age."

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

Illinois Money Follows the Person

The Money Follows the Person/Community Reintegration Program (MFP) is part of a statewide, multidepartment demonstration program. Participation is voluntary. “The goals of MFP are to: increase the use of home- and community-based long term care services; eliminate barriers that prevent or restrict flexible use of Medicaid funds for necessary long term care services in the settings reflecting individual choice; increase the ability to assure continued community-based long term care services to eligible individuals after transition; and ensure that quality assurance and improvement continuously occurs for community-based long term care services.”

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

States - Large Tablet


In the Prairie State of Illinois, there is mile after magnificent mile of opportunity to expand competitive, integrated employment options for individuals with disabilities. 

2014 State Population.
Change from
2013 to 2014
2014 Number of people with disabilities (all disabilities, ages 18-64).
Change from
2013 to 2014
2014 Number of people with disabilities who are employed (all disabilities, ages 18-64).
Change from
2013 to 2014
2014 Percentage of working age people who are employed (all disabilities).
Change from
2013 to 2014
2014 Percentage of working age people who are employed (NO disabilities).
Change from
2013 to 2014

State Data


2012 2013 2014
Population. 12,875,255 12,882,135 12,880,580
Number of people with disabilities (all disabilities, ages 18-64). 675,093 715,405 674,067
Number of people with disabilities who are employed (all disabilities, ages 18-64). 225,623 258,024 240,777
Number of people without disabilities who are employed (ages 18-64). 5,472,719 5,471,231 5,546,305
Percentage of working age people who are employed (all disabilities). 33.42% 36.07% 35.72%
Percentage of working age people who are employed (NO disabilities). 74.65% 75.00% 75.72%
Overall unemployment rate. 9.00% 9.10% 7.10%
Poverty Rate (all disabilities). 21.60% 20.70% 21.00%
Poverty Rate (NO disabilities). 13.90% 13.90% 13.50%
Number of males with disabilities (all ages). 636,811 675,154 646,153
Number of females with disabilities (all ages). 719,802 733,538 735,634
Number of Caucasians with disabilities (all ages). 995,696 1,040,158 1,014,786
Number of African Americans with disabilities (all ages). 252,831 249,389 247,792
Number of Hispanic/Latinos with disabilities (all ages). 139,522 147,497 135,110
Number of American Indians/Alaska Natives with disabilities (all ages). 3,333 3,365 5,707
Number of Asians with disabilities (all ages). 35,266 39,547 44,592
Number of Hawaiians/Pacific Islanders with disabilities (all ages). N/A 427 466
Number of with multiple races disabilities (all ages). 24,464 26,362 26,803
Number of others with disabilities (all ages). 44,463 49,444 41,641



2012 2013 2014
Number of SSI recipients with disabilities who work. 12,081 11,787 12,019
Percentage of SSI recipients with disabilities who work relative to total SSI recipients with disabilities. 4.80% 4.70% 4.80%
Old Age Survivor and Disability Insurance (OASDI) recipients/workers with disabilities. 289,906 291,729 289,730



2012 2013 2014
Number of mental health services consumers who are employed. 15,685 12,096 12,069
Number of mental health services consumers who are part of the labor force (employed or actively looking for employment). 56,569 42,497 41,266
Number of adults served who have a known employment status. 93,557 74,121 75,009
Percentage of all state mental health agency consumers served in the community who are employed. 16.80% 16.30% 16.10%
Percentage of supported employment services evidence based practices (EBP). 2.00% 2.80% 3.30%
Percentage of supported housing services evidence based practices (EBP). 1.80% N/A N/A
Percentage of assertive community treatment services evidence based practices (EBP). 1.00% 1.30% 1.70%
Percentage of medications management evidence based practices (EBP). N/A N/A N/A
Number of evidence based practices (EBP) supported employment services. 1,480 2,047 2,489
Number of evidence based practices (EBP) supported housing services. 1,361 N/A N/A
Number of evidence based practices (EBP) assertive community treatment services. 733 979 1,274
Number of evidence based practices (EBP) medications management. N/A N/A N/A



2012 2013 2014
Number of registered job seekers with a disability. 2,726 4,508 4,391
Proportion of registered job seekers with a disability. 0.00 0.01 0.01



2011 2012 2013
Total number of people with a disability that is a substantial barrier to work served by Job Training and Partnership Act/Workforce Investment Act programs. 118 115 85
Total number of people with a disability that is a substantial barrier to work who entered unsubsidized employment. 67 61 40
Percentage of people with a disability that is a substantial barrier to work who entered unsubsidized employment relative to total the number of people with a disability that is a substantial barrier to work. 57.00% 53.00% 47.00%
Incidence rate of people with a disability that is a substantial barrier to work who entered unsubsidized employment per 100,000 individuals in the general state population. 0.52 0.47 0.31



2013 2014 2015
Total Number of people served under VR.
Number of people with visual impairments served under VR. N/A N/A N/A
Number of people with communicative (hearing loss, deafness) impairments served under VR. N/A N/A N/A
Number of people with physical impairments served under VR. N/A N/A N/A
Number of people cognitive impairments served under VR. N/A N/A N/A
Number of people psychosocial impairments served under VR. N/A N/A N/A
Number of people with mental impairments served under VR. N/A N/A N/A
Percentage of overall closures into employment under VR. 35.30% N/A N/A
Number of employment network (EN) and vocational rehabilitation (VR) tickets assigned. N/A 11,588 13,199
Number of eligible ticket to work beneficiaries. N/A 471,923 471,002
Total number of ID closures using supported employment services with or without Title VI-B funds expended (VI-C prior to 2002). 208 N/A N/A
Total number of ID competitive labor market closures. 513 N/A N/A



2011 2012 2013
Dollars spent on day/employment services for integrated employment funding. $10,249,000 $8,722,000 $8,720,000
Dollars spent on day/employment services for facility-based work funding. $6,646,000 $2,008,000 $1,456,000
Dollars spent on day/employment services for facility-based non-work funding. $237,321,000 $241,215,000 $237,162,000
Dollars spent on day/employment services for community based non-work funding. $0 $0 $0
Percentage of people served in integrated employment. 9.00% 6.00% 6.00%
Number of people served in community based non-work. 0 0 0
Number of people served in facility based work. 1,977 291 198
Number of people served in facility based non-work. 21,799 22,146 22,375
Number supported in integrated employment per 100,000 individuals in the general state population. 19.00 11.30 11.60



2011 2012 2013
Percent of children with IEPs aged 6 through 21 served inside the regular class 80% or more of the day (Indicator 5a). 53.20% 53.50% 53.80%
Percent of children with IEPs aged 6 through 21 served inside the regular class less than 40% of the day (Indicator 5b). 14.60% 14.60% 13.36%
Percent of children with IEPs aged 6 through 21 served in separate schools, residential facilities, or homebound/hospital placements (Indicator 5c). 6.10% 6.50% 6.43%
Percent of youth with IEPs aged 16 and above with an IEP that includes appropriate measurable postsecondary goals (Indicator 13). 91.20% 91.90% 93.73%
Percentage of youth who are no longer in secondary school, had IEPs in effect at the time they left school, and were enrolled in higher education within one year of leaving high school (Indicator 14a). 17.30% 22.40% 29.32%
Percentage of youth who are no longer in secondary school, had IEPs in effect at the time they left school, and were enrolled in higher education or competitively employed within one year of leaving high school (Indicator 14b). 55.70% 56.60% 60.99%
Percentage of youth who are no longer in secondary school, had IEPs in effect at the time they left school, and were enrolled in higher education or in some other postsecondary education or training program; or competitively employed or in some other employment within one year of leaving high school (Indicator 14c). 69.60% 71.10% 71.54%
Percentage of youth who are no longer in secondary school, had IEPs in effect at the time they left school, and were competitively employed within one year of leaving high school (Subset of Indicator 14). 38.40% 34.20% 31.66%



Number of overall agency blind and SD hours. 1,980,290
Number of overall total blind and SD workers. 5,147
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD hours (products). 27,367
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD hours (services). 730,086
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD hours (combined). 757,453
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD workers (products). 63
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD workers (services). 964
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD workers (combined). 1,027
AbilityOne wages (products). $180,290
AbilityOne wages (services). $8,915,166



2014 2015
Number of 14(c) certificate-holding private businesses. 3 3
Number of 14(c) certificate-holding school work experience programs (SWEPs). 6 11
Number of 14(c) certificate-holding community rehabilitation programs (CRPs). 126 128
Number of 14(c) certificate holding patient workers. N/A 7
Total Number of 14(c) certificate holding entities. N/A 149
Reported number of people with disabilities working under 14(c) certificate holding private businesses. N/A 10
Reported number of people with disabilities working under 14 (c) certificate holding school work experience programs (SWEPs). N/A 362
Reported number of people with disabilities working under 14(c) certificate holding community rehabilitation programs (CRPs). N/A 13,742
Reported number of people with disabilities working under 14(c) certificate holding patient workers. N/A 427
Total reported number of people with disabilities working under 14(c) certificate holding entities. N/A 14,541



Employment and Economic Opportunity for Persons with Disabilities Task Force Act - 07/18/2016

“Task Force Responsibilities. The Task Force shall analyze programs and policies of the State to determine what changes, modifications, and innovations may be necessary to remove barriers to competitive employment and economic opportunity for persons with disabilities, including barriers such as transportation, housing, program accessibility, and benefit structure. The Task Force shall also analyze State disability systems, including the mental health, developmental disabilities, veterans' assistance, workforce investment, and rehabilitation services systems, and their effect on employment of persons with disabilities. The Task Force shall review and analyze applicable research and policy studies, innovations used in other states, and any federal policy initiatives such as customized employment, and federal funding opportunities that would increase competitive employment and economic opportunity for persons with disabilities in Illinois”

  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Department of Education
  • Customized Employment
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Illinois SB 1383 - 07/27/2015

"The “Achieving a Better Life Experience” or “ABLE” account program is hereby created and shall be administered by the State Treasurer. The purpose of the ABLE plan is to encourage and assist individuals and families in saving private funds for the purpose of supporting individuals with disabilities to maintain health, independence, and quality of life, and to provide secure funding for disability-related expensed on behalf of designated beneficiaries with disabilities that will supplement, but not supplant, benefits provided through private insurance, federal and State medical and disability insurance, the beneficiary’s employment, and other sources."


  • Other
  • Asset Development / Financial Capability

Illinois Employment First Act (HB2591) - 07/16/2013

The bill, which became effective on July 16, 2013, declares Illinois an Employment First State and establishes competitive employment in integrated settings as the first option for working-age persons with disabilities in Illinois.    The bill also requires states to coordinate across agencies share data and information across systems, and requires the Economics Opportunity for Persons with Disabilities (EEOPWD) Task for responsible for establishing measures and monitoring procedures for Employment First.:    
  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Department of Education
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Illinois Disabled Hiring Incentives (HB 0040)

Amends the Department of Central Management Services Law of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois. Requires the Department of Central Management Services, in cooperation with the Department of Human Services, to develop and implement plans to increase the number of individuals with a disability employed by State government and to submit an annual report. Amends the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity Law of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois. Requires the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, in cooperation with not-for-profit groups and community partners, to develop and implement an education and outreach campaign designed to increase statewide awareness of issues that affect individuals with a disability. Amends the Department of Human Services Act. Requires the Department of Human Services to collect information during the period of July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010 regarding employers claims of the federal Work Opportunity Tax Credit and to submit an annual report. Amends the Illinois Procurement Code. Provides that a chief procurement officer may, as part of any solicitation, encourage prospective vendors to consider hiring qualified individuals with a disability and to notify them of any available financial incentives or other advantages associated with hiring such persons. Effective immediately.

  • Other
  • Asset Development / Financial Capability
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)
  • Provider Transformation
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships
  • Resource Leveraging

Illinois Business Enterprise for Minorities, Females, and Persons with Disabilities Act

It is hereby declared to be the public policy of the State of Illinois to promote and encourage each State agency and public institution of higher education to use businesses owned by minorities, females, and persons with disabilities in the area of goods and services, including, but not limited to, insurance services, investment management services, information technology services, accounting services, architectural and engineering services, and legal services. Furthermore, each State agency and public institution of higher education shall utilize such firms to the greatest extent feasible within the bounds of financial and fiduciary prudence, and take affirmative steps to remove any barriers to the full participation of such firms in the procurement and contracting opportunities afforded.

  • Department of Education
  • Other
  • Asset Development / Financial Capability
  • Resource Leveraging

Executive Orders

Illinois Employment First Executive Order - 06/03/2014

“WHEREAS, the Illinois Employment First Act (20 ILCS 40 et. seq) requires that State agencies follow and implement the State’s policy of competitive and integrated employment as the first option when serving persons with disabilities of working age, regardless of level of disability, (the ‘Employment First Policy’)...An Employment First Liaison (the “Liaison”) shall be appointed within the Office of the Governor to implement Illinois’ Employment First Policy, in conjunction with the Task Force and State Agencies, as defined below...The Liaison’s goal and purpose shall be the implementation of the Employment First Policy, which seeks to facilitate the full inclusion and integration of individuals with disabilities in the workplace. The Liaison shall work with the following entities (together the ‘Parties’) to develop a preliminary five-year plan (the ‘Preliminary Plan’) and a final plan (the ‘Final Plan’) to improve community integrated private employment outcomes for people with disabilities.”

  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Department of Education
  • Segregated Day & Employment Services
  • Provider Transformation
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships


Illinois Department of Human Services “The DDD Scoop 4-15-16” - 07/19/2016

Employment First Update Recently, the Division met with a small group of stakeholders to work on Employment First concepts specific to the Division's services. This project is being facilitated through the support of a consultant, Lisa Mills, funded through a grant from the United States Department of Labor. It is also supported with funds from the federal Balancing Incentive Program (BIP). The first meeting of the group was held on March 30, 2016. During that meeting, the stakeholders focused on service definitions and possible modifications to enhance opportunities for individuals to access supported or competitive employment. The second meeting, held on April 7, 2016, focused on provider and staff qualifications and rate structures. Staff are now working with Ms. Mills to develop written descriptions of the draft modifications for review by the group. The stakeholders intend to meet again by the end of May. It is the Division's intent that this work will be used during the renewal of the Adult Medicaid Waiver now underway.

  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Provider Transformation

Illinois Worknet WOIA Youth Pathways “Goals and Objectives” - 04/13/2016

Evidence Based Programming that encourages youth to progress through a career pathway, completing secondary, postsecondary education and/or advanced training, and enter into unsubsidized employment

  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Other
  • School-to-Work Transition

Illinois Dept of Healthcare and Family Services “Annual Report Medical Assistance Program Fiscal Years 2013, 2014 and 2015” - 04/01/2016

Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) waivers, authorized under 1915(c) of the Social Security Act, allow the State to provide specialized long term care services in an individual’s home or community. The 1915 (c) Waivers were initiated by the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) in 1981. Illinois’ first HCBS waiver programs began in 1983. HCBS waivers have enabled the State to tailor services to meet the needs of particular target groups. Within these target groups, the State is also permitted to establish additional criteria to further specify the population to be served on a HCBS waiver. The State has the discretion to design the waivers as they choose, within certain parameters For example, States may choose the number of consumers to serve, the services provided, and whether or not the program is statewide. Federal CMS continually reviews the waivers and requires each waiver to prove cost neutrality in comparison to institutions. Initial waivers are approved for three years, and waiver renewals have a five year term.

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Other
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

State of Illinois Employment First Strategic Plan Draft - 12/29/2014

The Draft report summarizes the history of Employment First in Illinois, and details the initiatives planneds for the future. Plans for the future are broken down in to two phases. The first phase requires collaboration with expert consults to: “Define the types of opportunities DDD wish to promote;   Determine provider qualifications;   Review and, as needed, modify current rate structure;   Discuss maximum utilization issues; and   Establish data collection and benchmark expectations.    The second phase will include obtaining services through an RFI process to:  Assist 200 individuals in the Adult DD Waiver in accessing supported and competitive employment; and  Develop a procedural guide and other materials for use by providers throughout the Illinois system in assisting and supporting individuals to find and maintain employment.”   
  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Mental Health
  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Customized Employment
  • Self-Employment
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)
  • Employer Engagement
  • Segregated Day & Employment Services
  • Provider Transformation
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships
  • Resource Leveraging
  • Data Sharing

Illinois Employment First Blueprint - 10/01/2014

“This Blueprint provides policymakers and stakeholders in Illinois with specific recommendations and action steps to ensure that competitive, integrated employment is the first option for all people with disabilities, a concept known as Employment First. Illinois has taken important first steps towards Employment First, including enactment of the Illinois Employment First Act and the issuance of an Employment First Executive Order. The challenge is now for Illinois to realign and modernize the states’ disability service system. Action must be taken to translate that policy into positive changes for people with disabilities.”

