• IT Policies, Standards and Procedures

    A listing of all IT Policies, Standards and Procedures.

  • Enterprise Advisories

    Advisories are issued by the Commonwealth CIO or CTO for immediate attention. Commonwealth entities are strongly encouraged to follow the recommendations provided in these advisories. Best practices contained in these documents are subsequently considered for incorporation in enterprise policies and standards as required practices.
  • Legal Guidance

    Guidance on technology law affecting public sector entities
  • Website guidance and best practices

    For future reference, this page may be accessed by using www.mass.gov/itd/webguidance.

    Information and resources for web content managers to help you build a better web presence for your Executive Office or Agency.
  • Technical Guidance

    Guidelines, best practices and other reference materials that are advisory in nature but strongly recommended.
  • Information Technology Executive Orders

    Executive Orders related to the subject of information technology.