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Grid Integration Research

Researchers study grid integration of wind energy to better understand how variable generation resources such as wind energy impact the grid and how to increase the percentage of wind generation in the United States' energy portfolio.

A photo of three wind turbines with transmission lines in the background.


NREL's grid integration analysts work with the U.S. Department of Energy, university researchers, independent system operators, and regional transmission organizations to provide the system characterization data and models that empower electric power system operators to more efficiently manage wind grid system integration.

A photo of stainless steel and copper hardware in a lighted room.

Technology Research and Certification

Using NREL's 7-megavolt amperes controllable grid interface, researchers can validate wind turbines offline from the grid, verify compliance with standards, and provide grid operators with the performance information they need for a fraction of the time and cost it would take to validate a turbine in the field.

A photo of three rows of solar panels with three wind turbines behind them against blue sky.

Resource Characterization, Forecasting, and Maps

NREL researchers use solar and wind resource assessment and forecasting to develop models that better characterize the potential benefits and impacts of variable generation on electric power system operations.

A photo of a man silhouetted in black against a blue-and-yellow computer-generated simulation of a wind turbine.

Wind Power Plant Modeling and Simulation

Engineers at the National Wind Technology Center are able to simulate electrical system dynamic models using their primary computer-aided engineering tool, FAST, as well as their wind power plant simulation tool, Wind-Plant Integrated System Design & Engineering Model (WISDEM).

Learn more about FAST and WISDEM.

A photo of electric power pylons and wind turbines at sunset.

Technology Development

Energy systems integration[BROKEN LINK] research and development at NREL is concentrated in the areas of transmission, distribution, and resource assessment and forecasting. The collaboration of a diverse set of stakeholders is critical to the success of this effort to tackle big energy challenges.

Learn more about grid integration research.

Contact Us

Grid Integration Lead

The grid integration lead at NREL focuses on incorporating transmission studies and next-generation testing facilities into overall systems integration with wind energy.

Brian Smith

Lab Program Manager, Wind