  • Other
  • Employer Engagement
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Illinois Employment First Summit Report - 01/31/2012

“In January 2011, the Task Force submitted its annual report to the Governor and Legislature, and that report included a recommendation that Illinois become an Employment First state – i.e., that employment in the community be the first and preferred option for individuals with disabilities receiving publicly funded services in Illinois. To enact this recommendation, the Task Force developed plans for an Employment First Summit. The invitation-only Summit was held on January 31, 2012 and included a cross-section of individuals with disabilities, family members, policymakers, advocates, disability professionals, and educators. This report summarizes the findings from the summit, and lays out a series of recommendations for turning the vision of Employment First discussed at the summit into reality.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Mental Health
  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Department of Education
  • Other
  • Customized Employment
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Employer Engagement
  • Provider Transformation
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships
  • Resource Leveraging
  • Data Sharing

Illinois Dept of Human Rights, Dept of Human Services “Interagency Committee on Employees with Disabilities Annual Report 2016”

MONITORING EMPLOYMENT OF PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES The Committee continues to track the composition of the state’s workforce to monitor its affirmative action efforts in regards to people with disabilities. A chart in Appendix A shows employment figures in state government over the last 17 years for employees who have self-identified as having a disability through a survey process. The data shows that the number of state employees as a whole decreased over the years by 29% and the number of employees with disabilities decreased by a slightly smaller percentage of 27%. Consequently, the percentage of state employees with disabilities has grown during the years studied, from a low point of about 5% in FY04 to a high in FY13 of 7.5%. The percentage of state employees with disabilities slipped to 7% in 2015. It should be noted that the State began a more reliable system of identifying employees with disabilities in 2011—through an online survey -- which might explain some of the increase in the percentage of employees with disabilities in recent years.

  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships
  • Data Sharing

Illinois Department of Human Services “Employment First Illinois Policy”

Illinois has adopted an Employment First policy via the Employment First Act (20 ILCS 40) in 2013. This law states that "competitive and integrated employment shall be considered the first option when serving persons with disabilities of working age" and requires all State agencies to follow the policy as well as ensure its effective implementation within their programs and services. Additionally, Illinois has an Executive Order (14-08) that requires the participation of multiple state agencies to fully implement Employment First across the State. The state agencies include: the Department of Human Services, the Department of Healthcare and Family Services, the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, the Department of Employment Security, the Department of Central Management Services, the Department of Labor, the Department of Veterans' Affairs, the State Board of Education, the Board of Higher Education, the Community College Board, and the Council on Developmental Disabilities. The Order requires the above agencies to look at everything from policies to funding to partnerships all focused around the goal of integrated employment for individuals with disabilities.

  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Department of Education
  • Other

Illinois 2015 State Plan for the State Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program

This document outlines the plans and goals for the 2015 Division of Rehabilitation Services programs. It “constitutes the report generated by the State Plan Committee and approved by the State Rehabilitation Council.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Illinois Disabled Workers Programs

"Illinois has implemented several programs and services for people with disabilities through a dedicated disabled workers initiative. This initiative includes:

The Successful Disability) Opportunities Program

“The Successful Disability Opportunities Program provides persons with disabilities a greater access to employment opportunities within the State.”

Alternative Employment Program

“The Alternative Employment Program was established by law to assist in finding alternative employment opportunities for certified employees who are on an approved leave of absence due to a work related or non-work related disability which precludes the performance of their current job duties.”

Accommodated Testing Program

“In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Illinois Human Rights Act, State agencies must ensure that the employment process is accessible to persons with disabilities. Specifically, these laws require that the State provide reasonable accommodations upon request by individuals participating in all steps of the employment process. This includes the State of Illinois Rutan interview process.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Employer Engagement

Illinois Employment and Economic Opportunity for Persons with Disabilities Task Force Annual Report

"This annual report “outlines the activities undertaken by the Task Force during the first full year of operation. It reflects the information that has been gathered by the Task Force to date as well as outlines the recommendations developed by the Task Force during a strategic planning meeting held in April 2011. The Task Force is committed to addressing the major issues impacting employment and economic self-sufficiency for people with disabilities in Illinois and collaborating with Illinois leaders to do this. To that end, the task force is proposing several initiatives that are aimed to begin the necessary dialogues for changing the way that existing employment programs are operated and the policies and procedures that govern them.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Mental Health
  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Department of Education
  • Customized Employment
  • Self-Employment
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Employer Engagement
  • Segregated Day & Employment Services
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships


Illinois State Rehabilitation Council

“The State Rehabilitation Council (SRC) advises the Secretary of the Department of Human Services and the Director of the Division of Rehabilitation Services in matters concerning individuals with disabilities and the provision of rehabilitation services. The SRC provides true customer input into the current and future VR process.“

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Mental Health
  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Illinois Strategic Planning Leadership Committee - Strategic Plan

“Three state agencies, the Departments of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS), Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO), and Human Services (DHS) established a Strategic Planning Leadership Committee (SPLC) comprised of twenty-six individuals representing each of these sectors. … The SPLC was charged with the task of developing this Strategic Plan under the terms of Illinois’ Medicaid Infrastructure Grant (MIG).”

This plan describes the SPLC’s recommendations for reducing or eliminating barriers to employment for Illinois residents with disabilities. The SPLC met nine times over the course of twelve months. The members established five subcommittees to allow more in-depth work in the key areas of: service model review, benefits planning awareness, focus group and survey development, resource mapping of state services, and business education. The SPLC proper as well as the subcommittees received staff support from HFS, DCEO and DHS.”

  • Department of Mental Health
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Other
  • Employer Engagement
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Illinois Interagency Committee of Employees with Disabilities.

The ICED “serves to support state employees with disabilities and state agencies who have disability-related questions. ICED was created by statute to promote access, independence, and opportunity for state employees with disabilities. Co-chaired by the Department of Human Rights and the Departments of Human Services, the Committee has five agency members and four employee members appointed by the Governor. The five statutory agency members are the Departments of Human Rights, Human Services, Central Management Services, Veterans Affairs, and the Civil Service Commission. In addition, ICED has the following standing committee members: the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Commission, U of I Division of Specialized Care for Children, the Office of the Secretary of State, the Department of Employment Security, and the Council on Developmental Disabilities.”

  • Department of Mental Health
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Other
  • Employer Engagement
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Systems-Change Funding

Illinois Disability Employment Initiative - 10/01/2013

The Disability Employment Initiative (DEI) is a three-year federal grant-funded program that improves education, training, employment opportunities, and employment outcomes for people who are unemployed, underemployed, and/or receiving Social Security disability benefits. In 2010, Illinois was awarded a Round 1 DEI grant from the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment Training Administration. When this grant ended in 2013, a Round 4 grant was awarded. This grant began in 2013 and will end in 2016.

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Employer Engagement
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships
  • Resource Leveraging

Illinois Advancing Customized Employment (Project ACE) - 04/15/2004

Advancing Customized Employment, Project ACE, was designed to, “enrich the capacity of local One-Stops to provide customized employment (CE) services to people with psychiatric disabilities who are not regularly targeted for services by the One-Stop Center system.” 

  • Department of Mental Health
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Other
  • Customized Employment
  • Self-Employment
  • Provider Transformation
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Illinois "Add Us In Chicagoland"

“This project has two main goals: first, to identify and develop strategies to increase the capacity of small businesses and communities, to employ youth and adults with disabilities, and second, to enhance the opportunities and skills of individuals with disabilities pursuing employment or self-employment.”
  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Other
  • Self-Employment
  • Employer Engagement
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships
  • Resource Leveraging

Illinois Money Follows the Person

The Money Follows the Person/Community Reintegration Program (MFP) is part of a statewide, multidepartment demonstration program. Participation is voluntary. “The goals of MFP are to: increase the use of home- and community-based long term care services; eliminate barriers that prevent or restrict flexible use of Medicaid funds for necessary long term care services in the settings reflecting individual choice; increase the ability to assure continued community-based long term care services to eligible individuals after transition; and ensure that quality assurance and improvement continuously occurs for community-based long term care services.”

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

Training/Capacity Building

Illinois Department of Human Services, Rehabilitative Services “Real Work for Real Pay” - 05/27/2016

The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) requires state vocational rehabilitation agencies to reach out to individuals working under subminimum wage certificates and offer them the opportunity to pursue competitive integrated employment. The Division of Rehabilitation Services has begun an effort to engage approximately 14,000 individuals in Illinois currently working for subminimum wages. The U.S. Department of Labor has provided a list of over 150 employers with 14(c) subminimum wage certificates. DRS has surveyed those employers and received an estimate of the number of workers at each location. Since DRS does not have a list of individual workers, we will be sending information packets to the employers and requesting that they provide a packet to each individual working for a subminimum wage. This packet of information includes a letter from DRS, as well as an informational flyer and a postage-paid post card. There are links to a web site and an e-mail address which offer these workers several options for responding to DRS

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Other
  • Employer Engagement
  • 14(c)/Income Security

Illinois Department of Human Services “The DDD Scoop 4-15-16” - 04/15/2016

Training Many Division staff will be attending an "all-day" intensive training on Active Treatment on April 20, 2016. The training will address the removal of active treatment expectations for waiver program services. The Division is also offering the following training opportunities for providers and others interested…. A Webinar: "Life Choices Initiative - From Active Treatment to Supports - Changing the Model of Service Delivery for Developmental Disabilities Waivers in Illinois will be offered three times next month. Those interested in attending can choose from May 4, May 5, or May 12. Webinar Description: Historically, Illinois has used an active treatment standard in the delivery of developmental disabilities services in Illinois for both individuals living in an Intermediate Care Facility for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities (ICF/IID), and those receiving home and community based waiver services. Federal rules require active treatment as an aspect of the delivery of services within an ICF/IID, based on a treatment model which requires intensive engagement every day. The Home and Community-Based services (HCBS) Waiver, however, does not require providers to offer and deliver active treatment to people enrolled. The HCBS waiver requires the delivery of support and services, identified through a person-centered planning process and based on a person's identified outcomes, which will assist the person to continue to live in the most integrated setting possible.

  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Other
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)
  • Provider Transformation

Project Set

On Saturday May 14, 2016, the third GET SET Conference hosted by the Project SET Scholars at Access Living was successful! Breakout sessions about community involvement, interagency collaboration, and employment were filled with many attendees ready to learn. A community conversation took place in the afternoon discussing themes from past conferences and action steps that attendees could implement when they got back to their own communities. A big thank you to the UIC College of Education, Department of Special Education and the Center for Urban Educational Leadership for sponsoring the space, breakfast, and lunch. A great day for networking and collaborating about the transition of youth with disabilities! For pictures of the GET SET Conference 2016 please see the link HERE

  • Department of Education
  • Other

Illinois Health & Disability Advocates (HDA) - "Ready for Business Guide"

“The purpose of this guide is to assist individuals with disabilities, and their supports, by providing resources that are available for assistance during the development of a business concept and preparation for future growth of the business. Starting a business is a complex and difficult process for anyone with a dream of being self-employed. Understanding the steps needed to be considered before starting the process can even be complicated! Please keep in mind that this guide is not intended to be a ‘How to Start a Business Guide.’ Rather, it is meant to be used as a tool for accessing resources to help a person take the first steps to starting a business.”

  • Other
  • Customized Employment
  • Self-Employment
  • School-to-Work Transition

Illinois Employment First State Leadership Mentoring Program

“Employment First has become a critical priority for the U.S. Department of Labor's Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP).  In order to help states invest in systems change efforts, ODEP developed the Employment First State Leadership Mentoring Program (EFSLMP).  Illinois participated as a core state in the Program for FY 2015 and was recently announced as a participant for FY 2016 as well.  Through this work, Illinois will work directly with state agency staff, provider agencies, direct support professionals, and advocates to identify ways to better serve individuals with disabilities or mental illness who utilize supported employment services. “

  • Department of Mental Health
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Other
  • Provider Transformation
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Illinois VR In-Service Training

“The In-Service Training Program continues to play a role in helping state VR agencies to develop and implement their CSPD standards for hiring, training and retaining qualified rehabilitation professionals to provide for succession planning to provide leadership development and capacity-building and to provide training on the Rehabilitation Act in their respective states.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services

Illinois Vocational Rehabilitation Quality Assurance (VR QA) Project

"This project has “been implemented by the Center for Capacity Building on Minorities with Disabilities Research (CCBMDR) at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Its purpose is to implement a strategy with the Illinois Division of Rehabilitation Services (IDRS) to promote data utilization by office supervisors to improve case management and the effectiveness and efficiency of vocational counselors.

Within IDRS, the state program utilizes a virtual case management system (VCM) in which staff and administrators generate regular electronic case-management reports and counselors update client progress. Collectively, agency administrators, field supervisors, and counselors utilize the VCM to monitor activities to improve the efficiency of case management in the VR service- delivery process. … Thus, the UIC team and IDRS collaborators aim to utilize the findings [from] the VR QA project to document organizational capacity-building and to inform other states about promising practices in organizational efforts related to data use in the VR system.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships
  • Data Sharing

Illinois Disability Rights Trainings

The “Training Institute delivers customized, educational seminars through partnership with local service providers, and local and state government.  We host training across the state with local social service agencies, hospitals, schools, state mental health centers, state developmental centers and others.”  Training topics include:

Americans with Disabilities Act Employment Education Self Determination  
  • Other
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Employer Engagement
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships


Williams Consent Decree - 09/29/2010

“On September 29, 2010, the State of Illinois entered into a Consent Decree, settling the Williams v Quinn class action lawsuit, first filed in 2005…Though the State denied liability and any violation of [ADA] related federal laws, the Parties to the suit were always fundamentally in agreement that, when clinically appropriate, consistent with the parameters now set forth in the Williams Consent Decree, all persons with Serious Mental Illness currently residing in Institutes of Mental Disease (IMD) in Illinois have the right to choose to live in community-based settings, and that the State has an obligation to expand the current community-based service system to support the needs of those individuals…In the Implementation Plan… the State proposes not only to expand the current system of care, but to create a number of recovery-oriented system enhancements in both services and housing, designed to assure that each person choosing to move from an IMD has the best opportunity for a successful transition to community living.”

  • Department of Mental Health
  • Other
  • Mental Health
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

Medicaid & Employment

Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services “Annual Report Medical Assistance Program Fiscal Years 2013, 2014 and 2015” - 04/01/2016

Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) waivers, authorized under 1915(c) of the Social Security Act, allow the State to provide specialized long term care services in an individual’s home or community. The 1915 (c) Waivers were initiated by the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) in 1981. Illinois’ first HCBS waiver programs began in 1983. HCBS waivers have enabled the State to tailor services to meet the needs of particular target groups. Within these target groups, the State is also permitted to establish additional criteria to further specify the population to be served on a HCBS waiver. The State has the discretion to design the waivers as they choose, within certain parameters For example, States may choose the number of consumers to serve, the services provided, and whether or not the program is statewide. Federal CMS continually reviews the waivers and requires each waiver to prove cost neutrality in comparison to institutions. Initial waivers are approved for three years, and waiver renewals have a five year term.

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Other
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

Illinois Statewide HCBS Transition Plan - 03/17/2014

“On January 16, 2014 the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) published final regulations that pertain to Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) programs, including 1915 (c) , 1915 (i) and 1915(k) as described in 42 CFR 441.301(c) (4) (5) and 441.710(a) (1) (2). The final regulations went into effect on March 17, 2014 and align home and community-based setting requirements across three Medicaid authorities. The regulations require states operating a 1915 (c) waiver (s) to develop a Statewide Transition Plan which describes the strategies for coming into compliance with the new regulations. Illinois’ assessment of its current HCBS Waiver programs in relation to the new regulations and the remediation strategies necessary to ensure full compliance with the new rules are outlined in the Statewide Transition Plan”

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

Illinois HCBS Waiver for People with Brain Injury (0329.R03.00) - 07/01/2012

This waiver "provides adult day care, day hab, home health aide, homemaker, personal assistant, prevocational, respite, supported employment, cognitive behavioral therapies, environmental accessibility adaptations, home delivered meals, intermittent nursing, nursing, OT, PERS, PT, specialized medical equipment, speech therapist for individuals w/brain injury ages 0 - no max age."

