Water Operations

The Water Operations and Delta Consultations Branch conducts Endangered Species Act (ESA) Section 7 consultations in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, and oversees the operations of the State Water Project (SWP) and Central Valley Project (CVP), which includes 5 reservoirs and 2 major water pumping plants in California’s Central Valley.  We also conduct consultations on Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) projects within the jurisdictions of the Central Valley and Southern California.

Long-Term Operations of the Central Valley Project and State Water Project

In 2009, NOAA Fisheries issued a biological opinion to the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation which concluded that the long-term operations of the CVP and SWP (including reservoir management and pumping operations) in California’s Central Valley were likely to jeopardize the continued existence winter and spring-run Chinook salmon, Central Valley steelhead, the southern population of North American green sturgeon, and Southern Resident killer whales (which depend on Chinook salmon for food).  Branch staff work with partner resource agencies to oversee implementation of 72 reasonable and prudent alternative actions and real-time water operations in Clear Creek, Sacramento River, American River, Stanislaus River, and the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta.

Delta Consultations

Our branch conducts ESA section 7 consultations with Federal action agencies that propose projects in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, including construction (e.g., boat docks), dredging, habitat restoration, research, aquatic weed management, and the Temporary Barriers Project.

Biological Opinion Actions

NMFS response to Reclamation's request to implement rapid genetic analysis in WY 2017 - November 21, 2016

Reclamation's request to implement rapid genetic analysis in WY 2017 - October 20, 2016

NMFS response to Reclamation's request to implement the 2016 Lower Klamath River Late-Summer Flow Augmentation - August 24, 2016

Reclamation's request to implement the 2016 Lower Klamath River Late-Summer Flow Augmentation - August 22, 2016

NMFS response to Reclamation's request to reinitiate the 2009 CVP/SWP operations consultation - August 17, 2016

Bureau of Reclamation's request to reinitiate the 2009 CVP/SWP operations consultation - August 2, 2016

NMFS response to Reclamation's request for Shasta RPA adjustments - August 17, 2016

Bureau of Reclamation's request for Shasta  RPA adjustments - August 2, 2016

NMFS Response to Reclamation's proposed modification to the annual review schedule - June 30, 2016

Bureau of Reclamation's proposed modification to the annual review schedule - April 25, 2016

NMFS concurrence on the Bureau of Reclamation's Sacramento River temperature management plan - June 28, 2016

Bureau of Reclamation's Sacramento River temperature management plan - June 27, 2016

NMFS concurrence on Keswick flow release in June - June 17, 2016

NMFS Determination on San Joaquin river IE flex - April 14, 2016

Bureau of Reclamation's April 12, 2016, request for NMFS concurrence on flex of San Joaquin River IE ratio

NMFS' March 31, 2016, response to the Bureau of Reclamation's March forecast

Bureau of Reclamation's March forecast - March 25, 2016

NMFS' March 18, 2016, response to the Bureau of Reclamation's February forecast 

Bureau of Reclamation's February forecast - March 15, 2016

Winter-run Juvenile Production Estimate (JPE) - January 28, 2016

Graphic--drought effects on juvenile winter-run Chinook salmon

NMFS response to BOR's request for DCC gate opening - December 4, 2015

Bureau of Reclamation's request for DCC gate opening - December 2, 2015

NMFS Determination on the revised Shasta TMP - September 28, 2015

Bureau of Reclamation's September 8, 2015, request for NMFS concurrence on modified Shasta TMP

Bureau of Reclamation's August 14, 2015, request for Lower Klamath River 2015 Augmentation Flows

NMFS determination on Lower Klamath River 2015 Fall Augmentation Flow August 20, 2015

NMFS Determinations on TUC Petition and Sacramento River TMP - July 1, 2015

Bureau of Reclamation's June 25, 2015, Request for NMFS concurrence on contingency plan and Sac TMP for July through November 2015

Drought Conditions Force Difficult Management Decisions For Sacramento River Temperatures (06/16/15)

State, Federal Agencies and Sacramento River Settlement Contractors Agree on Framework for Water Operations in 4th Year of Drought

NMFS Determination on Contingency Plan and TUC Petition - March 27, 2015

Bureau of Reclamation's May 18, 2015, Request for NMFS concurrence on contingency plan for July through November 2015

Bureau of Reclamation's March 24, 2015, Request for NMFS concurrence on contingency plan for April through September 2015

NMFS February 27, 2015,  response to BOR's February forecast

NMFS Determination on OMR Flexibilities - February 10, 2015

Bureau of Reclamation's February 9, 2015, request for NMFS concurrence on OMR flexibilities

NMFS Determination on Drought Contingency Plan and TUC Petition - January 29, 2015

Bureau of Reclamation's January 27, 2015, request for NMFS concurrence on contingency plan for February and March 2015

Juvenile Production Estimate (JPE) - January 16, 2015

NMFS Reaffirms January 1st Onset of OMR Flow Management for 2015 - December 30, 2014

2015 Interagency Drought Strategy

Fish Agencies presentation to the State Water Board - November 18, 2014

NMFS response to BOR Transfers and D-1641 modifications to DOP - October 3, 2014

NMFS response to BOR Supplemental Temperature Forecast - April 18, 2014

Bureau of Reclamation Supplemental Temperature Forecast for NMFS - April 18, 2014

NMFS response to Drought Operations Plan letter and Enclosure  - April 8, 2014

Bureau of Reclamation request and NMFS Concurrence on Operations beginning April 1, 2014

NMFS March Contingency Plan Response letter and Enclosures Change - March 19, 2014

NMFS March Contingency Plan Response letter and Enclosures - March 14, 2014

NMFS March Contingency Plan Response letter and Enclosures -  February 28, 2014

NMFS response to Reclamation's OMR Index Demonstration Project - February 27, 2014

NMFS' winter-run broodyear 2013 JPE letter - February 21, 2014

NMFS response to February Forecast - February 20, 2014

NMFS response to San Joaquin River inflow-to-export ratio - February 7, 2014

NMFS Determination on Drought Contingency Plan and TUC Petition January 31, 2014

National Academy of Sciences Review

Joint Stipulation Regarding CVP and SWP Operations in 2012