South-Central/Southern California Coast Recovery Publications

Scientific Guidance & Research

Guide to the Reference Values used in South-Central/Southern California Coast Steelhead Conservation Action Planning Workbooks

Southern California Coast Steelhead: Conservation Action Planning Workbooks - Threats Assessment Summary

South-Central California Coast Steelhead: Conservation Action Planning Workbooks - Threats Assessment Summary

Garza & Clemento Santa Ynez River Genetics Report

Population Genetic Structure & Ancestry Report

Christie et al. 2011

Use of Intermittental Stream Reaches by Steelhead

Estimating the Size of Steelhead Runs

Smolt Transformation in Two California Steelhead Populations

Santa Ynez Steelhead History

Abadia-Cardoso et al. 2010

Pearse & Garza 2011

Pearse & Garza 2008

Population Genetic Structure of Santa Ynez Rainbow Trout

Rainbow Trout Responses to Water Temperature & Dissolved Oxygen Stress

Martinez et al. 2011

Mangel & Satterthwaite 2008

Steelhead Smolt Survival in the Santa Clara & Santa Ynez River Estuaries

Hayes et al. 2011

Flow Regime, Temperature, & Biotic Interactions Drive Differential Declines of Trout Species under Climate Change

Surface Water & Riparian Assessment - Southern California Forests

Postfire Sediment Deposition in Geographically Restricted Steelhead Habitat

Influence of Surface-Water Withdrawal on Juvenile Steelhead and their Habitat in a South-Central California Nursery Stream

Habitat Partitioning in a Patchy Environment: Considering the Role of Intraspecific Competition

Downstream Migration, Rearing Abundance, and Pool Habitat Associations of Juvenile Steelhead in the Lower Mainstem of a South-Central California Steam

Maximum Stream Temperature and the Occurrence, Abundance, and Behavior of Steelhead Trout in a Southern California Steam

Steelhead Life History on California's Central Coast

Steelhead Movement & Habitat Use

Cooperator Report: Habitat Requirements of Steelhead in the Upper Salinas River Watershed

Role of Hardwood in Forming Habitat for Southern California Steelhead