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

Illinois Waiver for Adults with DD (0350.R03.00) - 07/01/2012

This waiver "provides adult day care, developmental training, residential hab, supported employment-individual/group, OT-extended, PT-extended, speech therapy-extended, service facilitation, adaptive equipment, behavior intervention/treatment, behavioral-psychotherapy/counseling, emergency home response services, home accessibility mods, non-medical transportation, personal support, skilled nursing, temporary assistance (formerly crisis), training/counseling services for unpaid caregivers, vehicle mods for individuals w/autism, DD, IID ages 18 - no max age."

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

Illinois Money Follows the Person

The Money Follows the Person/Community Reintegration Program (MFP) is part of a statewide, multidepartment demonstration program. Participation is voluntary. “The goals of MFP are to: increase the use of home- and community-based long term care services; eliminate barriers that prevent or restrict flexible use of Medicaid funds for necessary long term care services in the settings reflecting individual choice; increase the ability to assure continued community-based long term care services to eligible individuals after transition; and ensure that quality assurance and improvement continuously occurs for community-based long term care services.”

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

States - Small Tablet


In the Prairie State of Illinois, there is mile after magnificent mile of opportunity to expand competitive, integrated employment options for individuals with disabilities. 

2014 State Population.
Change from
2013 to 2014
2014 Number of people with disabilities (all disabilities, ages 18-64).
Change from
2013 to 2014
2014 Number of people with disabilities who are employed (all disabilities, ages 18-64).
Change from
2013 to 2014
2014 Percentage of working age people who are employed (all disabilities).
Change from
2013 to 2014
2014 Percentage of working age people who are employed (NO disabilities).
Change from
2013 to 2014

State Data


2012 2013 2014
Population. 12,875,255 12,882,135 12,880,580
Number of people with disabilities (all disabilities, ages 18-64). 675,093 715,405 674,067
Number of people with disabilities who are employed (all disabilities, ages 18-64). 225,623 258,024 240,777
Number of people without disabilities who are employed (ages 18-64). 5,472,719 5,471,231 5,546,305
Percentage of working age people who are employed (all disabilities). 33.42% 36.07% 35.72%
Percentage of working age people who are employed (NO disabilities). 74.65% 75.00% 75.72%
Overall unemployment rate. 9.00% 9.10% 7.10%
Poverty Rate (all disabilities). 21.60% 20.70% 21.00%
Poverty Rate (NO disabilities). 13.90% 13.90% 13.50%
Number of males with disabilities (all ages). 636,811 675,154 646,153
Number of females with disabilities (all ages). 719,802 733,538 735,634
Number of Caucasians with disabilities (all ages). 995,696 1,040,158 1,014,786
Number of African Americans with disabilities (all ages). 252,831 249,389 247,792
Number of Hispanic/Latinos with disabilities (all ages). 139,522 147,497 135,110
Number of American Indians/Alaska Natives with disabilities (all ages). 3,333 3,365 5,707
Number of Asians with disabilities (all ages). 35,266 39,547 44,592
Number of Hawaiians/Pacific Islanders with disabilities (all ages). N/A 427 466
Number of with multiple races disabilities (all ages). 24,464 26,362 26,803
Number of others with disabilities (all ages). 44,463 49,444 41,641



2012 2013 2014
Number of SSI recipients with disabilities who work. 12,081 11,787 12,019
Percentage of SSI recipients with disabilities who work relative to total SSI recipients with disabilities. 4.80% 4.70% 4.80%
Old Age Survivor and Disability Insurance (OASDI) recipients/workers with disabilities. 289,906 291,729 289,730



2012 2013 2014
Number of mental health services consumers who are employed. 15,685 12,096 12,069
Number of mental health services consumers who are part of the labor force (employed or actively looking for employment). 56,569 42,497 41,266
Number of adults served who have a known employment status. 93,557 74,121 75,009
Percentage of all state mental health agency consumers served in the community who are employed. 16.80% 16.30% 16.10%
Percentage of supported employment services evidence based practices (EBP). 2.00% 2.80% 3.30%
Percentage of supported housing services evidence based practices (EBP). 1.80% N/A N/A
Percentage of assertive community treatment services evidence based practices (EBP). 1.00% 1.30% 1.70%
Percentage of medications management evidence based practices (EBP). N/A N/A N/A
Number of evidence based practices (EBP) supported employment services. 1,480 2,047 2,489
Number of evidence based practices (EBP) supported housing services. 1,361 N/A N/A
Number of evidence based practices (EBP) assertive community treatment services. 733 979 1,274
Number of evidence based practices (EBP) medications management. N/A N/A N/A



2012 2013 2014
Number of registered job seekers with a disability. 2,726 4,508 4,391
Proportion of registered job seekers with a disability. 0.00 0.01 0.01



2011 2012 2013
Total number of people with a disability that is a substantial barrier to work served by Job Training and Partnership Act/Workforce Investment Act programs. 118 115 85
Total number of people with a disability that is a substantial barrier to work who entered unsubsidized employment. 67 61 40
Percentage of people with a disability that is a substantial barrier to work who entered unsubsidized employment relative to total the number of people with a disability that is a substantial barrier to work. 57.00% 53.00% 47.00%
Incidence rate of people with a disability that is a substantial barrier to work who entered unsubsidized employment per 100,000 individuals in the general state population. 0.52 0.47 0.31



2013 2014 2015
Total Number of people served under VR.
Number of people with visual impairments served under VR. N/A N/A N/A
Number of people with communicative (hearing loss, deafness) impairments served under VR. N/A N/A N/A
Number of people with physical impairments served under VR. N/A N/A N/A
Number of people cognitive impairments served under VR. N/A N/A N/A
Number of people psychosocial impairments served under VR. N/A N/A N/A
Number of people with mental impairments served under VR. N/A N/A N/A
Percentage of overall closures into employment under VR. 35.30% N/A N/A
Number of employment network (EN) and vocational rehabilitation (VR) tickets assigned. N/A 11,588 13,199
Number of eligible ticket to work beneficiaries. N/A 471,923 471,002
Total number of ID closures using supported employment services with or without Title VI-B funds expended (VI-C prior to 2002). 208 N/A N/A
Total number of ID competitive labor market closures. 513 N/A N/A



2011 2012 2013
Dollars spent on day/employment services for integrated employment funding. $10,249,000 $8,722,000 $8,720,000
Dollars spent on day/employment services for facility-based work funding. $6,646,000 $2,008,000 $1,456,000
Dollars spent on day/employment services for facility-based non-work funding. $237,321,000 $241,215,000 $237,162,000
Dollars spent on day/employment services for community based non-work funding. $0 $0 $0
Percentage of people served in integrated employment. 9.00% 6.00% 6.00%
Number of people served in community based non-work. 0 0 0
Number of people served in facility based work. 1,977 291 198
Number of people served in facility based non-work. 21,799 22,146 22,375
Number supported in integrated employment per 100,000 individuals in the general state population. 19.00 11.30 11.60



2011 2012 2013
Percent of children with IEPs aged 6 through 21 served inside the regular class 80% or more of the day (Indicator 5a). 53.20% 53.50% 53.80%
Percent of children with IEPs aged 6 through 21 served inside the regular class less than 40% of the day (Indicator 5b). 14.60% 14.60% 13.36%
Percent of children with IEPs aged 6 through 21 served in separate schools, residential facilities, or homebound/hospital placements (Indicator 5c). 6.10% 6.50% 6.43%
Percent of youth with IEPs aged 16 and above with an IEP that includes appropriate measurable postsecondary goals (Indicator 13). 91.20% 91.90% 93.73%
Percentage of youth who are no longer in secondary school, had IEPs in effect at the time they left school, and were enrolled in higher education within one year of leaving high school (Indicator 14a). 17.30% 22.40% 29.32%
Percentage of youth who are no longer in secondary school, had IEPs in effect at the time they left school, and were enrolled in higher education or competitively employed within one year of leaving high school (Indicator 14b). 55.70% 56.60% 60.99%
Percentage of youth who are no longer in secondary school, had IEPs in effect at the time they left school, and were enrolled in higher education or in some other postsecondary education or training program; or competitively employed or in some other employment within one year of leaving high school (Indicator 14c). 69.60% 71.10% 71.54%
Percentage of youth who are no longer in secondary school, had IEPs in effect at the time they left school, and were competitively employed within one year of leaving high school (Subset of Indicator 14). 38.40% 34.20% 31.66%



Number of overall agency blind and SD hours. 1,980,290
Number of overall total blind and SD workers. 5,147
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD hours (products). 27,367
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD hours (services). 730,086
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD hours (combined). 757,453
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD workers (products). 63
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD workers (services). 964
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD workers (combined). 1,027
AbilityOne wages (products). $180,290
AbilityOne wages (services). $8,915,166



2014 2015
Number of 14(c) certificate-holding private businesses. 3 3
Number of 14(c) certificate-holding school work experience programs (SWEPs). 6 11
Number of 14(c) certificate-holding community rehabilitation programs (CRPs). 126 128
Number of 14(c) certificate holding patient workers. N/A 7
Total Number of 14(c) certificate holding entities. N/A 149
Reported number of people with disabilities working under 14(c) certificate holding private businesses. N/A 10
Reported number of people with disabilities working under 14 (c) certificate holding school work experience programs (SWEPs). N/A 362
Reported number of people with disabilities working under 14(c) certificate holding community rehabilitation programs (CRPs). N/A 13,742
Reported number of people with disabilities working under 14(c) certificate holding patient workers. N/A 427
Total reported number of people with disabilities working under 14(c) certificate holding entities. N/A 14,541



Employment and Economic Opportunity for Persons with Disabilities Task Force Act - 07/18/2016

“Task Force Responsibilities. The Task Force shall analyze programs and policies of the State to determine what changes, modifications, and innovations may be necessary to remove barriers to competitive employment and economic opportunity for persons with disabilities, including barriers such as transportation, housing, program accessibility, and benefit structure. The Task Force shall also analyze State disability systems, including the mental health, developmental disabilities, veterans' assistance, workforce investment, and rehabilitation services systems, and their effect on employment of persons with disabilities. The Task Force shall review and analyze applicable research and policy studies, innovations used in other states, and any federal policy initiatives such as customized employment, and federal funding opportunities that would increase competitive employment and economic opportunity for persons with disabilities in Illinois”

  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Department of Education
  • Customized Employment
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Illinois SB 1383 - 07/27/2015

"The “Achieving a Better Life Experience” or “ABLE” account program is hereby created and shall be administered by the State Treasurer. The purpose of the ABLE plan is to encourage and assist individuals and families in saving private funds for the purpose of supporting individuals with disabilities to maintain health, independence, and quality of life, and to provide secure funding for disability-related expensed on behalf of designated beneficiaries with disabilities that will supplement, but not supplant, benefits provided through private insurance, federal and State medical and disability insurance, the beneficiary’s employment, and other sources."


  • Other
  • Asset Development / Financial Capability

Illinois Employment First Act (HB2591) - 07/16/2013

The bill, which became effective on July 16, 2013, declares Illinois an Employment First State and establishes competitive employment in integrated settings as the first option for working-age persons with disabilities in Illinois.    The bill also requires states to coordinate across agencies share data and information across systems, and requires the Economics Opportunity for Persons with Disabilities (EEOPWD) Task for responsible for establishing measures and monitoring procedures for Employment First.:    
  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Department of Education
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Illinois Disabled Hiring Incentives (HB 0040)

Amends the Department of Central Management Services Law of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois. Requires the Department of Central Management Services, in cooperation with the Department of Human Services, to develop and implement plans to increase the number of individuals with a disability employed by State government and to submit an annual report. Amends the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity Law of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois. Requires the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, in cooperation with not-for-profit groups and community partners, to develop and implement an education and outreach campaign designed to increase statewide awareness of issues that affect individuals with a disability. Amends the Department of Human Services Act. Requires the Department of Human Services to collect information during the period of July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010 regarding employers claims of the federal Work Opportunity Tax Credit and to submit an annual report. Amends the Illinois Procurement Code. Provides that a chief procurement officer may, as part of any solicitation, encourage prospective vendors to consider hiring qualified individuals with a disability and to notify them of any available financial incentives or other advantages associated with hiring such persons. Effective immediately.

  • Other
  • Asset Development / Financial Capability
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)
  • Provider Transformation
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships
  • Resource Leveraging

Illinois Business Enterprise for Minorities, Females, and Persons with Disabilities Act

It is hereby declared to be the public policy of the State of Illinois to promote and encourage each State agency and public institution of higher education to use businesses owned by minorities, females, and persons with disabilities in the area of goods and services, including, but not limited to, insurance services, investment management services, information technology services, accounting services, architectural and engineering services, and legal services. Furthermore, each State agency and public institution of higher education shall utilize such firms to the greatest extent feasible within the bounds of financial and fiduciary prudence, and take affirmative steps to remove any barriers to the full participation of such firms in the procurement and contracting opportunities afforded.

  • Department of Education
  • Other
  • Asset Development / Financial Capability
  • Resource Leveraging

Executive Orders

Illinois Employment First Executive Order - 06/03/2014

“WHEREAS, the Illinois Employment First Act (20 ILCS 40 et. seq) requires that State agencies follow and implement the State’s policy of competitive and integrated employment as the first option when serving persons with disabilities of working age, regardless of level of disability, (the ‘Employment First Policy’)...An Employment First Liaison (the “Liaison”) shall be appointed within the Office of the Governor to implement Illinois’ Employment First Policy, in conjunction with the Task Force and State Agencies, as defined below...The Liaison’s goal and purpose shall be the implementation of the Employment First Policy, which seeks to facilitate the full inclusion and integration of individuals with disabilities in the workplace. The Liaison shall work with the following entities (together the ‘Parties’) to develop a preliminary five-year plan (the ‘Preliminary Plan’) and a final plan (the ‘Final Plan’) to improve community integrated private employment outcomes for people with disabilities.”

  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Department of Education
  • Segregated Day & Employment Services
  • Provider Transformation
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships


Illinois Department of Human Services “The DDD Scoop 4-15-16” - 07/19/2016

Employment First Update Recently, the Division met with a small group of stakeholders to work on Employment First concepts specific to the Division's services. This project is being facilitated through the support of a consultant, Lisa Mills, funded through a grant from the United States Department of Labor. It is also supported with funds from the federal Balancing Incentive Program (BIP). The first meeting of the group was held on March 30, 2016. During that meeting, the stakeholders focused on service definitions and possible modifications to enhance opportunities for individuals to access supported or competitive employment. The second meeting, held on April 7, 2016, focused on provider and staff qualifications and rate structures. Staff are now working with Ms. Mills to develop written descriptions of the draft modifications for review by the group. The stakeholders intend to meet again by the end of May. It is the Division's intent that this work will be used during the renewal of the Adult Medicaid Waiver now underway.

  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Provider Transformation

Illinois Worknet WOIA Youth Pathways “Goals and Objectives” - 04/13/2016

Evidence Based Programming that encourages youth to progress through a career pathway, completing secondary, postsecondary education and/or advanced training, and enter into unsubsidized employment

  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Other
  • School-to-Work Transition

Illinois Dept of Healthcare and Family Services “Annual Report Medical Assistance Program Fiscal Years 2013, 2014 and 2015” - 04/01/2016

Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) waivers, authorized under 1915(c) of the Social Security Act, allow the State to provide specialized long term care services in an individual’s home or community. The 1915 (c) Waivers were initiated by the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) in 1981. Illinois’ first HCBS waiver programs began in 1983. HCBS waivers have enabled the State to tailor services to meet the needs of particular target groups. Within these target groups, the State is also permitted to establish additional criteria to further specify the population to be served on a HCBS waiver. The State has the discretion to design the waivers as they choose, within certain parameters For example, States may choose the number of consumers to serve, the services provided, and whether or not the program is statewide. Federal CMS continually reviews the waivers and requires each waiver to prove cost neutrality in comparison to institutions. Initial waivers are approved for three years, and waiver renewals have a five year term.

