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  • Shark Conservation, Science, and Management

    Shark Conservation, Science, and Management

    Aug 9: A closer look at NOAA's role in shark conservation, management, and policy.

  • Seafood Fraud—Detection and Prevention

    Seafood Fraud—Detection and Prevention

    Learn how NOAA's Seafood Inspection Program works to help ensure that the seafood you buy is what the seller claims it is. Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

  • Killer in Distress

    Killer in Distress

    Dec 26: Scientists are working to understand why the population of Southern Resident killer whales isn’t rebounding, and what we can do to help them recover.

  • Scientists Report Some Gulf Dolphins Gravely Ill

    Scientists Report Some Gulf Dolphins Gravely Ill

    Dec 18: Bottlenose dolphins in Louisiana’s Barataria Bay have lung damage and adrenal hormone abnormalities not previously seen in other dolphin populations, according to a new peer-reviewed study.

  • NOAA Dedicates Daniel K. Inouye Regional Center

    NOAA Dedicates Daniel K. Inouye Regional Center

    Dec 17: On December 16, NOAA held a dedication ceremony to unveil the Daniel K. Inouye Regional Center located on Ford Island in Honolulu.

  • Our Year in Review: Top 13 Stories from 2013

    Our Year in Review: Top 13 Stories from 2013

    Dec. 17: It has been an exciting year at NOAA Fisheries. As we look forward to 2014, take a look back at our thirteen most popular stories from 2013.

  • Obama Announces Key ICCAT Post

    Obama Announces Key ICCAT Post

    Dec 16: President Obama has announced his intent to appoint Eugenio Piñeiro-Soler as U.S. Commercial Commissioner to The International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT).

  • Teacher at Sea Learns the Right Kind of Lessons

    Teacher at Sea Learns the Right Kind of Lessons

    Dec 13: Teacher at Sea Angela Greene joined NOAA scientists for a survey to study one of the nation's most critically endangered species: the North Atlantic right whale. Find out what she learned.

  • Right Whales: Steady as We Go

    Right Whales: Steady as We Go

    Dec 6: One of the principal threats to right whale recovery is collisions with ships. Because of this threat, NOAA Fisheries is renewing a rule meant to reduce the threat of vessel collisions with right whales.

  • NOAA Responds to Pilot Whales Stranding in Florida

    NOAA Responds to Pilot Whales Stranding in Florida

    Dec 5: On Tuesday, December 3, 2013 the National Park Service found a pod of short-finned pilot whales stranded near the edge of the Florida Everglades National Park. Get the latest updates about this event.

  • A Changing Climate for Endangered Species

    A Changing Climate for Endangered Species

    Dec 4: Scientists are working to ensure that the Endangered Species Act remains effective in the face of a changing climate. A special section in the latest issue of Conservation Biology highlights their progress.

  • A Whale of a Thanksgiving Day Feast

    A Whale of a Thanksgiving Day Feast

    Nov 26: Most of us are celebrating Thanksgiving with a traditional turkey dinner, but the Inupiat people on Alaska's north slope will be giving thanks over an animal that is a bit bigger than your average holiday bird.

  • Endangered Species Act Turns 40

    Endangered Species Act Turns 40

    Nov 22: This year marks the 40th anniversary of the Endangered Species Act. Species diversity and ecosystem health are part of the natural legacy we leave for future generations, and the Act helps protect this legacy.

  • 2013 ICCAT Meeting Concludes

    2013 ICCAT Meeting Concludes

    Nov 26: The International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) concluded its annual meeting after adopting several new measures that will support the sustainable management of key species.

  • What's Happening to Our Coastal Wetlands?

    What's Happening to Our Coastal Wetlands?

    Nov 21: The U.S. is losing wetland habitat at a rate of 7 football fields an hour. Learn more about wetland loss in the new report by NOAA and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service.

  • Scientists on the Hunt for Sturgeon Spawning Areas

    Scientists on the Hunt for Sturgeon Spawning Areas

    Nov 20: Sturgeon are spawning again in the Chesapeake Bay, but they’ve been gone so long that we’ve forgotten the basic life history information we need to boost their recovery. That’s about to change.

  • NOAA Social Scientists Dig into Sandy's Effects

    NOAA Social Scientists Dig into Sandy's Effects

    Nov 20: NOAA social scientists dig into Sandy's long term effects on coastal fishing communities.

  • Saving Endangered Species Youth Art Contest

    Saving Endangered Species Youth Art Contest

  • Steller Performance

    Steller Performance

    Nov 18: The Eastern population of Steller sea lions, now recovered, is off the threatened species list under the Endangered Species Act.

  • 40 Species for 40 Years of the Endangered Species

    40 Species for 40 Years of the Endangered Species

    Nov 21: A picture is worth a thousand words. See 40 Species for 40 Years of the Endangered Species Act in our new slideshow.