• Man and women looking at paperwork.
  • Need Help with Workplace Stress?

    Take Advantage of A Free EAP Resource

    Early retirements and smaller staffing levels mean we’re all doing more with less.  Angry constituents and customers also take a toll on staff.  Looking for help on how to handle the stress?  Call on free Employee Assistance Program (EAP) benefits for your staff.

    Sue Cooper, the GIC’s EAP Coordinator and Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker, has been helping the Commonwealth’s employees for 23 years.  Her most popular programs are the ones that help employees with stress.  Any state agency, authority, and GIC municipality can schedule her to come to your workplace free of charge.  Some of her recent seminars include:

    • Feeding the body and mind
    • How to take care of yourself in times of stress
    • How do we do more with less?
    • Relaxation and meditation tips
    • Dealing with challenging customers
    • Best strategies for tough situations

    In addition to group seminars, Sue helps managers and supervisors with one-on-one counseling on how to handle workplace concerns: low morale, personality conflicts, and personal issues that affect work performance.  She also provides grief support and debriefings after distressing critical incidents.

    Employee Assistance Program for Managers and Supervisors flier pdf format of EAP_flier_2016.pdf

    Employee Assistance Program Flier  docx format of Employee Assistance Program Flier

    To schedule a seminar for your workplace, access supervisory assistance, or if your workplace experiences a critical incident, contact Sue Cooper; 781.994.7424.

    For individual EAP benefits, contact your health plan

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