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Other
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

State of Illinois Employment First Strategic Plan Draft - 12/29/2014

The Draft report summarizes the history of Employment First in Illinois, and details the initiatives planneds for the future. Plans for the future are broken down in to two phases. The first phase requires collaboration with expert consults to: “Define the types of opportunities DDD wish to promote;   Determine provider qualifications;   Review and, as needed, modify current rate structure;   Discuss maximum utilization issues; and   Establish data collection and benchmark expectations.    The second phase will include obtaining services through an RFI process to:  Assist 200 individuals in the Adult DD Waiver in accessing supported and competitive employment; and  Develop a procedural guide and other materials for use by providers throughout the Illinois system in assisting and supporting individuals to find and maintain employment.”   
  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Mental Health
  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Customized Employment
  • Self-Employment
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)
  • Employer Engagement
  • Segregated Day & Employment Services
  • Provider Transformation
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships
  • Resource Leveraging
  • Data Sharing

Illinois Employment First Blueprint - 10/01/2014

“This Blueprint provides policymakers and stakeholders in Illinois with specific recommendations and action steps to ensure that competitive, integrated employment is the first option for all people with disabilities, a concept known as Employment First. Illinois has taken important first steps towards Employment First, including enactment of the Illinois Employment First Act and the issuance of an Employment First Executive Order. The challenge is now for Illinois to realign and modernize the states’ disability service system. Action must be taken to translate that policy into positive changes for people with disabilities.”

  • Other
  • Employer Engagement
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Illinois Employment First Summit Report - 01/31/2012

“In January 2011, the Task Force submitted its annual report to the Governor and Legislature, and that report included a recommendation that Illinois become an Employment First state – i.e., that employment in the community be the first and preferred option for individuals with disabilities receiving publicly funded services in Illinois. To enact this recommendation, the Task Force developed plans for an Employment First Summit. The invitation-only Summit was held on January 31, 2012 and included a cross-section of individuals with disabilities, family members, policymakers, advocates, disability professionals, and educators. This report summarizes the findings from the summit, and lays out a series of recommendations for turning the vision of Employment First discussed at the summit into reality.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Mental Health
  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Department of Education
  • Other
  • Customized Employment
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Employer Engagement
  • Provider Transformation
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships
  • Resource Leveraging
  • Data Sharing

Illinois Dept of Human Rights, Dept of Human Services “Interagency Committee on Employees with Disabilities Annual Report 2016”

MONITORING EMPLOYMENT OF PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES The Committee continues to track the composition of the state’s workforce to monitor its affirmative action efforts in regards to people with disabilities. A chart in Appendix A shows employment figures in state government over the last 17 years for employees who have self-identified as having a disability through a survey process. The data shows that the number of state employees as a whole decreased over the years by 29% and the number of employees with disabilities decreased by a slightly smaller percentage of 27%. Consequently, the percentage of state employees with disabilities has grown during the years studied, from a low point of about 5% in FY04 to a high in FY13 of 7.5%. The percentage of state employees with disabilities slipped to 7% in 2015. It should be noted that the State began a more reliable system of identifying employees with disabilities in 2011—through an online survey -- which might explain some of the increase in the percentage of employees with disabilities in recent years.

  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships
  • Data Sharing

Illinois Department of Human Services “Employment First Illinois Policy”

Illinois has adopted an Employment First policy via the Employment First Act (20 ILCS 40) in 2013. This law states that "competitive and integrated employment shall be considered the first option when serving persons with disabilities of working age" and requires all State agencies to follow the policy as well as ensure its effective implementation within their programs and services. Additionally, Illinois has an Executive Order (14-08) that requires the participation of multiple state agencies to fully implement Employment First across the State. The state agencies include: the Department of Human Services, the Department of Healthcare and Family Services, the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, the Department of Employment Security, the Department of Central Management Services, the Department of Labor, the Department of Veterans' Affairs, the State Board of Education, the Board of Higher Education, the Community College Board, and the Council on Developmental Disabilities. The Order requires the above agencies to look at everything from policies to funding to partnerships all focused around the goal of integrated employment for individuals with disabilities.

  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Department of Education
  • Other

Illinois 2015 State Plan for the State Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program

This document outlines the plans and goals for the 2015 Division of Rehabilitation Services programs. It “constitutes the report generated by the State Plan Committee and approved by the State Rehabilitation Council.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Illinois Disabled Workers Programs

"Illinois has implemented several programs and services for people with disabilities through a dedicated disabled workers initiative. This initiative includes:

The Successful Disability) Opportunities Program

“The Successful Disability Opportunities Program provides persons with disabilities a greater access to employment opportunities within the State.”

Alternative Employment Program

“The Alternative Employment Program was established by law to assist in finding alternative employment opportunities for certified employees who are on an approved leave of absence due to a work related or non-work related disability which precludes the performance of their current job duties.”

Accommodated Testing Program

“In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Illinois Human Rights Act, State agencies must ensure that the employment process is accessible to persons with disabilities. Specifically, these laws require that the State provide reasonable accommodations upon request by individuals participating in all steps of the employment process. This includes the State of Illinois Rutan interview process.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Employer Engagement

Illinois Employment and Economic Opportunity for Persons with Disabilities Task Force Annual Report

"This annual report “outlines the activities undertaken by the Task Force during the first full year of operation. It reflects the information that has been gathered by the Task Force to date as well as outlines the recommendations developed by the Task Force during a strategic planning meeting held in April 2011. The Task Force is committed to addressing the major issues impacting employment and economic self-sufficiency for people with disabilities in Illinois and collaborating with Illinois leaders to do this. To that end, the task force is proposing several initiatives that are aimed to begin the necessary dialogues for changing the way that existing employment programs are operated and the policies and procedures that govern them.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Mental Health
  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Department of Education
  • Customized Employment
  • Self-Employment
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Employer Engagement
  • Segregated Day & Employment Services
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships


Illinois State Rehabilitation Council

“The State Rehabilitation Council (SRC) advises the Secretary of the Department of Human Services and the Director of the Division of Rehabilitation Services in matters concerning individuals with disabilities and the provision of rehabilitation services. The SRC provides true customer input into the current and future VR process.“

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Mental Health
  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Illinois Strategic Planning Leadership Committee - Strategic Plan

“Three state agencies, the Departments of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS), Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO), and Human Services (DHS) established a Strategic Planning Leadership Committee (SPLC) comprised of twenty-six individuals representing each of these sectors. … The SPLC was charged with the task of developing this Strategic Plan under the terms of Illinois’ Medicaid Infrastructure Grant (MIG).”

This plan describes the SPLC’s recommendations for reducing or eliminating barriers to employment for Illinois residents with disabilities. The SPLC met nine times over the course of twelve months. The members established five subcommittees to allow more in-depth work in the key areas of: service model review, benefits planning awareness, focus group and survey development, resource mapping of state services, and business education. The SPLC proper as well as the subcommittees received staff support from HFS, DCEO and DHS.”

  • Department of Mental Health
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Other
  • Employer Engagement
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Illinois Interagency Committee of Employees with Disabilities.

The ICED “serves to support state employees with disabilities and state agencies who have disability-related questions. ICED was created by statute to promote access, independence, and opportunity for state employees with disabilities. Co-chaired by the Department of Human Rights and the Departments of Human Services, the Committee has five agency members and four employee members appointed by the Governor. The five statutory agency members are the Departments of Human Rights, Human Services, Central Management Services, Veterans Affairs, and the Civil Service Commission. In addition, ICED has the following standing committee members: the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Commission, U of I Division of Specialized Care for Children, the Office of the Secretary of State, the Department of Employment Security, and the Council on Developmental Disabilities.”

  • Department of Mental Health
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Other
  • Employer Engagement
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Systems-Change Funding

Illinois Disability Employment Initiative - 10/01/2013

The Disability Employment Initiative (DEI) is a three-year federal grant-funded program that improves education, training, employment opportunities, and employment outcomes for people who are unemployed, underemployed, and/or receiving Social Security disability benefits. In 2010, Illinois was awarded a Round 1 DEI grant from the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment Training Administration. When this grant ended in 2013, a Round 4 grant was awarded. This grant began in 2013 and will end in 2016.

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Employer Engagement
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships
  • Resource Leveraging

Illinois Advancing Customized Employment (Project ACE) - 04/15/2004

Advancing Customized Employment, Project ACE, was designed to, “enrich the capacity of local One-Stops to provide customized employment (CE) services to people with psychiatric disabilities who are not regularly targeted for services by the One-Stop Center system.” 

  • Department of Mental Health
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Other
  • Customized Employment
  • Self-Employment
  • Provider Transformation
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Illinois "Add Us In Chicagoland"

“This project has two main goals: first, to identify and develop strategies to increase the capacity of small businesses and communities, to employ youth and adults with disabilities, and second, to enhance the opportunities and skills of individuals with disabilities pursuing employment or self-employment.”
  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Other
  • Self-Employment
  • Employer Engagement
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships
  • Resource Leveraging

Illinois Money Follows the Person

The Money Follows the Person/Community Reintegration Program (MFP) is part of a statewide, multidepartment demonstration program. Participation is voluntary. “The goals of MFP are to: increase the use of home- and community-based long term care services; eliminate barriers that prevent or restrict flexible use of Medicaid funds for necessary long term care services in the settings reflecting individual choice; increase the ability to assure continued community-based long term care services to eligible individuals after transition; and ensure that quality assurance and improvement continuously occurs for community-based long term care services.”

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

Training/Capacity Building

Illinois Department of Human Services, Rehabilitative Services “Real Work for Real Pay” - 05/27/2016

The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) requires state vocational rehabilitation agencies to reach out to individuals working under subminimum wage certificates and offer them the opportunity to pursue competitive integrated employment. The Division of Rehabilitation Services has begun an effort to engage approximately 14,000 individuals in Illinois currently working for subminimum wages. The U.S. Department of Labor has provided a list of over 150 employers with 14(c) subminimum wage certificates. DRS has surveyed those employers and received an estimate of the number of workers at each location. Since DRS does not have a list of individual workers, we will be sending information packets to the employers and requesting that they provide a packet to each individual working for a subminimum wage. This packet of information includes a letter from DRS, as well as an informational flyer and a postage-paid post card. There are links to a web site and an e-mail address which offer these workers several options for responding to DRS

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Other
  • Employer Engagement
  • 14(c)/Income Security

Illinois Department of Human Services “The DDD Scoop 4-15-16” - 04/15/2016

Training Many Division staff will be attending an "all-day" intensive training on Active Treatment on April 20, 2016. The training will address the removal of active treatment expectations for waiver program services. The Division is also offering the following training opportunities for providers and others interested…. A Webinar: "Life Choices Initiative - From Active Treatment to Supports - Changing the Model of Service Delivery for Developmental Disabilities Waivers in Illinois will be offered three times next month. Those interested in attending can choose from May 4, May 5, or May 12. Webinar Description: Historically, Illinois has used an active treatment standard in the delivery of developmental disabilities services in Illinois for both individuals living in an Intermediate Care Facility for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities (ICF/IID), and those receiving home and community based waiver services. Federal rules require active treatment as an aspect of the delivery of services within an ICF/IID, based on a treatment model which requires intensive engagement every day. The Home and Community-Based services (HCBS) Waiver, however, does not require providers to offer and deliver active treatment to people enrolled. The HCBS waiver requires the delivery of support and services, identified through a person-centered planning process and based on a person's identified outcomes, which will assist the person to continue to live in the most integrated setting possible.

  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Other
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)
  • Provider Transformation

Project Set

On Saturday May 14, 2016, the third GET SET Conference hosted by the Project SET Scholars at Access Living was successful! Breakout sessions about community involvement, interagency collaboration, and employment were filled with many attendees ready to learn. A community conversation took place in the afternoon discussing themes from past conferences and action steps that attendees could implement when they got back to their own communities. A big thank you to the UIC College of Education, Department of Special Education and the Center for Urban Educational Leadership for sponsoring the space, breakfast, and lunch. A great day for networking and collaborating about the transition of youth with disabilities! For pictures of the GET SET Conference 2016 please see the link HERE

  • Department of Education
  • Other

Illinois Health & Disability Advocates (HDA) - "Ready for Business Guide"

“The purpose of this guide is to assist individuals with disabilities, and their supports, by providing resources that are available for assistance during the development of a business concept and preparation for future growth of the business. Starting a business is a complex and difficult process for anyone with a dream of being self-employed. Understanding the steps needed to be considered before starting the process can even be complicated! Please keep in mind that this guide is not intended to be a ‘How to Start a Business Guide.’ Rather, it is meant to be used as a tool for accessing resources to help a person take the first steps to starting a business.”

  • Other
  • Customized Employment
  • Self-Employment
  • School-to-Work Transition

Illinois Employment First State Leadership Mentoring Program

“Employment First has become a critical priority for the U.S. Department of Labor's Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP).  In order to help states invest in systems change efforts, ODEP developed the Employment First State Leadership Mentoring Program (EFSLMP).  Illinois participated as a core state in the Program for FY 2015 and was recently announced as a participant for FY 2016 as well.  Through this work, Illinois will work directly with state agency staff, provider agencies, direct support professionals, and advocates to identify ways to better serve individuals with disabilities or mental illness who utilize supported employment services. “

  • Department of Mental Health
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Other
  • Provider Transformation
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Illinois VR In-Service Training

“The In-Service Training Program continues to play a role in helping state VR agencies to develop and implement their CSPD standards for hiring, training and retaining qualified rehabilitation professionals to provide for succession planning to provide leadership development and capacity-building and to provide training on the Rehabilitation Act in their respective states.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services

Illinois Vocational Rehabilitation Quality Assurance (VR QA) Project

"This project has “been implemented by the Center for Capacity Building on Minorities with Disabilities Research (CCBMDR) at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Its purpose is to implement a strategy with the Illinois Division of Rehabilitation Services (IDRS) to promote data utilization by office supervisors to improve case management and the effectiveness and efficiency of vocational counselors.

Within IDRS, the state program utilizes a virtual case management system (VCM) in which staff and administrators generate regular electronic case-management reports and counselors update client progress. Collectively, agency administrators, field supervisors, and counselors utilize the VCM to monitor activities to improve the efficiency of case management in the VR service- delivery process. … Thus, the UIC team and IDRS collaborators aim to utilize the findings [from] the VR QA project to document organizational capacity-building and to inform other states about promising practices in organizational efforts related to data use in the VR system.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships
  • Data Sharing

Illinois Disability Rights Trainings

The “Training Institute delivers customized, educational seminars through partnership with local service providers, and local and state government.  We host training across the state with local social service agencies, hospitals, schools, state mental health centers, state developmental centers and others.”  Training topics include:

Americans with Disabilities Act Employment Education Self Determination  
  • Other
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Employer Engagement
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships


Williams Consent Decree - 09/29/2010

“On September 29, 2010, the State of Illinois entered into a Consent Decree, settling the Williams v Quinn class action lawsuit, first filed in 2005…Though the State denied liability and any violation of [ADA] related federal laws, the Parties to the suit were always fundamentally in agreement that, when clinically appropriate, consistent with the parameters now set forth in the Williams Consent Decree, all persons with Serious Mental Illness currently residing in Institutes of Mental Disease (IMD) in Illinois have the right to choose to live in community-based settings, and that the State has an obligation to expand the current community-based service system to support the needs of those individuals…In the Implementation Plan… the State proposes not only to expand the current system of care, but to create a number of recovery-oriented system enhancements in both services and housing, designed to assure that each person choosing to move from an IMD has the best opportunity for a successful transition to community living.”

  • Department of Mental Health
  • Other
  • Mental Health
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

Medicaid & Employment

Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services “Annual Report Medical Assistance Program Fiscal Years 2013, 2014 and 2015” - 04/01/2016

Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) waivers, authorized under 1915(c) of the Social Security Act, allow the State to provide specialized long term care services in an individual’s home or community. The 1915 (c) Waivers were initiated by the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) in 1981. Illinois’ first HCBS waiver programs began in 1983. HCBS waivers have enabled the State to tailor services to meet the needs of particular target groups. Within these target groups, the State is also permitted to establish additional criteria to further specify the population to be served on a HCBS waiver. The State has the discretion to design the waivers as they choose, within certain parameters For example, States may choose the number of consumers to serve, the services provided, and whether or not the program is statewide. Federal CMS continually reviews the waivers and requires each waiver to prove cost neutrality in comparison to institutions. Initial waivers are approved for three years, and waiver renewals have a five year term.

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Other
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

Illinois Statewide HCBS Transition Plan - 03/17/2014

“On January 16, 2014 the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) published final regulations that pertain to Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) programs, including 1915 (c) , 1915 (i) and 1915(k) as described in 42 CFR 441.301(c) (4) (5) and 441.710(a) (1) (2). The final regulations went into effect on March 17, 2014 and align home and community-based setting requirements across three Medicaid authorities. The regulations require states operating a 1915 (c) waiver (s) to develop a Statewide Transition Plan which describes the strategies for coming into compliance with the new regulations. Illinois’ assessment of its current HCBS Waiver programs in relation to the new regulations and the remediation strategies necessary to ensure full compliance with the new rules are outlined in the Statewide Transition Plan”

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

Illinois HCBS Waiver for People with Brain Injury (0329.R03.00) - 07/01/2012

This waiver "provides adult day care, day hab, home health aide, homemaker, personal assistant, prevocational, respite, supported employment, cognitive behavioral therapies, environmental accessibility adaptations, home delivered meals, intermittent nursing, nursing, OT, PERS, PT, specialized medical equipment, speech therapist for individuals w/brain injury ages 0 - no max age."

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

Illinois Waiver for Adults with DD (0350.R03.00) - 07/01/2012

This waiver "provides adult day care, developmental training, residential hab, supported employment-individual/group, OT-extended, PT-extended, speech therapy-extended, service facilitation, adaptive equipment, behavior intervention/treatment, behavioral-psychotherapy/counseling, emergency home response services, home accessibility mods, non-medical transportation, personal support, skilled nursing, temporary assistance (formerly crisis), training/counseling services for unpaid caregivers, vehicle mods for individuals w/autism, DD, IID ages 18 - no max age."

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

Illinois Money Follows the Person

The Money Follows the Person/Community Reintegration Program (MFP) is part of a statewide, multidepartment demonstration program. Participation is voluntary. “The goals of MFP are to: increase the use of home- and community-based long term care services; eliminate barriers that prevent or restrict flexible use of Medicaid funds for necessary long term care services in the settings reflecting individual choice; increase the ability to assure continued community-based long term care services to eligible individuals after transition; and ensure that quality assurance and improvement continuously occurs for community-based long term care services.”

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

States - Phablet


In the Prairie State of Illinois, there is mile after magnificent mile of opportunity to expand competitive, integrated employment options for individuals with disabilities. 

2014 State Population.
Change from
2013 to 2014
2014 Number of people with disabilities (all disabilities, ages 18-64).
Change from
2013 to 2014
2014 Number of people with disabilities who are employed (all disabilities, ages 18-64).
Change from
2013 to 2014
2014 Percentage of working age people who are employed (all disabilities).
Change from
2013 to 2014
2014 Percentage of working age people who are employed (NO disabilities).
Change from
2013 to 2014

State Data


Population. 12,880,580
Number of people with disabilities (all disabilities, ages 18-64). 674,067
Number of people with disabilities who are employed (all disabilities, ages 18-64). 240,777
Number of people without disabilities who are employed (ages 18-64). 5,546,305
Percentage of working age people who are employed (all disabilities). 35.72%
Percentage of working age people who are employed (NO disabilities). 75.72%
Overall unemployment rate. 7.10%
Poverty Rate (all disabilities). 21.00%
Poverty Rate (NO disabilities). 13.50%
Number of males with disabilities (all ages). 646,153
Number of females with disabilities (all ages). 735,634
Number of Caucasians with disabilities (all ages). 1,014,786
Number of African Americans with disabilities (all ages). 247,792
Number of Hispanic/Latinos with disabilities (all ages). 135,110
Number of American Indians/Alaska Natives with disabilities (all ages). 5,707
Number of Asians with disabilities (all ages). 44,592
Number of Hawaiians/Pacific Islanders with disabilities (all ages). 466
Number of with multiple races disabilities (all ages). 26,803
Number of others with disabilities (all ages). 41,641



Number of SSI recipients with disabilities who work. 12,019
Percentage of SSI recipients with disabilities who work relative to total SSI recipients with disabilities. 4.80%
Old Age Survivor and Disability Insurance (OASDI) recipients/workers with disabilities. 289,730



Number of mental health services consumers who are employed. 12,069
Number of mental health services consumers who are part of the labor force (employed or actively looking for employment). 41,266
Number of adults served who have a known employment status. 75,009
Percentage of all state mental health agency consumers served in the community who are employed. 16.10%
Percentage of supported employment services evidence based practices (EBP). 3.30%
Percentage of supported housing services evidence based practices (EBP). N/A
Percentage of assertive community treatment services evidence based practices (EBP). 1.70%
Percentage of medications management evidence based practices (EBP). N/A
Number of evidence based practices (EBP) supported employment services. 2,489
Number of evidence based practices (EBP) supported housing services. N/A
Number of evidence based practices (EBP) assertive community treatment services. 1,274
Number of evidence based practices (EBP) medications management. N/A



Number of registered job seekers with a disability. 4,391
Proportion of registered job seekers with a disability. 0.01



Total number of people with a disability that is a substantial barrier to work served by Job Training and Partnership Act/Workforce Investment Act programs. 85
Total number of people with a disability that is a substantial barrier to work who entered unsubsidized employment. 40
Percentage of people with a disability that is a substantial barrier to work who entered unsubsidized employment relative to total the number of people with a disability that is a substantial barrier to work. 47.00%
Incidence rate of people with a disability that is a substantial barrier to work who entered unsubsidized employment per 100,000 individuals in the general state population. 0.31



Total Number of people served under VR.
Number of people with visual impairments served under VR. N/A
Number of people with communicative (hearing loss, deafness) impairments served under VR. N/A
Number of people with physical impairments served under VR. N/A
Number of people cognitive impairments served under VR. N/A
Number of people psychosocial impairments served under VR. N/A
Number of people with mental impairments served under VR. N/A
Percentage of overall closures into employment under VR. N/A
Number of employment network (EN) and vocational rehabilitation (VR) tickets assigned. 13,199
Number of eligible ticket to work beneficiaries. 471,002
Total number of ID closures using supported employment services with or without Title VI-B funds expended (VI-C prior to 2002). N/A
Total number of ID competitive labor market closures. N/A



Dollars spent on day/employment services for integrated employment funding. $8,720,000
Dollars spent on day/employment services for facility-based work funding. $1,456,000
Dollars spent on day/employment services for facility-based non-work funding. $237,162,000
Dollars spent on day/employment services for community based non-work funding. $0
Percentage of people served in integrated employment. 6.00%
Number of people served in community based non-work. 0
Number of people served in facility based work. 198
Number of people served in facility based non-work. 22,375
Number supported in integrated employment per 100,000 individuals in the general state population. 11.60



Percent of children with IEPs aged 6 through 21 served inside the regular class 80% or more of the day (Indicator 5a). 53.80%
Percent of children with IEPs aged 6 through 21 served inside the regular class less than 40% of the day (Indicator 5b). 13.36%
Percent of children with IEPs aged 6 through 21 served in separate schools, residential facilities, or homebound/hospital placements (Indicator 5c). 6.43%
Percent of youth with IEPs aged 16 and above with an IEP that includes appropriate measurable postsecondary goals (Indicator 13). 93.73%
Percentage of youth who are no longer in secondary school, had IEPs in effect at the time they left school, and were enrolled in higher education within one year of leaving high school (Indicator 14a). 29.32%
Percentage of youth who are no longer in secondary school, had IEPs in effect at the time they left school, and were enrolled in higher education or competitively employed within one year of leaving high school (Indicator 14b). 60.99%
Percentage of youth who are no longer in secondary school, had IEPs in effect at the time they left school, and were enrolled in higher education or in some other postsecondary education or training program; or competitively employed or in some other employment within one year of leaving high school (Indicator 14c). 71.54%
Percentage of youth who are no longer in secondary school, had IEPs in effect at the time they left school, and were competitively employed within one year of leaving high school (Subset of Indicator 14). 31.66%



Number of overall agency blind and SD hours. 1,980,290
Number of overall total blind and SD workers. 5,147
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD hours (products). 27,367
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD hours (services). 730,086
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD hours (combined). 757,453
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD workers (products). 63
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD workers (services). 964
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD workers (combined). 1,027
AbilityOne wages (products). $180,290
AbilityOne wages (services). $8,915,166



Number of 14(c) certificate-holding private businesses. 3
Number of 14(c) certificate-holding school work experience programs (SWEPs). 11
Number of 14(c) certificate-holding community rehabilitation programs (CRPs). 128
Number of 14(c) certificate holding patient workers. 7
Total Number of 14(c) certificate holding entities. 149
Reported number of people with disabilities working under 14(c) certificate holding private businesses. 10
Reported number of people with disabilities working under 14 (c) certificate holding school work experience programs (SWEPs). 362
Reported number of people with disabilities working under 14(c) certificate holding community rehabilitation programs (CRPs). 13,742
Reported number of people with disabilities working under 14(c) certificate holding patient workers. 427
Total reported number of people with disabilities working under 14(c) certificate holding entities. 14,541



Employment and Economic Opportunity for Persons with Disabilities Task Force Act - 07/18/2016

“Task Force Responsibilities. The Task Force shall analyze programs and policies of the State to determine what changes, modifications, and innovations may be necessary to remove barriers to competitive employment and economic opportunity for persons with disabilities, including barriers such as transportation, housing, program accessibility, and benefit structure. The Task Force shall also analyze State disability systems, including the mental health, developmental disabilities, veterans' assistance, workforce investment, and rehabilitation services systems, and their effect on employment of persons with disabilities. The Task Force shall review and analyze applicable research and policy studies, innovations used in other states, and any federal policy initiatives such as customized employment, and federal funding opportunities that would increase competitive employment and economic opportunity for persons with disabilities in Illinois”

  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Department of Education
  • Customized Employment
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Illinois SB 1383 - 07/27/2015

"The “Achieving a Better Life Experience” or “ABLE” account program is hereby created and shall be administered by the State Treasurer. The purpose of the ABLE plan is to encourage and assist individuals and families in saving private funds for the purpose of supporting individuals with disabilities to maintain health, independence, and quality of life, and to provide secure funding for disability-related expensed on behalf of designated beneficiaries with disabilities that will supplement, but not supplant, benefits provided through private insurance, federal and State medical and disability insurance, the beneficiary’s employment, and other sources."


  • Other
  • Asset Development / Financial Capability

Illinois Employment First Act (HB2591) - 07/16/2013

The bill, which became effective on July 16, 2013, declares Illinois an Employment First State and establishes competitive employment in integrated settings as the first option for working-age persons with disabilities in Illinois.    The bill also requires states to coordinate across agencies share data and information across systems, and requires the Economics Opportunity for Persons with Disabilities (EEOPWD) Task for responsible for establishing measures and monitoring procedures for Employment First.:    
  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Department of Education
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Illinois Disabled Hiring Incentives (HB 0040)

Amends the Department of Central Management Services Law of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois. Requires the Department of Central Management Services, in cooperation with the Department of Human Services, to develop and implement plans to increase the number of individuals with a disability employed by State government and to submit an annual report. Amends the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity Law of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois. Requires the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, in cooperation with not-for-profit groups and community partners, to develop and implement an education and outreach campaign designed to increase statewide awareness of issues that affect individuals with a disability. Amends the Department of Human Services Act. Requires the Department of Human Services to collect information during the period of July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010 regarding employers claims of the federal Work Opportunity Tax Credit and to submit an annual report. Amends the Illinois Procurement Code. Provides that a chief procurement officer may, as part of any solicitation, encourage prospective vendors to consider hiring qualified individuals with a disability and to notify them of any available financial incentives or other advantages associated with hiring such persons. Effective immediately.

  • Other
  • Asset Development / Financial Capability
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)
  • Provider Transformation
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships
  • Resource Leveraging

Illinois Business Enterprise for Minorities, Females, and Persons with Disabilities Act

It is hereby declared to be the public policy of the State of Illinois to promote and encourage each State agency and public institution of higher education to use businesses owned by minorities, females, and persons with disabilities in the area of goods and services, including, but not limited to, insurance services, investment management services, information technology services, accounting services, architectural and engineering services, and legal services. Furthermore, each State agency and public institution of higher education shall utilize such firms to the greatest extent feasible within the bounds of financial and fiduciary prudence, and take affirmative steps to remove any barriers to the full participation of such firms in the procurement and contracting opportunities afforded.

  • Department of Education
  • Other
  • Asset Development / Financial Capability
  • Resource Leveraging

Executive Orders

Illinois Employment First Executive Order - 06/03/2014

“WHEREAS, the Illinois Employment First Act (20 ILCS 40 et. seq) requires that State agencies follow and implement the State’s policy of competitive and integrated employment as the first option when serving persons with disabilities of working age, regardless of level of disability, (the ‘Employment First Policy’)...An Employment First Liaison (the “Liaison”) shall be appointed within the Office of the Governor to implement Illinois’ Employment First Policy, in conjunction with the Task Force and State Agencies, as defined below...The Liaison’s goal and purpose shall be the implementation of the Employment First Policy, which seeks to facilitate the full inclusion and integration of individuals with disabilities in the workplace. The Liaison shall work with the following entities (together the ‘Parties’) to develop a preliminary five-year plan (the ‘Preliminary Plan’) and a final plan (the ‘Final Plan’) to improve community integrated private employment outcomes for people with disabilities.”

  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Department of Education
  • Segregated Day & Employment Services
  • Provider Transformation
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships


Illinois Department of Human Services “The DDD Scoop 4-15-16” - 07/19/2016

Employment First Update Recently, the Division met with a small group of stakeholders to work on Employment First concepts specific to the Division's services. This project is being facilitated through the support of a consultant, Lisa Mills, funded through a grant from the United States Department of Labor. It is also supported with funds from the federal Balancing Incentive Program (BIP). The first meeting of the group was held on March 30, 2016. During that meeting, the stakeholders focused on service definitions and possible modifications to enhance opportunities for individuals to access supported or competitive employment. The second meeting, held on April 7, 2016, focused on provider and staff qualifications and rate structures. Staff are now working with Ms. Mills to develop written descriptions of the draft modifications for review by the group. The stakeholders intend to meet again by the end of May. It is the Division's intent that this work will be used during the renewal of the Adult Medicaid Waiver now underway.

  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Provider Transformation

Illinois Worknet WOIA Youth Pathways “Goals and Objectives” - 04/13/2016

Evidence Based Programming that encourages youth to progress through a career pathway, completing secondary, postsecondary education and/or advanced training, and enter into unsubsidized employment

  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Other
  • School-to-Work Transition

Illinois Dept of Healthcare and Family Services “Annual Report Medical Assistance Program Fiscal Years 2013, 2014 and 2015” - 04/01/2016

Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) waivers, authorized under 1915(c) of the Social Security Act, allow the State to provide specialized long term care services in an individual’s home or community. The 1915 (c) Waivers were initiated by the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) in 1981. Illinois’ first HCBS waiver programs began in 1983. HCBS waivers have enabled the State to tailor services to meet the needs of particular target groups. Within these target groups, the State is also permitted to establish additional criteria to further specify the population to be served on a HCBS waiver. The State has the discretion to design the waivers as they choose, within certain parameters For example, States may choose the number of consumers to serve, the services provided, and whether or not the program is statewide. Federal CMS continually reviews the waivers and requires each waiver to prove cost neutrality in comparison to institutions. Initial waivers are approved for three years, and waiver renewals have a five year term.

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Other
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

State of Illinois Employment First Strategic Plan Draft - 12/29/2014

The Draft report summarizes the history of Employment First in Illinois, and details the initiatives planneds for the future. Plans for the future are broken down in to two phases. The first phase requires collaboration with expert consults to: “Define the types of opportunities DDD wish to promote;   Determine provider qualifications;   Review and, as needed, modify current rate structure;   Discuss maximum utilization issues; and   Establish data collection and benchmark expectations.    The second phase will include obtaining services through an RFI process to:  Assist 200 individuals in the Adult DD Waiver in accessing supported and competitive employment; and  Develop a procedural guide and other materials for use by providers throughout the Illinois system in assisting and supporting individuals to find and maintain employment.”   
  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Mental Health
  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Customized Employment
  • Self-Employment
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)
  • Employer Engagement
  • Segregated Day & Employment Services
  • Provider Transformation
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships
  • Resource Leveraging
  • Data Sharing

Illinois Employment First Blueprint - 10/01/2014

“This Blueprint provides policymakers and stakeholders in Illinois with specific recommendations and action steps to ensure that competitive, integrated employment is the first option for all people with disabilities, a concept known as Employment First. Illinois has taken important first steps towards Employment First, including enactment of the Illinois Employment First Act and the issuance of an Employment First Executive Order. The challenge is now for Illinois to realign and modernize the states’ disability service system. Action must be taken to translate that policy into positive changes for people with disabilities.”

  • Other
  • Employer Engagement
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Illinois Employment First Summit Report - 01/31/2012

“In January 2011, the Task Force submitted its annual report to the Governor and Legislature, and that report included a recommendation that Illinois become an Employment First state – i.e., that employment in the community be the first and preferred option for individuals with disabilities receiving publicly funded services in Illinois. To enact this recommendation, the Task Force developed plans for an Employment First Summit. The invitation-only Summit was held on January 31, 2012 and included a cross-section of individuals with disabilities, family members, policymakers, advocates, disability professionals, and educators. This report summarizes the findings from the summit, and lays out a series of recommendations for turning the vision of Employment First discussed at the summit into reality.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Mental Health
  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Department of Education
  • Other
  • Customized Employment
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Employer Engagement
  • Provider Transformation
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships
  • Resource Leveraging
  • Data Sharing

Illinois Dept of Human Rights, Dept of Human Services “Interagency Committee on Employees with Disabilities Annual Report 2016”

MONITORING EMPLOYMENT OF PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES The Committee continues to track the composition of the state’s workforce to monitor its affirmative action efforts in regards to people with disabilities. A chart in Appendix A shows employment figures in state government over the last 17 years for employees who have self-identified as having a disability through a survey process. The data shows that the number of state employees as a whole decreased over the years by 29% and the number of employees with disabilities decreased by a slightly smaller percentage of 27%. Consequently, the percentage of state employees with disabilities has grown during the years studied, from a low point of about 5% in FY04 to a high in FY13 of 7.5%. The percentage of state employees with disabilities slipped to 7% in 2015. It should be noted that the State began a more reliable system of identifying employees with disabilities in 2011—through an online survey -- which might explain some of the increase in the percentage of employees with disabilities in recent years.

  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships
  • Data Sharing

Illinois Department of Human Services “Employment First Illinois Policy”

Illinois has adopted an Employment First policy via the Employment First Act (20 ILCS 40) in 2013. This law states that "competitive and integrated employment shall be considered the first option when serving persons with disabilities of working age" and requires all State agencies to follow the policy as well as ensure its effective implementation within their programs and services. Additionally, Illinois has an Executive Order (14-08) that requires the participation of multiple state agencies to fully implement Employment First across the State. The state agencies include: the Department of Human Services, the Department of Healthcare and Family Services, the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, the Department of Employment Security, the Department of Central Management Services, the Department of Labor, the Department of Veterans' Affairs, the State Board of Education, the Board of Higher Education, the Community College Board, and the Council on Developmental Disabilities. The Order requires the above agencies to look at everything from policies to funding to partnerships all focused around the goal of integrated employment for individuals with disabilities.

  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Department of Education
  • Other

Illinois 2015 State Plan for the State Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program

This document outlines the plans and goals for the 2015 Division of Rehabilitation Services programs. It “constitutes the report generated by the State Plan Committee and approved by the State Rehabilitation Council.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Illinois Disabled Workers Programs

"Illinois has implemented several programs and services for people with disabilities through a dedicated disabled workers initiative. This initiative includes:

The Successful Disability) Opportunities Program

“The Successful Disability Opportunities Program provides persons with disabilities a greater access to employment opportunities within the State.”

Alternative Employment Program

“The Alternative Employment Program was established by law to assist in finding alternative employment opportunities for certified employees who are on an approved leave of absence due to a work related or non-work related disability which precludes the performance of their current job duties.”

Accommodated Testing Program

“In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Illinois Human Rights Act, State agencies must ensure that the employment process is accessible to persons with disabilities. Specifically, these laws require that the State provide reasonable accommodations upon request by individuals participating in all steps of the employment process. This includes the State of Illinois Rutan interview process.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Employer Engagement

Illinois Employment and Economic Opportunity for Persons with Disabilities Task Force Annual Report

"This annual report “outlines the activities undertaken by the Task Force during the first full year of operation. It reflects the information that has been gathered by the Task Force to date as well as outlines the recommendations developed by the Task Force during a strategic planning meeting held in April 2011. The Task Force is committed to addressing the major issues impacting employment and economic self-sufficiency for people with disabilities in Illinois and collaborating with Illinois leaders to do this. To that end, the task force is proposing several initiatives that are aimed to begin the necessary dialogues for changing the way that existing employment programs are operated and the policies and procedures that govern them.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Mental Health
  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Department of Education
  • Customized Employment
  • Self-Employment
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Employer Engagement
  • Segregated Day & Employment Services
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships


Illinois State Rehabilitation Council

“The State Rehabilitation Council (SRC) advises the Secretary of the Department of Human Services and the Director of the Division of Rehabilitation Services in matters concerning individuals with disabilities and the provision of rehabilitation services. The SRC provides true customer input into the current and future VR process.“

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Mental Health
  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Illinois Strategic Planning Leadership Committee - Strategic Plan

“Three state agencies, the Departments of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS), Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO), and Human Services (DHS) established a Strategic Planning Leadership Committee (SPLC) comprised of twenty-six individuals representing each of these sectors. … The SPLC was charged with the task of developing this Strategic Plan under the terms of Illinois’ Medicaid Infrastructure Grant (MIG).”

This plan describes the SPLC’s recommendations for reducing or eliminating barriers to employment for Illinois residents with disabilities. The SPLC met nine times over the course of twelve months. The members established five subcommittees to allow more in-depth work in the key areas of: service model review, benefits planning awareness, focus group and survey development, resource mapping of state services, and business education. The SPLC proper as well as the subcommittees received staff support from HFS, DCEO and DHS.”

  • Department of Mental Health
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Other
  • Employer Engagement
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Illinois Interagency Committee of Employees with Disabilities.

The ICED “serves to support state employees with disabilities and state agencies who have disability-related questions. ICED was created by statute to promote access, independence, and opportunity for state employees with disabilities. Co-chaired by the Department of Human Rights and the Departments of Human Services, the Committee has five agency members and four employee members appointed by the Governor. The five statutory agency members are the Departments of Human Rights, Human Services, Central Management Services, Veterans Affairs, and the Civil Service Commission. In addition, ICED has the following standing committee members: the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Commission, U of I Division of Specialized Care for Children, the Office of the Secretary of State, the Department of Employment Security, and the Council on Developmental Disabilities.”

  • Department of Mental Health
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Other
  • Employer Engagement
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Systems-Change Funding

Illinois Disability Employment Initiative - 10/01/2013

The Disability Employment Initiative (DEI) is a three-year federal grant-funded program that improves education, training, employment opportunities, and employment outcomes for people who are unemployed, underemployed, and/or receiving Social Security disability benefits. In 2010, Illinois was awarded a Round 1 DEI grant from the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment Training Administration. When this grant ended in 2013, a Round 4 grant was awarded. This grant began in 2013 and will end in 2016.

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Employer Engagement
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships
  • Resource Leveraging

Illinois Advancing Customized Employment (Project ACE) - 04/15/2004

Advancing Customized Employment, Project ACE, was designed to, “enrich the capacity of local One-Stops to provide customized employment (CE) services to people with psychiatric disabilities who are not regularly targeted for services by the One-Stop Center system.” 

  • Department of Mental Health
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Other
  • Customized Employment
  • Self-Employment
  • Provider Transformation
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Illinois "Add Us In Chicagoland"

“This project has two main goals: first, to identify and develop strategies to increase the capacity of small businesses and communities, to employ youth and adults with disabilities, and second, to enhance the opportunities and skills of individuals with disabilities pursuing employment or self-employment.”
  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Other
  • Self-Employment
  • Employer Engagement
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships
  • Resource Leveraging

Illinois Money Follows the Person

The Money Follows the Person/Community Reintegration Program (MFP) is part of a statewide, multidepartment demonstration program. Participation is voluntary. “The goals of MFP are to: increase the use of home- and community-based long term care services; eliminate barriers that prevent or restrict flexible use of Medicaid funds for necessary long term care services in the settings reflecting individual choice; increase the ability to assure continued community-based long term care services to eligible individuals after transition; and ensure that quality assurance and improvement continuously occurs for community-based long term care services.”

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

Training/Capacity Building

Illinois Department of Human Services, Rehabilitative Services “Real Work for Real Pay” - 05/27/2016

The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) requires state vocational rehabilitation agencies to reach out to individuals working under subminimum wage certificates and offer them the opportunity to pursue competitive integrated employment. The Division of Rehabilitation Services has begun an effort to engage approximately 14,000 individuals in Illinois currently working for subminimum wages. The U.S. Department of Labor has provided a list of over 150 employers with 14(c) subminimum wage certificates. DRS has surveyed those employers and received an estimate of the number of workers at each location. Since DRS does not have a list of individual workers, we will be sending information packets to the employers and requesting that they provide a packet to each individual working for a subminimum wage. This packet of information includes a letter from DRS, as well as an informational flyer and a postage-paid post card. There are links to a web site and an e-mail address which offer these workers several options for responding to DRS

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Other
  • Employer Engagement
  • 14(c)/Income Security

Illinois Department of Human Services “The DDD Scoop 4-15-16” - 04/15/2016

Training Many Division staff will be attending an "all-day" intensive training on Active Treatment on April 20, 2016. The training will address the removal of active treatment expectations for waiver program services. The Division is also offering the following training opportunities for providers and others interested…. A Webinar: "Life Choices Initiative - From Active Treatment to Supports - Changing the Model of Service Delivery for Developmental Disabilities Waivers in Illinois will be offered three times next month. Those interested in attending can choose from May 4, May 5, or May 12. Webinar Description: Historically, Illinois has used an active treatment standard in the delivery of developmental disabilities services in Illinois for both individuals living in an Intermediate Care Facility for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities (ICF/IID), and those receiving home and community based waiver services. Federal rules require active treatment as an aspect of the delivery of services within an ICF/IID, based on a treatment model which requires intensive engagement every day. The Home and Community-Based services (HCBS) Waiver, however, does not require providers to offer and deliver active treatment to people enrolled. The HCBS waiver requires the delivery of support and services, identified through a person-centered planning process and based on a person's identified outcomes, which will assist the person to continue to live in the most integrated setting possible.

  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Other
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)
  • Provider Transformation

Project Set

On Saturday May 14, 2016, the third GET SET Conference hosted by the Project SET Scholars at Access Living was successful! Breakout sessions about community involvement, interagency collaboration, and employment were filled with many attendees ready to learn. A community conversation took place in the afternoon discussing themes from past conferences and action steps that attendees could implement when they got back to their own communities. A big thank you to the UIC College of Education, Department of Special Education and the Center for Urban Educational Leadership for sponsoring the space, breakfast, and lunch. A great day for networking and collaborating about the transition of youth with disabilities! For pictures of the GET SET Conference 2016 please see the link HERE

  • Department of Education
  • Other

Illinois Health & Disability Advocates (HDA) - "Ready for Business Guide"

“The purpose of this guide is to assist individuals with disabilities, and their supports, by providing resources that are available for assistance during the development of a business concept and preparation for future growth of the business. Starting a business is a complex and difficult process for anyone with a dream of being self-employed. Understanding the steps needed to be considered before starting the process can even be complicated! Please keep in mind that this guide is not intended to be a ‘How to Start a Business Guide.’ Rather, it is meant to be used as a tool for accessing resources to help a person take the first steps to starting a business.”

  • Other
  • Customized Employment
  • Self-Employment
  • School-to-Work Transition

Illinois Employment First State Leadership Mentoring Program

“Employment First has become a critical priority for the U.S. Department of Labor's Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP).  In order to help states invest in systems change efforts, ODEP developed the Employment First State Leadership Mentoring Program (EFSLMP).  Illinois participated as a core state in the Program for FY 2015 and was recently announced as a participant for FY 2016 as well.  Through this work, Illinois will work directly with state agency staff, provider agencies, direct support professionals, and advocates to identify ways to better serve individuals with disabilities or mental illness who utilize supported employment services. “

  • Department of Mental Health
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Other
  • Provider Transformation
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Illinois VR In-Service Training

“The In-Service Training Program continues to play a role in helping state VR agencies to develop and implement their CSPD standards for hiring, training and retaining qualified rehabilitation professionals to provide for succession planning to provide leadership development and capacity-building and to provide training on the Rehabilitation Act in their respective states.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services

Illinois Vocational Rehabilitation Quality Assurance (VR QA) Project

"This project has “been implemented by the Center for Capacity Building on Minorities with Disabilities Research (CCBMDR) at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Its purpose is to implement a strategy with the Illinois Division of Rehabilitation Services (IDRS) to promote data utilization by office supervisors to improve case management and the effectiveness and efficiency of vocational counselors.

Within IDRS, the state program utilizes a virtual case management system (VCM) in which staff and administrators generate regular electronic case-management reports and counselors update client progress. Collectively, agency administrators, field supervisors, and counselors utilize the VCM to monitor activities to improve the efficiency of case management in the VR service- delivery process. … Thus, the UIC team and IDRS collaborators aim to utilize the findings [from] the VR QA project to document organizational capacity-building and to inform other states about promising practices in organizational efforts related to data use in the VR system.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships
  • Data Sharing

Illinois Disability Rights Trainings

The “Training Institute delivers customized, educational seminars through partnership with local service providers, and local and state government.  We host training across the state with local social service agencies, hospitals, schools, state mental health centers, state developmental centers and others.”  Training topics include:

Americans with Disabilities Act Employment Education Self Determination  
  • Other
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Employer Engagement
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships


Williams Consent Decree - 09/29/2010

“On September 29, 2010, the State of Illinois entered into a Consent Decree, settling the Williams v Quinn class action lawsuit, first filed in 2005…Though the State denied liability and any violation of [ADA] related federal laws, the Parties to the suit were always fundamentally in agreement that, when clinically appropriate, consistent with the parameters now set forth in the Williams Consent Decree, all persons with Serious Mental Illness currently residing in Institutes of Mental Disease (IMD) in Illinois have the right to choose to live in community-based settings, and that the State has an obligation to expand the current community-based service system to support the needs of those individuals…In the Implementation Plan… the State proposes not only to expand the current system of care, but to create a number of recovery-oriented system enhancements in both services and housing, designed to assure that each person choosing to move from an IMD has the best opportunity for a successful transition to community living.”

  • Department of Mental Health
  • Other
  • Mental Health
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

Medicaid & Employment

Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services “Annual Report Medical Assistance Program Fiscal Years 2013, 2014 and 2015” - 04/01/2016

Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) waivers, authorized under 1915(c) of the Social Security Act, allow the State to provide specialized long term care services in an individual’s home or community. The 1915 (c) Waivers were initiated by the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) in 1981. Illinois’ first HCBS waiver programs began in 1983. HCBS waivers have enabled the State to tailor services to meet the needs of particular target groups. Within these target groups, the State is also permitted to establish additional criteria to further specify the population to be served on a HCBS waiver. The State has the discretion to design the waivers as they choose, within certain parameters For example, States may choose the number of consumers to serve, the services provided, and whether or not the program is statewide. Federal CMS continually reviews the waivers and requires each waiver to prove cost neutrality in comparison to institutions. Initial waivers are approved for three years, and waiver renewals have a five year term.

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Other
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

Illinois Statewide HCBS Transition Plan - 03/17/2014

“On January 16, 2014 the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) published final regulations that pertain to Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) programs, including 1915 (c) , 1915 (i) and 1915(k) as described in 42 CFR 441.301(c) (4) (5) and 441.710(a) (1) (2). The final regulations went into effect on March 17, 2014 and align home and community-based setting requirements across three Medicaid authorities. The regulations require states operating a 1915 (c) waiver (s) to develop a Statewide Transition Plan which describes the strategies for coming into compliance with the new regulations. Illinois’ assessment of its current HCBS Waiver programs in relation to the new regulations and the remediation strategies necessary to ensure full compliance with the new rules are outlined in the Statewide Transition Plan”

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

Illinois HCBS Waiver for People with Brain Injury (0329.R03.00) - 07/01/2012

This waiver "provides adult day care, day hab, home health aide, homemaker, personal assistant, prevocational, respite, supported employment, cognitive behavioral therapies, environmental accessibility adaptations, home delivered meals, intermittent nursing, nursing, OT, PERS, PT, specialized medical equipment, speech therapist for individuals w/brain injury ages 0 - no max age."

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

Illinois Waiver for Adults with DD (0350.R03.00) - 07/01/2012

This waiver "provides adult day care, developmental training, residential hab, supported employment-individual/group, OT-extended, PT-extended, speech therapy-extended, service facilitation, adaptive equipment, behavior intervention/treatment, behavioral-psychotherapy/counseling, emergency home response services, home accessibility mods, non-medical transportation, personal support, skilled nursing, temporary assistance (formerly crisis), training/counseling services for unpaid caregivers, vehicle mods for individuals w/autism, DD, IID ages 18 - no max age."

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

Illinois Money Follows the Person

The Money Follows the Person/Community Reintegration Program (MFP) is part of a statewide, multidepartment demonstration program. Participation is voluntary. “The goals of MFP are to: increase the use of home- and community-based long term care services; eliminate barriers that prevent or restrict flexible use of Medicaid funds for necessary long term care services in the settings reflecting individual choice; increase the ability to assure continued community-based long term care services to eligible individuals after transition; and ensure that quality assurance and improvement continuously occurs for community-based long term care services.”

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

States - Phone


In the Prairie State of Illinois, there is mile after magnificent mile of opportunity to expand competitive, integrated employment options for individuals with disabilities. 

2014 State Population.
Change from
2013 to 2014
2014 Number of people with disabilities (all disabilities, ages 18-64).
Change from
2013 to 2014
2014 Number of people with disabilities who are employed (all disabilities, ages 18-64).
Change from
2013 to 2014
2014 Percentage of working age people who are employed (all disabilities).
Change from
2013 to 2014
2014 Percentage of working age people who are employed (NO disabilities).
Change from
2013 to 2014

State Data


Population. 12,880,580
Number of people with disabilities (all disabilities, ages 18-64). 674,067
Number of people with disabilities who are employed (all disabilities, ages 18-64). 240,777
Number of people without disabilities who are employed (ages 18-64). 5,546,305
Percentage of working age people who are employed (all disabilities). 35.72%
Percentage of working age people who are employed (NO disabilities). 75.72%
Overall unemployment rate. 7.10%
Poverty Rate (all disabilities). 21.00%
Poverty Rate (NO disabilities). 13.50%
Number of males with disabilities (all ages). 646,153
Number of females with disabilities (all ages). 735,634
Number of Caucasians with disabilities (all ages). 1,014,786
Number of African Americans with disabilities (all ages). 247,792
Number of Hispanic/Latinos with disabilities (all ages). 135,110
Number of American Indians/Alaska Natives with disabilities (all ages). 5,707
Number of Asians with disabilities (all ages). 44,592
Number of Hawaiians/Pacific Islanders with disabilities (all ages). 466
Number of with multiple races disabilities (all ages). 26,803
Number of others with disabilities (all ages). 41,641



Number of SSI recipients with disabilities who work. 12,019
Percentage of SSI recipients with disabilities who work relative to total SSI recipients with disabilities. 4.80%
Old Age Survivor and Disability Insurance (OASDI) recipients/workers with disabilities. 289,730



Number of mental health services consumers who are employed. 12,069
Number of mental health services consumers who are part of the labor force (employed or actively looking for employment). 41,266
Number of adults served who have a known employment status. 75,009
Percentage of all state mental health agency consumers served in the community who are employed. 16.10%
Percentage of supported employment services evidence based practices (EBP). 3.30%
Percentage of supported housing services evidence based practices (EBP). N/A
Percentage of assertive community treatment services evidence based practices (EBP). 1.70%
Percentage of medications management evidence based practices (EBP). N/A
Number of evidence based practices (EBP) supported employment services. 2,489
Number of evidence based practices (EBP) supported housing services. N/A
Number of evidence based practices (EBP) assertive community treatment services. 1,274
Number of evidence based practices (EBP) medications management. N/A



Number of registered job seekers with a disability. 4,391
Proportion of registered job seekers with a disability. 0.01



Total number of people with a disability that is a substantial barrier to work served by Job Training and Partnership Act/Workforce Investment Act programs. 85
Total number of people with a disability that is a substantial barrier to work who entered unsubsidized employment. 40
Percentage of people with a disability that is a substantial barrier to work who entered unsubsidized employment relative to total the number of people with a disability that is a substantial barrier to work. 47.00%
Incidence rate of people with a disability that is a substantial barrier to work who entered unsubsidized employment per 100,000 individuals in the general state population. 0.31



Total Number of people served under VR.
Number of people with visual impairments served under VR. N/A
Number of people with communicative (hearing loss, deafness) impairments served under VR. N/A
Number of people with physical impairments served under VR. N/A
Number of people cognitive impairments served under VR. N/A
Number of people psychosocial impairments served under VR. N/A
Number of people with mental impairments served under VR. N/A
Percentage of overall closures into employment under VR. N/A
Number of employment network (EN) and vocational rehabilitation (VR) tickets assigned. 13,199
Number of eligible ticket to work beneficiaries. 471,002
Total number of ID closures using supported employment services with or without Title VI-B funds expended (VI-C prior to 2002). N/A
Total number of ID competitive labor market closures. N/A



Dollars spent on day/employment services for integrated employment funding. $8,720,000
Dollars spent on day/employment services for facility-based work funding. $1,456,000
Dollars spent on day/employment services for facility-based non-work funding. $237,162,000
Dollars spent on day/employment services for community based non-work funding. $0
Percentage of people served in integrated employment. 6.00%
Number of people served in community based non-work. 0
Number of people served in facility based work. 198
Number of people served in facility based non-work. 22,375
Number supported in integrated employment per 100,000 individuals in the general state population. 11.60



Percent of children with IEPs aged 6 through 21 served inside the regular class 80% or more of the day (Indicator 5a). 53.80%
Percent of children with IEPs aged 6 through 21 served inside the regular class less than 40% of the day (Indicator 5b). 13.36%
Percent of children with IEPs aged 6 through 21 served in separate schools, residential facilities, or homebound/hospital placements (Indicator 5c). 6.43%
Percent of youth with IEPs aged 16 and above with an IEP that includes appropriate measurable postsecondary goals (Indicator 13). 93.73%
Percentage of youth who are no longer in secondary school, had IEPs in effect at the time they left school, and were enrolled in higher education within one year of leaving high school (Indicator 14a). 29.32%
Percentage of youth who are no longer in secondary school, had IEPs in effect at the time they left school, and were enrolled in higher education or competitively employed within one year of leaving high school (Indicator 14b). 60.99%
Percentage of youth who are no longer in secondary school, had IEPs in effect at the time they left school, and were enrolled in higher education or in some other postsecondary education or training program; or competitively employed or in some other employment within one year of leaving high school (Indicator 14c). 71.54%
Percentage of youth who are no longer in secondary school, had IEPs in effect at the time they left school, and were competitively employed within one year of leaving high school (Subset of Indicator 14). 31.66%



Number of overall agency blind and SD hours. 1,980,290
Number of overall total blind and SD workers. 5,147
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD hours (products). 27,367
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD hours (services). 730,086
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD hours (combined). 757,453
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD workers (products). 63
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD workers (services). 964
Number of AbilityOne blind and SD workers (combined). 1,027
AbilityOne wages (products). $180,290
AbilityOne wages (services). $8,915,166



Number of 14(c) certificate-holding private businesses. 3
Number of 14(c) certificate-holding school work experience programs (SWEPs). 11
Number of 14(c) certificate-holding community rehabilitation programs (CRPs). 128
Number of 14(c) certificate holding patient workers. 7
Total Number of 14(c) certificate holding entities. 149
Reported number of people with disabilities working under 14(c) certificate holding private businesses. 10
Reported number of people with disabilities working under 14 (c) certificate holding school work experience programs (SWEPs). 362
Reported number of people with disabilities working under 14(c) certificate holding community rehabilitation programs (CRPs). 13,742
Reported number of people with disabilities working under 14(c) certificate holding patient workers. 427
Total reported number of people with disabilities working under 14(c) certificate holding entities. 14,541



Employment and Economic Opportunity for Persons with Disabilities Task Force Act - 07/18/2016

“Task Force Responsibilities. The Task Force shall analyze programs and policies of the State to determine what changes, modifications, and innovations may be necessary to remove barriers to competitive employment and economic opportunity for persons with disabilities, including barriers such as transportation, housing, program accessibility, and benefit structure. The Task Force shall also analyze State disability systems, including the mental health, developmental disabilities, veterans' assistance, workforce investment, and rehabilitation services systems, and their effect on employment of persons with disabilities. The Task Force shall review and analyze applicable research and policy studies, innovations used in other states, and any federal policy initiatives such as customized employment, and federal funding opportunities that would increase competitive employment and economic opportunity for persons with disabilities in Illinois”

  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Department of Education
  • Customized Employment
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Illinois SB 1383 - 07/27/2015

"The “Achieving a Better Life Experience” or “ABLE” account program is hereby created and shall be administered by the State Treasurer. The purpose of the ABLE plan is to encourage and assist individuals and families in saving private funds for the purpose of supporting individuals with disabilities to maintain health, independence, and quality of life, and to provide secure funding for disability-related expensed on behalf of designated beneficiaries with disabilities that will supplement, but not supplant, benefits provided through private insurance, federal and State medical and disability insurance, the beneficiary’s employment, and other sources."


  • Other
  • Asset Development / Financial Capability

Illinois Employment First Act (HB2591) - 07/16/2013

The bill, which became effective on July 16, 2013, declares Illinois an Employment First State and establishes competitive employment in integrated settings as the first option for working-age persons with disabilities in Illinois.    The bill also requires states to coordinate across agencies share data and information across systems, and requires the Economics Opportunity for Persons with Disabilities (EEOPWD) Task for responsible for establishing measures and monitoring procedures for Employment First.:    
  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Department of Education
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Illinois Disabled Hiring Incentives (HB 0040)

Amends the Department of Central Management Services Law of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois. Requires the Department of Central Management Services, in cooperation with the Department of Human Services, to develop and implement plans to increase the number of individuals with a disability employed by State government and to submit an annual report. Amends the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity Law of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois. Requires the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, in cooperation with not-for-profit groups and community partners, to develop and implement an education and outreach campaign designed to increase statewide awareness of issues that affect individuals with a disability. Amends the Department of Human Services Act. Requires the Department of Human Services to collect information during the period of July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010 regarding employers claims of the federal Work Opportunity Tax Credit and to submit an annual report. Amends the Illinois Procurement Code. Provides that a chief procurement officer may, as part of any solicitation, encourage prospective vendors to consider hiring qualified individuals with a disability and to notify them of any available financial incentives or other advantages associated with hiring such persons. Effective immediately.

  • Other
  • Asset Development / Financial Capability
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)
  • Provider Transformation
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships
  • Resource Leveraging

Illinois Business Enterprise for Minorities, Females, and Persons with Disabilities Act

It is hereby declared to be the public policy of the State of Illinois to promote and encourage each State agency and public institution of higher education to use businesses owned by minorities, females, and persons with disabilities in the area of goods and services, including, but not limited to, insurance services, investment management services, information technology services, accounting services, architectural and engineering services, and legal services. Furthermore, each State agency and public institution of higher education shall utilize such firms to the greatest extent feasible within the bounds of financial and fiduciary prudence, and take affirmative steps to remove any barriers to the full participation of such firms in the procurement and contracting opportunities afforded.

  • Department of Education
  • Other
  • Asset Development / Financial Capability
  • Resource Leveraging

Executive Orders

Illinois Employment First Executive Order - 06/03/2014

“WHEREAS, the Illinois Employment First Act (20 ILCS 40 et. seq) requires that State agencies follow and implement the State’s policy of competitive and integrated employment as the first option when serving persons with disabilities of working age, regardless of level of disability, (the ‘Employment First Policy’)...An Employment First Liaison (the “Liaison”) shall be appointed within the Office of the Governor to implement Illinois’ Employment First Policy, in conjunction with the Task Force and State Agencies, as defined below...The Liaison’s goal and purpose shall be the implementation of the Employment First Policy, which seeks to facilitate the full inclusion and integration of individuals with disabilities in the workplace. The Liaison shall work with the following entities (together the ‘Parties’) to develop a preliminary five-year plan (the ‘Preliminary Plan’) and a final plan (the ‘Final Plan’) to improve community integrated private employment outcomes for people with disabilities.”

  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Department of Education
  • Segregated Day & Employment Services
  • Provider Transformation
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships


Illinois Department of Human Services “The DDD Scoop 4-15-16” - 07/19/2016

Employment First Update Recently, the Division met with a small group of stakeholders to work on Employment First concepts specific to the Division's services. This project is being facilitated through the support of a consultant, Lisa Mills, funded through a grant from the United States Department of Labor. It is also supported with funds from the federal Balancing Incentive Program (BIP). The first meeting of the group was held on March 30, 2016. During that meeting, the stakeholders focused on service definitions and possible modifications to enhance opportunities for individuals to access supported or competitive employment. The second meeting, held on April 7, 2016, focused on provider and staff qualifications and rate structures. Staff are now working with Ms. Mills to develop written descriptions of the draft modifications for review by the group. The stakeholders intend to meet again by the end of May. It is the Division's intent that this work will be used during the renewal of the Adult Medicaid Waiver now underway.

  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Provider Transformation

Illinois Worknet WOIA Youth Pathways “Goals and Objectives” - 04/13/2016

Evidence Based Programming that encourages youth to progress through a career pathway, completing secondary, postsecondary education and/or advanced training, and enter into unsubsidized employment

  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Other
  • School-to-Work Transition

Illinois Dept of Healthcare and Family Services “Annual Report Medical Assistance Program Fiscal Years 2013, 2014 and 2015” - 04/01/2016

Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) waivers, authorized under 1915(c) of the Social Security Act, allow the State to provide specialized long term care services in an individual’s home or community. The 1915 (c) Waivers were initiated by the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) in 1981. Illinois’ first HCBS waiver programs began in 1983. HCBS waivers have enabled the State to tailor services to meet the needs of particular target groups. Within these target groups, the State is also permitted to establish additional criteria to further specify the population to be served on a HCBS waiver. The State has the discretion to design the waivers as they choose, within certain parameters For example, States may choose the number of consumers to serve, the services provided, and whether or not the program is statewide. Federal CMS continually reviews the waivers and requires each waiver to prove cost neutrality in comparison to institutions. Initial waivers are approved for three years, and waiver renewals have a five year term.

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Other
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

State of Illinois Employment First Strategic Plan Draft - 12/29/2014

The Draft report summarizes the history of Employment First in Illinois, and details the initiatives planneds for the future. Plans for the future are broken down in to two phases. The first phase requires collaboration with expert consults to: “Define the types of opportunities DDD wish to promote;   Determine provider qualifications;   Review and, as needed, modify current rate structure;   Discuss maximum utilization issues; and   Establish data collection and benchmark expectations.    The second phase will include obtaining services through an RFI process to:  Assist 200 individuals in the Adult DD Waiver in accessing supported and competitive employment; and  Develop a procedural guide and other materials for use by providers throughout the Illinois system in assisting and supporting individuals to find and maintain employment.”   
  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Mental Health
  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Customized Employment
  • Self-Employment
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)
  • Employer Engagement
  • Segregated Day & Employment Services
  • Provider Transformation
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships
  • Resource Leveraging
  • Data Sharing

Illinois Employment First Blueprint - 10/01/2014

“This Blueprint provides policymakers and stakeholders in Illinois with specific recommendations and action steps to ensure that competitive, integrated employment is the first option for all people with disabilities, a concept known as Employment First. Illinois has taken important first steps towards Employment First, including enactment of the Illinois Employment First Act and the issuance of an Employment First Executive Order. The challenge is now for Illinois to realign and modernize the states’ disability service system. Action must be taken to translate that policy into positive changes for people with disabilities.”

  • Other
  • Employer Engagement
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Illinois Employment First Summit Report - 01/31/2012

“In January 2011, the Task Force submitted its annual report to the Governor and Legislature, and that report included a recommendation that Illinois become an Employment First state – i.e., that employment in the community be the first and preferred option for individuals with disabilities receiving publicly funded services in Illinois. To enact this recommendation, the Task Force developed plans for an Employment First Summit. The invitation-only Summit was held on January 31, 2012 and included a cross-section of individuals with disabilities, family members, policymakers, advocates, disability professionals, and educators. This report summarizes the findings from the summit, and lays out a series of recommendations for turning the vision of Employment First discussed at the summit into reality.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Mental Health
  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Department of Education
  • Other
  • Customized Employment
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Employer Engagement
  • Provider Transformation
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships
  • Resource Leveraging
  • Data Sharing

Illinois Dept of Human Rights, Dept of Human Services “Interagency Committee on Employees with Disabilities Annual Report 2016”

MONITORING EMPLOYMENT OF PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES The Committee continues to track the composition of the state’s workforce to monitor its affirmative action efforts in regards to people with disabilities. A chart in Appendix A shows employment figures in state government over the last 17 years for employees who have self-identified as having a disability through a survey process. The data shows that the number of state employees as a whole decreased over the years by 29% and the number of employees with disabilities decreased by a slightly smaller percentage of 27%. Consequently, the percentage of state employees with disabilities has grown during the years studied, from a low point of about 5% in FY04 to a high in FY13 of 7.5%. The percentage of state employees with disabilities slipped to 7% in 2015. It should be noted that the State began a more reliable system of identifying employees with disabilities in 2011—through an online survey -- which might explain some of the increase in the percentage of employees with disabilities in recent years.

  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships
  • Data Sharing

Illinois Department of Human Services “Employment First Illinois Policy”

Illinois has adopted an Employment First policy via the Employment First Act (20 ILCS 40) in 2013. This law states that "competitive and integrated employment shall be considered the first option when serving persons with disabilities of working age" and requires all State agencies to follow the policy as well as ensure its effective implementation within their programs and services. Additionally, Illinois has an Executive Order (14-08) that requires the participation of multiple state agencies to fully implement Employment First across the State. The state agencies include: the Department of Human Services, the Department of Healthcare and Family Services, the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, the Department of Employment Security, the Department of Central Management Services, the Department of Labor, the Department of Veterans' Affairs, the State Board of Education, the Board of Higher Education, the Community College Board, and the Council on Developmental Disabilities. The Order requires the above agencies to look at everything from policies to funding to partnerships all focused around the goal of integrated employment for individuals with disabilities.

  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Department of Education
  • Other

Illinois 2015 State Plan for the State Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program

This document outlines the plans and goals for the 2015 Division of Rehabilitation Services programs. It “constitutes the report generated by the State Plan Committee and approved by the State Rehabilitation Council.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Illinois Disabled Workers Programs

"Illinois has implemented several programs and services for people with disabilities through a dedicated disabled workers initiative. This initiative includes:

The Successful Disability) Opportunities Program

“The Successful Disability Opportunities Program provides persons with disabilities a greater access to employment opportunities within the State.”

Alternative Employment Program

“The Alternative Employment Program was established by law to assist in finding alternative employment opportunities for certified employees who are on an approved leave of absence due to a work related or non-work related disability which precludes the performance of their current job duties.”

Accommodated Testing Program

“In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Illinois Human Rights Act, State agencies must ensure that the employment process is accessible to persons with disabilities. Specifically, these laws require that the State provide reasonable accommodations upon request by individuals participating in all steps of the employment process. This includes the State of Illinois Rutan interview process.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Employer Engagement

Illinois Employment and Economic Opportunity for Persons with Disabilities Task Force Annual Report

"This annual report “outlines the activities undertaken by the Task Force during the first full year of operation. It reflects the information that has been gathered by the Task Force to date as well as outlines the recommendations developed by the Task Force during a strategic planning meeting held in April 2011. The Task Force is committed to addressing the major issues impacting employment and economic self-sufficiency for people with disabilities in Illinois and collaborating with Illinois leaders to do this. To that end, the task force is proposing several initiatives that are aimed to begin the necessary dialogues for changing the way that existing employment programs are operated and the policies and procedures that govern them.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Mental Health
  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Department of Education
  • Customized Employment
  • Self-Employment
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Employer Engagement
  • Segregated Day & Employment Services
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships


Illinois State Rehabilitation Council

“The State Rehabilitation Council (SRC) advises the Secretary of the Department of Human Services and the Director of the Division of Rehabilitation Services in matters concerning individuals with disabilities and the provision of rehabilitation services. The SRC provides true customer input into the current and future VR process.“

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Mental Health
  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Illinois Strategic Planning Leadership Committee - Strategic Plan

“Three state agencies, the Departments of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS), Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO), and Human Services (DHS) established a Strategic Planning Leadership Committee (SPLC) comprised of twenty-six individuals representing each of these sectors. … The SPLC was charged with the task of developing this Strategic Plan under the terms of Illinois’ Medicaid Infrastructure Grant (MIG).”

This plan describes the SPLC’s recommendations for reducing or eliminating barriers to employment for Illinois residents with disabilities. The SPLC met nine times over the course of twelve months. The members established five subcommittees to allow more in-depth work in the key areas of: service model review, benefits planning awareness, focus group and survey development, resource mapping of state services, and business education. The SPLC proper as well as the subcommittees received staff support from HFS, DCEO and DHS.”

  • Department of Mental Health
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Other
  • Employer Engagement
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Illinois Interagency Committee of Employees with Disabilities.

The ICED “serves to support state employees with disabilities and state agencies who have disability-related questions. ICED was created by statute to promote access, independence, and opportunity for state employees with disabilities. Co-chaired by the Department of Human Rights and the Departments of Human Services, the Committee has five agency members and four employee members appointed by the Governor. The five statutory agency members are the Departments of Human Rights, Human Services, Central Management Services, Veterans Affairs, and the Civil Service Commission. In addition, ICED has the following standing committee members: the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Commission, U of I Division of Specialized Care for Children, the Office of the Secretary of State, the Department of Employment Security, and the Council on Developmental Disabilities.”

  • Department of Mental Health
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Other
  • Employer Engagement
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Systems-Change Funding

Illinois Disability Employment Initiative - 10/01/2013

The Disability Employment Initiative (DEI) is a three-year federal grant-funded program that improves education, training, employment opportunities, and employment outcomes for people who are unemployed, underemployed, and/or receiving Social Security disability benefits. In 2010, Illinois was awarded a Round 1 DEI grant from the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment Training Administration. When this grant ended in 2013, a Round 4 grant was awarded. This grant began in 2013 and will end in 2016.

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Employer Engagement
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships
  • Resource Leveraging

Illinois Advancing Customized Employment (Project ACE) - 04/15/2004

Advancing Customized Employment, Project ACE, was designed to, “enrich the capacity of local One-Stops to provide customized employment (CE) services to people with psychiatric disabilities who are not regularly targeted for services by the One-Stop Center system.” 

  • Department of Mental Health
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Other
  • Customized Employment
  • Self-Employment
  • Provider Transformation
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Illinois "Add Us In Chicagoland"

“This project has two main goals: first, to identify and develop strategies to increase the capacity of small businesses and communities, to employ youth and adults with disabilities, and second, to enhance the opportunities and skills of individuals with disabilities pursuing employment or self-employment.”
  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Other
  • Self-Employment
  • Employer Engagement
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships
  • Resource Leveraging

Illinois Money Follows the Person

The Money Follows the Person/Community Reintegration Program (MFP) is part of a statewide, multidepartment demonstration program. Participation is voluntary. “The goals of MFP are to: increase the use of home- and community-based long term care services; eliminate barriers that prevent or restrict flexible use of Medicaid funds for necessary long term care services in the settings reflecting individual choice; increase the ability to assure continued community-based long term care services to eligible individuals after transition; and ensure that quality assurance and improvement continuously occurs for community-based long term care services.”

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

Training/Capacity Building

Illinois Department of Human Services, Rehabilitative Services “Real Work for Real Pay” - 05/27/2016

The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) requires state vocational rehabilitation agencies to reach out to individuals working under subminimum wage certificates and offer them the opportunity to pursue competitive integrated employment. The Division of Rehabilitation Services has begun an effort to engage approximately 14,000 individuals in Illinois currently working for subminimum wages. The U.S. Department of Labor has provided a list of over 150 employers with 14(c) subminimum wage certificates. DRS has surveyed those employers and received an estimate of the number of workers at each location. Since DRS does not have a list of individual workers, we will be sending information packets to the employers and requesting that they provide a packet to each individual working for a subminimum wage. This packet of information includes a letter from DRS, as well as an informational flyer and a postage-paid post card. There are links to a web site and an e-mail address which offer these workers several options for responding to DRS

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Other
  • Employer Engagement
  • 14(c)/Income Security

Illinois Department of Human Services “The DDD Scoop 4-15-16” - 04/15/2016

Training Many Division staff will be attending an "all-day" intensive training on Active Treatment on April 20, 2016. The training will address the removal of active treatment expectations for waiver program services. The Division is also offering the following training opportunities for providers and others interested…. A Webinar: "Life Choices Initiative - From Active Treatment to Supports - Changing the Model of Service Delivery for Developmental Disabilities Waivers in Illinois will be offered three times next month. Those interested in attending can choose from May 4, May 5, or May 12. Webinar Description: Historically, Illinois has used an active treatment standard in the delivery of developmental disabilities services in Illinois for both individuals living in an Intermediate Care Facility for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities (ICF/IID), and those receiving home and community based waiver services. Federal rules require active treatment as an aspect of the delivery of services within an ICF/IID, based on a treatment model which requires intensive engagement every day. The Home and Community-Based services (HCBS) Waiver, however, does not require providers to offer and deliver active treatment to people enrolled. The HCBS waiver requires the delivery of support and services, identified through a person-centered planning process and based on a person's identified outcomes, which will assist the person to continue to live in the most integrated setting possible.

  • Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • Other
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)
  • Provider Transformation

Project Set

On Saturday May 14, 2016, the third GET SET Conference hosted by the Project SET Scholars at Access Living was successful! Breakout sessions about community involvement, interagency collaboration, and employment were filled with many attendees ready to learn. A community conversation took place in the afternoon discussing themes from past conferences and action steps that attendees could implement when they got back to their own communities. A big thank you to the UIC College of Education, Department of Special Education and the Center for Urban Educational Leadership for sponsoring the space, breakfast, and lunch. A great day for networking and collaborating about the transition of youth with disabilities! For pictures of the GET SET Conference 2016 please see the link HERE

  • Department of Education
  • Other

Illinois Health & Disability Advocates (HDA) - "Ready for Business Guide"

“The purpose of this guide is to assist individuals with disabilities, and their supports, by providing resources that are available for assistance during the development of a business concept and preparation for future growth of the business. Starting a business is a complex and difficult process for anyone with a dream of being self-employed. Understanding the steps needed to be considered before starting the process can even be complicated! Please keep in mind that this guide is not intended to be a ‘How to Start a Business Guide.’ Rather, it is meant to be used as a tool for accessing resources to help a person take the first steps to starting a business.”

  • Other
  • Customized Employment
  • Self-Employment
  • School-to-Work Transition

Illinois Employment First State Leadership Mentoring Program

“Employment First has become a critical priority for the U.S. Department of Labor's Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP).  In order to help states invest in systems change efforts, ODEP developed the Employment First State Leadership Mentoring Program (EFSLMP).  Illinois participated as a core state in the Program for FY 2015 and was recently announced as a participant for FY 2016 as well.  Through this work, Illinois will work directly with state agency staff, provider agencies, direct support professionals, and advocates to identify ways to better serve individuals with disabilities or mental illness who utilize supported employment services. “

  • Department of Mental Health
  • Department of Workforce Development
  • Other
  • Provider Transformation
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships

Illinois VR In-Service Training

“The In-Service Training Program continues to play a role in helping state VR agencies to develop and implement their CSPD standards for hiring, training and retaining qualified rehabilitation professionals to provide for succession planning to provide leadership development and capacity-building and to provide training on the Rehabilitation Act in their respective states.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services

Illinois Vocational Rehabilitation Quality Assurance (VR QA) Project

"This project has “been implemented by the Center for Capacity Building on Minorities with Disabilities Research (CCBMDR) at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Its purpose is to implement a strategy with the Illinois Division of Rehabilitation Services (IDRS) to promote data utilization by office supervisors to improve case management and the effectiveness and efficiency of vocational counselors.

Within IDRS, the state program utilizes a virtual case management system (VCM) in which staff and administrators generate regular electronic case-management reports and counselors update client progress. Collectively, agency administrators, field supervisors, and counselors utilize the VCM to monitor activities to improve the efficiency of case management in the VR service- delivery process. … Thus, the UIC team and IDRS collaborators aim to utilize the findings [from] the VR QA project to document organizational capacity-building and to inform other states about promising practices in organizational efforts related to data use in the VR system.”

  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Other
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships
  • Data Sharing

Illinois Disability Rights Trainings

The “Training Institute delivers customized, educational seminars through partnership with local service providers, and local and state government.  We host training across the state with local social service agencies, hospitals, schools, state mental health centers, state developmental centers and others.”  Training topics include:

Americans with Disabilities Act Employment Education Self Determination  
  • Other
  • School-to-Work Transition
  • Employer Engagement
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration / Partnerships


Williams Consent Decree - 09/29/2010

“On September 29, 2010, the State of Illinois entered into a Consent Decree, settling the Williams v Quinn class action lawsuit, first filed in 2005…Though the State denied liability and any violation of [ADA] related federal laws, the Parties to the suit were always fundamentally in agreement that, when clinically appropriate, consistent with the parameters now set forth in the Williams Consent Decree, all persons with Serious Mental Illness currently residing in Institutes of Mental Disease (IMD) in Illinois have the right to choose to live in community-based settings, and that the State has an obligation to expand the current community-based service system to support the needs of those individuals…In the Implementation Plan… the State proposes not only to expand the current system of care, but to create a number of recovery-oriented system enhancements in both services and housing, designed to assure that each person choosing to move from an IMD has the best opportunity for a successful transition to community living.”

  • Department of Mental Health
  • Other
  • Mental Health
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

Medicaid & Employment

Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services “Annual Report Medical Assistance Program Fiscal Years 2013, 2014 and 2015” - 04/01/2016

Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) waivers, authorized under 1915(c) of the Social Security Act, allow the State to provide specialized long term care services in an individual’s home or community. The 1915 (c) Waivers were initiated by the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) in 1981. Illinois’ first HCBS waiver programs began in 1983. HCBS waivers have enabled the State to tailor services to meet the needs of particular target groups. Within these target groups, the State is also permitted to establish additional criteria to further specify the population to be served on a HCBS waiver. The State has the discretion to design the waivers as they choose, within certain parameters For example, States may choose the number of consumers to serve, the services provided, and whether or not the program is statewide. Federal CMS continually reviews the waivers and requires each waiver to prove cost neutrality in comparison to institutions. Initial waivers are approved for three years, and waiver renewals have a five year term.

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Other
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

Illinois Statewide HCBS Transition Plan - 03/17/2014

“On January 16, 2014 the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) published final regulations that pertain to Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) programs, including 1915 (c) , 1915 (i) and 1915(k) as described in 42 CFR 441.301(c) (4) (5) and 441.710(a) (1) (2). The final regulations went into effect on March 17, 2014 and align home and community-based setting requirements across three Medicaid authorities. The regulations require states operating a 1915 (c) waiver (s) to develop a Statewide Transition Plan which describes the strategies for coming into compliance with the new regulations. Illinois’ assessment of its current HCBS Waiver programs in relation to the new regulations and the remediation strategies necessary to ensure full compliance with the new rules are outlined in the Statewide Transition Plan”

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

Illinois HCBS Waiver for People with Brain Injury (0329.R03.00) - 07/01/2012

This waiver "provides adult day care, day hab, home health aide, homemaker, personal assistant, prevocational, respite, supported employment, cognitive behavioral therapies, environmental accessibility adaptations, home delivered meals, intermittent nursing, nursing, OT, PERS, PT, specialized medical equipment, speech therapist for individuals w/brain injury ages 0 - no max age."

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

Illinois Waiver for Adults with DD (0350.R03.00) - 07/01/2012

This waiver "provides adult day care, developmental training, residential hab, supported employment-individual/group, OT-extended, PT-extended, speech therapy-extended, service facilitation, adaptive equipment, behavior intervention/treatment, behavioral-psychotherapy/counseling, emergency home response services, home accessibility mods, non-medical transportation, personal support, skilled nursing, temporary assistance (formerly crisis), training/counseling services for unpaid caregivers, vehicle mods for individuals w/autism, DD, IID ages 18 - no max age."

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

Illinois Money Follows the Person

The Money Follows the Person/Community Reintegration Program (MFP) is part of a statewide, multidepartment demonstration program. Participation is voluntary. “The goals of MFP are to: increase the use of home- and community-based long term care services; eliminate barriers that prevent or restrict flexible use of Medicaid funds for necessary long term care services in the settings reflecting individual choice; increase the ability to assure continued community-based long term care services to eligible individuals after transition; and ensure that quality assurance and improvement continuously occurs for community-based long term care services.”

  • Medicaid Agencies
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)